13 last bus 2

Chapter 306

Chapter 306
The last bus of No. 13 must pass tonight on a relatively hidden deserted trail, and there are a few disabled buildings scattered on both sides of the road.

I don't know how many people Yuxuzi will arrange to come. To be on the safe side, Chen Chen and old Liu Sun Xiaoyan hid in the east side of the road, and Li Taoqi and the bearded Dai Meiyu team hid in the abandoned building on the west side of the road.

Captain Zhang took several of his brothers from a long distance to block the slope road one after the other. The path was not connected to the front and back, and it was laid on the ground out of thin air. In theory, there was no way for cars to pass through. Captain Zhang doubted this It was full, but I didn't say much when I saw that everyone was getting more nervous and more serious about each other.

According to past experience, the last bus always appears around ten o'clock at night. After setting up camp, everyone hid in their respective spots and waited.

Yuxuzi didn't dare to catch him, so he chose the next best thing. The idea of ​​tying Zhang Cuiping was brought up by the bearded man. He didn't know whether it was a crime or justice. Now all the secrets are about to be revealed, and everyone is willing to fight anyway.

Zhang Cuiping is no longer the enthusiastic elder sister who was laughing and laughing all day long in the ice cream factory. She got involved in this matter, was brainwashed by Yu Xuzi, and turned into a complete madwoman like she is now, which is really embarrassing.

In order to catch her tonight, Big Beard had prepared a lot of ropes in advance, and he also attached a sharp knife. He was afraid of causing death. Chen Chen and Dai Meiyu reminded him many times not to be too ruthless.

But for Li Taoqi, Zhang Cuiping, the leading soldier, was not attractive enough at all. After hearing about Yu Xuzi for so long, he really wanted to meet him himself.

Because it was too early, everyone was doing nothing at the designated location, smoking and taking a nap, Lao Liu seemed to have not slept enough, leaning against the broken wall and closing his eyes to rest, Chen Chen put the fully charged electric baton into his belt Put it away, and chat with Sun Xiaoyan.

"When it's over, is there anything you can do?"

Ever since Aunt Dahua died in Nanshan, Xiaoyan has been depressed and rarely speaks. Even though it has been so long, she has not changed.

She raised her head, took a breath, and exhaled again, discouraged:

The snow-white down jacket on Xiaoyan's body seems to have never been dirty. I remember that when we first met her, her hair was not long enough to reach her shoulders. Over the past half a year, Xiaoyan had no time to take care of it, so she tied her hair up long ago. Get up, looking more capable.

Chen Chen turned his head, stared at her beautiful and three-dimensional profile, and cheered up:

"We have to live better. By the way, I haven't been to Tangshan yet. After the end, can you lead me around?"

Chen Chen really wanted to cheer Xiaoyan up, but she was a girl with a lot of personality and thoughtfulness, so her little thoughts couldn't comfort her at all.

If it was as usual, Xiaoyan might not continue to talk, maybe today was too boring, or maybe it was because of the situation, she wrapped her clothes tightly to shrink herself even smaller.

"There is nothing to do in Tangshan. When I was young, my parents were busy with work, so Aunt Hua took me up the mountain to practice with her. If you want to climb mountains, I know many good places."

It seemed that Aunt Hua was always a topic she couldn't avoid, and Chen Chen didn't evade this time either. He lowered his head and sighed:

"Speaking of which, Aunt Hua is so jealous that she would let the little wolf cub go at the last moment. I really didn't expect that."

Xiaoyan opened her cuffs to reveal a string of jade bracelets, stretched out her slender fingers, and caressed the intricate lines on them.

"She has always been cold on the outside and hot on the inside. During the days when we were separated from you, we experienced many things. I remember that there was a ghost robbery for a month. The person who came to me was a seven or eight-year-old child who died suddenly. When I was sleeping, I suddenly pulled a rope and appeared on the roof of the shed. If Aunt Hua hadn’t been there, I would have been strangled to death by him that night. I found out secretly that she was sitting in the cold corridor, facing the cloth bag for a whole night. She also caught a bad cold, and the high fever persisted for several days."

Hearing these words, Chen Chen was also very uncomfortable. Thinking that such a good person with a distinctive personality would never appear in this world again, his chest felt like a big stone was pressing down on him.

With tears in her eyes, Xiaoyan continued:
"Actually, now that the matter has been investigated, we realize that the last train is not just a problem for the two of us. The seniors around us who are willing to help are all out for big right and wrong, big disasters and big calamities. But Aunt Hua is different. , she doesn't have any grand feelings, and she never thought of helping more people, she just wanted to save myself with all her life."

These words touched Chen Chen a lot. Walking through the ruins, he looked at the shivering bearded man and Li Taoqi who were not his "Aunt Hua!"

In this world, there is always a need for someone to stand up without hesitation and dedicate their love to be the first in the world. They are heroes, but at the same time, we can't do without some people who only fight for themselves and only for their friends. lay people.They may be very timid and humble in life, or they may have weird and out of place characters, but when something happens, they really love it!

Do you have such a worthless trash in the eyes of others, but you are not despised by yourself, nor are you despised by your friends?

Thinking about it, Chen Chen's eyes were wet, the bearded man paid attention to his gaze, woke up with a snot in his nose, and waved to him casually, but was kicked aside by Li Taoqi.

10:30 p.m.

The time for the last bus on No. 13 to appear has finally arrived.

Captain Zhang waited with everyone all night, his feet were numb from the cold, and he called over and over again, asking if anyone would come.

There was also no movement from Xiaopingtou's side. It was not until [-]:[-] that he secretly sent a message to remind everyone that Zhang Cuiping set off with explosives.

It seemed that Zhang Cuiping was indeed not far away. Not long after, she was seen carrying a big schoolbag and appeared alone at the intersection.

Zhang Cuiping was wearing a dark brown coat today, with a rolled up neckerchief, and a peaked cap on her head. She walked heavily and took no time.

Captain Zhang noticed her from a distance, and sent a text message asking:

"Catch or not?"

The last bus hadn't arrived yet, and she didn't know how many people were following her. Don't be in a hurry, Chen Chen asked the captain to let her in first.

There are no street lights in this wasteland, and the weather is not very good tonight, so Zhang Cuiping went straight to the middle of the path, not paying attention to the Tibetans on both sides.

For the next three to five minutes, she kept her head down and looked at the phone in one position. After Chen Chen made sure that there was no support nearby, she confidently sent a message to the bearded man on the other side.

"Wait for me to go out first to find a chance, and you go together again. I don't know what kind of explosives she is carrying on her back, and it will be easy to detonate. After holding her down for a while, don't worry about tying her up, remember to unload the things first! "

When the bearded man replied, Chen Chen pulled out the electric baton, and sneaked past the shadow of the wall.

I don't know if it's because she has a strong chest or a strong psychological quality, but Zhang Cuiping was extremely calm from the beginning to the end, and she didn't show the slightest nervousness about her upcoming task of blowing up the car.

Chen Chen approached her from behind, pushed the voltage of the electric baton to the highest level, and aimed at the fat on her waist!

No matter how fat she was, she couldn't resist the 2 volts. While she was screaming and bending over, Chen Chen hurriedly grabbed her neck with his arms. Press down to the ground.

Chen Chen unloaded her schoolbag repeatedly, fearing that the explosion would hurt everyone, so she ran a long way with the heavy explosives in her hands.

When there is no one else, carefully open the zipper of the schoolbag and take a look!
To my surprise, I found that there was no explosives in the schoolbag, but it was stuffed with stones!

 Thank you Li Yao for the eternal God, Jin Guang, and some unknown friends

(End of this chapter)

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