13 last bus 2

Chapter 296 The Source of Disaster

Chapter 296 The Source of Disaster

Zhou Guanfu once said that when he recognized Zhong Yinhong in Dongkui Village, he was very scared, and he contacted his ex-girlfriend to confirm, and the answer he got was the fact that she died in a car accident.

Now that Chen Chen said these things in front of Zhao Huiqin, she suddenly realized.

"Zhou Guanfu went out after we separated. I never dared to contact him. Indeed, once, he called me suddenly and asked me about Zhong Yinhong's situation. I thought he wanted to get back together with me and deliberately found a topic. Come to think of it, did he really see Zhong Yinhong back then?"

"I really saw it. No matter who you tell this kind of thing, it is very difficult for people to accept it. After Zhou Guanfu found Zhong Yinhong in the mountains, he did a lot of investigation and even went to the funeral home where Zhong Yinhong's body was buried! "

"That's right!" Zhao Huiqin seemed to have remembered something, and was suddenly taken aback.

"I heard that Zhou Guanfu met a nail household when he was doing demolition work, and set fire to his family and killed three members of his family. Later, when Zhong Yinhong's body was found and brought back, it happened to be burned black. The two of them could not be the same. okay?"

The bearded man snorted and said:

"It's just a matter. Zhong Yinhong lived with a man named Gu in the mountains and gave birth to a daughter. Zhou Guanfu didn't set the fire in Gu's house himself, but he led three murderers there! "

Zhao Huiqin was a little stunned by receiving so much information suddenly, she found a cigarette and a lighter from her backpack and lit one.

She gasped, thought for a long time and asked:
"Wait a minute, you mean, the body of my sister Zhong Yinhong ran out and got married and had children in that mountain? It's impossible. She broke her neck in a car accident and everyone died. Is it really haunted!"

Chen Chen tried to make it easier for her to understand, and explained:

"The person who continues to live in Dongkui Mountain is no longer the original Zhong Yinhong. If you talk about it in detail, it will be a bit scary. You can understand it as being haunted!"

"It's really a ghost!" Zhao Huiqin muttered, smoking one after another.

"Is Zhong Yinhong a local? Do you know where her body was buried after she was brought back?" Chen Chen saw that the timing was just right, and finally asked the core question.

"Yes, she is from Hedong. When I was young, I opened a beauty salon. She often came to do facials. She got acquainted with me after coming and going. She is also beautiful. She is a sister with a very good personality. He was suddenly hit by a drunk driver."

Zhao Huiqin took a long puff of smoke and continued:

"Just as her family members were busy pursuing responsibility and cremation, the body was suddenly lost. After a few years, the police sent back a pile of black charcoal. They said it was her. At that time, they said it was haunted. Her family members She was so scared to death, I didn't want to care about it, I heard about it, so I spent some money to find someone to bury her in Chimney Hill!"

"You still buried it later?" the bearded man asked in surprise.

Zhao Huiqin stared at him and repeated, "I paid someone to bury it!"

"Hey, I know about the matter. I know Yantong Mountain. Isn't it just behind our Hexi? Where is the exact location? What we are looking for is Zhong Yinhong's grave!"

"Are you looking for a grave?" As soon as the bearded man finished speaking, Zhao Huiqin frowned immediately, pinched out the cigarette, and looked a bit embarrassed.

"Death is a big deal, what are you doing looking for graves?"

Chen Chen leaned forward to explain, and she waved her hand again, "Forget it, I don't want to know, since Zhou Guanfu can mention me to you, it means that he has a good relationship with him, but to be honest, after the burial, I didn't even once I've been there, I've forgotten where it is!"

"What about the few people hired with money, can you still get in touch?"

"There is no contact. Those three people were not young at the time, and they can't say whether they are still alive or not!"

"As for Zhong Yinhong's family, you will always tell her family after you bury the body. They must know that they are going to pay homage!"

Zhao Huiqin saw Chen Chen's pressing step by step, very urgent, but also a little helpless, said in a deep voice:

"I can't get in touch, and if we can not disturb, let's not disturb others!"

Logically speaking, this is the case. It’s just that after such a big circle, there is still no progress in the end. Everyone is very disappointed. The bearded man still does not give up, and asked:

"Do you remember the approximate location? I know the West Mountain, east, west, north, south. Is there a direction?"

Zhao Huiqin lowered her head and scratched her head.

"Northern hillside?"

"North hillside? There are many graves over there!"

"I remember, it seems. It should be over there!"

This can't be sloppy, if you pick up the wrong grave, you will be in trouble if you wear the wrong shoes!

Zhao Hui couldn't make up his mind for a while, so he had to think about it carefully.

Chen Chen didn't want to continue to force her, so he left his contact information and went back first.

In order to prepare for the opening of the coffin, the three of them visited various shopping malls in Hedong, planning to buy the little white shoes first.

In my memory, the pair of white shoes that Zhong Yinhong wore were the most common cheap dance shoes in the early years. After decades, the overall condition and aesthetics have been greatly improved, and it is difficult to buy them in the market. to exactly the same.

But according to Lao Liu's request, this shoe, it doesn't matter if you buy it well or expensive, it must be similar to the style of the year!
The bearded man led them to visit almost all the shopping malls in Hedong, but they still couldn't find the right shoes!

In the end, Chen Chen found out that something was wrong. Hedong was originally rich, so if he wanted to buy old shoes, shouldn't he go to Hexi, which is relatively barren?
So I went to Hexi for a few more walks, and sure enough, at a street stall, I met a shoe that was similar to the one Zhong Yinhong wore in my impression, and it only cost 20 yuan!
It seems that there is some kind of providence in the dark. Just after buying the shoes, Zhao Huiqin also called. She asked some sisters from the past, and someone really remembered Zhong Yinhong's graveyard. They said that they went up the mountain from the path of Shangen Tofu Square, after passing a broken house. Walking straight for a short distance, there is a solitary tomb without a monument on the mountainside on the north slope, where Zhong Yinhong is buried!

Although it is very general, it is always worth a try.

Lao Liu only said that Zhong helped Yin Hong put on the shoes, and didn't ask for time. After preparing all this, he went back to rest for a night, and planned to look for it in the morning!

The next day.

Chen Chen wore white shoes, headed by a bearded man, and Li Taoqi was the protector, and went up the mountain to find Zhong Yinhong.

At the foot of Hexi Mountain, there is indeed a tofu shop that has been yellow for more than ten years. The path up the mountain behind the house has already been overgrown with weeds. The bearded man walked ahead step by step with a shovel. When he was bored, he asked Chen Chen:
"When the 13th road thing is over, do you have any plans?"

Chen Chen followed behind him and said without thinking:

"I don't have any special plans, I'm afraid of hell, I can find a job I like and sleep well every day!"

The bearded man chuckled, "Isn't this the boring life of others, but it's your dream!" He turned back and asked, "What about you, brother? They say you can become a fairy, don't you want to try?"

Li Taoqi casually broke off a branch blocking the way, and said calmly:
"No, I just want to open my bag and remember the past!"

The bearded man let out a regretful "tsk":
"Farewell, I finally got to know you. If you can become a god, let's take advantage of it. There is a saying that if one person attains the Tao, the chickens and dogs will be restless!"

Chen Chen pushed him forward, urged him to continue on his way, and corrected him:

"One person attains the Tao, and the chicken and dog ascend to heaven!"

"It's about the same. In short, it's not an ordinary chicken dog!"

Chen Chen smiled knowingly and asked, "Then what about you! You have been running around with me for the past six months, what are your plans after the matter is over?"

The bearded man showed a happy expression.

"I'm different from you two. I didn't waste my time in this muddy water, and I even got a wife. When it's over, I won't drive anymore. I'll find a serious job and set up a wedding house in Hedong."

Speaking of the wedding room, the bearded man suddenly became worried.

"That's right, Li Shenxian said yesterday that our Shuangji people are going to die, so why not buy this wedding room? But I can't afford a house in other places!"

Referring to Li Taoqi's feng shui assertion, Chen Chen comforted:

"He's talking about long-term luck, not an immediate result."

The bearded man was still worried, and muttered to himself:

"Hey, I just thought, how can this person be so bad? We can understand if there are personal grievances. Our town planning involves the fate of several 10 people. So what is he trying to do to ruin Feng Shui on purpose?"

That's right, what is he planning? This is also something Chen Chen doesn't understand. Masters like these who understand Fengshui and metaphysics know that it is very important to carry karma. Isn't he afraid of such evil things?

Li Taoqi didn't comment, but the bearded man continued:

"It's really strange. In the early years, several of our cities and villages merged to form the current Shuangji Town. When this river was dug, a township was forcibly divided. People who were originally one had to get rid of it. It's from east to west!"

Chen Chen was a little surprised when he heard this.

"Is there a place before the east of the river and the west of the river?"

"Of course!" The bearded man plunged his shovel into the snow to rest, "It's all called Linji Township, and it was merged with other villages to be called Shuangji!"


Chen Chen said it again, you've heard of Lin Guitar!

At that time in Zhongnanshan, the wrong jar was brought out from the Laomu Temple for the first time. The person inside was an old man. He once said that he was from Linji! !
Wait, there!
Gu Zhou also mentioned in his letter that Gu Zuofeng was Zhong Yinhong whom he met when he was on a business trip in Linji!
It's all Linji!

Chen Chen's eyes flickered, and he was puzzled and uneasy. Yu Xuzi arrested people from here to seal the altar, Gu Zuofeng and his wife also met here, Zhong Yinhong's corpse was picked here, the bearded man came from here, and Zhou Guanfu also came from here out
It seems that all the clues come from this place!

So, who made this tragic and huge Feng Shui Bureau?
Could it also have something to do with the last train on No. 13 that I was experiencing, and the Gu family?

(End of this chapter)

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