13 last bus 2

Chapter 289

Chapter 289
Zhang Cuiping suddenly changed his face and pulled out a knife. Chen Chen was unprepared. Although he tried his best to parry, she stabbed him in the lower abdomen.

After all, she was still a woman, no matter how fat she was, she was not as strong as a man. After the plot was successful, she wanted to draw her knife and stab again, but Chen Chen lifted her leg and kicked her off the seat.

Chen Chen clutched his stomach, the blood instantly soaked through his clothes, and a burst of burning pain spread from the wound to the top of his head in an instant!
Zhang Cuiping fell down, her tied up hair fell loose, covering half of her face, she fell to the ground and smirked "hehe":
"Tell you to be troublesome, see if I don't kill you!"

"Zhang Cuiping! Are you crazy, dare to kill someone?"

"What happened to the murder?" Zhang Cuiping grinned wildly:

"Don't you understand that the last bus on No. 13 was 30 years ago, and I killed you now, and there is nowhere to convict me!"

After she finished speaking, she jumped up from the ground and rushed towards Chen Chen like a bull.

Chen Chen covered the knife and the wound with one hand, and tried to stop her with the other.

The two tore back and forth a few times, but she still held the handle of the knife. Zhang Cuiping looked like a lunatic, with disheveled hair and bloodshot eyes staring at Chen Chen:
"Die! If you don't die, I won't survive!"

Chen Chen gritted his teeth and prevented her from pulling out the knife, sweat poured down his forehead!

"Yu Xuzi told you to kill me?"

Zhang Cuiping grinned, with a ferocious face, and said viciously:

"Do you need others to say that I have been entangled by the last bus of No. 13 for so long, and it will be over soon, but you have ruined my good things several times. Last time, if you hadn't stopped me last time, I would have Send the things that people are looking forward to to the car!"

"You fart!" Chen Chen pushed her violently, the pain was so painful that he almost suffocated.

"It's almost like I saved you. The fate of the Gu family was caused by Yu Xuzi. If you sent the bear to the car that night, there is probably no place to bury the body now!"

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!" Zhang Cuiping yelled and rushed forward again.

She used both hands and feet, and in the end she even opened her mouth to bite. Chen Chen couldn't do it, so he had to close his eyes and hit her eyes hard with his head!
"Ouch", Zhang Cuiping covered her eyes and took a step back.

Chen Chen saw this neutral position, quickly took out the electric baton from his waist, touched the switch in a hurry, and raised his hand to move forward a round!

The blow was impartial, and it hit Zhang Cuiping directly in the face, turning her over abruptly.

She was puffy and lying on the ground, unable to stand up for a long time.

The kind persuasion was originally out of good intentions, but I didn't expect this crazy woman to be so confused after being given the ecstasy by Yu Xuzi, she is really not worthy of pity!
Chen Chen was furious, holding the electric baton, and stood up from his seat.

Zhang Cuiping was covering her swollen right cheek, staring at her eyes from the beating, she sat up from the ground with great effort, and then spit out a front tooth!
Chen Chen gripped the electric baton tightly, and with blood dripping from his waist, he took a step towards her!
She was right, the last bus on No. 13 is indeed the only place where people don't pay for their lives!

She is Yuxuzi's lackey, if she is killed, Yuxuzi will have no way to reach out to the last bus on No. 13.

kill her!No one can decide whether Renpan needs to get off the car!
kill her!Take revenge for your knife!

kill her!

kill her!

Chen Chen approached Zhang Cuiping, who was still in a daze, and raised the electric baton in his hand
I really wanted to slam her down with a stick and blow her head off, but at the last moment, Chen Chen's rationality defeated the overwhelming hostility, his eyes gradually calmed down, and he lowered his arms weakly.

"Zhang Cuiping, you and I are colleagues, I have been taken care of by you a lot, I will spare you today."

After all, the whole person spread out on the chair.

"You said that I messed up your plan, but do you know how many things you ruined me? You believed in the wrong person, and you didn't listen to persuasion, so I won't tell you the details, but from now on, if you Don't blame me for being cruel if you dare to mess around and let me meet you in the car!"

I don't know if Zhang Cuiping listened to these words, she sat on the ground covering her face and panting heavily without saying a word, just happened to arrive at the stop, saw the rear door opened, and rushed down again.

"Good words are hard to persuade, damn it!"

Chen Chen cursed, put away the electric baton and slowly jumped out of the car, not forgetting to carry the lunch box.

Zhang Cuiping was trotting all the way not far in front of him, seeing him with disheveled hair and twisting his body awkwardly, he wondered who was more embarrassed or Chen Chen himself.

I really didn't expect that there would be a bloody disaster tonight, let alone that she would plot against her.

Chen Chen cursed a few words, looked up again, and saw a car stopped at the intersection ahead.

It's the last bus on No. 13, just like last time, it's the second time!

Zhang Cuiping almost stumbled, she looked extremely excited, and she didn't forget to turn her head to look at Chen Chen!
He was injured and couldn't catch up at all. Chen Chen sighed and sat powerlessly on the snow. He could only watch helplessly as she raised her fat legs and stepped on the car.

Zhang Cuiping's stab was not deep, but there was still a scary gap.

Chen Chen took out his mobile phone and was about to call the bearded man when he suddenly heard the sound of metal clashing behind him.

The last train in front just picked up Zhang Cuiping and left. Unexpectedly, another bus came right after him!

The car of No. 13 parked precisely beside him, and Chen Chen didn't know what to do.

Although the injury in the lower abdomen was not serious, it kept bleeding. Can't the car get on?

After a brief moment of hesitation, Chen Chen gritted his teeth and stood up, holding onto the car door to climb up!

It would have been nice if Zhang Cuiping hadn't appeared tonight, now that she's just gotten into the car again, I don't know who she will meet in the car!I have to verify it anyway, otherwise I am really passive!

Chen Chen moved forward with difficulty, and when he passed through the white mist at the door of the car, he saw Gu Renpan sitting on a chair, dangling his two little feet.

is her!

Chen Chen came to look for Gu Zuofeng tonight. Zhang Cuiping's appearance disrupted everything. Although he didn't see Gu Zuofeng, Zhang Cuiping also didn't meet Gu Renpan. So it's a good thing!

Chen Chen hurriedly sat down next to her, endured the pain, raised his head and closed his eyes.

Gu Renpan found that he was injured, and leaned over to look in surprise:
"Uncle, why did you bleed so much?"

Not sure if it was caused by excessive blood loss, Chen Chen felt a little dry mouth.

"I met a lunatic and stabbed me!"

Gu Renpan tilted his head and thought for a while, took off the schoolbag on his back, lowered his head and rummaged in it for a long time, and finally pulled out a black scarf.

While bandaging Chen Chen decently, he asked:

"Did you bring me Ma Xiao?"

This child's eyes are black and bright, like sesame balls, he looks weird, but he has a heart-to-heart!

Chen Chen smiled wryly, and brought over the insulated lunch box beside him.

"Give you!"

When she saw the lunch box, she clapped her hands happily. She didn't care about the wound, and hurriedly reached out to pick it up.

Still a child after all.

Chen Chen wrapped the scarf around his waist and fastened it tightly, feeling that it was working to some extent!

The crayfish in the lunch box was still warm, and when the lid was opened, a scent of aroma rushed to my face!
Gu Renpan's two little feet in the air dangled even more violently, he quickly reached out and grabbed one from the lunch box, staring at the crayfish in his hand, he couldn't help being stunned, and asked childishly:
"What is this?"


She observed for a long time, and threw the crayfish back into the lunch box with some disappointment.

"That's not what you said last time! Didn't you want to bring me a little sparrow?"

"What little sparrow, Ma Xiao, it's spicy crayfish, eat yours!" Chen Chen was in so much pain that he didn't want to talk nonsense with her.

"Stop bluffing me!" Gu Renpan pouted and pushed the lunch box into his arms.

"I won't eat this! Give me back the scarf, and you don't use it either!
Seeing her childish temper, Chen Chen couldn't help but smile bitterly, and teased her:
"If I don't have your scarf, I will die. Do you really want me to return it to you?"

Gu Renpan turned his head and hugged his shoulders like a little adult.

Chen Chen handed her the lunch box again, and discussed:
"I didn't lie to you, the little sparrow is a protected animal now, so you don't want to catch it. Besides, this thing is better than sparrows. If you don't believe me, try it!"

Chen Chen took out one of the dried shrimps and moved it around her mouth. Gu Renpan refused to open his mouth at first, but it smelled really good, so he took a tentative taste!
Three to five minutes later, she devoured half a box of crayfish, and even chewed most of the skin together. She rubbed her mouth full of oil, looking funny and cute.

After her big meal was over, Chen Chen finally made it to the station.

Gu Renpan was happy to eat, and told Chen Chen to bring more next time, and his attitude also made a 180-degree turn. He took good care of Chen Chen, knowing that he was injured, and even personally helped him get out of the car carefully.

The 13th Road left the two of them and walked away. Chen Chen stood in place and watched Gu Renpan disappear from sight.

Suddenly remembering that the scarf she wrapped herself was still wrapped around her waist, she looked down!
But nothing!

Sure enough, no matter whether it is people or objects in the car, things that do not belong to this world can't bring out anything!

(End of this chapter)

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