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Chapter 285 The Difficulty of Leaving Home

Chapter 285 The Difficulty of Leaving Home

Chen Chen handed Dai Meiyu the letter that belonged to her.

She stared at the letter and hesitated for a long time before she wanted to reach out to pick it up, but quickly regretted and shrank back.

"It's up to you to open it!"

Chen Chen could understand her mood, and slowly unfolded the letter paper.

My daughter Gu Qian:
We haven't seen each other for more than ten years, right?
I remember that when you left the house, you were still a young girl. In the past ten years, how have you been doing?

It must be difficult, is it true that a child without a father or mother is often bullied outside?
In my impression, you have big eyes and long hair. Every time I want to cut you short, you cry and shout. Now, do you still have the habit of growing long hair?

After your mother passed away, you also left home and never came back. I regretted it. At first I looked for you everywhere, but then I cried every day until I was blinded by crying. I was afraid of embarrassing you and burdening you, so I stayed in Flat Sail. The bridge never left!

Later, I also suffered retribution. I was cheated by some friends, lost two arms, and became a blind and disabled person. By the way, this letter was written by a kind person. She saw that I had been writing I was bleeding and wanted to send me to the hospital. I knew I would not live long, so I begged her to write down what I wanted to say. If one day, you can see it, that would be great.

I know, your seventh aunt keeps saying that I killed your mother, I was the one who drank all day long and made your mother feel exhausted, I know you think the same way, you all hate me.

I am very responsible for your mother's death, but in fact, when she was with me, she was already seriously ill. I was afraid that my family would worry about it. We never mentioned this matter to anyone.

Until one year when I lost my job, your mother’s illness also began to fluctuate. I couldn’t see the hope of life, and I was addicted to alcohol all day long. It was alcohol when I opened my eyes, and it was alcohol when I closed my eyes. in the wine.

I am confused!

Time waits for no one, when I drink enough, I find that drinking is meaningless, when I wake up, it's too late, your mother is gone, and you are gone too.
I quit drinking, and I haven't touched a drop in these years. Every night when I lie under the bridge and can't sleep, I think, if I don't give up on myself, will your mother live a few more years, won't you There are books to read, and now I won’t be blind and broken, and live like a worm. We have what others have, and we can be as happy as them!
It's too late for anything, these years, when I was digging through the trash can, I would scold myself, and I would scold myself when I was spurned by others. What kind of waste am I, to manage my life to this point!
My daughter Gu Qian, I brought bad luck to the family and ruined you two, but I hope you can live well.

I live like a ghost, staying here day after day, not afraid of death, but hoping that you will come home one day and apologize to you.

It's been too long, just when I had no hope, I met your friend!
I don't know if he really knows you, and I don't know if this letter will be delivered to you.

I still have hope, but it's a pity. I can't wait for you to come back.

By the way, the old house at home was demolished, and a compensation was allocated. I haven't touched a cent of this money. It is enough for you to buy a new home and live well for the rest of your life!
The passbook is buried behind the stone pier under the bridge, and the password is the one I used to nag you with, the day you called Dad for the first time when you were one year old.

I'm dying, I can't wait for you to come back, I will never see you again, my poor girl, from now on, my parents are gone, only you are left in this world, you have to live well
The letter ended here, and the ghostwriter's handwriting was very sloppy. It was obvious that Gu Zhou was in a very bad situation at the time, and he wrote it down while racing against time.

After reading these contents, Chen Chen's heart was full of mixed emotions, and he felt unspeakably depressed, as if a big bell had been pinned to his head.

Dai Meiyu had always hated Gu Zhou to the bone, and at this moment she finally couldn't hold herself back and cried loudly.

One person's bad habits will really ruin the happiness of the whole family!

Gu Zhou's tragic fate has his own hatred, but it also reminds people:

Time waits for me, cherish the opportunity of happiness at the moment, the result and the beginning will never be reversed!
After closing the crumpled letter paper, Chen Chen froze in place, unable to calm down for a long time.

Gu Zhou's appearance when he was talking and walking was reflected in his mind very clearly, but now this person has completely disappeared from this world.

Dai Meiyu broke down in tears, and finally mustered up the courage to snatch the letter and reread it word by word from beginning to end.

Chen Chen sighed heavily, prepared himself mentally, and opened the letter that Gu Zhou had left for him.

Compared with the letter to Dai Meiyu, the one written to him is very casual, there is no beginning title, only a long paragraph that goes straight to the point:

I don't know if your words count, and if you will bring Xiaoqian back to me.

I haven't had much contact with you, but I can feel that you are a very nice person. No matter what the result is, I will choose to believe in you in the end.

I will be dead when you read this letter.

You have come all the way to find this place, you must have your own big troubles, I don't know what your troubles have to do with Gu Zuofeng, but I promise you, I will tell you now.

Although Gu Zuofeng is my uncle, he is not much older than me. He is different from my impetuous personality. He is the kind of calm and mature person. My father said that when he was young, his family was poor. He was as early as eleven or twelve years old. , and started making money.

When he was young, he smashed stones in a quarry not far from home. He worked so hard. In my impression, he never took a break for more than 300 days a year. He worked hard for his family. He is very responsible. people.

It was his responsibility that finally became his burden!

Uncle Zuo Feng likes to call me Xiao Zhou. When I was young, like Xiaoqian, I also liked to pester him. I was stubborn and didn’t listen to my parents, but every time Uncle Zuo Feng said something, I still took it to heart.

Later, I became addicted to alcohol, and Uncle Zuo Feng did not neglect me. I was watched by him for a while, and I drank very little. Unfortunately, he had a girlfriend, and he was mentally exhausted. He had no time to take care of me. A few years later, when his parents passed away, he too moved out of the house.

Although you didn't say it clearly, I know what you want to ask. Uncle Zuo Feng is a simple person. He has no secrets and will never hurt anyone. The only thing worth talking about is the aunt I have never met!

I once asked him. It is said that the two of them met when Uncle Zuo Feng was on a business trip to Linji. He is boring and honest, and rarely smiles at home. It's like making a fortune.

The family originally asked him to bring him back to have a look, but he didn't expect the good times to last. Then one day, after Uncle Zuo Feng came back from other places, his whole person changed. He didn't speak or eat for several days, and lost weight. A big circle!

We all know that there must be something wrong with his relationship, but no matter who asks the reason, he refuses to say.

After a month of this, there was only the two of us at home, and he, who never drank, got drunk that day and talked a lot of nonsense.

He asked me, if I found out that my wife was not human, would I still be with her?

I have forgotten how I answered him at that time, but after that drink, Uncle Zuo Feng seemed to suddenly want to open up, and he started going out from time to time, from the beginning for a day or two, to then quitting his job and leaving just over a month ago
On the day he moved away completely, he told me many things. I was a drunkard at that time, and I couldn't listen to anything, but I remembered what he said, he didn't want to hurt his family, so he moved out as a last resort.

Xiaoqian has had the best relationship with him since she was a child, even closer than my old father, and she is the only one who has seen Uncle Zuo Feng's woman. After Uncle Zuo Feng left, she was still making trouble to find him. , Did she find it, is it safe?

I hope these can help you, please take care of Xiaoqian.

There is a full stop at the end of the article, and there is no more content.

(End of this chapter)

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