13 last bus 2

Chapter 282 Goodbye

Chapter 282 Goodbye
The task of talking to Dai Meiyu was given to Xiaoyan.

Seventh Aunt specially created an opportunity for them and arranged for the two of them to rest together. She thought the conversation would be very difficult, but she didn't expect that when Dai Meiyu heard that she wanted to take her to the Bingfan Bridge, she would not be surprised, nor would she refuse outright. .

Xiaoyan is a woman like her, so she can better understand Dai Meiyu's suffering since she was a child, and she carefully considers her words.

She was in a very stable mood. When talking about the scene where Gu Zhou and his friends were cheated into eating their arms while climbing the mountain, the corner of Dai Meiyu's mouth showed a meaningful wry smile. Stories of unrelated strangers.

Not long after, Xiaoyan finished what she wanted to say, Dai Meiyu turned sideways and asked a few seemingly irrelevant questions.

One is what is the use of the big jar brought by Chen Chen, and the other is that they are bearded friends, do they really support the two of them being together?
After getting the answer she wanted, Dai Meiyu was beyond everyone's expectations and readily agreed to leave with them to visit Gu Zhou at Bianfan Bridge!
According to her, in fact, when the bearded man first mentioned Chen Chen's intention to come to her, Meiyu was already prepared.

Especially after going through the incident with her brother and sister-in-law, Chen Chen didn't talk nonsense when she saw the truth, Li Taoqi had a method and didn't use it indiscriminately, and everyone was sensible and respectful, which greatly changed her impression of these "old friends".

Everyone was very happy to learn that Dai Meiyu agreed to go with her. It happened that the happy event was a couple, and when she was about to set sail the next day, my uncle brought another shocking news!
He heard from his friends that some strange people came to Gai County yesterday, and one of them was an old man with a green artificial eye embedded in his right eye socket!

In Chen Chen's more than [-] years of experience, Lao Liu is the only one who has this face!
Lao Liu actually came to Gai County?There was Big Sister Wolf following him, so he must have found it by following the smell.

When Lao Liu came, he didn't need to store the jar with Li Yuanyang, which saved a lot of trouble. Chen Chen hurriedly asked his uncle to find out the exact location. It's a tiny place in Gai County. Now we go out and we can meet in the afternoon.

Sure enough, Lao Liu was only a few dozen miles away from him.

Chen Chen, Sun Xiaoyan, the bearded man, Dai Meiyu, and Li Taoqi all dressed up, got into the bearded man's van, and sped towards their destination.

Ke Lao's jar was wrapped in a long cloth and held in Chen Chen's arms all the time. It was bought by Aunt Hua and the little wolf cub with their lives. Chen Chen was extremely careful, lest there would be anything wrong.

Grandpa Ke has the eyes of reincarnation, so he must have seen Zhong Yinhong before, as long as he can wake up, Zhong Yinhong's identity will no longer be a secret, and now that Dai Meiyu agrees to follow him to Bianfan Bridge, Gu Zuofeng's life experience will soon be revealed , everything seems to be going well!
After an hour and a half of drowsy driving, I finally found the address of Lao Liu.

It was a small private restaurant, and it was said that Lao Liu had been resting in it after eating noodles.

"Old Liu!" Chen Chen led the people holding the altar, pushed the door in, and shouted impatiently before he saw anyone.

This restaurant is not big, with only six tables, and it was already past meal time, but the room was full of people.

They are well-dressed, unlike the locals, all of them are strong young men, and it seems that the visitors are not friendly!
Old Liu was nowhere to be seen in the crowd, Chen Chen murmured inwardly, and caught a glimpse of a familiar face.

The man was in his 40s, with a beard and wearing a windbreaker and big-toed leather shoes. He turned out to be Captain Zhang of the Dongkuishan Search and Rescue Team who had been with him for a while.

How did he find this!

As soon as people came in, the door was closed. Captain Zhang had a serious face, lowered his head and ate his slender food earnestly, "Slippery."

He looked up at Chen Chen and the strange faces behind him.

"Ah, there are so many people in your gang!"

Bad thing!
Chen Chen was thinking about how to deal with it, and looked around:
"How did you come?"

Captain Zhang couldn't help laughing, took out a tissue from the table and wiped his mouth.

"Why did I come here? Do you believe me when I said I came to eat the slim one?"

After finishing speaking, he asked meaningfully:
"What about the car? When you and the old man went out from my place, you didn't say the same thing. If you want to find a mountain, you should first find a car. If you want to find a car, you should first find someone?"

"No." Chen Chen introduced smoothly, "I found these friends to help find a car!"

Captain Zhang let out a heavy breath.

"That's right, but this time I said it doesn't matter, don't mention ghosts and gods again, friends from the police are here!"

Beside him, there were three people sitting at the same table with him. One of them had half-white eyebrows and looked a little older than him. The man pointed to the jar on Chen Chen's chest and asked:

"What's in your arms?"

Chen Chen took a step back vigilantly.

"An empty jar!"

It's true that this thing is a jar, but the problem is, according to the little thief last time, it turned out to be a product of Sui Kiln, so I'm really afraid that something will happen.

Although the leader Baimei is domineering, but fortunately he is reasonable and not arrogant. He tilted his head and talked with Captain Zhang for a while:

"Some things I have to ask you alone!"

Chen Chen immediately agreed, untied the jar and handed it to Li Taoqi, and followed these people to the hotel where they were staying.

The conversation went on for over an hour.

The content was nothing more than true and false Dongkuishan matters, and he also interrogated some details that had been explained to Captain Zhang countless times.

Before they came here, they had just been to Zhongnan Mountain and met Xiaopingtou.

The mountain slipped away by himself. Chen Chen had the obligation to cooperate with the investigation, but he was not guilty of any crime. They didn't imprison him like Captain Zhang did. In the end, they just said they would contact them again, and they led the others away.

The remaining three or five people were all brought by Captain Zhang. After sending the leaders away, he left Chen Chen in his car, not knowing where he was going.

All the way in silence, it was Chen Chen who broke the calm.

"How did you get here?"

With the phone in his hand, the captain sat in the co-pilot's seat and lifted it up.

"You can't run anywhere if you have a position! But having said that, you two have been walking a lot during this time!"

Chen Chen remembered that he had given Sister Lang a mobile phone back then, and suddenly knew where he was going to take him.

"I took over the work of Dongkui Mountain. To put it bluntly, I have never wanted other people to participate. After all, I found this mountain for money. If they found it, I have nothing!"

After the captain finished speaking, he turned around and lay down on the chair, staring at Chen Chen in the back seat:
"I didn't want to disturb you at first, but now that the police are involved, I don't have so much time. I have been in this industry for so many years, and it is the first time I have seen a good mountain disappear out of thin air. Since you can come out of the mountain alive, I believe it. You and the old man can find it!"

Chen Chen lowered his head and rubbed his hands in disdain.

"Do you believe it? When you sent the girls you brought down from the mountain to follow us, you said the same thing to them, right?"

The captain let out a muffled laugh when he heard this, and turned around.

"Oh, by the way, I didn't tell the police about the two girls, so remember not to mention them."

After chatting for a few minutes, the car stopped at the door of an inconspicuous hotel.

Chen Chen got out of the car with the team leader. They only knew the approximate location and didn't know the specific room, so they knocked on the door one by one. The door of room 103 at the corner of the corridor was ajar and not closed tightly. Chen Chen passed by there and took a look inside. When he saw Lao Liu, he stood by the bed.

Chen Chen wanted to pretend he didn't see it, but the captain kicked the door open when he noticed it.

The door opened, and there was a comatose Grandpa Ke lying on the bed, and Big Sister Wolf was still there. What surprised Chen Chen most was that she had a child in her arms.

The little wolf cub is still alive.

 Thank you Li Yao, sunny day, diado friends
(End of this chapter)

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