13 last bus 2

Chapter 276

Chapter 276
Aunt Qi's daughter-in-law has a nice name, Liu Nian. She is full of charm both in appearance and inner conversation, even better than ordinary people!

After marrying into their family for a year, she has been recognized by everyone. Seeing that she is full of energy, her complexion is radiant, and she doesn't look like she has been infected by evil spirits, but Aunt Qi said that she can turn her face to her back. What the hell is going on? What's going on?
At lunch time, everyone seemed to have forgotten about this thing, eating lively and laughing, until Aunt Qi drank too much again.

She put her arms around her bearded beard and entrusted Dai Meiyu with important life affairs, and when she mentioned this, she burst into tears again.

"Xiaoqian's life is miserable!" is her mantra, and she can't do without a few words.

With Dai Meiyu present, she definitely wouldn't let her talk too much. Chen Chen was thinking about how to distract her. It just so happened that the daughter-in-law went on a trip a while ago and brought her cosmetics, so the two went to the next door in high spirits.

Now that she's gone, it's much more convenient. During the chat, Chen Chen deliberately brought up the topic of Dai Meiyu, and Aunt Qi took the bait, she drank one cup after another, using wine to soothe her sorrows and even more sorrows, crying indiscriminately.

"Xiaoqian's mother is two years older than me. When I was a child, my family was so poor that I couldn't afford apples when someone came to sell them. My sister knew that I was greedy, so she squatted in front of the apple cart and waited for him to sell them. Hurry up and pick up the rotten apples thrown away by others on the ground, scoop out the bugs and bad parts, wash them and give them to me to eat!"

Their generation has experienced production teams earning work points, eating big pots of rice, and catching up with the new century of reform and opening up. Therefore, even if the living standards of the older generation have improved later, they are also very frugal, because they have suffered from hunger and poverty. The living habits they relied on to survive at that time gradually became the fine character engraved in their bones.

Chen Chen remembered that his parents from far away in his hometown came here in the same way. When his father was a child, there was no electricity at home, and he lit an oil lamp. Later, he went to school with an iron lunch box. There was no food to eat. A lump of pickled vegetables and a piece of white flour steamed bun were good meals.

Even during the Chinese New Year, the stewed meat has to be frozen by the grandfather before the meal is eaten, and it will be taken out when guests come to the house.

Those difficult years were full of powerlessness and sadness, but people lived hard and never gave up persistence and happiness. This reminded Chen Chen of Yu Hua's "To Live".

Far away.

Seeing that Aunt Qi was getting emotional, Xiaoyan pulled a tissue and handed it to her, "Did Xiaoqian live with her father since she was very young?"

Seventh Aunt who was still crying just a second ago was in the rain, but when she heard Gu Zhou, she suddenly became furious!
"That bastard, if you don't do human affairs, you will drink too much every day. My sister has to go to work to earn money to support the family during the day, and has to take care of the children at night. She is exhausted!"

After scolding, she grabbed the wine bottle and took another sip.

"Xiaoqian also hates her father. After my sister died, she moved out. The poor child didn't go to school very much, so she went out to work to earn money to support herself at such a young age!"

Seventh Aunt is definitely not the first time to talk about these past events. The bearded man has already recited them by heart, and interjected:

"That bastard just drinks and doesn't count. When things go wrong, he even hits people!"

"Ah!" Aunt Seven sighed, "I'm married far away, so I can't help you. Occasionally when I go to visit, I see my sister's body is bruised and purple. I ask her what's the matter and don't tell her, and persuade her to divorce. How many times have I just refused to listen, until finally I took my own life!"

Gu Zhou and Chen Chen have met before, he is blind and his arms are broken, he is haunted by ghosts, he picks up waste and rummages through trash cans for a living every day, he lives like a worm, never thought that behind his pitiful condition, there is such a heavy crime that is not worthy of sympathy debt.

"What about Xiaoqian's family, father's relatives, don't you care about him?" Chen Chen intentionally contacted Gu Zuofeng.

Sure enough, Seventh Aunt really mentioned him.

"He doesn't have many relatives over there, and the conditions are not good, so I can't even take care of him, but there is an uncle who is pretty good. When Xiaoqian was young, he was the closest to him!"

"Well, then, Xiaoqian's mother was gone, why didn't the elder care about her?"

"Don't mention it, there seems to be no normal person with the surname Gu. When he was at home in the first few years, he could still suppress Xiaoqian's father. Later, I heard that he had a date and ran away from home!"

Zhou Guanfu said that Zhong Yinhong was someone he had met in the early years, but later died unexpectedly and his body was lost.

Gu Zuofeng is in Bianfan Bridge, far away from Zhong Yinhong, so it is impossible for him to know each other. That is to say, if he doesn't change his girlfriend halfway, his girlfriend is an evil spirit who occupies other people's bodies!
Does Gu Zuofeng know?
The problem of the Gu family seems to be tied here.

The key to the knot lies in whether Dai Meiyu can go back to the Bianfan Bridge with them to meet Gu Zhou.

Gu Zhou hurt their mother and daughter so much, he would never agree to invite her hastily. Chen Chen was also worried about this matter and never dared to mention it.

After talking about Gu Zhou, Aunt Qi brought the topic back, and asked Li Taoqi mysteriously.

"I met people and ate dinner together. You haven't said yet, is there anything wrong with my daughter-in-law here?"

Li Taoqi hadn't made a statement yet, but Uncle Qi, who was eating sullenly, became furious.

"It's just that you have a lot of things, and you have said that you read it wrong, so why don't you listen to it, don't talk about it all day long!"

Seventh Aunt was reprimanded, and the wine was half awake at that time, she picked up her chopsticks and pointed at him and cursed:

"You know what a fart, I saw it with my own eyes that night, not you, can I not know if I saw it right?"

Xiaoyan persuaded and asked:
"Does she know?"

Uncle Seven glanced at her face in disgust.

"At that time, this incident caused a big fuss for her. They also explained that the daughter-in-law was not suitable to wear her pajamas that night. She was a little panicked, so she wore the clothes upside down, with the button side facing the back. As a result, she I just think that if you turn your head and turn your back, it will be impossible to get through this matter!"

The two said something to each other, and Li Taoqi asked calmly as they were about to start working together:

"Your son gets along with her day and night, what does he say?"

Uncle couldn't scold women, couldn't get angry, got up and left, Aunt Qi ignored him.

"My son must be looking for his wife. He doesn't care, but I do. It's said in TV dramas that the more beautiful a woman is, the more she will cheat!"

Just relying on word of mouth, we can't make a conclusion, Li Taoqi thought about it.

"Are the couple leaving tonight? Can you stay with her for another night?"

Seventh Aunt was a little embarrassed.

"Whether you want to go or not, there is still a house in front of my house that can live in." Finally, he gritted his teeth and said:
"That's fine, for my son!"

Seeing that he agreed, Li Taoqi arranged in a low voice:
"When you are about to go to bed tonight, you have been occupying the bathroom, don't come out, don't give her a chance to wash and then"

Seventh Aunt was terrified when she heard that, she nodded her head repeatedly with "Mmmm".

(End of this chapter)

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