13 last bus 2

Chapter 260 The Trafficker with the Electric Baton

Chapter 260 The Trafficker with the Electric Baton

In the car, the little wolf cub didn't sleep, poking his head out of the window curiously all the way.

It was already dark, and the visibility was very low. I didn't know what he was looking at, but suddenly remembered that he was a wolf, and wolves have night vision.It's just that they don't know how much of the functions given by nature are left after they put on wolf skins.

Chen Chen stared at his eyes and looked at them from different angles. There was neither light nor anything unusual.

He was so sleepy, but he wanted to sleep but didn't dare to sleep, for fear that if he fell asleep, the driver in the front seat would be bitten on the neck.

Then he woke up and bumped the little wolf cub with his shoulder.

"Hey, did you really save me that night in the hotel?"

The little wolf cub glanced back at him, and nodded his chin lightly.

Now it's all right, the object of hatred has become his savior.

Chen Chen hugged his shoulders, feeling a little complicated, and didn't know how to face him.

"You really can't talk?"

He is different from his mother. Big sister wolf is always humble, especially when she speaks, she lowers her eyebrows and nods her head. The eyes are always facing each other, and there is a smirk on the corner of the mouth from time to time, full of aggression.

The mother and son have a social phobia and a social cow disease.

"Your mother can speak, why can't you, she didn't teach you?"

The little wolf cub shook his head resolutely, but Chen Chen still didn't believe it.

"Since you can't speak, how did you communicate with that little girl to feed the dog last night?"

He paused for a moment, first gestured towards his arms for a while, and then raised his finger to his mouth.

"Communication with hands?"

The little wolf cub nodded and smiled, with a wicked and naughty smile, making one wonder if he knew this expression.

"Hey!" Chen Chen ran towards him, "What's your name?"

He waved his hand, indicating that he did not have a name.

Chen Chen rubbed his chin and muttered, "Then what should I do, I can't keep calling you little wolf cub, I think so, let me simplify it for you, and call you little cub from now on, okay?"

He understood, and seemed to like the name very much, and gave Chen Chen a thumbs up, accompanied by a smirk with one side of his mouth turned up.

This kid is about the same age as Gu Renpan, with long hair that seems to have never been cut before, like a little girl, when she is not smiling, she is still a little bit cute, but when she grins, it reveals her secrets.

Chen Chen frowned and asked, "Who did you learn to laugh like this?"

The cub Kaba Kaba raised his eyes and grinned higher and higher.

"You can't laugh like this. You won't be beaten when you grow up. Come on, be like me!"

Chen Chen pressed his two index fingers on both sides of his mouth, and pushed them up simultaneously, making a smiling face for him to see.

Xiao Zai painted a ladle according to a gourd, imitating Chen Chen's movements, smiling very nicely.

"That's right, look how good it is! Remember, this is a normal way of laughing. You have to grin on both sides of your mouth at the same time. Take your hands away and try it once."

The cub seemed to enjoy learning this, took his little hand away, and tried to grin naturally.

It's a pity that it failed, and it was another annoying one-on-one smirk.

Chen Chen took the trouble to guide and demonstrate, but the result was still the same. He always smiled very well when he used his hands to help, but once he let go, he immediately forgot what to do.

Chen Chen was furious and slapped the back of his head, "Are you hemiplegic, can you use one side of your face?"

The driver driving in front noticed their abnormality and honked the horn symbolically, as if to remind him not to do anything to the children.

Chen Chen finally lost his patience and stopped correcting him for laughing. The two of them ignored each other, they were in a daze, and the one watching the scenery continued to look at the scenery. After a while, Chen Chen thought of some problems and nudged him.

"Little boy, let me ask you something!"

He obediently turned back from the window, as if he was not angry.

"What's the name of the village where you and your mother used to live?"

Hearing this, the cub raised his two little hands and began to dance and gesture.

Chen Chen tried very hard to understand, but after guessing for a long time, he couldn't figure out what he meant. After a while, he took out his phone, pointed at the screen and said:
"Can you write? Write on it!"

I don't know if this kid is really stupid or just pretending to be stupid. He took the phone and clicked randomly, and then started playing on his own.

Chen Chen sighed, and gave up the idea of ​​communicating with him. The car was so swaying that he couldn't open his eyes. He leaned his head against the window and fell asleep immediately.

Twenty minutes later, Chen Chen was woken up by the brakes. He was relieved to see that the boy was still playing with his phone intently, and that the driver in front was still alive.

Stretching, looking at the time, just about to open the door and get out of the car, I couldn't help being dumbfounded.

This is not a bus station. The police badge on the blue wall and the iron gate are red. The driver actually drove the car to the side of the street of the police station.

Chen Chen looked around and asked puzzledly, "Master, what do you mean, I'm going to the bus station, what are you doing here?"

The driver looked up and glanced at the rearview mirror, unfastened his seat belt in a panic, and said in an extremely unnatural way:
"I lost my ID card a few days ago, so I stopped by to pick it up, you sit and wait, I'll come out right away after I go in."

Seeing that he was about to open the door, Chen Chen leaned half forward and pressed his shoulders.

"Brother, have you misunderstood?"

The driver was so nervous that he didn't dare to move, as if he was afraid that Chen Chen would stab him in the back.

"I, I didn't misunderstand, can't I just get an ID card along the way?"

Chen Chen glanced out the window, but luckily no police came out.

"No, hurry up and drive to the bus station, you can pick up the things when you come back!"

The driver was panting heavily, and stopped driving. After holding back for a long time, he said tremblingly:
"You trafficker, you have already arrived at the police station, and you still want to run away?"

He really misunderstood.

At [-]:[-] in the evening, it is the last long-distance bus. If you miss this bus, you will be delayed for half a day.

In the current situation, time is more precious than gold, and the cub has no identity documents and household registration background. Once the police intervene, it will be difficult to explain clearly, and he may be trapped here.

"Brother, I assure you that I am not a human trafficker. This child is my friend's son. I took him out to play!"

"You fart!" The driver cursed in a righteous way.

"I can hear all this clearly. What do you call this kid, little wolf cub? It doesn't sound good, so you gave him a nickname, right? If it's really a friend's kid, why are you still asking all kinds of things and not talking to you?" And beat people..."

Chen Chen couldn't argue with anything, and couldn't explain clearly to him, so he had to turn around and ask Xiao Zai to testify.

"Boy, tell him quickly, do we know each other, am I a human trafficker!"

The cub can't speak, and his education level is naturally not high. He only understands the first half of the sentence, whether we recognize each other, and doesn't understand what the second half of the sentence means.

So, he nodded heavily!

The driver suddenly became furious, and shouted desperately, "Help, police comrades, help! Catch the traffickers!"

At this point, it was impossible to end the situation normally, and Chen Chen took out the electric baton at his waist as a last resort.

When the driver saw it, he scolded even more happily, "You also said that you are not a human trafficker, whoever is a decent person carries the fucking thing with you..."

Just as he finished the last word, Chen Chen finally knocked him out with a stick.

This is not a parking lot, it is easy to attract attention, Chen Chen hurriedly opened the car door, and ran out with the cub in his arms.

Tonight's car is doomed to be late, and while running, the phone rang, and Xiaoping sent a text message:
Brother, have you got in the car? I heard from Master that he has already arrived at Liujiamen.

(End of this chapter)

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