13 last bus 2

Chapter 251 The Layout of Dao Madness

Chapter 251 The Layout of Dao Madness
Lao Liu's words have the same meaning as Gu Zuofeng's emphasis on "speeding up" in the car!
Regarding the instability of the last train, there seems to be traces to follow. Chen Chen remembered that there was a strange occurrence a long time ago. At that time, it turned on its headlights and wandered away from the downtown area. Other than himself, there were other people. The dead come up...

I don't know how it will get out of control in the future, and the sense of urgency is getting stronger and stronger.Chen Chen was worried and puzzled, and asked Old Liu:

"Whether wolves eat people or not, why doesn't Gu Zuofeng talk about it?"

"It's very simple!" Lao Liu replied, because he knew that you must be asked by someone else. "

"That's right." Chen Chen hugged his knees and thought, "But in the end, he still doesn't trust me, so Xiaoyan got closer to him. You see, Gu Renpan didn't give me a considerate answer!"

"Gu Renpan?" There seemed to be some disdain in Lao Liu's tone.

"Then tell me, do you know that girl?"

This stopped Chen Chen from asking.

"To be honest, I only got a rough idea of ​​the Gu family's affairs. I definitely don't know much about her."

Chen Chen answered in frustration and continued, "However, Yu Xuzi talked to me once, he said that Gu Renpan is the reincarnation of Daoist Zhang, and Gu Zuofeng is the jackal that ate the old Daoist, and he once asked me to treat Gu Renpan as the reincarnation of Daoist Zhang. Little Xiong sent the car, if he hadn't miscalculated the error at the end... If he miscalculated the people in the car that night..."

As he talked, Chen Chen felt his emotions became complicated. After learning about the Gu family's story, he pitied Gu Renpan for living under the shadow of those weird parents since he was a child, but at the same time, he couldn't forget Dao Dian's reminder that , Killed the three people who set the fire back then, including Dai Meiyu and Mr. Zhang, the murderer of the tragic murders around him, except for the exposed Zhong Yinhong, Gu Renpan also had a chance, and it was also difficult to escape suspicion.

"Alas!" Chen Chen didn't want to think about it any more, so he withdrew his mind and asked:

"Old Liu, you said that Gu Renpan and Gu Zuofeng were both from more than 13 years ago. Can they really get out of the last bus on No. [-]?"

"What's wrong?" Old Liu muttered back, "The three members of the Gu family have long since died, and they have lived in Dongkui Village for so many years!"

No one spoke in the room for a long time, and it took a long time to hear Chen Chen's melancholy sigh.

"The last time I missed the opportunity to take Gu Renpan out of the car, I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse..."

"That depends on how much you trust the people on Mount Zhongnan!"

"Trust? It's not trust. At that time, it was Yuxuzi who helped the bearded man drive away the evil spirits, so he drove the ducks into the shelves and had to do it. Daodian, including Aunt Hua and Xiaoyan, everyone doesn't like him. How should I put it? That person...if I have to describe it, it's kind of like acting!"

This is Chen Chen's most objective evaluation of Yu Xuzi from the bottom of his heart. Now that it's all about it, he simply can't complain, and turns to Old Liu and asks:
"I always think, could Yu Xuzi be Mr. Qian?"

"Why do you say that?"

Chen Chen thought for a moment, but he didn't care how dirty the wall behind his back was. He leaned on it with his face facing the roof of the dilapidated house.

"Although I'm getting closer to Gu Renpan, I also know that I don't know her well. I don't know exactly what kind of child she is. The affairs of the Gu family are not simple, and they need to be handled carefully."

"Yu Xuzi has always emphasized the need to save innocent people from the last train and hope to get off the train. For this reason, he also arranged for my colleague Zhang Cuiping. One of the things that man did was disgraceful. During the days when I was in contact with him, I found that his own purpose has been changing."

"First, he asked me to send Gu Renpan's little bear to the car. After miscalculating the person, he suddenly gave up on this plan and asked us to go to Dongkui Village to open the door. Also, he said that he was against Teacher Qian and was always using him to create panic. , but after thinking about it calmly, his purpose is the same as that of Teacher Qian!"

Chen Chen couldn't see Lao Liu's face clearly, but could only hear the heavy breathing around him. He used to walk with Daoist, and the crazy Taoist knew what he knew but never communicated with others. Now he analyzed the whole story with Lao Liu like this. Bring a lot of wisdom yourself.

Although Lao Liu is also a strange old man, he has a good temper and is not as crazy as Daodian. After listening to him quietly, he giggled twice.

"Let me tell you the truth. In fact, his calculations are correct. The night you took the car with your things, the people in the car should indeed be people looking forward to it, but I manipulated it so that you finally met in the car. , became Gu Zuofeng!"

Old Liu was quite gloating, which surprised Chen Chen!
"So it was you. Yu Xuzi claimed that he was sitting in the mountains, traveling thousands of miles away. In the end, he still missed the issue of the last bus on No. 13. At that time, I had a lot of trust in him. !"

After finishing speaking, thinking of the fact that the last train tonight would come to pick him up at the resting place, Chen Chen's heart seemed to become clearer.

"I should have thought of it earlier, I should have thought of it a long time ago, so the driver on the bus was not arranged by you? Old Liu, why did you ruin his good deed? Is he really Teacher Qian?"

"I don't know that yet!" Lao Liu said slowly, as if he was hiding something, "I just found out that someone was interfering with the car, and I thought it was dangerous, and I couldn't control who should appear in the car. It’s just that I had no other choice that night, so I did what I could and tried my luck!”

"That means you're lucky!" Chen Chen joked with a wry smile.

"Then what shall we do next? I have brought the two sentences you asked me to ask, and then?"

Old Liu didn't answer the conversation, so Chen Chen started to speculate according to his own ideas.

"I didn't expect that someone actually stayed in the Gu family, but from what I know, the Gu family never interacts with idlers and disregards favors. Who would this person be?"

Seeing that there was still no reply from Lao Liu, Chen Chen continued to guess on a whim:
"Tell me, could it be the Taoist Zhang Qifeng who was eaten by wolves in the story of Yuxuzi? Otherwise, why would his body stay in Gu's house?"

"Gu Renpan said that this person was almost dead when he appeared, and he was carried in by Gu Zuofeng. Could it be that the wolf wanted to eat people before Zhang Daochang was completely dead? In the end, he was bitten. Half dead, crawled to Gu's house!"

"Yes, after his death, his bones were locked on the third floor by the Gu family. In this way, all the plots can be connected, but... the order is a bit wrong. In the story, after Daoist Zhang was eaten, the Only wolves can wear human skin, so is Gu Zuofeng the wolf who was ungrateful and ate the old Taoist?"


Chen Chen was completely immersed in his own reasoning, and when he regained his composure, he touched his side casually, not knowing when Lao Liu left.

"Old Liu? Where have you been?"

With a shout, Lao Liu's voice came back from outside the house:

"You guessed well, then follow what you said and go to verify the truth at that time!"

"Seek proof, where to go for proof?"

After resting enough, Chen Chen got up and chased him out. Under the cold moonlight, Old Liu walked with his back on his back and his hands behind his back. Finally, he was not as rushed as he was during the day, and walked slowly.

"Go to the six gates."

That's Daodian's friend, the Eye of Reincarnation, Grandpa Ke's residence, after Yu Xuzi drove Zhong Yinhong out of the bearded body, he still doesn't know if he has woken up.

"What are we doing there?"

Old Liu walked out of the courtyard, as if he knew the direction, and walked straight onto the path.

"Ask Zhong Yinhong."

Asking anyone can understand, but asking Zhong Yinhong is off the charts! !
She has been sealed by Yuxuzi from Zhongnan Mountain, if you want to find her, don't go to Zhongnan Mountain, go to Liujiamen?

After walking a few steps, the more Chen Chen thought about it, the more something went wrong, as if he suddenly realized a big secret.

Why was Zhong Yinhong in Liujiamen? Grandpa Ke went to see her in a dream and never woke up again. Did she stay in Grandpa Ke's body after that time?But if that's the case, then it was...Grandpa Ke who later exorcised the bearded man and sealed the altar for Yu Xuzi?

The more he thought about it, the more complicated it became, and the more he thought about it, the more outrageous it became. Staring at Lao Liu's back, Chen Chen remembered the mad Taoist priest who disappeared with the mountain. He first took Xu Banxian down the mountain, and finally pulled Lao Liu in. Such a foreshadowing was made.

This Daoist...how big a game of chess is he playing?
 Have you watched the skit? At the end of the third episode, the person who stretched out his hand to pat Li Yao didn’t even know who he was

(End of this chapter)

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