13 last bus 2

Chapter 240 Rescue

Chapter 240 Rescue
Chen Chen has encountered many dangers, but this time is the closest to death!
At a critical moment, Xiao Pingtou's trick of offering food from a wolf's mouth shocked his mind completely blank.

The sharp fangs bit into his forearm, and the blood flowed down Chen Chen's face along the wound.

"What are you in a daze for? Get up quickly!" Xiao Pingtou shouted hysterically, enduring the pain in his heart.

Chen Chen regained his composure, and took the opportunity to kick hard at the wolf's stomach.

The wolf screamed in pain and was kicked more than one meter away.

He hurriedly got up from the ground, and saw Xiaoping's skin turned out from the wound on his head, and his bones were vaguely visible!

This back and forth completely enraged the wolf, turned somersault and stood up again, lowered his back, as if he was about to pounce!

"You are injured, go first!"

Chen Chen gave an order and took the initiative to take a step forward.

Xiaopingtou behind him didn't flinch, and stood unmoved. Chen Chen was ready to fight with his life, and roared:
"One of us has to go out, you hurry up, and you have to go to the foot of the mountain to find someone to save Daodian!"

The situation is urgent now, but Xiaopingtou still doesn't listen to the persuasion. Just as Chen Chen was about to say more, the evil wolf suddenly exerted force on its hind legs and wanted to fly over. Just before it took off, it didn't know what it saw, and the beast suddenly turned around. , throwing himself somersault abruptly!
It quickly got up from the ground, then lowered its head, drooped its tail, and didn't even dare to raise its eyes. The originally fierce green light was much dimmer now.

This scene was very strange, and Chen Chen was still vigilant, not daring to relax in the slightest.

"What's wrong with this wolf?" Xiaopingtou asked puzzled.

"I don't know, look back slowly, is there something behind us?"

Xiaoping covered his wound and looked back.


Before the person moved, the originally arrogant wolf had turned into a grandson inexplicably, whining and wailing, while slowly backing away in fear.

Chen Chen knew that the more weak he was in the face of the beast, the more it would push forward, so he took advantage of this opportunity to take a sudden step forward!
This trick really worked. The wolf didn't expect that the human being bullied by him just now had the courage to take the initiative to attack, so it trembled in fright, then turned around and ran away!

Seeing the wolf disappearing in no time, Chen Chen finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking back at Xiaopingtou, he was holding the injured forearm, the blood was still flowing.

Chen Chen hurriedly took off his coat and wanted to tear off his shirt to bandage him to stop the bleeding. Xiaoping frowned, obviously in great pain, and refused:

"Don't bother, let's go down the mountain quickly! We can't handle this wolf, it's dangerous to stay too long!"

"Okay, then I'll carry you on my back!"

Under the moonlight, his forehead was already dripping with sweat, but he still didn't want to bother others, turned around and walked slowly:
"No, I hurt my arm, not my leg!"

Helping him to walk down the mountainside with difficulty, not far away, I finally heard the sound of someone yelling and saw the radiant flashlight.

Chen Chen responded loudly to the rescue crowd, and after a while, dozens of people gathered together.

The eldest brother in the head looked serious, wearing a leather jacket, and was tall and big. He looked behind them and asked:

"What about the rest?"

"There are two more in the mountainside village!" Chen Chen casually turned his head and pointed.

"Village?" He looked a little puzzled, and the colleague in overalls behind him looked up at the mountain.

"We've been wandering around for hours, but we haven't seen any villages?"

The team leader asked, "What's going on inside, did you encounter any trouble?"

It can't be said to be a village of werewolves!Chen Chen thought for a while:
"I met a pack of wolves! I'll take you up there!"

Seeing that Xiaopingtou's arm was seriously wounded and his face was covered with blood, the team leader refused:

"No, you finally came out, so don't join in!"

This captain was very clever, so he turned around and organized the team, telling everyone to follow the footsteps of the two of them going down the mountain!

There are thirty or fifty of these people. They seem to be well-trained, and they have all kinds of ropes and knives on their bodies. Daodian said that wolves wearing human skins are just like people, and they have no special skills. Be able to handle it!

But before leaving, Chen Chen was still a little worried, approached the captain, and asked him quietly:
"There are people in the village, but don't believe anything, it's dangerous!"

The captain kept a cold face and didn't say a word. He didn't know if he understood, so he left two subordinates and hurriedly led the team to continue walking.

The responding colleague came over to bandage Xiaopingtou's wound. Seeing how deeply he was wounded, he grinned frequently:

"A wolf bite?"


Chen Chen asked, "Are you just here?"

He complained as he wrapped the bandages:

"Don't mention it, it was said that the inspection team must leave the mountain before six o'clock in the afternoon, but it didn't take long for you to get in touch, and we came in before five o'clock!"

The colleague who followed behind also pointed to the watch and said:
"Look, it's almost five o'clock in the morning, and there is a heavy fog on the mountain. We wandered around for a whole night, looking at the top of the mountain that is not high, and chose several directions, but we couldn't climb it!"

After speaking, he asked curiously:
"Hey, what's going on, have you encountered anything other than wolves?"

Knowing that he meant something else, Chen Chen didn't want to scare him, so he and Xiao Pingtou kept silent, and the two of them wisely stopped talking.

It was noon before going up the mountain. I didn't expect that when the toss came out, it was already dawn.

Chen Chen was very tired, but he was afraid of going to sleep because he was worried about his safety.

It was not until noon that someone finally called him to come over.

The team leader in leather was surnamed Zhang, and he was temporarily working in a store across the foot of the mountain. When Chen Chen came in, he was sitting at his desk looking at documents and smoking.

"Here we come!" Captain Zhang pointed to a chair opposite and motioned him to sit casually.

The small Dongkui County is not a tourist attraction, especially in winter, the seaside store has been abandoned, there is no heating and air conditioning in the house, and there is not even a small sun, it is very cold!
"Did you find him?" Chen Chen asked impatiently as soon as he sat down.

Captain Zhang's hair is very heavy. Although the beard is cleanly shaved, the stubble on the chin is still very obvious.

"How many people did you go up the mountain yesterday?"

"Ah?" Unexpectedly, he would ask such a question, Chen Chen took a breath.

"My brother who went down the mountain with me yesterday, and a Taoist priest went in with the inspection team. I don't know exactly how many of them there are!"

He exhaled, still looking down at something.After a while, he said melancholy:

"On this form, there are 32 people, including the three of you, there are 35 people!"

"Is there a problem? Did you find anyone last night?"

"Find two!" He finally let go.

When Chen Chen heard this, his tense nerves also eased a little.

"Where is it? Is the second elder injured?"

But seeing the captain frowning, he didn't seem very happy. He stared at Chen Chen and hesitated for a while, then took out his phone and asked his subordinates to bring someone over.

A few minutes later, Chen Chen's jaw almost dropped! !

The person arrived, but the result was unexpected, not Taoist and old scholar! !

Standing in front of her was a big sister with braids and a child holding her hand!
These two people met when they first entered the village, and they still have some impressions.

I never expected it! !

The search and rescue team tossed all night, and even brought down two wolves! !

(End of this chapter)

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