13 last bus 2

Chapter 221 Clues

Chapter 221 Clues
The pregnant woman gave birth to a stillborn baby and snatched the electric baton from Chen Chen!

In the blink of an eye, she appeared in the room again and hanged herself.

The belly of the woman swinging on the noose was already flat, she suddenly opened her eyes, stared at Chen Chen and laughed
"You didn't find it last time. In fact, this is my room!"

The pregnant woman's neck was stuck on the rope, and there was a bone cracking sound when she spoke.

Without the electric baton in his hand, Chen Chen lost his means of protection. He looked sideways at the corridor, and subconsciously took a step back.

"Come in!"

She smiled wickedly.

Stepping back further, I saw the stillborn child in the room poking his head out of the quilt on the bed, dangling back and forth with an electric baton in his mouth, his eyes were black and white, as if he was provoking.

Chen Chen finally understood that those gentlemen and Taoist priests who subdued demons and demons really did not succeed in a day. Even with magic weapons in their hands, there were still challenges when facing cunning evil spirits. To pay the price of life!
Unable to make further entanglements, Chen Chen turned around and fled to the hall.

Seeing him running out of the corridor, he suddenly reached out a hand from a side room and grabbed his wrist!

A bald old man with missing teeth showed his head and invited with a sinister smile:

"Come on, come in and play chess with me!"

In order to win chess last time, he cut out his own eyeball and used it as a pawn, but now there is still a hole in the eye socket of his right eye!
Just as he was about to be dragged into the room, the door on the other side opened, and a dry arm also stretched out to grab Chen Chen's other hand.

"Come to my room and play chess with me!"

"Don't go, you have to go to my side"

"He's cheating, don't play with him!"

Both sides exerted force at the same time, and Chen Chen was caught in the middle like a fish on a stick, letting the ghosts slaughter him.

They are extremely powerful, and their arms are pulled evenly, and it feels like they will be torn off alive by them after a while!

Chen Chen was sweating profusely and was desperately waiting to die when he suddenly heard a loud "bang" from the direction of the lobby!
Then, there was the sound of a piece of glass shattering. Taking advantage of this suspicion, he quickly got away and rushed to the hall in a few steps.

The window of the hall was broken, and there was a half-turned head on the ground, which should have been thrown in from outside.

The shop owner was sitting on the bed and cursing. Chen Chen looked back nervously, fearing that the mother and daughter would still give birth, or the old man playing chess would follow.

"Open the door, open the door!"

The shop owner looked helpless when he saw Chen Chen flustered.

"Oh, what did you say when you came in the first half of the night? What kind of room do you want me to open for you? The scariest thing? Someone who died? Can't live if you don't die?"

Life was at stake, Chen Chen couldn't care less about embarrassment, he picked up a nearby chair, pointed at the glass door and threatened:
"At this time, at that time, open the door! Otherwise, I will smash it for you!"

"Don't, don't!"

The shop owner still compromised, got up and walked slowly towards the door, glanced at him, and complained strangely:
"Young man, remember from now on, don't flaunt your prestige casually and meddle in your own business. Do you think you are a security guard with an electric baton on your body? If you can't even protect yourself, who else can you protect?"

There was no concealment of the contempt in his eyes. After finishing speaking, he lowered his head and opened the door with the key, and waved him out.

The hero was short of breath and couldn't tell what he said, knowing that there was something in his words, Chen Chen didn't answer back, and ran out for his life!

It was cold outside, and there was no one on the street, but under the streetlight not far from the Fortune Hotel, stood a thin and withered figure.

With a brick in his mouth, he tilted his head to distinguish the sound with his ears, and his whole body was still shaking nervously.

It seemed that he was the one who made the life-saving sound just now.

Hearing someone coming out of the hotel, the homeless man asked vaguely:

"Is that you? Boy, is that you?"

Chen Chen lit a cigarette and moved over in frustration.

"it's me!"

Only then did he heave a sigh of relief, he dropped the brick in his mouth, and kept swinging his head far away!

"Go, stay away from here, go!"

The two walked back and forth for more than ten minutes without speaking. Chen Chen finished smoking two cigarettes, staring at his swaying back and asking:
"Why are you here? If you didn't smash the glass just now, I might not be able to get out?"

The homeless man walked with his head up. This long road has been walked by him countless times. Where there are manhole covers, where there are trees and potholes to avoid, he can always predict in advance and pass by calmly.

"When you left the Flat Sail Bridge, I heard you seemed to be taking a taxi, so I knew something was wrong!"

"Did you hear it?"

The tramp didn't go on talking.

"This hotel is not clean, it must be the five ghosts that haunt you?" Chen Chen asked.

"Don't worry about it!"

He stopped suddenly, as if very angry!

"Let me remind you again, don't say you don't have the ability, even if you really have a way, you don't need to be nosy, stay away from me from now on, remember, don't take a taxi casually in this county, don't take a step closer to that hotel, Once again, you will die!"

Seeing him so excited, Chen Chen knew that his guess was probably correct.

"You're overthinking. I'm not for you. I'm here for my own business. These evil spirits haunt me every day. I wanted to teach them a lesson, but I didn't expect it to be so difficult to deal with!"

"My own business?" The tramp turned back and stared at him blindly.

"You went to the Flat Sail Bridge, didn't you come looking for me?"

Chen Chen smiled wryly, and threw away the cigarette butt in his hand.

"Really not, I was looking for a family there, and I happened to see your residence under the bridge!"

The homeless man was furious when he heard the words:
"Fart! You said it wasn't intentional, the neighborhood is all around, how could you find someone to go under the bridge?"

Chen Chen didn't have the same knowledge as him, so he still explained calmly.

"What I'm looking for is a family that lived there 30 or [-] years ago. I heard that the house was demolished because of the construction of the bridge, so I walked under the bridge!"

The homeless man didn't speak for a while, he was a little hunched, but he tried his best to stand upright:

"Well, who are you looking for?"

Chen Chen stared at him and blurted out:

"Gu Family!"

As soon as these two words came out, it was like a thunderbolt of lightning, and the homeless man trembled in shock.

Chen Chen noticed his abnormality, and continued to confide word by word:
"Gu Zuofeng, Gu Renpan, Gu Zhou, Gu Qian."

Every name he uttered seemed to cause him more pain.

The tramp had no tears, but whimpered and trembled.

He didn't cry when he fought wild dogs for food, and he didn't feel wronged when he was kicked and beaten. Why did he have such a big reaction when he heard these names?
Seeing this, Chen Chen took advantage of the situation to chase after him, and forced him to ask:
"What's the matter, do you know them?"

After a while, his emotions gradually calmed down, he took a long breath, turned around slowly, and denied:
"I do not recognize!"

Chen Chen's intuition told Chen Chen that he must be hiding something. After finally finding the clue, he couldn't cut it off easily, so he took a step forward to block the way of the homeless man:
"Listen to me, whether you can see Gu's family is really related to many things. I asked Gu Zuofeng to find me here. If you know something, you must tell me!"

Unexpectedly, the homeless man suddenly grinned when he heard this.

"Gu Zuofeng hahahahaha!"

"Gu Zuofeng, what can he teach you, something that is not human!"

 There is another chapter in the second half of the night

(End of this chapter)

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