13 last bus 2

Chapter 218 The Devil Haunted

Chapter 218 The Devil Haunted
The pregnant woman who lost her way last night and couldn't find her room is evil, even if it can't be finalized yet!

But this old chess player, who personally picked out one of his eyes as a chess piece, how could there be such a perverted living person?

The old man who played chess with him pointed to the eyeball on the board and asked:
"Can this be considered a chess piece? Who doesn't have it? I also have two!"

Seeing that he was also about to pick his own eyeballs, Chen Chen pulled out the electric baton and kicked the chessboard over!
Without looking back, I ran out!
The shop owner at the front desk slept soundly as usual. Chen Chen wanted to rush out of the hotel and ignore him, but found that the door was locked!

There is a lock on the thick glass door, and there is no one who can take advantage of it, so it is really impossible to break it open!

He picked up a chair and slammed it on the door. The innkeeper, who was woken up, saw the situation and shouted in a panic:
"Hey, are you sick? What are you doing knocking on my door in the middle of the night?"

Chen Chen looked back at him, then glanced into the corridor, and said anxiously:

"Open the door!"

The boss didn't know why, rubbed his eyes, pointed at him, and threatened:
"If you want to go out, just tell me, smash whatever you want, put down the stool for me, this door is thousands of dollars, if you smash it, you will have to pay for it!"

"Once you run a hotel, what are you doing locking the door?"

Seeing that Chen Chen still didn't let go, the boss put on his shoes and went to the ground, took the key from the drawer, and walked slowly towards the door in his military overcoat.

Walking up to him, he gave him a blank look, and muttered as he opened the door:
"I want to sleep well! Can you control it? Who would have thought of meeting such a master as you, no, what are you doing out in the middle of the night, I can tell you, don't come back when you go out, I have to Lock the door!"

Chen Chen anxiously visited the corridor, urging him to open the door quickly, and reminded him kindly:
"Boss, there are dirty things in your hotel. It's good that they don't violate you. If you find something wrong, don't stay here!"

With a sound of "click", the lock was unlocked, and the shop owner pushed open the glass door and gestured to him to stop talking and leave quickly!

The advice was ineffective, Chen Chen ignored him, and rushed out the door in a few strides.


It's really strange, Chen Chen confirmed the date several times, it's obviously not the fifteenth day of the lunar calendar!

I don't know why I can see ghosts?

It was snowing all around, and he didn't know where to go, so he had to continue walking along the street, hoping to wait for dawn and ask what epilepsy was all about.

At this time in the small county, no one goes out, every house is closed, and it takes a long time for a car to pass by on the street.

In order to keep warm, Chen Chen started jogging along the street lights.

When I was tired from running, I left, took it easy and continued to run, but I didn't go far, and I saw a person fell into the trash can on the street.

The man hung half of his body upside down inside, only showing his two legs from the waist down, kicking and kicking outside.

I have experienced it before, so I don’t think it’s strange to see you again this time. It’s the homeless man with blind eyes and disabled arms who is looking for food again!
Thinking of standing up for him during the day, but being insulted by him, Chen Chen looked at it for a while, didn't mind his own business, and continued walking forward.

Only a few steps away, I suddenly heard a "bang" from behind!
Looking back, the trash can fell to the ground, and the poor tramp wriggled out of it like a worm.

He had a piece of iron wire in his mouth, and a steamed bun and half a chicken leg left over from the wire was strung on the wire!
It seems that he has gained a lot and is admiring his sharp nose and flexible mouth. Suddenly, there are bursts of barking from a distance!
A group of stray dogs came rushing in and surrounded the homeless man!
These dogs are big and small, and it is not easy to find food in winter. They are all skinny, with flat stomachs, and they must have been hungry for a few days!

They seem to have found the food in the mouth of the homeless man, and they are eager to try it one by one, wanting to take it for themselves.

Although the homeless man is blind and handicapped, his ears are extremely sensitive. In order to protect his dinner, he kneels on the ground, baring his teeth, trying to make himself look fierce and tall!
The stray dogs are very united. If they can't stand in front of them, they will attack from behind. If they can't, they will attack together.

In an instant, they all rushed forward, the sound of dogs barking, people shouting, and the sound of people and dogs fighting for food was the only thing Chen Chen had ever seen in his life!
Although he knew that he didn't want to be helped, this scene was cruel and pitiful. If he ignored it, it would really disturb his conscience, so he took out the electric baton and went to help!
When the stray dogs saw him appear, they knew that they had no chance of winning, so they quickly dispersed.

Chen Chen put away the electric baton and wanted to leave quietly, but the man lay on the ground in the snowdrift and sighed:
"You feel sorry for me, don't you?"

Chen Chen didn't answer, turned around and took a step. He smiled wryly and continued:

"Picking up trash cans every day, and grabbing food from animals, hehe, have you ever seen a person like me? I'm not as good as a dog!"

Chen Chen stopped in his tracks, thought for a while, and then went over and got involved with him.

The homeless man barely stood up, and the wire steamed bun he was biting in his mouth had fallen to the ground, covered with a layer of dirty snow.

Chen Chen bent down to pick it up, patted the dirt off it, and put it in his pocket.

"It's fate, we met three times in two days, and you helped me three times!"

Chen Chen kept silent all this time, because he was afraid that he would recognize him, so he took a breath and asked:

"How do you know it was me?"

"Giggle." He laughed bitterly.

"When you passed here just now, I heard it! But, why are you walking around in the middle of the night? Are you the same as me, without a home?"

Chen Chen looked around, feeling worried for a moment.

"I have a family, but I'm not much better than you. I have a family and I can't go back!"

"I can't go back home," he muttered:

"Although I don't know the reason, no matter what dispute you have with your family, don't hold grudges, because they are the ones who can risk their lives to protect you!"

This person changed from his usual eccentricity tonight, and his words were poor tonight. I don't know if he was moved by Chen Chen's repeated help.

"Our family is harmonious, and there has never been a dispute that can't be overcome. I left my family and didn't want to hurt them!"

"Oh?" The wound on the homeless man's face has not yet subsided, and he pouted, as if interested:

"Are you an unlucky ghost like me?"

"Oh..." Chen Chen sighed:
"Well, because of my affairs, it also affected many people around me!"

The homeless man raised his head and laughed non-stop.

Chen Chen had just escaped from the haunted hotel, he was a little panicked when he laughed, and asked:
"I heard that you were unloaded by some five ghosts? Is it true?"

Hearing this, the homeless man finally stopped laughing. He nodded, and his expression suddenly became serious!
"I almost forgot my identity, I am a person haunted by ghosts!"

"Is it haunted by ghosts? My friend is a very powerful Taoist priest. If it's about evil spirits, maybe I can ask him to help you!"

The homeless man was startled when he heard the words, and faced Chen Chen dully.

"I'm curious, you've contacted me so many times, didn't they come to you?"

"They? Who are they?" Chen Chen asked suspiciously.

"They are."

The tramp grinned, and said word by word:
"Those five ghosts are haunting me!"

 Chapter 2, Chapter 3 is dawn!

(End of this chapter)

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