13 last bus 2

Chapter 197 Old Dog

Chapter 197 Old Dog
Dao Dian and Grandpa Ke are right next door, how brave is this evil spirit, dare to come out and play such a prank?
Chen Chen and Big Beard didn't close the door to sleep last night, but Chen Chen felt light, and would definitely wake up if there was any movement, but he slept very drowsily last night, and didn't even notice that his mouth was stuffed with wool!

This frightened the bearded man. He wanted to go to the next door to tell Zhidian, but was stopped by Chen Chen.

The little granddaughter of the Ke family has not been found yet. He didn't want to distract everyone because of his own affairs at this time. He asked the bearded man to keep a secret, spit out the wool from his mouth, pretended to be nothing, went down to the ground and put on his shoes to join everyone, ready to continue Find someone!

But even with the participation of the police, the search the next day was still not smooth!

There is no surveillance on the roads in the countryside, so everyone can only ask around. The strange thing is, Sakura is around the house every day. How did she lose it?
The only chance to get out of the sight of their parents is when the little one comes out to feed the dog in the evening.

The gate is locked, and the child cannot get out by himself, so he must have lost it in the yard!

In other words, it is very possible that an outsider came in and kidnapped the child, and the purpose was very clear!
The first thing to suspect is the enemy who had a feud with the Ke family!
But who would do that?

Guangzhi and his wife guarded their own small business, and they never offended anyone. If they might offend anyone, it’s just that the old man has a chance. After all, since Guangzhi can remember, he has been rejecting others. Make people hate!
If that was the case, the person who kidnapped the child would have no way to find out, but apart from that, Chen Chen suddenly thought of another possibility!
The day before yesterday, he had a holiday with two dog dealers in the morning episode. I remember that Guangzhi was there at the time. Could it be because of this incident that implicated them?

Chen Chen shared this guess with everyone, but Guang Zhi was the first to refute it. According to his explanation, although the two dog dealers are idle and not doing business, they don't often appear in Liujiamen!

And although they look arrogant and domineering, in fact, the two brothers are stern and timid, and they will never dare to do such illegal and criminal things!
No clues, no directions.The sky collapsed for the whole family, and they didn't see their children for two days. Guangzhi's daughter-in-law went straight to the hospital because of extreme grief.

But at this juncture, misfortunes never come singly, because Chen Chen didn't go to the early gathering to rescue the goat, strange things began to happen to him one after another!

When he was sleeping at night, the old man covered in blood came to him again. Leaning on crutches, he tied Chen Chen to a big tree and beat him with a whip. When he was tired, he moved a small stool and sat facing him, cursing him all night long!
When Chen Chen woke up the next day, he felt exhausted and his body was bruised and purple, as if he had really been beaten!
Then hastily ate a mouthful of food, ready to continue looking for children, searching aimlessly
It's not like Chen Chen didn't think of Xu Banxian'er, finding someone is such a trivial matter with him, it's a piece of cake for him, but Daodian doesn't know what's going on, so he stops him anyway, and refuses to help no matter what!

After lunch, it was time to start a new round of searching.

Before leaving, Chen Chen noticed that the old dog rescued from the dog dealer in the yard kept barking at him!
This dog is already very old, usually lying obediently in the corner of the den, not even bothering to move, it is so strange that it suddenly becomes so abnormal.

It's as if you have to follow them.

Sakura is very kind. Ever since Gouzi was brought to her home, she has been taken care of in every possible way.

Although it was just a few days, there was a deep feeling between humans and animals.

This scene was seen by the bearded man, who saw what the old dog meant, and suggested to Chen Chen:
"This dog has been sick all the time, why did it suddenly become fussy? The child feeds it every day, will he be familiar with her smell? Or, let's try holding it?"

Chen Chen also felt that something was abnormal, so he untied its rope. The old dog was very excited, and jumped three feet high with a "whoosh"!

Just as the two of them and the dog were about to go out, the old scalper in the north corner of the courtyard also began to "moo" restlessly.

This cow was also bought by Chen Chen from the market. The old man also said that the house happens to have some land, so it can help with the work, even if it is old, it won't be sold for slaughter!

I don't know if it's because I saw the old dog was leaving, but it actually meant to participate!
The old cow had great strength, pawing the ground with its hooves, and kept trying to break free from the restraint. Seeing that the barn was about to collapse, Chen Chen had no choice but to loosen it too!

Unexpectedly, what they guessed came true, the cow and dog regained their freedom, as if they knew the mission, the dog lowered its head and sniffed the ground, leading the cattle out of the yard in a hurry!
The bearded man was very surprised when he saw this, he gave Chen Chen a wink, and hurried after him!

The old dog is still struggling to walk, and needs to lie on the ground to pant for a long time after walking for a while, but its direction is very clear!
After leaving the entrance of the village and heading west, the two of them, a cow and a dog, stopped and stopped. After three to five hours, they came to a waste recycling station.

This place was already some distance away from Liujiamen, and it was surrounded by iron wires. On the white snow, some scrap iron and paper shells were piled up scatteredly.

There is a barn on the east side of the compound, and there are more than a dozen dogs enclosed in it, and they may not be given food. These dogs are without exception, huddled together in a listless state, and they don't even have the strength to open their eyes!

In the middle, there is a half-car that Chen Chen is very familiar with. It seems that this is the hiding place of the dog dealers. The old dog led them all the way here. Could it be that Guangzhi's child was really kidnapped by the two of them?

Chen Chen patted the old dog's head gratefully, and looked in the direction of the hut for a while.

Seeing smoke coming from the chimney on the roof, there should be someone there, so he turned around and said to the bearded man:
"We've found the place, and we have to make sure that Sakura is inside! These two dog dealers are inhuman, if we break in like this, don't hurt the child again!"

While trying to figure out a way, the big yellow dog next to him suddenly let out a "woof"!
It had traveled such a long distance, and the corners of its mouth were full of foam. It exhausted all its strength to bark so loudly, and even its thin frame was trembling.

This sudden cry frightened the bearded man, but Chen Chen immediately understood what it meant.

He asked the bearded man to say:

"Hurry up and take the cow to hide behind the house!"

After they hid, the old dog barked even harder, and after a few minutes, he finally lured the dog dealer out of the hut.

The Garlic Nose who was the first to quarrel with Chen Chen noticed the old dog, and patted his thigh happily with an "oops":

"You old bastard, why did you find it back?"

When the companion in the room asked about the situation, he tied his belt, turned his head and shouted into the room:
"The old dog that was robbed in the morning market is back, come out and catch it!"

Not long after the words fell, another tall and strong dog dealer also pushed the door and squeezed out. Seeing the old dog lying beside the fence, he wiped his palms and picked up a stick along the window.

Seeing the two of them approaching, the old yellow dog got up from the ground with difficulty, turned around and barked, and ran forward with a limp!

Seeing that everyone was leaving, Chen Chen and the bearded man took the opportunity to sneak into the house quickly.

Sure enough, Sakura was gagged and stuffed under the table with her hands and feet bound.

It took a lot of effort to untie her, and she was just about to leave when she lifted her up!

Chen Chen suddenly had a headache and nearly fell over!
A curse was heard in my mind, at this critical juncture, that old goat man who was not rescued by Chen Chen appeared again to make trouble!

(End of this chapter)

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