13 last bus 2

Chapter 195

Chapter 195
Thinking of the nightmare he had on the road, staring at the hen in front of him, Chen Chen broke out in a cold sweat, and subconsciously blurted out:


As soon as the eldest son raised his kitchen knife, he was taken aback. He looked back at Chen Chen and said with a smile:

"What's the matter, brother, you don't have to listen to her, she is a vegetarian, don't let me kill chickens, even eat meat!"

After finishing speaking, he said fiercely to the little girl:
"Sakura, go into the house quickly, be obedient!"

Seeing that the little girl was holding Chen Chen and still not letting go, the child's mother came out of the house and took her away!

The eldest son turned around and wanted to kill the chicken, but Chen Chen stopped him:

"Forget it! Don't kill it!"

The eldest son raised and raised the kitchen knife in his hand, but couldn't chop it for a long time. He thought that Chen Chen was being influenced by the children and pretended to be polite.

"I really don't need to listen to the child, she does this often, just do it for a while! You guys came all the way, so it's no good if you don't treat me well!"

Chen Chen continued to persuade:

"It's not because of the child, it's because I don't want to eat, I"

For a while, I didn't know how to explain it. There was a lot of noise in the courtyard, and Daodian and the old man also came out. The old man glanced at the hen on the ground, and then at Chen Chen. :

"Forget it, Guangzhi, don't kill the chicken, just fry the mushrooms!"

Seeing his father speak, he put down the butcher knife inexplicably, and stuffed the hen back into the cage!
Finding that Chen Chen was a little weird, Dao Jian went over and gave him a push.

"what happened to you?"

Chen Chen took two deep breaths, feeling that it was not the time to talk, and stared at the chicken coop to prevaricate:

"It's nothing, I just suddenly want to be vegetarian!"

The old man is a smart man, he changed the topic with a smile, and chatted with Daodian in a few sentences.

There was such an episode in the middle, which made Chen Chen a little suspicious.

Is the woman who gave him the dream the hen?
Could it be that it guessed that after they came here, it would be slaughtered, so it begged his life in a dream?

There are more important things at the moment. Since he has decided not to eat chicken, no matter whether the two are related or not, he has done his best. Chen Chen tried his best to signal himself to relax, and called out the bearded man. After washing up, he was ready to eat!
Since Chen Chen proposed to be a vegetarian, he didn't kill any chickens, and they didn't dare to prepare meat dishes anymore. The whole table was full of mountain mushrooms and the like. The bearded man sat on the table with great enthusiasm after being hungry all night, and his disappointment was written all over his fat face. !
The old man's surname is Ke. He has a son and a daughter. The eldest son stays at home to start a small business. The youngest daughter has married and moved to the city. When eating, everyone gathers together, which is very lively!

I don't know if it's because of the presence of a child. Dao Dian has never mentioned the purpose of coming this time, and the old man also tacitly doesn't ask or ask. When it comes to Zhouyi gossip, no one but them can get in the way!

The meal was almost finished, and his eldest son, Guang Zhi, Zhang Luo's daughter-in-law came to the table with the child in her arms.

When the three of them went out, the old man started to drink with his head down. After a while, when he raised his head again, two layers of white film suddenly appeared on his sunken eyeballs!
The bearded man was unprepared, trembling with fright, almost flipped the table over.

Dao Duan hated iron for being weak and cursed:
"What are you panicking about? Let Grandpa Ke see what you were from in your previous life!"

This old man is older than Taoist, with sunken eye sockets and age spots on his face, now with these two layers of white film, he looks like a blind man with eye injuries!
Even so, he seemed to be able to see, without blinking, just staring straight at the bearded man, the bearded man's face twitched together, and he still didn't dare to look at him!

The old man stared at the bearded man for more than a minute, and then suddenly turned his gaze to Chen Chen. Chen Chen also felt uncomfortable all over, so he simply sat upright to let him see clearly!

A few minutes later, he lowered his head again, and when he raised his head, the white film on his eyeballs retracted into his eyelids, and he resumed his previous kind smile.

It wasn't until now that Dao Dian introduced it to Chen Chen and the bearded man seriously:
"You two can just call him Grandpa Ke from now on. Everyone called him that when they were young!"

"Grandpa Ke!" The bearded man was quick to learn, and he poked his head forward curiously and asked:

"Grandpa, you have finished reading, what was I in my previous life?"

The old man can become good friends with Dao Dian, so he has a good personality. He eats food with a smile, which whets the appetite of the bearded man.

"Seeing people's reincarnation is a secret, it's okay to tell you casually!"

can not say!
Chen Chen didn't care what reincarnation he was, and asked:
"Then look, what's in his body"

"En!" Grandpa Ke stretched out his chopsticks and nodded at the bearded man.

"What's the matter with this beard, there's something evil in his body!"

Dao Dian sat next to the old man, and now he lay beside his ear and began to chatter.

The old man nodded vigorously, then suddenly looked at Chen Chen:
"What about him?"

This inexplicable turning point confuses Chen Chen, and Daodian doesn't understand what he means. Seeing them looking at each other, the old man frowned and asked:
"Didn't you come all the way here to see a doctor for this child?"

The bearded man became anxious when he heard this.

"Grandpa, what's wrong with him being so active? He's treating me to a doctor. Me, didn't you just say that there is something evil in my body?"

In order to express his urgency, the bearded man went all out, and simply took off the blindfold in front of him, revealing the blood-red right eye!
"Oh my god!" The old man couldn't stand it after just one glance, and said with disgust:

"Cover it quickly, cover it quickly! Your eyes are scarier than mine!"

The bearded man couldn't laugh or cry, put on his blindfold and said:
"Not only is it ugly, it's also deadly. My eye soaked in blood can see ghosts!"

Seeing Daodian nod his head, the old man finally became interested and asked Chen Chen:
"Can't you see?"

Not knowing why he received so much attention, Chen Chen was taken aback, and said frankly:
"I can see it too, but it's only on the fifteenth day of the lunar calendar every month! My brother is more serious than me, he can be seen anytime, anywhere!"

"It's interesting!" The old man smiled and faced Daodian:
"It's really interesting that you brought these two children here, don't worry, let me figure out a way, you can live here first!"

Xiaopingtou's side will have to give news within a week at the soonest. Everyone knows that this is a difficult task, and you can't eat a fat man with one bite!
I had no choice but to listen to his arrangement and live here with Daodian.

The house is big enough for two old men to sleep in one, and he and the bearded one.

Unexpectedly, at night, Chen Chen had another nightmare!
Just like in the car, this time, he dreamed that an old lady led a group of children to beg him!
Those kids are wearing the same yellow clothes!Crying with snot and tears, she was not begging Chen Chen to spare her life, but wanting her to save her life!
Chen Chen was confused and had a splitting headache when he woke up.I also went to check the chicken coop in the yard, and I was relieved to see that there were no yellow chickens!

After getting up and washing his face, he happened to meet Guangzhi getting dressed and ready to go out to the market!
Chen Chen hadn't seen the big fairs in the countryside yet, so he had nothing to do anyway, so he simply left with him.

Guangzhi has a good temper, and he also fell in love with Chen Chen. On the way, the two chatted enthusiastically, covering everything from work to life. While talking, he suddenly changed the subject and asked:

"By the way, you came to my house this time to see my father for medical treatment, right?"

The old man has the ability to read people's reincarnation, so his child naturally knows it. Seeing Chen Chen honestly, he nodded.Guangzhi smiled:
"To be honest, in these years, there has never been a break in the number of people who came to beg my father. Some offered money, some raised people, but without exception, they were all kicked out by my father. You are the only one who can make my father happy. Xing stayed to eat!"

Hearing what he said, Chen Chen realized how great Dao Dian's face was and how hard-earned this opportunity was!

Before waiting for a reply, Guangzhi asked again:
"Actually, I'm quite curious. My father doesn't understand medicine. How can he help you?"

This question made Chen Chen a little confused. How dare he not know what his father is capable of?

He was hesitating whether to tell him the truth, when suddenly a siren sounded behind him.

Chen Chen dodged sideways, and saw a half-car passing by them!

All the cars were loaded with dogs. Amidst their frenzied barking, Chen Chen suddenly discovered that these dogs were all yellow! !

 Chapter 2 after two o'clock

(End of this chapter)

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