13 last bus 2

Chapter 187 Suicide

Chapter 187 Suicide
Unexpectedly, Xiaoyan just escaped the danger and fell into the tiger's mouth!
Chen Chen lowered his voice nervously and told the phone receiver:

"Listen, Xiaoyan, the conductor who is leading the way for you is not a human being, so don't follow him anymore, run as soon as you find a chance, I'll pick you up right away!"

Fortunately, Xiaoyan is also a shrewd person, she didn't panic when she heard what Chen Chen said, and hung up the phone calmly after two replies.

Chen Chen turned over and got off the bed. Seeing his anxious look, the crewmember facing the bed asked:
"what happened to you?"

"My friend is in trouble, I have to help!"

After finishing speaking, seeing the elder sister still lying close to him beside him, she ordered:
"By the way, this train is not safe, you should also be careful, it's better to change the bed!"

Xiao Pingtou was baffled by what he heard, and continued to ask in disdain:

"What's unsafe about taking the train, can you help me?"

"No need!" Chen Chen replied, hurrying forward!
When I came to the smoking area again, it became extremely quiet here, and the perverted brother who relied on watching videos there was gone!

There is only one mobile phone on the ground, and the video is still playing in a loop!

Chen Chen walked through the hall. This time, there were many carriages that hadn't passed by. The end of the road was blocked by an iron door with a curtain. The moment the door was pushed open, the lights shone brightly, and it was very lively!
The lights are on here, and the seats are full of passengers, some of them are chasing the drama with melon seeds, some of their close friends take off their shoes and step on the seats to play cards, and some of them travel alone, leaning on their shoulders and feeling dizzy sleep!
Finally came to the hard seat area! !
Chen Chen broke in suddenly and stood there in a daze, attracting many people's attention!

Glancing in the distance, I saw a girl in a white down jacket with pear rolls sitting alone with her back facing the door!

Looking at her attire, isn't she Sun Xiaoyan?

Just as Chen Chen was about to open his mouth to call him, he suddenly felt that something was wrong. Xiaoyan had clearly come looking for him, so why would she be sitting there!
He took out the phone and dialed it. Unexpectedly, after three rings, the girl in the distance picked it up!
"Xiaoyan, how are you doing?"

"I'm fine!"

Chen Chen stared at her back vigilantly and asked:
"Then where are you now?"

"I was in my seat. The conductor said that the hard berth area and the sleeper area are not connected, so he sent me back. I just wanted to inform you. Come and find me!"

Is it really her?
Chen Chen took a step forward and continued to talk to her:

"Didn't you see that there was something wrong with that conductor?"

"There's nothing wrong. You still said that he is not human. Did you misunderstand!"

As the two got closer, Chen Chen stopped in his tracks!

"Xiaoyan! Let me ask you a question!"

"Well, what?"

On the phone, Xiaoyan's voice was the same as usual, Chen Chen hesitated for a moment:

"You said, how should we spend the fifteenth day of the lunar calendar this month?"

Xiaoyan smiled playfully and said calmly:
"Have you had a good meal?"

"Okay, have a good meal!"

Having said that, Chen Chen put the phone in his pocket, and the verdict will be determined!
On the fifteenth day of the lunar calendar, it would be nice to have a life and a good meal. She regards this day as a holiday!

Although the back is very similar, she is definitely not Xiaoyan!
But how to choose now?

Should I go forward, or go back the same way?

Xiaoyan must still be in danger and cannot retreat, Chen Chen gritted his teeth and decided to keep trying!

two steps
The familiar figure on the seat was getting closer and closer, and the moment she realized that she was about to turn around, Chen Chen didn't look at him, and simply sped up and ran over!
Opened another door and came to the second hard-seat car.

The lights here are also brightly lit, as if there is some event going on, all the seats are empty, everyone gathers in the middle, singing and dancing together!
No one noticed him, and no one was even idle. Chen Chen wanted to pass through the middle, but was blocked several times from coming back. In the end, he had no choice but to step on the seats on both sides to go around!
It was only after getting closer to the crowd that everyone was so happy that they were really celebrating!

But tourists from all over the world have no intersection and are strangers to each other. What can we celebrate together?

Until Chen Chen saw with his own eyes a bright red coffin placed on the ground! !

Wanting to leave quickly, he circled around and jumped down from his seat. A girl grabbed his arm and invited Chen Chen to join him!
Chen Chen shook her off and wanted to leave. The girl pouted and asked sadly:
"Don't you want to celebrate with us?"

"Celebrate what?"

She smiled, leaned forward, and said mysteriously:
"We're celebrating and finally caught you!"

These words made Chen Chen's scalp tingle, so he pushed her away and ran away!

In the next carriage, everything seemed to be back to normal!

The passengers here finally looked like people who stayed up all night, basically no one spoke, but they didn't know who they were, and they played music on their mobile phones!

It's the song "Little White Boat" that became popular a while ago:
"In the blue sky and the Milky Way, there is a small white boat with a sweet-scented osmanthus tree and a white rabbit playing."

Passengers were sleeping in different positions, falling all over the place, and some people stretched their legs to block the aisle. Chen Chen stepped carefully across the crowd, and saw a salesman in overalls, with his head bowed and pushing a small cart, coming towards him:

"Beer, drink, mineral water, rice pudding with peanuts and melon seeds, take care of your legs!"

The road was already narrow, so Chen Chen had no choice but to stand sideways when he saw the cart approaching.

The cart pusher bowed his head and yelled all the way, but stopped in front of him and asked:
"Do you need to buy something?"

"No need!" Chen Chen stared at him vigilantly, trying to squeeze his body over!
Without looking up, the man put his hand into his pocket, slowly took out a bloodshot earring and asked:

"You don't need this either?"

Chen Chen remembered the style, it belonged to Sun Xiaoyan! !

What happened to Xiaoyan?
Just as he was about to have a seizure, the salesman immediately raised his head and smirked. He had regular facial features, but his eyes were extremely wretched. He was the perverted brother who once hid in the smoking area of ​​the sleeping berth and watched cat abuse videos!
Chen Chen's whole body was stuck in the car, and he couldn't move. Immediately, there was a burst of lively shouting from behind. Looking back, he saw those singing and dancing people carrying the lipstick coffin in front of and behind them in the next carriage!

In Nuo Da's carriage, the passengers who were sleeping all stood up, and Chen Chen was lifted high by countless hands, dragging his body, and teleported to the red coffin!
Chen Chen was powerless. Seeing that he was about to be trapped inside, he suddenly felt someone grab his shoulders and throw him back!

The biting cold wind whizzed past, like a knife, it felt like it was going to tear the skin off.

Chen Chen, who woke up, found himself halfway out of the train, stuck in the window, watching the train going into the tunnel, and was pulled back by his back!
It was the guy with a flat head facing the bed again, dragging the empty instant noodle box in his hand, staring at Chen Chen with a puzzled expression and asking:
"Brother, don't you say you're going to find a friend? Why don't you want to jump on the train?"

Looking around, where is the hard sleeper area, where is there anyone? Chen Chen didn't walk very far, and was lying at the intersection of the smoking area!

The window of the aisle was open. If Xiaopingtou hadn't discovered it in time, people might have been amputated in the middle, or there would be no bones left from being run over by the train!

After taking a few breaths, Chen Chen didn't thank him, and asked him:
"Why are you here?"

Xiaopingtou casually threw the things in his hand into the trash can next to him:

"I'm here to throw the box!"

 Chapter 2 is at two o'clock!

(End of this chapter)

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