13 last bus 2

Chapter 176 Thrilling Dating

Chapter 176 Thrilling Dating
The bearded man said that his first love was Dai Meiyu, but he didn't know if it was true!
But his innocence is enviable in the eyes of everyone.

Chen Chen asked Wu Chuantao to order a restaurant with a better environment for them. He taught Dai Meiyu, Gu Qian, what to say and how to do it in advance!
The romantic dinner for the two was around seven o'clock in the evening. Chen Chen and his party arrived early and hid next door to eavesdrop. Only the bearded man was kept in the dark.

There were a lot of people in the restaurant, and the bearded man specially prepared a new suit and bought a bouquet of old-fashioned flowers for the appointment.

Dai Meiyu knew that the date was fake, so she dressed very casually. The bearded man who always talked a lot was a little at a loss when he saw the girl he liked, and he was nervous in every gesture.

The two sat down cautiously, and the bearded man began to chat after presenting flowers.

According to the arrangement, Dai Meiyu went straight to the topic after exchanging a few words of greeting, pretending to ask questions with concern:
"Brother Beard, why are you wearing an eye patch on your right eye?"

The bearded man really didn't tell the truth, and covered his eyes with a little inferiority.

"It's broken, it doesn't look good, but the eyeball is still there, and it will be fine in the future, really!"

"What kind of injury is it, show me!" Dai Meiyu said, she got up and leaned over to touch her, the bearded man backed away suddenly in fright.

"Don't look at it, I'm afraid it will scare you!"

As soon as the topic changed, the bearded man opened the topic and asked:
"Why did you go during this time? You left without saying goodbye. You made a lot of misunderstandings."

Dai Meiyu didn't know how to answer, she just prevaricated and said that there was something wrong in her hometown. Unexpectedly, the bearded man was in pain and despair before seeing her. He once claimed to break up with her, a liar, and instantly forgot all the cruel words when he saw someone. , nodded shyly!

After more than a minute of embarrassment, Dai Meiyu continued to guide the bearded man according to the arrangement:
"Brother Beard, how are you guys doing during the time I've been away? Have you found the evil spirit that killed Mr. Zhang back then?"

The bearded man was stunned when he heard the words, Zhong Yinhong was in his body, suddenly sent his sweet emotions into hell, he hesitated for a long time, and then said:

"Well, I know who did it!"

The last time something strange happened was when Zhou Guanfu brought up the past of Gu's family, Daodian wanted Dai Meiyu to stimulate him in the same way, to see if the bearded man's sanity would be replaced by Zhong Yinhong!
This idea is cruel to the bearded man. Chen Chen strongly opposed it at first, but for his future safety and for everyone's peace, this test is indispensable.

Dai Meiyu playfully lowered her head and asked:

"Who did that?"

The bearded man had already started to feel uncomfortable, scratching his head and avoiding the question.

"It has nothing to do with us, by the way, I haven't seen you for a while! I wrote a poem, you...do you want to hear it?"

In order to better control the situation, Chen Chen and the others were only separated by a curtain from the private room for the two of them. They could hear the word love poem. Before he could read it, Chen Chen had goosebumps!

I don't know if Dai Meiyu has feelings for Big Beard, or she put on a look of anticipation!
Hanhan's bearded man took out a crumpled letter paper from his pocket with a half-smile and unfolded it, glanced at her shyly, and began to recite with emotion:
"Your eyes are like soccer balls, they kick right into my heart!"

The bearded love poem really lived up to its reputation. When the first sentence came out, everyone behind the curtain was dumbfounded. It was the first time I heard that the eyes of the beloved girl were compared to footballs!

Dao Jian hugged his shoulders to hold back his laughter, while Aunt Hua looked disgusted. If it wasn't in the plan, she might have picked up a stool to force him to shut up!

Dai Meiyu clapped her hands and applauded for her cooperation. The bearded man, who was obviously very ordinary, suddenly became very confident. She raised her voice and continued:
"Your nose is like a hill, don't block my thoughts!"

"And your mouth is so beautiful, it's like two big slices of ham!"

This poem is completely different from the one I read to Chen Chen and Li Taoqi at the beginning, it's absolutely amazing!
I don't know if Dai Meiyu was moved after hearing it, but Xiaoyan didn't laugh at him from the beginning to the end, as if she was enjoying it!

The bearded man carefully folded the love poem and gave it to Dai Meiyu. Just at this time the waiter served the food, and the two began to chat while eating!
Dai Meiyu has a mission on her shoulders, so she keeps her words in mind.

"Brother Huzi, I've heard a lot of scary things with Sun Xiaoyan and the others during this time, I'm so scared! Have you and Chen Chen encountered any strange things?"

With the dish between his beards, he gradually relaxed a bit.

"Can't we meet each other? Those two people don't know what evil they did in their previous lives. They see ghosts once a month!"

Speaking of ghosts, Dai Meiyu became excited.

"Really, Brother Beard, have you ever seen a ghost?"

As soon as this question was uttered, the bearded man choked on the food!

Don't dare to look into Dai Meiyu's eyes, her eyes are evasive!
Dai Meiyu was not finished yet, and suddenly said seriously:

"Let me tell you a secret, I can actually see ghosts"

"Ah?" The bearded man was dumbfounded, and lowered his head to pick rice into his mouth at a loss!

Dai Meiyu smiled, raised her hand and pointed to the bearded side with chopsticks:
"For example, right now, there is a female ghost standing next to you. Let me see, oh, she is wearing a long dress, with black eye circles, no feet, as if she just came out of the water, and her hair is dripping. .”

"Not good!" Dai Meiyu suddenly yelled!Not only did he startle the bearded man, but also the people next door.

"The water from her hair just dripped into your rice bowl, why do you still eat it so deliciously?"

Regardless of whether it was true or not, it seemed to be the case. When the bearded man heard that he had grown hairier, he quickly let go and lost his job!
Seeing Dai Meiyu leaning back and forth with a smile, the bearded man swallowed nervously!

"Stop joking! Let's talk about something else!"

Dai Meiyu leaned on her chin, suddenly stared at him expressionlessly and said:

"Then let's talk about Zhong Yinhong!"

The bearded man began to feel uncomfortable, and his forehead began to sweat. He picked up a glass of water on the dining table, and drank to the end in one breath!

"I heard that the real Dai Meiyu is dead! It's the same as Mr. Zhang's death, with his tongue pulled out. Brother Beard, do you think they were killed by Zhong Hong?"

The bearded man shook his head nervously:

"I don't know, it has nothing to do with me, and I never think about it!"

Hearing this question, Chen Chen frowned and looked at Dao Jian. Dao Jian spread his hands, expressing that it had nothing to do with him. Obviously, Dai Meiyu's question was out of line!

"Then tell me, who will Zhong Yinhong kill next? Sun Xiaoyan? Chen Chen, you or me?"

The bearded man even started to stutter when he spoke.

"No, I don't know, Meiyu, let's stop talking about this, shall we?"

Dai Meiyu suddenly lay down on the table again, and said with a charming smile:

"Brother Beard, I actually lied to you just now. The female ghost next to you has legs and feet. She is wearing a pair of white shoes and has a scar on her face!"

This is clearly what Zhong Yinhong looks like. The bearded man followed Chen Chen every day and listened to his description. He was so scared that he turned around and fell off the stool!
Dai Meiyu was completely off track and out of control. What shocked Chen Chen even more was that she actually knew what Zhong Yinhong was wearing! !
"Hahahaha" Dai Meiyu laughed from ear to ear, and said after a while:
"Brother Beard, why are you so scared!"

The bearded man had no desire at all, and got up from the ground in a panic.

"Meiyu! I'm full, let's go back!"

Dai Meiyu suddenly patted the table and stood up, with a stern face and said grimly:

"I'm not Dai Meiyu, I'm Gu Zuofeng, Yin Hong, do you miss me?"

(End of this chapter)

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