13 last bus 2

Chapter 145 The next surname is Yu

Chapter 145 The next surname is Yu

Chen Chen naturally didn't believe him, and he couldn't break free, so he asked:
"What do you mean by killing me?"

Gu Zuofeng still did not let go:
"The front of the car can't go!"

"Why can't you go?"

"I know what you want to do. Some truths are known too early, which is not good for you!"

"It's too late and I'm dead!"

Chen Chen was furious. He had made up his mind long ago that he must see the driver tonight!
Seeing Gu Zuofeng's stubbornness, Chen Chen reluctantly took out the electric baton from his waist, pointed at him and warned:

"Let go!"

Gu Zuofeng's eyes were firm, and he refused to give in at all.

"Can't we talk first?"

"What can we talk about, your family is not doing business, you are a good at guessing riddles!"

There was a slight sadness on Gu Zuofeng's face.

"Trust me, I can save you!"

Seeing that the discussion was fruitless, Chen Chen stopped talking nonsense, turned on the electric baton switch, and punched him in the chest!
Gu Zuofeng glanced down, and asked without changing his face:

"What are you doing?"

no response?
Chen Chen was a little surprised. He re-adjusted and teased him three more times. Seeing that he didn't feel any pain or itching, the strength of his right hand holding him didn't decrease at all.

Is it broken?Or did the electric baton fail on the last train?
Chen Chen turned on the switch suspiciously, rubbed his thigh for a while, a current passed through, and the numbness and pain spread instantly, and he almost died on the spot.

Seeing Chen Chen lying on the ground in pain, Gu Zuofeng pulled him up.

"What the hell are you doing? I won't let you go to the front of the car, and I can't make a fool of myself!"

This guy is not afraid of electric batons, is he insulated?
Chen Chen cursed inwardly. He expected that the driver would never see him if he stopped him tonight.

He sat down again covering his thighs.Gu Zuofeng asked with a smile:
"Have you seen her a lot lately?"

Chen Chen knew that she was referring to Gu Renpan.

"What does it have to do with you?"

Gu Zuofeng turned his head, and finally let go of his hands, staring blankly ahead.

"She's too willful, you can't let her do it, if you ruin her, it will hurt you too!"

The last time he asked Chen Chen to kill the dog, he was very tactful, but now as the matter progresses, he seems to be more and more direct.

Chen Chen pinned the useless electric baton to his waist, and chatted with him in peace.

"Then tell me, what does she want to do? What do you want to do?"

Gu Zuofeng had a great sense of sadness for an old father who broke his heart because of ignorant women, and he lowered his head and thought about it in frustration.

"I don't have any purpose, I just want to stop her! How far have you helped her?"

Find the dog, send a message to the dog, give the box to Jiang Ling, get the key, and find the bear!
Step by step, the purpose of Gu Renpan became more and more obvious.

Chen Chen simply had a showdown with him.

"I have been to Dongkui Village and your house. I saw a red iron door on the third floor and heard someone talking behind the door. What's inside?"

Mentioning the three-story red door, Gu Zuofeng finally changed his expression, it was rare to see him so nervous.

"You talked to the person behind the door, what did you say?"

"It asked me to let it out!"

Gu Zuofeng breathed a sigh of relief.

"You can't open it without the key!"

Chen Chen asked, "Does Gu Renpan want me to open the door?"

Gu Zuofeng was clever, and asked back:
"Have you got the key?"

Seeing that Chen Chen was silent, he continued:

"Remember, don't listen to what that child tells you to do later! Otherwise, it will kill you!"

"Then I listen to you?"

In the dark and bumpy carriage, Gu Zuofeng's spirit sank again, and he wrote the word "Yu" on Chen Chen's hand!

"Get out of the car, she is the next person to die! If you have time, you will know who to listen to!"

Just as Chen Chen wanted to ask who this person was, the last bus on No. 13 slowed down and stopped.

Gu Zuofeng closed his eyes, as if he didn't want to talk anymore.

Unexpectedly, the position after getting off the car this time was by a pond stalk, Chen Chen couldn't stand firmly and fell directly into the gutter.

Fortunately, it was winter, and the water in the gutter was frozen and covered with snow. I just climbed out of the ditch,

I saw two men wearing thick padded jackets squatting by the tree and eating sweet potatoes.

The two of them were chatting for a while, when they saw Chen Chen appearing suddenly, they said "Oh my god" in shock!
The man with the fur hat on the left stood up in a panic while supporting the big tree, pointed at Chen Chen vigilantly and asked:
"Who are you?"

Chen Chen looked around and saw that there were trees all around, it should be in the mountains, and he didn't know if Route 13 flew in.

Seeing that he didn't speak, another man also came over, holding a shovel, turned on the flashlight and shook it in his face.

"What about you?"

Chen Chen stood up and shook the remaining snow on his body.

"I passed by."

The two looked at each other in confusion.

"In the middle of the night, you passed the mountain? Brother Teng, did you see him just now?"

The man in the leather hat shook his head and said, "Nothing happened. Hey, you're a forest patroller. How long have you been with us?"

At this time, there were people in the mountain that were abnormal, and the two of them were so nervous. Chen Chen looked around suspiciously, and saw a large grave with broken soil standing beside them. It seemed that it had been dug halfway, and the coffin hadn't been exposed yet!

What are these two people doing grave digging in the middle of the night?
Chen Chen pretended to be calm and wanted to leave quickly.

"It's okay, you are busy with your work!"

After all, just as he was about to run away, the man with the fur hat stood in front of him.

"Should someone be called?"

Seeing that they were not kind, Chen Chen subconsciously took out the electric baton from his pocket, only to find that he had already been thrown off by the somersault just now.

It happened to be picked up by the kid behind him.

"Brother Teng, the electric baton!"

Hearing the electric baton, the expression of the man in the leather hat became even more fierce.

"You still say you're not a forest patroller? You're a thief, kid!"

It seems that these two people didn't do anything good, and now they had a misunderstanding again. Chen Chen couldn't argue with it, so he couldn't say that he was parked in the mountain by car?

Just trying to get away, the two desperadoes didn't give him a chance, and shouted to attack back and forth.

They each had their own weapons, so they couldn't fight at all. Chen Chen was tied up by them without much resistance.

With this unexpected situation, the grave could not be dug, so the two big men turned their backs and studied in a low voice.

Chen Chen lost his electric baton and confiscated his mobile phone. He had no choice but to contact the bearded man. At this time, he missed Xu Banxian the most!

After they finished muttering, they turned around and turned to Chen Chen again.

"Tell me, how many people are with you?"

Fearing that he would not tell the truth, the man in the leather hat waved Chen Chen's electric baton back and forth to threaten him.

"Honestly, it's just me!"

"No, we've been looking at this mountain for a few days, why haven't we seen you? New here?"

You can make it up however you want, and you must not let them mistakenly think that you are a law enforcement officer. Chen Chen knew it well, and prevaricated:

"You guys are really mistaken. I am a foreigner. I took the last bus and passed down the mountain. I wanted to take a shortcut through the mountain, but I got lost and couldn't get out!"

The one with the shovel woke up with a snot in his nose and said with a smile:

"Brother, it's 02:30 in the morning, and this melon boy said he came by the last bus?"

The man in the fur hat also laughed.

"What are you talking about? There is no road at the foot of the mountain, so there is no last bus. Have you read too many stories about the last bus on No. 13?"

 There is another chapter after midnight

(End of this chapter)

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