13 last bus 2

Chapter 132

Chapter 132
The eldest sister and the second sister were confused by two strangers who suddenly appeared.

She only found two gentlemen, and now there are four of them, looking at their attire, speech and behavior, it seems that the newcomers are the right ones.

The bearded man didn't know how to make it up, he hesitated and couldn't say anything, so he turned around and asked Chen Chen:

"Yeah, who are we?"

Chen Chen also felt a little embarrassed. He ate and drank several meals in a row, but in the end he was still a fake.

"We are the gentlemen who are passing by. I see that your village is a bit evil, so come and help me!"

The eldest sister in leather boots looked at the second sister, and the fat second sister looked at the eldest sister, and the two were at a loss.

The fat man behind him sneered:

"What are you passing by? This man still imitates my full beard, I think you are a counterfeit!"

The bearded man became anxious when he heard that, "I have this image from the beginning, imitating you?"

The two of them refused to accept each other, and started pushing and shoving when they said something wrong.

The eldest sister slapped the table angrily.

"Okay! I don't care what's going on with the four of you. A black cat and a white cat are good cats if they can catch mice. I'll admit whoever can get rid of this chicken-stealing evil spirit!"

The timing of the feud between the two disrupted all plans. Juanzi watched the play in silence, and after figuring out the situation, she put down her chopsticks and stood up.

"Second Sister, I'm done eating. If you have guests at home, I'll go back first!"

She was already cautious and vigilant, but now that Chen Chen and Big Beard had changed from the real Mr. to the fake Mr. in front of her eyes, it was impossible to gain her trust.

The second sister was not in the mood to continue cooperating, so she gave them a look and sent them out the door.

The two Taoist priests didn't know if they had any real skills, so the elder sister led them to re-watch around the chicken coop and recounted the process of losing the chicken.

After a circle, the two of them could hear it in a daze. The eldest sister lost her patience, so she handed them the keys to the chicken coop and went back to the house first.

Chen Chen looked at the appearance of the two of them, guessed that the thinner one in Taoist robe was the main force, and asked him:
"Well, can you detect something?"

The man didn't speak at first, and after a while he stroked his goatee and asked:
"Big sister said just now that you two saw a big bird take the chicken away from the cage yesterday?"

The bearded man gave him a white look, "I said it was a big bird, because I was afraid they would be afraid. Look at the wound on the chicken's neck, does it look like someone bit it?"

The fat man on the opposite side carefully inspected the dead chicken on the ground again, and said doubtfully:

"It can't be bitten by someone. The eldest sister said that the door of the chicken coop is locked every day, and there is only a small window on the wall. How can people get in?"

Speaking of this, the bearded man still has lingering fears, and he opened his eyes and explained seriously:
"People can't get in through that small window, but people's heads can get in!"

Upon hearing this, the skinny Taoist raised his eyebrows and raised his eyes, and asked the bearded man more interested:
"You mean, the big bird you saw last night is actually a human head?"

"That's right!" The bearded man described it emotionally:
"That's right, those two ears are flapping, and they are watching people flying out of the small window with chickens in their mouths!"

The skinny Taoist priest and the fat man glanced at each other and remained silent.

Chen Chen continued to explain:
"It is said that it is a flying-headed tusk. Have you heard of it? At night, the human head leaves the body and goes out to look for food, and it will fly back before dawn!"

The fat man became more and more mysterious as he listened, his face was cloudy and uncertain, and finally he couldn't accept it, he opened his mouth and cursed:

"Stop fucking nonsense, I think you two are just making up stories to swindle money, can that person live without his head? He's still flying around, why are you flying a kite?"

The bearded man heard him swearing, and without a word, he slapped him with a spoon. The two cursed and looked at each other and were about to fight again. It was the skinny Taoist who pulled them away and asked Chen Chen:
"To be honest, what is the origin of the two of you?"

Chen Chen also grabbed his bearded man and responded:

"Don't lie, we are not Taoist priests or gentlemen, and we don't want money. We have expert advice behind us, and this flying-headed dog just listened to what the senior said!"

The thin man asked again: "Which senior?"

The bearded man tilted his neck and proudly gave a thumbs up:

"Xu Banxian, please reply this time!"

The fat man blinked in confusion when he heard the words, and asked the doctor:

"It sounds like a fortune teller, brother, have you ever heard of it?"

Although the skinny Taoist's vision is much better than his, he is also a bum, shaking his head and saying:

"I haven't heard of it either!"

The golden signboard of the famous Xu Banxian'er was unexpectedly unrecognizable, and the bearded beard stared angrily.

Chen Chen didn't blame them. Xu Banxian'er became famous at a young age and retired to the mountains. Only the top-notch seniors could get acquainted. Small-time Taoist priests like them are not high-level, so it's normal if they haven't heard of them.

"It doesn't matter, as long as you believe that we are on your side!"

Although the skinny Taoist priest is short-sighted, he is still a sensible person. He moved a box to step up, climbed up the small window to look carefully, and sure enough, he saw chicken blood on the window frame, and found a few hairs, so he believed it. , and asked:
"Then do you know where the head came from?"

The bearded man said angrily: "Did you see the little daughter-in-law who left at the dinner table just now? That head belonged to her husband. If it wasn't for the sudden appearance of you guys, we can have a good chat now!"

Chen Chen saw that it was not too early. He guessed that Huang Chunsheng's Flying Head would not be back today, so he ordered:

"I know his weakness. Although Flying Head leaves his body, he won't die immediately, but as long as he can't return to his body, he won't be able to survive. If we cooperate, we have a chance to force him to submit!"

The fat man was a little disdainful, but the skinny Taoist still wanted to hear what Chen Chen could do, so he continued:
"Although his flying head will not come to the chicken coop tonight, he has to go out to look for food every day. The body and head must be separated. I can take you to see it for yourself!"

The skinny Taoist was very interested, hit it off immediately, discussed the details and countermeasures, and went straight to Huang Chunsheng's house.

It was still early, and they secretly hid in the snow nest at the entrance of Huang's house and watched. Looking at the locked iron gate and the high courtyard wall, the fat man peeked around with his head out, still a little unbelieving.

"Let's be gentlemen before villains. If I can't see the flying head tonight, you two will have to pay for the labor!"

The bearded man stretched out his hand and yelled at him: "Don't talk nonsense, if you see someone's head flying out of the courtyard wall later, don't call me dad in fright!"

The skinny Taoist priest was very rational, and asked Chenchen:

"Then if you do see it, do you have any plans?"

Chen Chen thought for a moment.

"When his head flies out and his body stays, it won't be aggressive. When the time comes, you go from the front and lead his wife out, and we sneak in, and it will be easy to lift him out of the room!"

Everything was ready, the four of them were shivering in the snow nest, eager to see the flying head!
But I don't know if they came too early or too late. From more than nine o'clock until one o'clock in the morning, there was no movement from Huang's house.

The two of them should have slept in separate rooms. The light in the left bedroom had been turned off early, while the room on the right was still on.

The fat man was not very resistant to the cold, he sniffed and sneezed one after another, complaining:

"The four of us have been in this nest for hours like idiots, where is the head? I'm so out of my head that I can believe your nonsense!"

As he said, he kept patting the snow on his body, and was about to stand up from the ground, but was grabbed by Chen Chen:
"Don't move, someone found out last night, it's normal for him to appear later tonight, why are you so anxious!"

The fat man became impatient and raised his voice:

"I don't have time to talk nonsense with you, I'm going to sleep in the chicken coop!"

During the dispute, the lighted room was also extinguished.

Chen Chen knew that Feitou Liaozi was about to appear, and he couldn't be disturbed at this juncture. Seeing that it was useless to persuade this man with his elm-headed head, he took out an electric baton and shocked him.

The fat man was also unprepared, he shivered all over, and he shut up and calmed down.

The skinny Taoist didn't know why, and when he was about to ask, he heard a muffled "whoosh", looked up, and saw a black ball flying straight out from the roof of Huang's house!

That thing is extremely fast, like a fired shell!
When it reached a sufficient height, it turned around in an instant and flew towards the village
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(End of this chapter)

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