Fu Song

Chapter 86 Departure

Chapter 86 Departure
Yelu Jun?
Xiao Ding suddenly turned his head.

Yelu Jun?
However, Xu Hong jumped up from the seat at once.

"Is this a very extravagant character?" Looking at the reaction of the two, Luo Gang was a little confused.

Xu Hong swallowed a mouthful of saliva, looked at Xiao Ding, and said, "Of course he is an extravagant person, this person is the real descendant of the Liao Kingdom's royal family, and was named King of Qishui County. Appointed as the Governor of Nanjing Road of the Liao Kingdom."

"I didn't expect that a small Tianmen Village could have such a big man come over to see what happened. How lucky Xiao is!" Xiao Ding smiled, "It's a pity that I didn't meet in person."

"They must not have run far at this time, big brother, send a cavalry, will be able to intercept them and catch this big fish, that is a big credit to the sky!" Luo Gang said excitedly.

Xiao Ding, Xu Hong, and Xiao Cheng all laughed.

"What's the matter? If you hesitate any longer, you can run away?" Luo Gang said.

"People dare to come, of course they have nothing to fear." Xiao Ding smiled and said: "How to arrest him? Even if such a person really meets me, I have to respectfully invite him into the stockade to have a cup of tea, and then Then send him away respectfully. What can he do? He really wants to lose a hair in our place, and it will immediately turn into a big war between the two countries. Yuting, this is not on the border It's a small fight, but a real war, at least the entire Hebei Road and Nanjing Road will be used, you say, can I afford this responsibility?"

"Fortunately, this person just left. If he really wanted to see Commander Xiao, it would be troublesome!" Xu Hong also shook his head: "The yellow mud fell into the trousers, either shit or shit. Yuting, you It is considered a merit. It is rumored that this hero is self-willed, but it seems to be true, he acts very casually."

"Of course he can do whatever he wants, but I can't do it." Xiao Ding smiled and said, "Well, since he left, we can only pretend that this didn't happen, and we should just continue to do our thing well. ."

The entire plan for the Guangrui army to move to the town has completely fallen on paper. The thick copy made Xu Hong amazed. This was the first time he had seen such a detailed plan for the deployment of an army. After obtaining Xiao Ding's consent, he called his companions and re-transcribed these plans one by one.

He was going to take these plans back to Xia Jie to have a look.

Now Xia Jie's heart is alive again, and he wants to do another career. Xu Hong believes that the Xiao brothers' way of doing things will definitely help Xia Jie.

The resettlement plan formulated by Xiao Cheng, not counting the preparatory work, but only the resettlement issues from the road to the arrival, was divided into three parts.

In the first block, Xiao Cheng led five hundred soldiers, and the first group of five hundred young men or strong women set out. This group of people would go straight to Dingbian City to prepare for a series of affairs after the large army arrived in Dingbian City.

The second part, under the responsibility of Wang Jun, selected elite officers from the army to lead some of the soldiers to set off in advance, set up the camp in advance, and made all logistical preparations according to the speed of the large army traveling fifty miles a day.This part of the team is divided into three teams, that is to say, at the same time, three camps each fifty miles apart will be built to ensure that the marching team can receive the best care.

The third piece is that Xiao Ding led the large army and the old and the weak followed slowly.

It sounds very simple, but it is quite difficult to put it into practice. Many people who eat, drink, and dine, and all kinds of emergencies during long-distance travel are unpredictable.Therefore, Xiao Cheng formulated dozens of plans to deal with various emergencies based on the situation he touched, and asked all officers to be familiar with them.This is so that when such a thing really happens, everyone can take it easy, deal with it in a tidy manner, and minimize losses.

The place where the eldest brother is going is not a place for singing and dancing. On the contrary, it is a paradise for robbers and a den of gangsters. Xiao Cheng must do his best to ensure the combat effectiveness of his eldest brother's army. can win.

The three axes at the beginning are extremely important. If the first three fires cannot be ignited, the days to come will inevitably be very difficult. Maybe everyone wants to step on you.

But as long as the first dismounting is effective, Xiao Ding's reputation will take root in Dingbian City in the future.With Big Brother's ability, the next thing will be much easier.

The most important thing is the first two months.

When Guang Rui Army arrived in Dingbian City, it was the middle of winter, which was really not a good day.

But the official edict has been issued, who would dare to miss the deadline?

Tomorrow, Xiao Cheng will set off with the leading men.Luo Gang, of course, has to be taken away. On this journey, the son of the East Mansion Prime Minister is also indispensable as a pawn to run around the official yamen and deal with the official story!At this point, a little help from others will save you countless troubles.

And if you want to do this, you can't do it without a network of contacts.

"Chongwen, am I really that useless?" After drinking the wine in his glass, Luo Gang looked at Xiao Cheng in distress and said, "Now even the Liao people know that the third lady of the Xiao family is a tiger girl, and I'm a dog."

"Who said you were a dog!" Holding Luo Gang's shoulders, Xiao Cheng smiled and said, "Yuting, you are a little tiger that has not yet emerged from the nest, and you are constantly absorbing nutrients and strengthening yourself! Have you seen the appearance of a little tiger? Before it grows up, it looks like a kitten, and is often taken away by those wild dogs and wolves as snacks, but when he really grows up, he can He is the king of beasts, howling tigers in the mountains, who dares not to obey?"

"Don't coax me!" Luo Gang said dully.

"What am I coaxing you to do!" Xiao Cheng said: "Of course, whether this little tiger can grow up to become the real king of beasts depends on his efforts in this process. If he hides every day In the nest, complaining and sighing, not thinking about progress, most of them really become a sick cat, but in the face of setbacks, go forward bravely, fail again and again but get up again and again, this is the real growth of the king of beasts. Dao! Which one are you going to do?"

Luo Gang gritted his teeth and said: "Which one do you think I would choose, of course it is the second one. One day, I will beat that damn Yelu Jun to the ground and ask him who is the dog!"

"This is how Luo Yuting should be!" Xiao Cheng laughed and patted him on the shoulder: "Stop drinking, go to bed early today, we'll leave tomorrow, this way, that's the real deal. It's hard work, you have to be mentally prepared!"

"Could it be worse than these days?"

"These days, it's been a pain in the heart, busy with the work of the papers, and then, it's the pain of the body. You can travel a hundred miles a day or even more. Can't you bear it, Luo Yuting?" Xiao Cheng said with a smile.

"The king of beasts, you should be able to endure all kinds of hardships!" Luo Gang said angrily. "I'm not even afraid of death now, so what are the hardships on the road? It's a shame in my life to be so humiliated by that Liao Manzi!"

"It's so good!" Xiao Cheng said, "Let's go at the fifth watch tomorrow."

On the second day, before dawn, Xiao Cheng set off with his subordinates and the thousand young men rationed from Tianmen Village.In addition to one horse per person, he also brought more than [-] horses to prevent damage to the horses on the road. Except for weapons, dry food, and other baggage, he did not bring any other luggage. Only Xiao Cheng was carrying The [-]-dollar bills from Deli Bank were ready to be exchanged after arriving at Jingzhao Mansion.Of course, when we arrived at Jingzhao Mansion, we had to meet Ma Xing, the new appeasement envoy of Shaanxi Road, as soon as possible.

Since this was the appeasement envoy who asked Xiao Ding to go, he had to show something.

Whether it's money, things or something, Ma Xing has to come up with something to accommodate this team of tens of thousands of people.

Otherwise, how could he win over the hearts of this army?
You can't just get there, and you'll be estranged from you, right?

For this, Xiao Cheng is still very confident.

The big men of Shaanxi Road should be easy to deal with, but difficult to deal with. I'm afraid they are the middle-level officials and the low-level brats below.These people don't have a big picture, and once their interests are touched, they will inevitably cause harm.

And Xiao Ding moved to the border town this time, of course, it would harm the interests of many people.

Especially the interests of the border army.

In the past Dingbian City, only the Dingbian Army was the dominant family. Now, with a thud, a commander fell from his head. If the Dingbian Army is to be combined and commanded, who wants to have an extra mother-in-law on his head!

As for places like Fuzhou and Linzhou near Dingbian City, would they really welcome Xiao Ding, a powerful figure, to drop into Dingbian City?
There is a lot of trouble!
Just as Xiao Cheng said, this elite team galloped all the way, really advancing at a speed of [-] miles per day. In this team, there is no need to mention the soldiers, even those young and strong women are also good at horseback riding. , It really made Luo Gang suffer a lot.

This time, from Bianliang to Tianmenzhai, although he was also riding on horseback, he walked along the official road, and he was tired from walking.

This time, there was no luck.

On the first day, the inside of both hips was already dripping with blood.

Xiao Cheng disinfected him with spirits, and when the medicine was applied, Luo Gang's screams shook the camp.

However, he was really tough, and when it was time to start the next day, he forcibly climbed onto the war horse by himself, even if he was holding the horse's neck, his face was pale.This made his fellow soldiers and soldiers look at him with a little more admiration.

There are many readers, but there are not many hard-hearted readers.There are even fewer scholars who are tough, can endure hardships, and are kind to them.

Next, the strong woman in the team made a cotton mat for Luo Gang and let him lay it on the saddle, which slightly reduced the suffering of bumps.

(End of this chapter)

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