1840 Indian Rebirth

Chapter 189 [Hardware crushing]

Chapter 189 [Hardware crushing]

"Game start!"

With Gideon's voice, another Apache martial arts challenge begins.

The so-called Apache martial arts, the rules are similar to the mixed martial arts of later generations, with fewer restrictions, allowing and even encouraging ground fighting.

The reason why fighting is encouraged is first of all because it is closer to actual combat. After all, no one in real combat uses only fists.

Also to reduce bleeding.

In boxing, especially the bare-knuckle boxing that is prevalent in this era, boxers fight each other without gloves, and it is easy to beat each other, which is neither decent nor safe.

In contrast, using techniques such as naked chokes and cross-bolts to allow opponents to be surrendered without bloodshed certainly seems more civilized.

In the battles of the past few days, the horse whistle did the same.

The boxers who came to challenge him always swung their raised fists fiercely, trying to break the bridge of his nose with one punch.

And he rarely does, though he's beaten every challenger in the past few days with almost no knockouts.

Faced with many unfamiliar joint skills and twisting skills, most challengers chose to surrender after realizing that they could no longer resist.

Of course, there are also some challengers who are extremely reluctant to surrender, such as the challenger in front of him, Nicholas Ward.

This is a difficult opponent, and it can even be said to be the strongest opponent he has encountered in the past few days.

Ward is strong and fast, and more importantly, cautious and calm, or cunning, good at wandering and probing, unlike many challengers who have aggressiveness written on their faces.

It was difficult for the horse whistle to touch him for a while, and the battle gradually turned into a protracted battle, with no results for half an hour.

Generally speaking, the battery life of the big guy is worse.Ward implements the strategy of protracted war, and the advantage should be in him.

But unfortunately, he was wrong. Physical fitness is precisely the biggest advantage of Mashao.

Although the horse whistle brought the future fighting system to Apache, he is no longer the person who is most proficient in this system. More than one Apache knows fighting better than him.

But he is still invincible.

What makes him invincible in fighting is not only fighting technology, but also nutrition.

In this era when the theory of evolution is still in the twilight stage, people know almost nothing about nutrition.

And as early as the beginning of rebirth, Ma Shao began to use the knowledge he learned to carefully plan the growth of this new body.

After these years of persistence, scientific diet and exercise, he has obtained a near-perfect physical fitness.

It is even possible that what he has now is the most perfect human body on this planet.

This not only makes the horse whistle extremely strong, but also sharper and more durable. This kind of hardware crushing is the reason for his strength.

In the final analysis, his physical strength is just an extension of the knowledge in his head, a lot of knowledge that has not been known to everyone.

Behind Ward may be all the boxers in London, but behind the whistle are the greatest of the past and the future.

So the result of this protracted battle was that little Ward was exhausted and out of breath, and the whistle still looked alive and well, as if he could run a marathon.

"How could this be..." Ward panted, looking at the opposite horse whistle in disbelief, his mind was a little blank.

He wasn't one to be cocky, but he never thought he'd be worn out by a guy who looked so bulky.

The current situation looks more like the horse whistle launched a protracted war strategy.

"Ward, what are you hesitating about! Go up and blow his head off!" After more than half an hour of dealing with no results, many viewers felt impatient.

"Invincible Ward, KO him!" As a well-known boxer, Ward has many fans, and now they are shouting crazily.

Ward gulped what was barely there.

Accompanied by these yells, the Indian in front of him looked even more terrifying. His reddened skin under the strenuous exercise made him look like a burning North American bison.

It seemed that in the next second, this fiery bison was about to charge over him roaring and crush him.

Ward had roughly guessed the ending.

He kind of wants to surrender, but the baggage of stardom stops him.

Surrendering in front of so many watching fans and friends will undoubtedly make the famous boxer feel an unbearable humiliation.

So he could only continue to fight, and gave up the strategy of protracted warfare, and instead launched attacks more actively and frequently.

With the change of strategy, his situation became more unfavorable, and he was restrained by the horse post in a short time.

In the end, the horse sent a naked choke, choked Ward to the ground, and declared the end of the game.

"The game is over, thanks to Mr. Nicholas Ward for donating one pound to the victims! God bless the kind people!" Gideon stood up and said.

"It's less interesting than I thought it would be, and I shouldn't expect too much from Ward," said William Thomson. "What do you think, Joule?"

Joule: "I don't quite understand, whether it's boxing, or... well, Apache martial arts. Especially the last move used by the horse whistle, how did it make Ward faint all of a sudden?"

Thomson smiled: "The horse whistle told me that this trick is called 'naked twist', and it can cause a person's brain to be short-lived and lead to a coma."

Joule hesitated and said, "It sounds dangerous. Nothing will happen to that Ward."

Thomson: "Normally not. Horse Whistle likes this trick very much, probably because it works quickly. I've seen him use it at least ten times. Every time, the challenger fainted instantly, but woke up after a while...Look , Ward has woken up."

At this time, the horse whistle came over, wiping the sweat and dust off his body.

"A nice win!" Thomson held up his beer.

Ma Shuo laughed and said, "But I seem to have heard you say that this is a boring game just now."

"Haha, your ears are really sharp." Thomson was startled for a moment, "However, there is no contradiction between a boring game and a beautiful victory."

"Ward is one of the most famous fighters in the UK. Look at these busy reporters. Believe me, every newspaper in the UK will mention the existence of an Apache god of war in the next week." He added. .

Joule reminded: "There is also an Apache physicist, Ma Shuo, and we will go to Cambridge University to attend a conference in three days."

Ma Shao nodded: "Indeed, the challenge on the ring should come to an end first, I have to prepare for the challenge on the podium."

Thomson was taken aback, he was obviously very interested in fighting: "Is this the end of the competition here?"

"No, my people will replace me." Ma Whistle said, "Although I am the pioneer of Apache martial arts, I am not the most proficient one. My successors are more proficient than me. They must will make it better and more popular."

Joule blinked: "Sounds like science."

(End of this chapter)

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