Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 735: Pingshui Country

Chapter 735: Pingshui Country

Chen Xinghe bought a map, which marked ten large areas, but two of them were painted in gray.

In the eyes of color-loving Facebook people, gray is the color of death.

These two areas are indeed dead, because the iron face and the benevolent face are gone.

If you think about it with your toes, this incident is mostly related to the tester.

Since the Facebook king's accident, the world has become more peaceful, because the Facebook king didn't care about fighting for power and crushing each other, and instead focused on building defenses.

Chen Xinghe wondered, could it be that he wanted him to make a face to go back?It is not difficult to see from many folk rumors that these facial makeups have their own strengths.

"It's done, choose one of the remaining eight faces, and go to Pingshui Kingdom."

He left when the sun was setting, determined the direction and prepared to teleport, and traveled eighty thousand miles in a quarter of an hour.

The total trip is about 64 miles.

To prepare again, it took a little longer this time, but it did not exceed two quarters of an hour.

The Pingshui Kingdom is a neutral country, and believes that a bowl of water is flat.

Although this country is remote and lacks resources, but because it does not participate in wars between major powers, everyone divides the supplies as equally as possible, so they can sit back and relax and count safely.

Chen Xinghe didn't make up his mind to take Pingshui's face, he just wanted to go and experience it.
He arrived in the middle of the night, and saw the darkness in the main city from a distance, with few lights appearing.

"How could this be, like a dead city?"

Chen Xinghe has been on his way, and now he is tired, so he sits under a tree and rests quietly.

A ray of morning light shone on the canopy from the edge of the day, and he woke up on time.

"Sleeping well, like a dream but not a dream, seemingly real but not real, sleep is practice, practice is sleep. There is a poem, the white clouds are deep in the mortal world, and the sky and the earth are wide with a pillow. The moonlight seems to wake people up early, and the sound of the spring does not let go Ke Mian'an. Just as the butterfly was able to fly to the sky, he was frightened by the cuckoo and his dream was disabled. Opening his eyes and half the window was red and the sun was dying, and he suspected that the Taoist priest burned the pill at night."

"Okay, let's go..."

When I got up early and entered the city, I saw that the streets were quiet, with no business, no snacks, and no noise.

This is the royal city, the most prosperous place with a radius of tens of thousands of miles. There are no lights at night and no one in the morning. It is so strange.

Chen Xinghe wandered around, but no one cared about him.

Turning to noon, there are finally people on the street, and the officials distribute supplies, and a bowl of water is flat!Each family is given five-day rations, and they can do whatever work they should do, and they will never do more than one point.

At this time, Chen Xinghe finally understood that the thing about love is that everything is equal, everything is fair, and life depends on distribution.

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart, as the saying goes, too much is too much, the greatest fairness has become the greatest injustice, this kind of system kills the enthusiasm of those who want to get ahead.

Everyone is going to die, and if we can do less, we will do less. We will not see any development for a long time, and regression is just around the corner.

It is difficult to even light a lamp at night because of poverty and lack of lamp oil.

Don't complain, it's the same with the officials. Before the sun sets, the officials will get off work, and there is no lamp oil!

After get off work, I hurried home to eat, washed up and went to bed after eating.

It was just getting dark, so I could exercise with my wife.

It is precisely because there is no entertainment at night other than making babies, so Pingshui has a large population, and as a result, it gets poorer and poorer. Every year, it has to buy food from several surrounding countries, but it has never been full.

More and more children are born, and the national strength is getting weaker and weaker. Several other countries once thought of fighting with Pingshui country, but they did nothing on the day of the war, and the 350 million troops surrendered.

And after that?
The 350 million prisoners started to eat, and in less than three days they ate most of the military rations of the other countries.

It is said that this is only a vanguard army, and the main force is no less than 50 million people.

This battle was fought, and then the other countries avoided Pingshui.

Too many people, this is a burden!Pingshui welcomes you to come and take people away.

As a resident of the Facebook world, who doesn't have dozens or even hundreds of Facebooks?People in Pingshui are poor!Sometimes a family of more than a dozen brothers share a facebook, which is common.

Chen Xinghe shook his head and smiled wryly. Before he came, he had heard that Pingshui Country was peaceful, and people from other countries guessed that Pingshui people should live well.

Only after field investigation did I know that it was really poor, and I couldn't even afford to light an oil lamp.

Any Pingshui people who have any ideas have already left their hometowns, leaving behind all those who are content with the status quo and are used to eating from big pots.

Over time, the mediocrity has been passed down from generation to generation, and this kind of atmosphere exists in and outside the city. Everyone has become accustomed to it, and they are extremely disdainful of things like businessmen doing business and doing more work, thinking that it is sick.

All right!No matter who is sick, they are so poor anyway, the rations have never been full, and people from other countries have to bring their own dry food when they come here.

Looking at it, Chen Xinghe was quite disdainful at first, but after careful consideration, he felt that this was also a way of living.

Without intrigue, without intrigue, it is really a simple life!Moreover, bigu is very popular, and people live a long life.

So the more I look at it, the more I feel that we should not completely deny it. There are poor people who live in poverty, and those residents who are rich do not necessarily have to live comfortably.

"Reading thousands of books is not as good as traveling thousands of miles. The ancients never deceived me! If I really want to use the facebook here and end the average system, I am afraid that many people will die! Whether these people are sad or not should not be judged by me, because I am not qualified. "Chen Xinghe turned around and left, not wanting to cause turmoil to this kind of country.

As soon as he left the city, he saw an old man approaching him.

The old man nodded in greeting: "Fellow Daoist is really kind-hearted. Seeing Pingshui Country like this, leave immediately without disturbing him."

"Oh?" Chen Xinghe looked up and down, clasped his fists and said, "I don't tell lies in front of real people, I really do come here with ulterior motives, but after walking around, I think this kind of life seems to be good for most people, then Blooming flowers are life, so poverty and happiness here is not life?"

"Hahaha, fellow daoist! True fellow daoist, it is precisely this kind of consideration that this old man tirelessly pursues fairness."

"I can't afford it! My thoughts are fundamentally wrong. Now that Fellow Daoist has shown up, I wonder if there is a rule to teach me?" Chen Xinghe asked politely.

"It doesn't matter, such a mind is still called being unrighteous, so what are those monks who want to tear us apart?"

The old man sighed and said: "Speaking of which, we are not good people. The reason why these human beings have lost souls is that we feed on souls, and this situation has been created over time. It is also a disaster if the two masks are taken away, but if you bring more If you put on a face, we will collapse collectively, so we will fight with our lives, and we will never stand still."

"So that's how it is." Chen Xinghe couldn't tell the truth of this statement, so let's just listen to it.

"Actually fellow Taoists can go to the King's Palace to try their luck. We all come from there. I still remember that there are some strange auras in them. Maybe we can get unexpected results..."

(End of this chapter)

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