586 Betrayal 1
"Yes ... yes, our extra jobs," the commissioner said. "I think it's about time I quit now."

What groups eat what meals.In this country, the game of power and money is eternal.Now that the commissioner has been dismissed and will not be restored in the foreseeable years, he is not qualified to continue to eat at the dinner table of the money feast.

Everyone understands the rules of this kind of game, and this is also the unspoken rule in this circle.Of course, this rule is not eternal. For example, sometimes it is better to do things while on the job and cash out after retirement—it is safer.It depends on the specific analysis of specific issues.But for now, at least, the commissioner thinks it's time for him to get out.If you don't leave yourself, you will be driven away by others, so it won't look good.

"What is our situation now?" the commissioner asked.

"Thanks to your foresight," said Peter. "Our geniuses who keep the company low make things work. Lo and behold, we are absolutely right to increase our oversight of Redstone."

After returning from the polar regions, Peter returned to his original post.Originally, everyone thought that after experiencing that failure, Peter would definitely be sent to the cold palace.But what I didn't expect was that he still returned to his original position, and at least it seemed that the trust he received had not wavered in any way.

The reason behind this is actually very simple.That is, through his own intelligence, he has opened up a new field for the Commissioner.

In order to better supervise the Grand Wizard and give full play to the role of the Grand Wizard, the United States government officials represented by the Commissioner spared no effort.Therefore, it is natural for them to intervene in various businesses within the Indian tribes to strengthen economic supervision.Among them is a casino.

Peter and his various government employees managed to take control of the Casino.

On the surface this is no big deal.Because the casino nominally belongs to the tribe where Redstone is located.The revenue from the casino will be shared among all tribe members.This point is under the attention of everyone, and there are no tricks to play.Even if you make false accounts, the benefits are limited.That's why people don't care much about it.

Casino licenses are a valuable commodity in any country on the planet today.This is not only because the industry is lucrative, but because casinos are another well-known, reliable means of lucrative business.Yes, that is money laundering.

No matter what kind of money it is, once it turns around in the casino, the black will become white, and it will become clean, legal income that can be checked, and no one can pick out the problem.

why do you have so much moneyOh, of course I didn't get it by cheating or stealing, but because I went to the casino to play a round last time, and I was very lucky, so I won a lot.

Peter is so capable, successfully using his special status to complete this "extra work".Don't look at the time is not very long, but the effect is amazing.After all, there is a global demand for this.

"Will my withdrawal have any impact on business?" the commissioner asked.

"No, because I have decided to close the stall." Peter said. "I'm a little worried……"

The commissioner smiled, and he guided the other party's concerns.Peter actually wanted to go on, but he also knew that if he couldn't get his boss to do this kind of thing, it would be revealed sooner or later.And now the newly appointed person in charge... Well, I haven't had time to figure out the spleen and stomach yet.At least it seems that this person's work ability is hard to say (after all, some things may have to be done according to the superior's wishes), but his appetite is really not small.Directly took tens of millions of knives to repair the office for myself.

So things are more out of control in this case.In case the other party's appetite is too big, he can just kick Peter away and replace him with his cronies... Then Peter will have nothing to lose.

After weighing the risks and benefits, Peter decided to close the business for the time being.In fact he has already done so.So the Commissioner feels that Peter is indeed a smart man, a smart man always knows how to avoid risks, isn't he?
"Has the stall been closed..." the commissioner murmured softly.He was not displeased with this answer, on the contrary he was quite happy.After all, in this way, that waste would not have this extra income.In other words, his income is even more hidden.

"Tomorrow, I'll bring your share. Let's go..." Peter thought for a while. "Meet me at that hotel on XXX Street. I'll get my things ready... What do you want? Cash or a bearer card?"

"You don't need a lot of cash, 100 million knives is enough. The rest is better with an unregistered bank card. However, if it is to collect stalls..." The commissioner remembered another thing. "Things are best kept under wraps. I don't want anything to slip up after the fact."

"What do you mean?" Peter asked after he collected himself.

"Those people who are in charge of the operation are useless... The following ones are nothing but, they don't know anything, not even who is above them, it doesn't matter, but that April."

"That girl? The one who graduated from a third-rate university and has no parents at home?"

"That's right. Wasn't it for this purpose that she was recruited as the manager?" the commissioner said casually. "Only people who have just left school are so stupid. She doesn't know anything about our lies. She always thinks that she is just doing ordinary financial operations. If she disappears, then only God knows about our business. I know, you know and I know."

"Er...but sir, she's done a good job. And since she doesn't know, there shouldn't be any risk of it being leaked."

"No no no, you are wrong, my dear Mr. Peter, it is because she knows nothing that there is a risk of disclosure. Because she does not feel that there is anything wrong with telling those things. Once drunk, once If she brags, she might tell those secrets that outsiders shouldn't know, right? We could control her before, but after that... the world is wide open, if she goes somewhere and reveals some secrets, who will know? And she really doesn’t understand now, but she will understand sooner or later! You don’t want to be suddenly approached by a group of people—whether it’s from the tax bureau or the court—one day.”

"You're right!" Peter was persuaded by the commissioner.A boss is a boss, even if he is dismissed, his knowledge is still different from that of his subordinates. "I'll take care of this. Well, it might be a little troublesome afterwards, because she seems to be a member of a women's and children's protection organization... like a 'trade union'. If she goes missing, I'm worried that someone will come looking for her She. But it can’t be helped, isn’t it? It can be done with a little effort.”

"Yes, just a little more effort." The commissioner took a sip of the contents of the glass for the first time. "In this country, many people go missing every year, but they can't be found anymore...By the way, is there any news recently?"

The business is over, now you can calm down a little and chat about some interesting topics.

"It's nothing, someone found a big cowhide in the bar...here, this is him." Peter took out his mobile phone and gestured to the commissioner. "It's called Thomas, and he's the star of that bar now."

"Buffalo? What did he say?"

"Oh, he said that he was chosen by the gods because of his outstanding level, went to another world to participate in a battle of the gods, and became a warrior in the battle of the gods... just like the dusk of the gods in the Norse mythology. There was even a chance to meet a real goddess there." Peter said with great interest. "Pretty interesting cowhide, isn't it?"

"It's like the 'The Adventures of the Cowhide King' that children often read? Did he say that he rode shells back and forth to scout the enemy's situation?" the commissioner said disinterestedly. "Every bar can find a hundred of these stories, as long as you are willing to find them." If he was in office, he would never waste time and energy on such meaningless cowhide.Of course, the idiot who inherited his position is hard to say.

"No, no, sir, it's not that simple," Peter said. "Actually...how can I describe it...he had a small dispute with a group of people."

"Small?" The commissioner knew this subordinate very well, so he knew that Peter often exaggerated.

"This Thomas used to be a non-commissioned officer in the United States Army. After retiring, he went to those turbulent areas as a mercenary for several years. Later, he returned to China and opened a shooting club, which is also a shooting range. However, it closed down due to poor management, and because I have a lot of debts for tax and other issues. For this reason, I have to continue to work as a mercenary for a foreign company..."

"Isn't this resume normal?" The commissioner interrupted the other party. "What does it have to do with the dispute?"

"That's normal. So he got into an argument with some soldiers who had just been discharged. He claimed he was the strongest to be picked, and the guys insisted it was bragging. So, naturally, there was a little bit of a fight." Small contests. Shooting first. You know, this kind of shooting game without rules requires honesty, and if you don't have it, it can easily become a conflict. Both sides have guns!"

"What happened in the end?" Even if the commissioner had to guess, he could guess what a group of drunks with guns would do.

"He knocked down four of them, but fortunately they were only wounded by gunshot wounds and were not fatal. He was then arrested by the police who heard the sound," Peter said. "But at interrogation - after sobriety, of course - this Thomas repeatedly declared that what he said was true. He was indeed chosen, to go to the battle of the gods as a warrior. That's what his money was earned it."

"Money? How much money does he have?" The commissioner calculated in his mind.

"A lot of money, enough money for him to pay bail easily," Peter replied. "He also explained in detail what he saw and heard at the time... What I want to say is that it sounds like that."

"Well, don't the soldiers on the battlefield of the gods use carrots as javelins? I mean ordinary soldiers other than these outsiders?" the commissioner asked slightly mockingly. "What weapons did they use?"

"No, according to what is said, those ordinary soldiers—not the kind of outsiders—use cold weapons. They are not invulnerable, basically pistol bullets can easily knock down several... But they are immortal. When they are killed After killing, the body will disappear in a few minutes, and then rebirth will be completed. As for weapons, their weapons are provided by their employers. Their employers bought weapons and ammunition from the earth. However, close combat is actually quite dangerous. , the enemy also has magic that can attack from a distance. In fact, what they mainly do is to use the range advantage of the heavy machine gun to kill the enemy outside the enemy's magic attack distance. That kind of killing will definitely not be inferior to Verdun or the Somme .”

"Ah, so the alien gods are actually everywhere on the earth?" The commissioner spread his hands. "It would be fine if this was the case, and we wouldn't...well, come to this point."

Thinking of this, the commissioner couldn't help feeling sad for a while.He lost this time, but upon careful examination, the loss was not wronged.It is true that he is too careless, too arrogant, too self-righteous.Obviously encountered a major setback in the North Pole, and those hidden magicians have demonstrated their powerful power more than once.

Whether it's the "magician" who can wipe out an entire modern army in a frontal battle, or Martin who can easily escape from the siege of thousands of troops (many police and FBI), or the one who almost wiped out the expedition team in the North Pole Unknown magicians...they've all actually proven themselves.Dealing with such supernatural ability users should be very cautious, because they only look human on the outside, but in fact they may take off their outer skin and become man-eating beasts at any time.

However, a certain deep-rooted prejudice stubbornly obscured the commissioner's sight, making him paranoid and stubborn to believe that people in the magic world are harmless, they are not dangerous, and they dare not be exposed to the public eyes of this world Under the circumstances, they dare not do anything to the official personnel of the United States.The United States can go out of its way to find them, dig them up, and force them to serve the United States.But completely ignored what kind of power these people have.

It turns out that these hidden wizards are not weak at all.In fact, they are very powerful, and most importantly, they also understand very well what kind of power they have in this world.

What must be said is that Redstone is too impressive.The United States got this great Indian wizard too easily, so that it ignored that Indian wizards are the most harmless kind of magic system.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this. We will see you tomorrow. The president may appoint me as a consul in a certain country in the near future," the commissioner said.This is not a lie, in fact, the possibility is still very high.

After the commissioner walked away, Peter sighed and slowly stood up from his seat.He picked up his phone and dialed a number.

"Hello... yes, it's settled here." He said in a flat tone.

"Good job." A female voice came from the opposite side, and there was an obvious arrogance in the voice.

"He's a nice guy... I mean... not many people are that easy to get along with. And he's very capable," Peter whispered. "Creditable and competent."

"Yeah, he is easy to get along with. But think about the 3000 million. With that 3000 million, you can find ten more people who are equally easy to get along with!" There was a hint of sarcasm in the voice on the other side.

"You're right." Peter had to admit.In less than a year from the beginning to the end, the money laundering income has reached 3000 million.If the commissioner is gone, the money belongs to him alone. "Okay, I'll do my best."

(End of this chapter)

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