Planeswalker My Plane War

Chapter 583 Backlash 2

Chapter 583 Backlash 2
And then they died like that.The woman didn't even use her own knife.She flew over, raised her booted feet, and kicked them directly on the heads, so that the cracked skull fragments exploded everywhere like shattered plaster statues.

The commissioner didn't move.It was shock rather than fear that seized his mind.He felt tremors from the skin to the marrow, paralyzed from the spirit to the soul.

Whether it's the decay caused by the ghostly ribbon, the killing caused by the light of the knife, or the scene where Bai Shengsheng's broken fragments mixed with brain plasma and fly around, they all firmly occupy his mind like a full-length mirror for the person in front of the mirror. line of sight.Living human beings thus become immobile solids.It was a massacre without mercy.

People who thought they were condescending and could study supernatural abilities like some kind of instrument collapsed in screams and ran for their lives like a group of monkeys in an earthquake, but were eventually shot to death one by one.The commissioner finally saw the terrifying side of supernatural abilities.

Not all magical systems are as harmless as Indian witchcraft.Some magic systems are born for fighting.

"Oh, it seems that there is only one." The woman said in an indifferent tone.She walked all the way to the commissioner, stepping over the pieces of meat and blood all over the floor, long-handled knife in hand.Dark and profane energy still flashed on the blade. "And it looks like a boss!"

Her voice was frivolous and indifferent.

"It's a pity. I should have killed you...but I was asked to keep at least one as a message."

The commissioner raised her head slowly and expressionlessly, her red hair being stirred by the wind that hadn't escaped in the room.Her hands have returned to normal, and in the ghostly white hands are slender blades.The blood-red pupils at the base of the deer's skull stared at him like emotionless puppets.

"Are you...who are you...what do you want to do?" the commissioner barely suppressed his frantic heart and asked.

"Nothing. The last warning may have been too mild," the woman said. "Because you don't seem to be alert at all. There is no way, so I can only make things more serious. As for who I am," there was a chilling smile in her voice. "Is this answer important?"

"You... do you know the consequences?"

"Consequences?" The woman smiled again. "Well, you can scare and frighten senior government officials in the third world with these words. What consequences do you think? In fact, there are no consequences. What do you think will happen? After a while, maybe tomorrow, maybe the day after tomorrow, your The boss will dismiss you because of your incompetence and replace you with another colleague who is known for being incompetent. It is lucky enough to find a redstone... or to find a great wizard to help in this doomed world. But you don't Satisfaction. Now do you know the consequences?"

"How dare you threaten the United States..." the commissioner shouted angrily.At this time, the spiritual pillar he relied on was nothing but the United States government.The most powerful country in the world.This country is big enough to face any challenge...

"Yes, I threatened. And the United States has been persuaded." The woman smiled. "There is no need for a mental breakdown, and no need for disillusionment. When you have the power to destroy the world, all countries will be cowardly. Unless the whole country feels that life is boring. Obviously, the United States is definitely not the case."

After saying this, she turned around and left.It disappeared as suddenly as it appeared.After a long time, the commissioner stood up from his position and found that his whole body was covered in sweat, so much that it almost made people feel exhausted.

He staggered towards the door - the movement just now was actually very loud, so many gunshots were not a joke.It stands to reason that this movement has already alarmed other people in the entire building.But the problem is that even now, no one outside has come in to take a look.

He walked out the door, and there was a dim light outside the door-this meant that the power to the building had been cut off.Just now he didn't feel that there should be a backup power supply in the command room.After all, the power company is not very powerful, and it is not uncommon for the power to be cut off occasionally.

Only a few lights were still on, but now they looked like flickering twilights.The light fell on the dull floor through the gap, and the next few rooms were all dark.There is no sound or warning inside, making this place look like an abandoned ancient mausoleum.

He walked into a room that was supposed to be a place for technical processing of video.The staff edits the video, captures the head portrait of the person, and compares it with the database.If there is no frontal photo of the person, software is needed to analyze the person's profile to infer his real appearance.This will be an important basis for the next step.

This room has only one small window and the curtains are always drawn.But usually this is not a problem, because there is enough lighting here.Not to mention the lights, the light on the display is very bright.But now, it's pitch black here.

The commissioner walked in, and only now did he realize that along the corner of the room, there seemed to be many crooked people falling down along the way.

Impossible... This is impossible... Some kind of terrible premonition made him not want to admit what happened in front of him, but another force in his heart told him that it was real.

Why would she do this?Why did she dare to do this?The Commissioner found it difficult to answer this question.

He didn't realize there was a fire until the scorching air made it difficult to breathe.

This is the case for misfires... well, maybe this is the case for misfires.But the commissioner is trained in firefighting.Before the fire snakes could engulf the various passages, he left by the side through the fire escape.In fact, the commissioner only came to his senses when he saw the firefighters in uniform running past him in a hurry, and realized that he had returned to the human world.

When walking out of the building, the phone rang suddenly.He turned on the phone almost mechanically, and heard a familiar voice.

"...hello... this Professor Armstrong?" said the commissioner.Professor Armstrong is an expert in linguistics and is currently translating the ancient materials (mostly inscriptions, reliefs, etc.) they found in the frozen soil.This is one of the commissioner's long-awaited breakthroughs.But he really didn't expect to receive a call from Professor Armstrong at this time.

"...Your Excellency the Commissioner," Professor Armstrong's voice did not contain any trace of joy and excitement brought about by academic breakthroughs. "I heard that you have suspended your sponsorship to me, right? You also asked me to return the allocated funds... because I have been unable to produce results? Let me tell you, this kind of thing cannot be controlled! Not every You can find things like the Rosetta Stone or the Philae Obelisk in every language! We need patience! Patience! Patience! Do you know how much I paid for this thing? I even risked being attacked by those barbarian bandits It's dangerous to go to that ghost place that can freeze people into popsicles..."

Professor Armstrong's voice was so full of uncontainable anger that it stunned the current commissioner.

"Wait...wait...I didn't give this kind of order..." He wanted to explain, but before his voice came out, the other party had hung up the phone angrily.He dialed back, only to find that it was a busy tone.

what happened?The commissioner was at a loss.Why is this happening?It is impossible for him to issue such an order.He has several breakthrough directions here, and he may give up some in the future according to the actual situation, but he cannot give up in the hands of Professor Armstrong.This is the information of a lost mature magic system.It's not the same as crossing the river by feeling the stones.

He walked a few steps in a daze... Now he no longer has the same ambition as before.He had sensed that the noose of fate had tightened, and he was standing on the gallows now.The problem is, he doesn't even know what's going on behind it all.In addition, how will this sudden massacre end?

Zhang Cheng stood at the highest point of Kunwu City, looking at the castle under his feet.

Yes, this is Kunwu City, not a border town.Dr. Kunwu—or you can call him Xu Nan—lives in the city.At least it was the former residence.The current Kunwu clan, with the canonization of the emperor, has taken over the former Kunwu clan's hometown, which is the Xu country.Most of the Kunwu tribe followed the patriarch to the north in batches, so now the place is empty.

The distance between Kunwu city and Xu country is too far.Even though this is a magical world, it is impossible to support the lord to rule from a long distance.Of course, having said that, with Dr. Kunwu's current situation, Kunwu City is no longer worth mentioning in his eyes.

Therefore, the castle was left to Zhang Cheng, a doctor in the border town, to take care of it.

It's a pretty common pattern in this world.For example, if the princes are worshiped as the Sangong Jiuqing, in most cases they need to serve the emperor in the court of the emperor of Zhou.His own territory has to be managed by his son or wife.If there are no sons or minors, they need to be managed by vassals.Therefore, Zhang Cheng's right to rule Kunwu City has not been questioned.

In fact, since most of Dr. Kunwu's vassals have left, the remaining actual managers are very cooperative with Zhang Cheng.

But even so, this great migration still had a great impact.For example, the castle now has only a few defenders and some servants.Servants are basically slaves, and they are the kind of slaves that the master does not value (all capable ones are taken away).Not to mention the inside of the castle, outside the castle, the scene of the first scene of the "refugee camp" in the game no longer exists.The camps that were originally gathered under the city to escape the damage of the war are now basically deserted.

In fact, if it wasn't for the arrangement of the little girl, there would definitely be nothing here now.But the little girl felt that this temporary camp actually had potential to be tapped, so based on the original camp, a much more standardized small market was established here.

Zhang Cheng didn't know if there was such a market in the war zone of Zhuxia, but at least it seemed that the business was doing well, attracting many merchants from all over the world.

Standing at the highest point of the castle, we can see that there is actually not much difference between Kunwu City and Border Town.What I have to say is that Dr. Kunwu is richer, and he is better than Border Town in many details.Well, maybe not a little better, but a lot better.

After all, Doctor Kunwu has an ancestor, Yu Ze. On the one hand, he has mastered advanced metallurgical technology, and on the other hand, he occupies the traffic intersection with Chu State.Although it doesn't feel like a particularly big advantage.But it is precisely because of these advantages that Kunwu City can survive this round of dog army invasion.The former border town doctor has become history.

Zhang Cheng sighed slightly, and returned to the hall of the castle, where he had met Dr. Kunwu before.But now he accepts the audience of others as a master.

Gong Hui, who was sent to meet the emperor, has returned.

In the empty hall, there were only a few guards and maids, and Zhang Cheng accepted the respectful salute on the main seat.Speaking of which, Gonghui's journey was not very easy.After all, in the era of war and chaos, Kunwu City and the border towns were within the control area, but after leaving, safety issues could not be guaranteed at all.It's dangerous if you don't have any skills.But from the looks of it, Gong Hui is the kind of person with some skills.Although he looked dusty and dusty, he was in a good state of mind and apparently hadn't encountered any difficult troubles.

"How's the situation?" Without waiting for Gong Hui to speak, Zhang Chengcheng asked impatiently.
"Shenhou Luhou Xu's son Zheng Zi has co-appointed Prince Yijiu." Replied respectfully.This sentence means that the enthronement ceremony has been completed, that is, the successful sacrifice to heaven, and has been recognized by the gods.This is good news for Zhang Cheng.

"...But, my servant heard over there that Prince Yu Chen has also been established as the Son of Heaven..." Gong Hui said cautiously, taking a sneak peek at Zhang Cheng's expression.

For ordinary princes or vassals, this is simply ridiculous news.This also reflects the malice of the gods: how can there be two emperors in the world?There is no such thing in the tradition since ancient times.There are no two suns in the sky, no two monarchs in the country, and the Son of Heaven is unique.This is also an unspoken rule that both humans and gods abide by and recognize.

In fact, this is almost a public humiliation to the Zhou family, saying that they want to receive your sacrifice, but they will not help you.Whores don't work.But the problem is you really can't do anything about it.

Gong Hui has long heard that her lord, that is, Zhang Cheng, a border town doctor, is a "loyal and upright man", and she will probably make a fuss about this situation (although it is useless).However, judging from the actual situation, Zhang Cheng may have some psychological preparations for this situation, because he is far calmer than expected.

"I see." Zhang Cheng said. "What does the emperor think of the gift I gave you?"

"The Son of Heaven likes it very much." Gong Hui said cautiously. "Praise you in front of everyone."

In other words, his status as a "border town doctor" has been stabilized now?No, it cannot be understood that way.Zhang Cheng sighed lightly, politics cannot be understood in conventional ways at all.He didn't understand much in the past, but recently he has learned a lot about it.

The best choice for King Zhou Ping in this situation is to win over all the forces that can be won over, even a "vassal" like Zhang Cheng is no exception.

Denying Zhang Cheng's status as a "border town doctor" is not beneficial.Because the border town is relatively remote, even the cronies around King Zhou Ping look down on it and cannot provide much benefit.And doing so is tantamount to wiping Xu Nan's face.In case Zhang Cheng was in a hurry and defected to Zhou Xiewang, it was equivalent to providing the other party with a fulcrum out of thin air.He also has no spare power to send troops to conquer the border town at this time.On the contrary, he recognized Zhang Cheng's position. Although Zhang Cheng could not provide much help in terms of military strength, he would more or less provide financial and material support when needed.At least one more flag-waving.

After weighing the pros and cons, as long as Zhang Chengli is in place, no matter what he sends, he will happily accept it.For the sake of the position of emperor, he even sent out a Xu country, does he still care about a small border town?

(End of this chapter)

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