Planeswalker My Plane War

Chapter 575 Undercurrent 8

Chapter 575 Undercurrent 8
Tomorrow, a secret gathering among magicians will be held here in the hotel, and there are a large number of magicians living in the hotel rooms at this moment-this news has been spreading wildly on the Internet since I don't know when.At this moment, the melon-eaters who were already outside the safe range did not just pass by, but ran over from the side.

And the scene of several people jumping safely from the tall building just now fully proved this point.

At this moment, the exclamation of the melon-eating crowd like a wave was naturally noticed by the great wizard and Taoist Zhou.Both of them knew that there were a large number of people from the magical world staying in this hotel, and it was estimated that a few people with the same power as them were escaping or even saving people.

Zhou Daoren was also a little surprised, he opened his eyes to look, but found nothing.The same goes for the Grand Wizard.

But time waits for no one. At this time, the water sprinkled from the aisle has stopped, and the fire that was not suppressed just now began to spread step by step.Although water can extinguish fire, it is not easy to extinguish fire with water if it is caused by certain fuels.

Everyone didn't have much time, and there was no way to hesitate.

Hongshi called another person up and sent him down in the same way.After showing their supernatural abilities again and again, everyone is no longer so afraid of jumping off a building.This time, this one also took the initiative to walk down, and then landed safely.

Taoist Zhou also sent one person down.But his speed is obviously not as fast as Redstone.

Just now, the two of them secretly had a somewhat tentative intention, but now Taoist Zhou has no such intention at all.

Damn, it's a shame to do this!Although it is said that the monks are merciful, saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda, but my "true energy" or "spiritual power" can only go out but not in, sitting on the mountain and eating nothing!
Zhou Daoren now began to vaguely understand why those real monks clearly possessed supernatural powers, but deliberately hid them, and their reputation was not obvious (it's hard for others to say, but the ancestors of Chongxiao Sect must be right).What a loss, what a loss!
At present, Taoist Zhou knows two ways to supplement his own strength. The first one is to cultivate secretly within the spiritual realm... This requires the support of the so-called spiritual veins.The second is to slay demons and eliminate demons, taking the inner alchemy or psychic substance of demons and ghosts for one's own use.Of course there is a third one, but that kind is what evil cultivators do, which is self-destructive, and there must be evil rewards.In fact, Zhou Daoren hasn't figured out a good solution yet. Under normal circumstances, he can only use secret methods to reduce the speed of his spiritual power loss.

If it wasn't for the fact that he really couldn't get out of this situation, he wouldn't even want to do it-after all, there is a great Indian wizard next to him.This great wizard obviously has no such scruples like him.

"Master, don't you hurry up?" The big apprentice beside him reminded him softly.The two cast spells separately, the great wizard had already sent no less than seven or eight people down, but Taoist Zhou sent only one-third of the other party down.

"Shut up!" Zhou Taoist secretly scolded his apprentice for being ignorant.Ma Dan, this is simply the feeling of being kidnapped by human morality. "It's so fast to cast spells for the master!"

The great wizard didn't notice the other party's mentality of worrying about gains and losses.Seeing that there were too many people and the fire spread again, he suddenly started not sending people down one at a time, but two or three people down together.In this way, the efficiency has been increased several times, which can be regarded as completely comparing Zhou Fajing.

Even Zhou Fajing could clearly feel that Hongshi's power was being consumed rapidly.In his feeling, Redstone might not be able to bear such high-intensity consumption.

To put it simply, he was actually a little curious.In fact, the secret method of Chongxiao is fine, but I feel that most of the power of the great wizard's rough method is exhausted.When everyone is sent down, how much power does the great wizard have?

In fact, Zhou Daoren knows how to use the secret method of Chongxiao to restrain himself and reduce the loss of power on weekdays, but the great wizard obviously doesn't understand.This is also normal, because it is said everywhere that Indian wizards use that kind of primitive witchcraft, which is far inferior to other schools of magic.But he just allowed his strength to remain undisguised.Don't dare to say anything else, Zhou Daoren can be sure that the great wizard can stay in this state for three to five months, and if it lasts for more than a year, his strength will be completely exhausted.

But the Great Wizard has been famous for more than a year.

In fact, in the eyes of the sky, one can clearly see that the surging power on the other party is weakening.

Although he didn't mean to read a joke, Zhou Daoren guessed in his stomach that unless the great Indian wizard gave up halfway, he might not even have the strength to let him leave safely in the future.

Saving people leads to the exhaustion of one's own strength, and in the end one loses one's self-this is not self-sacrifice, but a joke.

Sure enough, in the blink of an eye, dozens of people were sent down, and there were only a handful of guests who had gathered here.Zhou Daoren did it on purpose, even if he couldn't say that he didn't work hard, at least it was a bit of a waste of time.But the strength of Hongshi has been much dimmed.Zhou Daoren could see that the power of the great wizard was almost exhausted.

Hongshi's face turned pale, and he also knew that his strength was almost exhausted.So I stopped and took a rest.However, the loss of magic power will not be restored by rest.So he just settled down and began to call out to the spirit of nature he served.

Since signing the contract with the spirit of nature, the great wizard has gradually become sensitive to the existence of the spirit of nature.So he knew that the Spirit of Nature was currently active, and he didn't need any complicated rituals to seek His attention. He only needed a normal call to attract the Spirit of Nature's attention.

His physical body just stood still and closed his eyes, but the one in the void began to chant the hymns dedicated to the spirits of nature (most of which he recreated from ancient records) , asking for the attention of the spirit of nature.And this time it was especially fast.Because almost instantly, he found that the spirit of nature had paid attention to him.

This speed was so fast that even he himself was a little surprised.At this speed, it was as if the spirit of nature was actually staying by his side, even if it wasn't by his side, it was still very close.

Without showing his body as before, the great wizard sensed the existence of the spirit of nature.The great wizard didn't know if this was an illusion—he seemed to feel that the power of the spirit of nature had become stronger.Or, did the spirit of nature hide most of its power from the very beginning?

In some pagan legends, beings such as spirits of nature are also referred to as primordial gods.Although there are strong and weak within them, now Redstone knows that from a human point of view, even from the point of view of a great wizard, it is actually difficult to judge their true power level.Because what they show to mortals is usually not all.Just like Hongshi, he has come into contact with three different aspects of the same spirit of nature.

The white bear that looks completely harmless, the flying bear that looks like a giant beast, and this... indescribable but overwhelming presence.

It is obviously impossible to say that the spirit of nature itself has undergone earth-shaking changes in a short period of time.This can only be understood as human beings, who cannot simply judge the spirit of nature based on their own feelings, because what you "see" is far from everything.

The last time Hongshi felt the power of a strange spirit of nature, and at one time felt that its power was higher than that of the spirit of nature with whom he contracted.But it now appears that this was a complete misjudgment.Because just judging from his feelings at this moment, the power of the spirit of nature he contracted with is not inferior to that strange spirit of nature.

These disturbing thoughts were fleeting, and the spirit of nature gave the great wizard his strength again as agreed.The great wizard's depleted source of power quickly became recharged.For the storage capacity of human beings, the power of gods is like a small spoon in the face of an endless ocean.In just a short time, the great wizard opened his eyes again, and he felt that his strength had been fully restored.

On the side, Zhou Daoren's eyes stared straight.He was already fishing to avoid excessive energy consumption, but now he stopped and stared at the red stone—not just the sky eye, but also the physical eye.

Because just when Hongshi closed his eyes and seemed to be taking a short rest, the power of the soul recovered at an incredible speed.It's just... It's like someone is using the empowerment method to pour extra power into the soul of the great wizard.

Ma Dan, is this okay?How did this happen?

Zhou Daoren remembered the description of the secret method of the Chongxiao sect—this kind of ability, according to Chongxiao, should be regarded as having attained Taoism and immortality, right?Could it be that this is the so-called self-contained law, solid roots, although it is not yet soaring in the daytime, but it is already at the level of an earth immortal?

The recovered Red Stone sent the remaining people down one by one again, while Taoist Zhou dared not do anything.Although he actually only sent less than ten people down just now, his spiritual power was consumed a lot and his flesh hurts a lot.Naturally, at this moment, he would no longer compete with the great wizard for credit.

In a blink of an eye, everyone else was sent down, and now there are only two people left here, the Great Wizard and Zhou Daoren.But behind them, the fire has completely overcome the obstruction of the fire protection system and swept through most of the passages.

In fact, because of the design of the bomb itself, the flames and explosions isolated the entire hotel into separate areas one after another.The people in this area were sent to a safe place by the two of them, but the situation of people in other areas was not so good.

Faced with this situation, even the great wizard frowned.He can fight against the flames, but he has no confidence to save more people in this flame.

Of course he himself is not afraid of this kind of flame, and can even walk through it.But saving lives is another matter.

Speaking of it, saving one or two is okay, but if you save dozens of people in one breath like just now, it will be beyond your capabilities.

Moreover, the great wizard had never studied architecture, and he knew nothing about the architectural mechanics of the entire hotel. He could not be sure how much damage the explosion and flames had caused to the building itself.Is it safe here yet.If the hotel suddenly collapsed after a while, even he would not have the confidence to survive the collapse of tens of thousands of tons of reinforced concrete.

It is actually enough to save so many people.

The two looked at each other. "Your Excellency, I don't know your surname or name." The great wizard said on his own initiative.Although he made a mistake about Buddhist and Taoist etiquette, at least he knew that the other party was from the Republic.He has learned this foreign language, and in fact, he has already reached the level where oral dialogue is not hindered.

"Zhou Fajing, just call me Taoist Zhou." Taoist Zhou first saluted according to Taoist etiquette.By the way, reach out your hand.Speaking of this kind of thing, I am afraid that this gathering in the magic world can no longer be maintained. In any case, it will definitely not be held tomorrow anyway.But getting to know this great wizard was a worthwhile trip.

It was only then that Hongshi realized that he seemed to have made a mistake in terms of etiquette, but now there was nothing he could do.So he also reached out. "Call me Hongshi." The two shook hands and smiled, covering up the embarrassment.

"I'm afraid there are still many people in this building." Taoist Zhou asked tentatively.

"I'm afraid I can't do much. Still," Redstone said. "As long as there are people with power, it shouldn't be too difficult to save people, right?"

In fact, he couldn't "see" whether there was a third magician here.But he knew that there were definitely more magicians in this world than himself and the Zhou Taoist in front of him.Experience told him that some magicians actually have the ability to hide themselves.It was as if he had ignored Zhou Daoren before, and he didn't notice him until Zhou Daoren took the initiative to use spells.

"Indeed." Zhou Daoren would not object to this statement.After all, this is a foreign country after all.By the way, it is one thing to save a few people, but it is another thing to sacrifice oneself for others.The former is called a monk with compassion, and the latter is called a fool. "Also, Mr. Hongshi, look below."

He pointed down.At this time, a lot of melon-eating people have gathered in the distance below. Although it is not a huge crowd, the number is extremely impressive.Some people are passing by, but more people are making a special trip to come.However, most people still abide by the rules and stand behind the security line blocked by the police.From time to time, there will be a burst of exclamation among the crowd.

It was true that part of the exclamation was for the two of them to cast spells to save people, but the two of them had already noticed that at least most of the exclamations were not for their side. In fact, the people who eat melons were not actually Didn't pay much attention to the two of them.

You don't need to ask, but somewhere else in the building, there is also a magician who is casting spells to save people.But because of the angle, neither of them could see what was happening there.And it's not just the physical eyes that can't see it, Zhou Daoren's heavenly eyes can't see it either.

"Is there anyone saving lives over there?" Hongshi had already noticed it before, but he just didn't have time to pay attention.

"It must be. Since there are other people, let's go first." Taoist Zhou said.

At this time, there was another huge explosion, but this should not be explosives, but something flammable and explosive, such as a gas tank, which was detonated by flames.There was a stormy exclamation from below.

The explosion also showed the two people that it was time to go.Although both of them possess different abilities, they are not sure that they will be safe in this situation.Although it is good to save others, it is not good to lose oneself.So the two used their own methods and fell from upstairs.

"Zhou Taoist, may I ask why you came to this party." Hongshi asked suddenly. "Last time, you probably didn't come?"

(End of this chapter)

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