Planeswalker My Plane War

Chapter 570 Undercurrent 1

Chapter 570 Undercurrent 1
Opposite him was a young, handsome Caucasian man with a well-proportioned figure, well-defined facial features, and a natural smile at the corner of his mouth.

Zhang Cheng still has an impression of this face.This is none other than Martin, Martin Claude, the magician who happened to be on the same road in the United States and took the bus together for most of the day.

"Martin?" Zhang Cheng looked at the advertisement on the side with some doubts——Zhang Cheng had avoided Martin on purpose before the performance time, but he unexpectedly ran into Martin.

Long time no see, Martin looks pretty much the same as last time.If you have to say it, you have an anxious look on your face.

The others were strange, all white, and dressed in formal attire, making them look like hotel staff.

When Martin saw Zhang Cheng, he rushed over as if seeing a savior, holding Zhang Cheng's hand tightly with both hands.This kind of enthusiasm, if it weren't for the huge difference in appearance between the two people, you would almost think that this is a real brother who met in another country.

"Mr. Martin, who is this?" Several strangers exchanged glances with each other, and the leading one asked actively.

Surprisingly, their language may not be as fluent as Martin's, but they can indeed speak Mandarin.

"This is Zhang Cheng, a friend of mine..." Martin quickly introduced. "He's also a magician."

Several strangers exchanged a puzzled look with each other again, and then took the initiative to greet Zhang Cheng. "Hello, Mr. Zhang Cheng." When meeting for the first time, Zhang Cheng could only shake hands with everyone one by one according to the etiquette.

According to Martin, these are the persons in charge of the theater attached to the hotel.

Yes, this is a big hotel after all, in addition to its own swimming pool, it also has its own small theater.The theater is mainly for hotel guests, and of course it is also open to the public.

Why do you feel that the situation is not right?It seems that Martin was brought into the case unconsciously.

"It's like this, Zhang Cheng," Martin said eagerly, "I'm in a big trouble! You must help me!"

He was so eager that Zhang Chengcheng was taken aback.It is said that even now Zhang Cheng still remembers Thomas' introduction to him.

Martin, this guy, has done things like hooking up with other people's wives and being chased and killed by his husband.Although murder is a crime, Zhang Cheng felt that if Martin was killed for this matter, he would be embarrassed to help even if he was on Martin's side.How to put it, this can only be regarded as self-inflicted.

But Zhang Cheng will definitely inform his family. If he can't find his family, it's okay to pay for his funeral.

Fortunately, the few men around didn't look like the green prairie above their heads—otherwise, they wouldn't be so calm and polite.

"What's the big trouble?"

"I was supposed to be on stage last night," Martin said eagerly. "But moving on to this afternoon..."

"Mr. Martin," a person beside him was dissatisfied. "It's not someone else, you made this request yourself. You said you had a must-go date last night, forcing us to change the original program."

"Yes, it's my fault, but I really can't do anything now!" Martin looked like he was about to cry. "At 03:30 p.m., I have a must-see date..."

Zhang Cheng looked at several strangers, and everyone exchanged a look of understanding.

"Mr. Martin, I have to remind you that you have already signed a contract with us." The leading theater director (probably the manager) pointed out this fact with a serious face. "We have already made concessions to your temporary request, and it is impossible to make concessions for the second time! It is okay to adjust the program occasionally, but if this adjustment is made, the guests will immediately protest! After 10 minutes, I hope you can stand On the stage. If you refuse, then I am afraid that there will not be any theater in this city that will welcome you. No one likes people who do not keep their promises! Besides, you must pay us for the loss!"

"So I have a compromise," Martin said. "I will play in 10 minutes, but I will perform for half an hour, and then... Zhang Cheng will replace me, how about it?"

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay, what does this mean?
"This...Mr. Zhang Cheng...will perform in your place? Did I hear you right? This kind of barrenness..."

"Please don't underestimate this Mr. Zhang Cheng, he is a better magician than me!" Martin interrupted the other party. "We once fought together, and in the end I had to surrender. Right, Zhang Cheng?"

"Yes." Zhang Cheng could only answer in this way.The two sides have indeed compared, but to be honest, Martin is a real magician, and Zhang Cheng is just using the ability of the planeswalker to pretend.

It is said that people have always used magic to pretend to be magic, and magic to pretend to be magic. Except for Zhang Cheng, there is probably no one else.

"Oh?" This statement made several managers look at Zhang Cheng a few more times.

To be honest, Zhang Cheng doesn't seem to have anything to do with the profession of "magician" at all.

"So, it wasn't a broken promise, it was an absolutely brilliant performance. One person on stage, another person at the curtain call, and I guarantee the audience will be blown away."

Logically speaking, this request is actually a bit excessive.But the others looked at Martin's eyes, and the manager took the lead, and they all nodded.Zhang Cheng had to admire the heart of this group of people. Are the people of this country really so free in their thinking?No wonder they took to the streets to parade when they disagreed.

"Zhang Cheng, this guy..." Little Bear reminded suddenly. "It seems to have some special power."

"Special power? You mean Martin?" Zhang Cheng was quite surprised. "How strong is it?"

"Very weak, so weak that, um, it's hard for me to notice, but there is." Bear replied. "It's too weak, even I can't judge what is going on with this power."

After all, this is the earth, a world without magic.Residents of this metropolis only need to worry about theft and robbery, not about people with superpowers setting off fireworks in the city or aliens descending suddenly.

"Wait..." Zhang Cheng said that I still want to take a rest and go to a concert in the evening.

"Zhang Cheng, you will help me, right! No one else can help me except you!" Martin pulled Zhang Cheng aside and said.His pitiful, almost tearful expression made Zhang Cheng unable to say no to him.

Ma Dan!How could a man show such an expression?Is this the boy, is it the boy, or is it the boy?

Is this a Gaia trap?But... If you just perform magic tricks in a public, legal, and safe theater, then there is actually no danger.

Speaking of which, the matter between Thomas, Yiji, Erji, Sanji and others was also easily resolved.While it felt like there might be something wrong with it, nothing happened in the end.Now that the priesthood has been obtained, Thomas and Yiji Erji Sanji are enjoying their holidays with their respective rewards.There were no surprises from beginning to end.

But now, Zhang Cheng actually wanted to see what kind of game Gaia would set up to deal with him.

In other words, this feeling is actually quite annoying. You always feel that the Lord of the Plane has plans for you, but you still can't figure out what He wants to do.The feeling of worrying about it is actually not good.

Seeing that this game was not dangerous, Zhang Cheng couldn't help but a little bit of curiosity.Might as well give it a try?
Before he thought so, he was already pulled by Martin towards the theater.

"Thanks, brother!" After entering the backstage of the theater, Martin grabbed Zhang Cheng's hand. "You saved me once. By the way, is there a suitable costume?"

"What did you do?" Zhang Cheng asked.He doesn't believe in "must date dates."Ma Dan, you are a professional magician after all!Is there anything more important than being on stage?Of course, if the furious husband with green hair on his head wants to say something else, it will really kill him.

"Well, I didn't actually do anything, I just..." Martin sighed. "Forget it, I can't tell you clearly. Anyway, believe me, I didn't do anything bad! Don't look at me like that! I really didn't do anything... I didn't have time to do it..." His eyes were full of sadness . "If I do something, it is a last resort. There are clothes in the dressing room here, you change quickly!"

Zhang Cheng walked into the dressing room, and when he came out a few minutes later, he had already changed into a full magician costume.It's a classic and common outfit that includes a silk top hat, gown, mask, and even a small walking stick.

Basically, people dressed like this can be seen everywhere during large-scale parades and gatherings.Of course it's not just that, many real magicians will also dress up like this when they go on stage.

"So fast!? I thought it would take you a while to find the right size!" Martin rejoiced.But there is definitely something wrong with this kid, because as soon as Zhang Cheng came out, he saw Martin take off his magician costume and change into casual clothes.There is also a big toad mirror hanging on the chest. Although it is not worn on the face, it can be seen that this thing is definitely used to cover the face.In fact, at this moment Martin was wearing a pair of jeans—his original dress pants had been tossed aside on a chair.

Caucasians are generally hairy, with the exception of Little Maid and Martin—these two are not very hairy, and neither is their thighs.

"What do you want to do? Didn't you say you want to perform on stage first?" Zhang Cheng asked.

"I don't have the time!" Martin said with embarrassment on his face. "You must go there immediately! You can go on stage, anyway, you are wearing a mask, they can't recognize it! And the lighting on this stage is weird, and normal people can't see the difference in skin color. In addition, we are similar in size, so unless we are very close Otherwise, you will never recognize it!"

"Ah, but we have different hair colors!" Zhang Cheng felt depressed.

"It's not a problem," Martin said. "They'll think I've dyed my hair — I dye it a lot!"

"But... I don't know what show to perform!"

"Just do all the shows you know," Martin said, pulling on his trousers. "Anything, anyway, the audience wants to have fun instead of asking whether the performance is good or not. After all, this is just a small attached theater. Just come to a performance like Three Immortals Returning to the Cave and you can handle it."

"But I..." Zhang Cheng had to tell the truth. "Actually, I've never been on stage before!"

"What?" Martin froze. "You... haven't performed on stage before? Oh, don't worry, my dear. That's what a stage is all about. In fact, it's no different from performing in front of the general public. Just pay a little attention."

"I mean, I practiced by myself for fun." Of course, this is a complete lie, because Zhang Cheng has never even practiced. "I rarely perform in front of other people."

Zhang Cheng thinks there is no problem if he acts as a supporting role or a walk-on and performs according to the predetermined plan.In the final analysis, it was just passing off magic as magic again.But when he took the stage alone, Zhang Cheng felt guilty.

Even Martin hesitated for a while in front of Zhang Cheng. He looked Zhang Cheng up and down again, and even forgot to lift his half-worn pants.

"You've never...well, performed in public?" Martin asked with a look of disbelief.

"At least very few." Zhang Cheng had to cover up for himself a little.Hey, if I knew this earlier, there was no need to pretend to be aggressive in front of professional magicians.This is great, I was misunderstood by others, and I couldn't explain myself.

"Do you need my help?" Bear asked through the spiritual link.

"No, there's no need." Zhang Cheng didn't know what the consequences would be if he distorted Martin's thinking.After all, people are just sincerely asking friends for help.Even if he fails, Zhang Cheng's only danger is rotten eggs, rotten cabbage, and boos all over the place.

"That would be great!" Martin put on his pants, and took out the toad mirror to put on himself. "You can act all you want without any mental burden. You can do it."

"The problem is..." Zhang Cheng had to think that Martin was really too casual.Ma Dan, where did such a thing happen? "What if I mess up the show?"

"Ha, you don't have to worry about messing up the performance, it's also a shame for me." Martin replied. "After all, everyone will think I'm on stage. You have nothing to lose, don't you? Come on, my friend, I can only count on you now. I promise, next time you ask for something, I will definitely You will go through fire and water without hesitation!"

And if you're a big hit, you can go public.Of course, I won't mention this point, Zhang Cheng will understand.

Martin would never mind if that happened.You may even think this is a great thing.

"Okay." Zhang Cheng was finally convinced.Or rather, Martin was right.He went out like this to pretend to be Martin, and even if he failed, it would be embarrassing for Martin.In the world of magic, Martin might still be famous, but who knows which green onion Zhang Cheng is?

"By the way, the equipment here... you can use whatever you want. Anyway, they are all simple props." Martin said hastily. "By the way, there will be a working meal after the performance here. I strongly suggest that you go back after eating the working meal. Well, really, this is my piece of advice. I'm afraid something will happen to this hotel." Without waiting for Zhang Cheng to ask, He left in a hurry.

Over there, the announcer is already introducing the magician.

"... Please invite our Mr. Martin to play!"

(End of this chapter)

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