Planeswalker My Plane War

Chapter 568 Preparation 2

Chapter 568 Preparation 2
Below the high-end hotel building, in the night street, a man stood quietly in the shadow of the building.

He was wearing a tracksuit with the hood pulled over his head.Although there is no equipment such as masks and sunglasses, most of the faces are hidden under the darkness.If you look closely, you'll find an unnatural bulge on his waist, as if he's hiding something hard here.

A few people appeared at the end of the street.They are slowly coming towards this side, and the number is increasing.At first there were only two or three people, but soon there were more than ten people.These are all young people, and the youngest one looks no more than twelve or thirteen years old.More than one of them held a slingshot—made of metal and rubber.Although it is not a gun and cannot be banned, it actually has a certain degree of lethality even to the human body.

A dozen teenagers stood in front of the man, a little hesitant.They looked at the bulge of the man's waist with slightly scared eyes. As people at the bottom of this metropolis, they knew exactly what it was.

Where there is light, there must be shadow.A country like the Republic that puts poverty alleviation as a basic national policy cannot completely erase these shadows, let alone a rooster country.So even if this city is the capital of the rooster country, even if it is a well-known metropolis in the country, for some people, poverty still lingers like a nightmare.

Behind the feasting and feasting of the old capitalist countries is a chaotic place that is difficult to touch by the law, or the underground world.

The underground world has the rules of the underground world, one of which is the law of the jungle, the strong is king.

"Are you back?" the man said. "How about it?"

"Mr. Allen," the leader among the teenagers hesitated. "We took out every camera we could find around, more than expected, maybe a bit too much, I think..."

"It's normal." The man called Mr. Allen replied rudely. "It should be installed privately by the hotel." Some of the cameras on the street are municipal, some are corporate, and some are even private.It is perfectly normal for hotels to do this for their own safety.It doesn't matter if there are more. "Are you sure everything is broken?"

"Mr. Allen, don't worry, we are professionals in this area!" The boy waved the slingshot in his hand a little excitedly.It has broken away from the scope of "toys" and can even be regarded as a non-lethal weapon. "From childhood to adulthood, we don't know how many have been destroyed!"

"Then just trust your guarantee." Allen smiled.An evil look appeared on his face. "This is your reward." He took out a handful of colorful bills from his pocket and distributed them to everyone.

Everyone was very happy to receive their own rewards.In fact, let alone the person receiving the money, the person sending the money is also very happy.Because the smile on his face never dissipated from the beginning to the end.A few hundred dollars in the district solved a critical problem.

After the money was distributed, the teenagers wanted to leave.

"Wait a minute," Allen called to stop the leader. "Although the matter is completed, you remember the promise. No cameras are allowed around here for three days."

"Don't worry." The young man agreed happily. "The municipal and police departments are very slow. They won't replace it without waiting three to five days and without a lot of red tape. The replacement should take more than a week, and they have always been like this."

"What I need is not 'should', but 'must'!" Allen emphasized.

"It's all right," said the boy. "We will hang around every evening." Don't think they are afraid when facing real evil forces, but they are not afraid when facing servants of the law.After all, even if they are arrested, the law will lenient them because of their age, and the punishment they receive is not worth mentioning-in fact, it is not punishment at all.

A few minutes later, a group of teenagers marched excitedly along the street.A few of them were overexcited, and from time to time they would use their slingshots to knock out a few innocent street lamps.

The man named Allen watched them go away, then took out his mobile phone from his pocket and started to contact someone.

"Yes... sir... the peripheral problem has been solved. So that we can act tomorrow without worrying about other... well... our business... yes... that's it... yes, it must be used Strong means to let the rooster country government know their mistakes...make them pay the price..."

After the phone call, he started walking towards the other side.Today's task was so easily completed, which made him feel a little relaxed and joyful.

He was walking in the same direction as the group of kids had just left, so he naturally encountered a dark road (because the street lights were knocked out).Of course, this is not a problem. On this kind of city street, the light is bright and dark, but it is never so dark that you can't see your fingers.

But he stopped suddenly because he saw two figures standing under the destroyed streetlight ahead.

The one in front is a medium-sized, somewhat chubby-looking man in a trench coat that literally announces "I have a problem, I'm suspicious."The other person was wearing a tuxedo that few people wore in this era.

Well, the tuxedo still exists, but this dress is only suitable for certain high-end restaurants (in order to create a unique retro atmosphere, aristocratic environment), or simply performance occasions.

Allen didn't stop, but his right hand had already quietly reached behind his waist and touched the handle of the pistol.

If you say that this is just a chance encounter, normal people won't believe it—at least people with ghosts in their hearts won't believe it.

What do you want to do dressed like this on the street in the middle of the night?But even so, he still hoped to pass harmlessly.

Also, how did these two people come about?He remembered very clearly, when he watched the group of youngsters leave.There is absolutely no one in this location.Could it be that these two people sneaked into this position through the darkness just now?Is it against me?Or is it a coincidence?

But the facts soon proved his luck was wrong.Because when he was approaching, the fat man in the windbreaker made a greeting gesture to him.

"Hey, friend, don't just go away like this!"

It took Allen less than half a second to point his gun at these two people.Although the two men were not carrying any obvious weapons, some instinctive sense of danger prompted him to respond in this way.

"Don't come here," he yelled subconsciously even though he was the one with the gun.

Reason told him that everything was under control, but instinct told him that the current situation was dangerous.This contrast between instinct and rationality made him fall into a state of extreme anxiety.

His eyes instinctively rolled around the two strangers, looking for some kind of sign.In fact, the fat man was fine, but when he saw the face in the tuxedo, he suddenly found it difficult to look away.Because of that face... No, those eyes, like the blue sea, actually caught his gaze.

His tense body actually slowly relaxed.

"Don't worry, don't worry." The chubby man shook his hand and said. "I'm very friendly," he stepped forward, looking at the slightly dull face of the other party. "I just have a few questions, how about putting the gun down?"

There seemed to be some kind of special power in his voice.These few ordinary words had such persuasive power that Alan himself didn't know when he had put down the pistol.

Not just put it down, he didn't even think about raising the gun again.In fact, he could only stand there blankly, staring at the tuxedo, as if part of his mind had been frozen.

"You see, this is just a simple meeting of a friend." The fat man said. "Introduce yourself, my name is Mike, how about you?"

"My real name is Hafiz Mahmoud Mohammad Zebari..."

"Wait wait, your name is too long... I have a bad memory and can't remember such ridiculously long names. Well, never mind, I know it's not your fault. Your culture is like this, you will put The names of your ancestors are included in your full name. What is your name now? The simplest name will do.”

"Now my name is Allen." Allen replied.As the conversation progressed, his eyes became more and more dull.

"Okay, Alan, tell me, what are you doing here now?"

"I'm hiring a bunch of brats to take down the cameras all around..." Allen replied. "I'm going to make sure that tomorrow none of these nasty eyes see what we're doing."

"So... what do you want to do tomorrow?" Mike asked with interest.

"We are doing a big thing to teach this corrupt and degenerate country a painful lesson!" Allen said in a rigid voice. "Their government is doing evil in the land of our true God believers, so we have to teach them a painful lesson here. We will use fire and blood to let them know how powerful they are, let them know what fear is, and finally force them to withdraw their troops... ..."

"It's not easy. Are you planning to carry out a... what... attack? But why did you choose this place?"

"Because you must choose a sufficiently eye-catching and large enough target to have the best effect."

"There are many such targets in this city," Mike said. "It's a metropolis after all. Why bother with a hotel?"

"'s an arrangement from above. I just follow orders."

"Who is your boss?"

The question seemed to provoke some resistance, but eventually a name and address were reported.

"So what's your plan?"

"We plan to use bombs to realize our plan..." Allen began to explain his plan in detail.If it is summed up in simple language, it is a plan, that is, there will be a big explosion, so that the whole world will know how powerful the believers of the true God are.

"It's really a bad plan. You just want to have an explosion, kill many innocent travelers, and then force the government of this country to bow its head and admit defeat?" Mike shook his head. "Aside from explosives, can't you think of any other good ideas? Not to mention that you actually think that blowing up ten or eight innocent passengers and passers-by will be very powerful! I always feel that the word 'big event' can't be used casually, casually." It is not a big deal to drop a bomb, at least it is a big deal to prepare an atomic bomb. You have let me down so much."

Allen didn't answer.Normally he would be furious, but now his thoughts have been controlled, and he can no longer respond to such sarcasm.

"Martin," Mike said back to his companion. "Don't you think these people highly overlap with our plan?"

There was a painful expression on the face of the tuxedo, "Enough, you promised me..."

"After it's done, we'll be clear. But the premise is to finish!" Mike said. "Okay, let's talk about it, you heard their plan. At noon tomorrow, they plan to install the bomb and evacuate in half a day, and then at night, maybe at dusk... there will be a big news from all over the world. Since the opportunity is so rare, We might as well give the global audience a little more programming."

"What do you want to do?"

"It's just a very simple plan. They want to sing a play, and we can take this opportunity to sing it bigger." Mike patted his companion on the shoulder. "Look, you can continue to hide your name, I can complete my mission, and the melon-eating people all over the world can eat a big melon. The government of the rooster country has a chance to show its strength...Everyone benefits, isn't it? "

After speaking, he turned his head to face Allen.

"Okay, Mr. Allen, we will leave here. And you, will you not remember what happened just now... well, you only remember that you walked through the deserted street and passed two strangers. You They didn't say anything, they didn't do anything, and they didn't even stop until they walked a long way, but you still looked at their backs slowly walking away with a little curiosity..."

Allen jerked violently, and suddenly woke up.It seemed that someone was speaking into his ear just now, but it seemed to be another illusion.He didn't know what was going on, but when he looked back, he saw the backs of those two guys in outlandish clothes (actually not too outlandish in outlandish clothes) slowly going away.

The two guys who looked a bit weird passed by each other just now, but in the end they left without anything happening.

This should be just a normal encounter.Normal people pass by countless people every day, and it's really normal to say that one or two of them are dressed in strange clothes or something.Not to mention that this is an international metropolis with all kinds of people.

It's just... why did I stop?What seems to have just happened?Allen thought hard for a few seconds, and finally put the matter behind him.He still has a lot of things to do, so he doesn't have time to think about these irrelevant issues here.

(End of this chapter)

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