Planeswalker My Plane War

Chapter 565 Roots 2

Chapter 565 Roots 2
The business of the hospital is quite busy, with people coming and going upstairs and downstairs.And the elevator entrance was even more crowded.Probably because it was almost lunch time at this time, so there were a lot of people going up and down.

The little bear landed on Zhang Cheng's shoulder, but no one could see it.It is like staying in a static time and space, separated from the surrounding secular world by a distance.In fact, as long as Xiaoxiong is willing, everyone including Zhang Cheng will not be aware of it.

So the gods are the natural enemies of the planeswalker - if the little bear attacks Zhang Cheng, then Zhang Cheng will definitely die without any suspense.Because the gods rely on the power of rules mastered by the priesthood, the Planeswalker is completely unable to resist.

"Which floor are we going to?" Lao Liu waited for a few minutes at the crowded elevator entrance.He is relatively fat, and his fat belly is squeezed around, which is very uncomfortable.

"It should be on the fifth floor..." Li An replied.

"Then let's take the stairs." Old Liu suggested.Even if he made such a proposal, of course Li An and Zhang Cheng would not refuse, and it was not the two of them who were fat.So the three of them walked up the stairs quickly, with Lao Liu leading the way.

"Has Nan Ling been sick recently?" Old Liu was fat after all, and he couldn't walk the stairs fast.Fortunately, everyone was not in a hurry, so they climbed slowly with Lao Liu and chatted along the way.It is important to note that despite the crowds at the elevator entrance, there are not many people on the stairs.

"It's not 'recently', she's an old resident here." Li An said.

"What? Why? She's..."

"It is understood that it is a congenital disease, the nervous system is damaged, basically you can only lie in the hospital bed all day." Li An understated.

Hearing these words, even Zhang Chengcheng stopped in his tracks.

"Why?" Zhang Cheng asked puzzled.There was no one else on the stairs at this time. "Doesn't she have... Wenzhu?"

Everyone present knew what Wenzhu was like.It is a wishing machine, as long as the correct words are used to eliminate ambiguity, miracles will happen.This miracle can be of any kind, including curing diseases.

At least at the very least, Wenzhu can make an operation with a slim chance of success achieve incredible success.

"Wenzhu is not omnipotent, although it is known as the miracle pearl..." Li An didn't say much. "Go and have a look and you'll know."

The three of them quickly went up to the fifth floor, and after briefly asking the nurses at the nurse's station, they came to a ward on the side.

It was a clean, well-lit ward.There was only one bed in the ward, and lying on the bed was a woman who looked a little haggard due to being bedridden for a long time.When Zhang Cheng and others came in, she was reclining on the hospital bed, concentrating on operating the laptop on the dining table (the kind that comes with the hospital bed).

Her head was tilted on the snow-white pillow, her black hair was scattered around her face, and her vibrant eyes and her haggard face formed a sharp contrast with her bloodless skin.In fact, if you just look into her eyes, you have the illusion that this person is healthy and alive.

The three of them entered the ward without daring to disturb them for a moment.Li An quietly closed the door of the ward.And this slight movement finally caught the other party's attention.

Zhang Cheng originally thought that he would see some signs of uneasiness on her face, but this was not the case. When her face turned around, those big bright eyes seemed to reveal indifference, as well as some arrogance and indifference.

Although he has a completely different appearance and physical condition, Zhang Cheng dares to swear that this is the pair of eyes he encountered in the Xia Ruins.This is Nan Ling, and there is absolutely no mistake.

"Who are you?" Nan Ling asked.

"I'm Li An, I contacted you before." Li An stepped forward and made a slightly reserved friendly gesture.

"Ah, it's you, are they... the companions you mentioned?" Nan Ling looked at the other two.

One is a middle-aged fat man, dressed decently, but with a round belly, and a familiar smile, belonging to the kind of people who know they are rolling in the business field at a glance.The other one was dressed very ordinary, with an expression that belonged to an otaku man.

Three traversers...

"Sorry, I can't get up to receive you, please sit down first."

There is only one bed in the ward, so it is quite spacious.In addition, there were a lot of plastic stools, and the three of them each took a stool and sat down.

"It's presumptuous to come to disturb you," Old Liu said first.In this case, he is the most decent one. "How is the condition?"

"That's it. It won't get better, and it won't get worse." Nan Ling said with some regret.

"Have you never tried using Wenzhu?" Old Liu asked in surprise.Although Manju can be sold for money, the common view among people in this world is that life is always more important than money.

"It's been used, that's why it's like this." Nan Ling replied. "It started with a spinal cord problem," she said. "Need to do a critical operation. After I understood how to use manju, I used it correctly. My operation was successful, but immediately the disease went to the next level. Next became neuroinflammation. The doctor asked me to use it Medication. I used manju again, it worked, so moved on to the next one, organ failure. I used manju again... Lo and behold, my problem was more complicated than expected. Ultimately the cause was congenital! As long as I'm alive and I'm me, there's going to be all sorts of stuff coming out."

Old Liu looked back at the other two, shook his head slightly and sighed.

Zhang Cheng quietly asked Little Bear. "Can her disease be cured by magic?" He has many cards for curing diseases in his hand.

"No." Bear replied. "This is a congenital disease, not from acquired influence or external damage. The characteristic of congenital diseases is that they will recur. Don't talk about 'curing the disease', even if it is a restoration technique, it is only a temporary solution, not the root cause. Temporarily, it can relieve her body. Illness, but as time goes by, the pain will come back. There is no way, this illness... Well, in a sense, it is not a disease, but her original appearance. Of course, if you are with her, every ten Give her a treatment in Tianbanyue, then of course she can live well without illness and pain."

"You can't do it now?" Little Bear is already the God of Distortion.

"If I have to say it, I can actually do it," the Cubs said. "It's just that this healing effect is probably not what you want to see. You only need to designate a person, a woman, and I can twist all her patients' sufferings to that target. If the designated person dies, you can still do it again." Specify one."

"It can only be people, can't it be animals or something?"

"Twisting the priesthood also has a limit," Little Bear said. "It must be distorted to an equivalent creature to bear it, not for non-creatures, nor for other creatures, otherwise the other party will die easily-that is tantamount to invalidation."

"Forget it." Zhang Cheng also put out his thoughts.Although she sympathizes with Nan Ling a little, the friendship between the two parties can only be described as a casual acquaintance.One card is fine, long-term supply is fine.And it is even more undesirable to pass on the pain of Nan Ling to an unrelated passerby.

At this time, everyone has already started chatting about things in the different world.

As Zhang Cheng knew before, Xiaxu was developing well.It has been more than a year since Xiaxu completed the agricultural revolution, and now the basic industry has also been established.Especially the development of metallurgy is very good.As a matter of fact, the current Xiaxu has been fully ironed, and almost all farm tools have been converted from wood and bronze to steel.However, Nanling was quite cautious in this regard. She did not sell the metal ingots directly, but processed them into various tools and then sold them.

By the way, she also heard that steel has also appeared in Dongyi - but the output is not very much.Some traversers over there should have built technologies such as steel-making furnaces, but it was a pity that they were usurped by the natives.So Dongyi just knows it but doesn't know why. Although the craftsmanship is not inferior to Nanling's, the output is limited.On the contrary, Xiaxu here really masters the core technology. As long as they are willing to develop, it will not be a problem to increase the production to a few steps.

In short, although Xia Xu suffered a lot of losses due to the conflict between Heng'e and Taiyin Xingjun, both the population and the economy have improved by a whole level compared to the last time Zhang Cheng went there.And the force has also been greatly improved.Nan Ling said that apart from weapons, he had finally produced a water conservancy forging hammer, and had begun to manufacture steel plate armor, as well as flintlock guns—the output was small, but after all, it could be called mass production, not Made a couple of them for my own use.

With the increase in force, several other areas in Xiaxu City were also brought under her rule—no matter what the original leaders of those areas did, they could not change the fate of being annexed.This is determined by the fundamental difference in strength, and it is nothing more than the difference between knowing or not knowing.

The development of industry is, as we all know, an insatiable demand on population.There is no room for jackals around tigers.Not to mention that jackals can kill and eat meat.

Her face seemed to light up as she talked about these remarkable developments.Although in this world she is trapped by a sick body and can hardly do anything, but in another world, she is the lord of a city—the lord of a city in the true sense.

Although the identity of the city lord is not generally recognized, this is only a small problem.

In addition, with the increase in power and population, a small number of spellcasters and priests have tried to stay in Xiaxu for a long time.Although these people scoffed at the Xia Ruins system, they still chose to stay.No way, the conditions are good, the life is rich, and the social security is good.This is like a large number of people in the Republic who sharpened their heads and wanted to go abroad in the last century. They don't really like to advocate capitalism, but only care about living conditions and economic income.

No matter from which point of view, the Xia Ruins are thriving.

In addition, Nanling also welcomes the arrival of other traversers.Her current position is very stable, and she doesn't need to worry about other issues.In fact, not to mention others, even Lao Liu and Li An's eyes lit up.

From Lao Liu's few words, Zhang Cheng thinks that Lao Liu is asking the Dragon Lord to build a portal directly connected to Xiaxu.In this way, Guicheng has increased a bit of financial resources, and it will definitely be more prosperous.As for Lao Liu himself, he can act as this intermediary, so that his status can be raised to a higher level.At least he will be upgraded from an ordinary chief priest to a leader among the chief priests.In this way, the Dragon Lord will definitely pay more attention to it.

Li An, on the other hand, had another idea.He probably wants to see if he can get a reward after the war. If the conditions are right, he is willing to join the ranks of trade like Wang Shangshang.In this way, how to borrow Xia Xu's side to provide opportunities for oneself has become a more important thing.

After all, it's easy to talk to travelers.Many things can be negotiated on the earth, saving time and effort.

Everyone chatted and chatted, the atmosphere became more and more enthusiastic and familiar, and naturally gradually began to involve other topics.For example, let's talk about Nanling's level.

"...So, you are still only level 3?" Li An was surprised by this question.

Old Liu is a murloc at any rate, and his talent is so good that he can live well in the sea alone.Now it can be regarded as one of the top executives in Guicheng, so naturally he won't go out to fight and kill.If he wants to level up, Lao Liu doesn't need to fight at all, he just needs to kowtow to Lord Dragon every day to slowly increase his level.

But Nanling is different. She is in the human world, and she may not be able to control the situation if she is not strong enough.

"Yeah, level 3... This is what I took people to hunt before and slowly accumulated. After the food source is resolved, there is no such need."

"Aren't you worried that others will attack you? Well, I mean assassination?" Old Liu couldn't help asking. "With such a good upgrade system, it would be a pity not to make good use of it."

"Actually, it's not very useful." Nan Ling laughed. "Aren't you the same? And," she said slowly. "There was no such system in the past."

"What?" Everyone was shocked, even Zhang Chengcheng turned his gaze. "There is no such system?"

"This system, calculated in Earth time, appeared about ten years ago." Nan Ling replied calmly. "Of course I just heard about it. The specific source is no longer available."

"Ten years? Is there anyone who has lived for ten years?" Lao Liu asked.

"At least not as far as I know. But people can die, but knowledge and memory can be passed down." Nan Ling replied. "I don't know if you know, but there has always been a legend that if you can gather enough mantras and use strict enough words, you can get out of time travel."

Old Liu gave Zhang Cheng a meaningful look. "I really didn't know there was such a saying."

"As far as I know—I can't guarantee the authenticity—in the early days of the forum, there were offline gatherings, which were dozens or hundreds of people. At the gathering, each person gave out a few Wenzhu, It has done a great thing." Nan Ling said. "At that time, the society was not as impetuous as it is now... Now that everything is looking forward, many people think that time travel is not a loss. People are different now. Of course, I am not talking about you guys."

"What big deal did you do?"

(End of this chapter)

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