Planeswalker My Plane War

Chapter 562 After the War 3

Chapter 562 After the War 3
Haotian's consciousness is actually very gentle, but this kind of gentleness may be an illusion.Because He is so irresistible that there is no need for any additional emotional power.He just needs to act according to the rules he has set.

If it was said that last time, he directly defeated the defense of Taiyin Xingjun and Heng'e, then this time, he directly defeated Zhang Cheng's spiritual and ideological realm.

There is no way, there is no way to resist, He just came over directly, without any consent or objection from you, and communicated with you directly.

Zhang Cheng really only wanted to do divination at first, and wanted to make up a divination target.But now he finds that Haotian has broken into his spiritual realm.Under such circumstances, no lies, prevarications, or excuses will work.

Of course, the consciousness of Haotian coming this time can't be compared with the last time at all.To describe it, Haotian separated a tiny strand from his own consciousness and descended on Zhang Cheng.

Now Zhang Cheng understands that the rumors about Priest Haotian are not all rumors, some of them are correct.

Zhang Cheng couldn't help asking Haotian if he knew he was a planeswalker.

Haotian said that he is completely clear, and what he knows better is that Zhang Cheng has made many cards from this world.Whether it's creature cards, spell cards, or item brands, they are all plundered from this world by Planeswalkers.Especially Xiao Xiong and Ao Guang.

This is a god directly from the hands of the master of the plane!

In other situations, this would be a blatant declaration of war against the lord of the plane.That is a war of planes.

But now, Haotian is willing to forgive Zhang Cheng.Because he is in a big trouble - if Zhang Cheng is willing to help him solve this trouble, Haotian will not be responsible for everything in the past.

Not only "let the past not blame", but even the future is easy to talk about.Zhang Cheng can continue to stay in this world.As for those cards, Haotian said that all belong to you.Everyone likes me, as long as they don't object, Haotian will not object.

Because Haotian is a plane master who pays attention to the principle of equivalence.For Haotian, everything has a price, as long as the price is in place, everything is easy to talk about.

It's like if there is a mortal who kills the gods and sacrifices to him, he is willing to give his priesthood in return.

Just like Ao Guang offered Haotian the most important law, Haotian immediately opened the source of truth without hesitation, and Ao Guang let Ao Guang choose countless priesthoods.

Zhang Cheng naturally asked what kind of job he needed to help?
Haotian clearly stated that this favor is actually not easy to help.Quite difficult and dangerous.Specifically, there is a god lost on the earth.Zhang Cheng's task is to kill him or bring him back.

Besides, Zhang Cheng is a planeswalker after all.Even if he is not a planeswalker, he is also a time traveler.In other words, people who are not from this world are not considered Haotian's children.Haotian can give Zhang Cheng a little bit of his own power and make his body a Haotian priest, but Zhang Cheng can't do divination casually like other Haotian priests.

In a sense, the planeswalker has more freedom than any creature and is subject to fewer restrictions, but there is a price to pay for it.

So this time is an exception, but if Zhang Cheng wants to contact Haotian next time, he must prepare his own sacrifice...

Zhang Cheng said what if he encounters something he can't understand halfway through?
Haotian gave an expected answer: Zhang Chengcheng can ask Bai Ze any question.

Haotian's consciousness subsided, and the world returned to calm again.

The power of Haotian's arrival just now was actually very small, hardly alarming anyone.Because the door of the room is quiet.Zhang Cheng knew that Hu Chen was outside the door, and if he noticed any movement inside, Hu Chen would undoubtedly come in to take a look.

But it wasn't that he didn't alarm others at all, because the little bear had already appeared beside him.The little bear was still in the card before, but now it has appeared on the opposite side, standing beside Zhang Cheng as a giant beast.

I don't know how much time it took just now, but obviously... the little bear has already noticed something.

He settled down, and then looked at Bai Ze beside him.

At this moment, Bai Ze was squatting there, facing the little bear.Noticing Zhang Cheng's gaze, Bai Ze rolled his eyes and turned his face away.

Why do you know how to roll your eyes even though you are a sheep?

"You..." Little Bear said in a very gloomy and dangerous voice. "what is the problem?"

"I was chosen, just like you!" Don't look at the last time Bai Ze was scared by the little bear and trembled, but this time it was completely different.I really don't know where it comes from.

"Since when?" asked Bear.

"I don't know." Bai Ze replied. "And don't be so sensitive, the power of Haotian, when you were a great spirit or a god, didn't you understand? In this world, everything is under the control of Haotian. Besides, this time we can To survive is not to let Haotian release water!"

The little bear was silent for a long time, and the ferocity in his body dissipated a lot. "You're right, Haotian arranges our destiny, but we don't necessarily follow our destiny completely. According to our original destiny trajectory..."

"I'm already dead." Bai Ze said. "I was able to survive only because the planeswalker paid the price to buy us. You are the same! I have seen my fate... Although I tried my best to escape, I finally found that I could not escape."

Zhang Cheng was listening on the sidelines, at first he was a little puzzled, but then he gradually understood.

"Bai Ze, what do you mean..."

"Yes, from the first time I saw you, I knew that I couldn't be with you and this great spirit (now a god of course). Because as long as the two of you are together, you will definitely come to the twisted Next to the clergy. And then..."

"Then what will happen?" Zhang Cheng asked with interest.Now he has fully understood that Bai Ze did not accept Da Ling as a companion no matter what.

That's right.Because as long as Zhang Cheng and Xiaoxiong are together, then Bai Ze will definitely come to the side of the twisted priesthood.In this way, Heng'e will be sacrificed, and Haotian's consciousness will come, and then develop according to the normal logic, that is, everyone is finished.

It is obviously impossible for Haotian to be lenient to Bai Zewang - in front of the Lord of the world, all living beings are the same.

But Bai Ze only knows about the affairs of this world, so what Bai Ze knows is that Zhang Cheng has a "spiritual spring" that can be sacrificed to Haotian.

But this is not enough.

Haotian doesn't just accept anything.Not to mention that Heng'e's sacrifice was extremely difficult, it was equivalent to a god's ransom.

So no matter what, it's a dead end.

So looking back now, since the mountain ghost threw Bai Ze to himself, Bai Ze has been very scared.The whole body is shaking so badly!The arrogance (and the same arrogance now) when we first met is simply two people (beasts).Zhang Cheng thought it was because Bai Ze was afraid of the little bear, but now he realized that what Bai Ze was afraid of was the inevitable fate that could not be resisted.

"Then? Of course there is a blank. And this blank means unpredictable fate. Or it can be understood as death."

"Why didn't you remind me!" Zhang Cheng said.He was referring to the time when he went to Xiong Village.

"I can't say. My predictive ability has a limit," Bai Ze said. "I can't perceive what will happen immediately. I have to avoid everything related to Haotian. I can't even know what is directly related."

"Is it impossible to predict what is related to Haotian?"

"Yes." Bai Ze said. "You don't really think that I know everything, do you? The one who really knows everything is Haotian, and my power can only be said to be stealing information from the lord of the plane."

Only then did Zhang Cheng realize that this was the essence of Bai Ze's power - communicating with the lord of the plane, and then stealing information from the lord of the plane.No wonder it knows so much... as long as it has happened in this world.

Of course, this ability also has weaknesses. It cannot touch things that Hao Tiantian directly interferes with—for example, this time Heng’e sacrificed to repair and perfect the distorted godhead—it can only rely on guesswork.

"That is to say..." Zhang Cheng began to understand. "You can know what you want to know. Unless it is the god of the gods--the things that Haotian personally ended up in. Others are not restricted?"

"Yes. In theory, I can know everything I want without restriction." Bai Ze said. "Of course, some Haotian don't even know about it. For example, your card, or the method of insulting the five elements, and of course there are other means. In short, as long as you can hide it from Haotian, I have no way to know what happened."

Zhang Changchang let out a long breath, only then realized that things were not as simple as expected.

"You have a limit to the questions you can answer every day?"

"Some problems are easy because they are within reach," Bai Ze said. "Some questions are difficult, because they are hidden deep in Haotian's memory. Such things are not very accurate."

"The mountain ghost can actually create something like you... The priesthood of the alien beast is really not to be underestimated." Although his own divine power is very weak, he can't hold back these special abilities.

"How could the mountain ghost create me." Bai Ze raised his head proudly. "My birth was allowed by Haotian, okay?"

"Haotian just now... asked me to go to the earth to deal with a god." Zhang Cheng calmed down and turned the topic to the main topic.

Neither Xiong nor Bai Ze answered, apparently Haotian also notified the two of them by the way.It's just that I don't know if the little bear was notified through the card.But it's normal even through the cards, because the lord of the plane is omnipotent.

"Well, I think that's why I'm here." Bai Ze said sullenly. "Many things are predestined, or Haotian stipulated. You can't help it."

"When you arrive on Earth, can you go to Gaia to get information?"

"It should work," Bai Ze said. "Or, I was born for this."

makes sense.Now Zhang Cheng is vaguely aware that everything seems to be prepared for this matter.Because normally, it is impossible for a lord of a plane to allow something like Bai Ze to be born—maybe it was possible at the beginning of the creation, but once the world stabilizes, it would be desirable to have a creature that can read its own memory anytime, anywhere. what?Put it in the computer system, this is called a hacker!Don't look at the fact that hackers on the earth are often labeled as "chivalrous and righteous", but that is just the unfounded prejudice of the people who eat melons.In fact, being hacked and stealing information is the most annoying thing.

But Haotian deliberately created Bai Ze... What is the purpose?Is it to embarrass yourself?Or, this is simply a scheme that Haotian has planned for a long time.

Go to earth to find a god, bring him back to this world, or kill him.

Let alone the problems of the solar system and the Milky Way, the earth alone is that big.Finding a hidden deity is like looking for a needle in a haystack.That's why Haotian created Bai Ze - with the power of Bai Ze, it is easier to find him.

But it is not the end after finding it. There are two possibilities for that god. The first one is to agree smoothly, and he can come back directly with the Planeswalker's card.The second is to disagree, and the two sides are expected to resort to force.So Haotian provided the option of "kill him".

A normal planeswalker would never be able to beat a god—with this ability, the planeswalker wouldn't have to wander in multiple planes.So you need a little bear to help.With Little Bear, the twisted god, as a thug, defeating or even killing that god is certain.

So from the very beginning, everything was planned by Haotian.Perhaps, even the misunderstanding of the yellow bear and the birth of the little bear are all under the control of Haotian.So the master of the plane is the biggest behind-the-scenes manipulator in the development of the entire world.

Zhang Cheng looked at Xiao Xiong, and Xiao Xiong also looked at Zhang Cheng.

"We just need to leave this world... No matter how powerful Haotian is, there is nothing we can do about it." Xiaoxiong said.After several time travels, Little Bear is now more confident.

"In the final analysis, the gods are just dancing in Haotian's palm." Zhang Cheng sighed softly.He began to think that perhaps the planeswalker might be like a mosquito to the lord of the planes: not dangerous, but annoying, because I'm busy so I let you suck a mouthful of blood.

"Bai Ze, you are going to be with me now. By the way, what's your name?"

"I don't have a name." Bai Ze said hesitantly.It suddenly turned pale with fright, "No, I don't want to be called Beautiful Goat!"

"I've already named my Huo Dou Xiao Hui Hui." Zhang Cheng said.Many people have certain strange attachments, and Zhang Cheng is no exception.Especially for such a sheep, it is really a waste not to have the name of a sheep village.

"No, absolutely not!" Bai Ze said sincerely, whether it's an assistant or a pet, it's fine to hold him in his arms and masturbate every day.But it's really not good to call Mei Yangyang, "You can torture me, but you must not humiliate me like this!"

"That's called warm sheep." Zhang Cheng said.Then draw the image of a warm sheep in your mind. "That is a very fat ewe. I think you are too thin. I hope you will get fatter in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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