Planeswalker My Plane War

Chapter 394 Assistant 1

Chapter 394 Assistant 1
"Damn it! People just treat you like a fool! They opened a milk tea shop, and you took the initiative to send the money there. Now the milk tea shop has closed down, the phone can't be reached, the chat software is blocked, and no one can be found. .You don’t have an IOU, so why go to someone else? Do you know what it’s called? It’s called licking a dog!”

The reprimand in the chat software was like silent thunder, slashing at Jiang Ming's nerves with thunderous force.

Spring has arrived.For most coastal cities, this means that the ubiquitous tide has begun to invade strongly.The rainy season is still early, but mold has already appeared unknowingly, quietly discoloring the darkest corners of the walls.Now Jiang Ming's life is like the corner of the wall discolored by mold, surrounded by strange depression.

The inner remorse and helplessness are simmering slowly, while the urging of family members from outside is like a fire, and under the pressure of internal and external attacks, the body and mind have become as soft as noodles after a few days.

Six months ago, the goddess in his heart wanted to open a milk tea shop, but the funds were still lacking.In order for the goddess to fulfill her long-cherished wish, he took the initiative to donate all his savings since working, and borrowed more than [-] yuan from relatives and friends from all walks of life.Finally won the goddess smile.

Just a literal smile.

I still remember the joy in my heart at that moment, he felt that his life was worth it.

But the reality proved that all this is just an illusion.

After half a year, the milk tea shop finally closed down due to lack of business.The goddess owed a considerable amount of money to other parties, including two months of utility bills, and disappeared quietly.Can no longer be reached.Of course, the money he "loaned" to the goddess has nothing to do with it.

"I don't ask for anything, as long as you are happy, I am satisfied." This is what he said when he gave the money to the goddess, and the goddess finally chose to let him get his wish.

But half a month ago, his father was found to be seriously ill and had to undergo surgery.The cost of the operation is estimated at hundreds of thousands, and the family has tried their best and there is still a big gap.This responsibility can only be carried by his son.

But now he really can't afford the money.I went back to contact the goddess again, but I couldn't find anyone there.And when you consult others about this matter, everyone's attitude is the same.

If there is no IOU and no certificate, why do you say that someone owes you!Don't say you can't find someone, so what if you find someone?
However, behind the burning anxiety, the bruise to the emotional conscience was even more serious.He obviously loves her very much, she is an impeccable woman, out of 99, she is worth [-].Her only flaw was that she didn't love him, and that wasn't her fault.

When he was sad and dazed, the director of the office called him: "Xiao Jiang, the boss arrives at 10 am, remember to pick her up on time."

Putting down his mobile phone, Jiang Ming forcibly jumped out of the pain of love and plunged headlong into the quagmire of career.The scale of this pit theory is no smaller than the former one.

The "XX Machinery Technology Development Co., Ltd." he currently belongs to was originally a subsidiary of a central enterprise in machinery manufacturing in China.Mainly engaged in mechanical and electronic technology development.

To put it bluntly, Yang Ma grew seven babies from a gourd vine, and each gourd baby was assigned a function.Their company is responsible for research and development.The problem is that even the seventh baby in the gourd baby in the orthodox story has been discolored, let alone their subsidiaries.Ever since, as the operating situation of the central mother was not good, the subsidiary company changed color from a central enterprise to a private enterprise.

God knows what is the deal behind this. After the private company took a bunch of the company's patents and sold them for money, they turned the company into foreign capital in the blink of an eye.Yes, foreign investors have come to take over.

The wealthy bosses from foreign countries bought a bunch of companies in the Republic at one go and formed a group company, initially completing the layout of the five major fields of finance, commerce, scientific research, machinery manufacturing, and the Internet.Although they are only second- and third-tier companies in the industry, such large-scale foreign investment is actually rare.

This big boss is not an ordinary person, but a genius investor who has gained a reputation on Wall Street.If you regard this kind of person as a fool who has been taken advantage of by a lot of money, then you will become a real fool.

According to the news, other companies have gone through a wave of resolute to almost harsh rectification.In front of the iron fist of capitalism, all the old oily people who want to be lazy and paddling are all taken away in one go.

Now it's their company's turn.

Everyone was terrified, and the patents owned by the company were taken away by the previous boss.Strictly speaking, the company is already in negative equity.Due to the economic situation these years, being laid off is definitely not a good thing.This time the new boss will officially come over, which also means that the three fires are about to start to ignite.It is not known how many people in the entire company will be roasted on the fire.Strictly speaking, if the boss actually only wants the skin of the company and not the people inside, maybe 90.00% of the people will leave.Especially executives.

Holding a high salary is the original sin. If you don't show enough value, you will be cleaned up immediately.

Jiang Ming is not the first person who wants to try to understand the boss.But after trying it, you will understand that the biggest feature of this person is his low profile.Not the usual kind of low-key, but you will find her low-key almost mysterious.All news about her, whether domestic or foreign, is very limited.And it's not all good news.

In this day and age, she doesn't have Weibo, Facebook, Moments, or anything like that.I don't know what she likes and dislikes, I don't know her temperament.It is said that someone carefully found the website that the boss likes to visit, and it turned out to be a purely technical forum for programmers.

That is a gifted woman with an IQ above 200.Moreover, in the harsh and indescribably harsh environment of Wall Street, it is a terrifying character who can break out of the siege in a short period of time with only one person's strength, and is sitting on billions or even tens of billions of fortunes.Unrelentingly able to drive the enemy to the rooftops, it is recognized that the future is boundless and ruthless.

To be able to despise the existence of almost all men on this planet from the perspective of IQ, or from the perspective of property.

It sounds dangerous.

When the boss is new to the side, of course he needs a follower.As an "assistant", Jiang Ming was selected by the company's top management.A promotion and a salary increase are certainly a blessing to the poor, but the presence of such a new master with a hungry and thirsty sword ready to kill at any time makes people worry that this will be a sign of "good luck and bad luck" .

In fact, this company pays pretty well.Back then, in the era of Yangma, needless to say, it was good to enjoy the shade under the big tree. Even if it turned into a private company, the boss's main energy was on selling the company's usable properties.As for the situation of this foreign boss, it is hard to say.Everyone knows that at the moment it is the so-called "do more and make more mistakes, do less and make fewer mistakes, and do nothing well."The risks of being in close contact with your boss outweigh the opportunities, at least temporarily.The more contact with her, the greater the possibility of being stabbed in the future.This is already a consensus in the eyes of high-level officials.Only through this wave can we have a future.

It is said that the smart people in the company have chosen a good tree to live in, and started to look for another high branch, making preparations for the worst in the future.Of course, Jiang Ming is an exception. At this moment, he is out of ammunition and food, and it is impossible for him to move. He has no choice but to make up his mind to get the approval of the new boss, even with tears in his eyes, he must stay on this ship.

"I've already told her about your situation. The boss has just arrived, and you also need to cooperate more with many things in life. If necessary, ask the office to help in time."

The same advice to the office has been tirelessly repeated three times. As an office veteran with many years of work experience, Jiang Ming certainly knows that the subtext behind this is to let him keep an eye on the boss, and to notify the higher-ups in time if there is any situation, that is, to be a good eyeliner. Role.

The workplace is so complicated. Although in theory the boss is the boss, who holds the power of life and death, and controls the entire company, in fact, it happens from time to time that the management supersedes the boss.

Of course, Jiang Ming is not a fool, he will not easily be someone else's puppet, he can only say that he plays by ear.

The weather is fine today, and the reliability of the flight schedule is extremely high.The problem was that when he was about to pick up his boss at the airport, he found out on the flight schedule that the scheduled flight had been cancelled.It is said that the aircraft malfunction was discovered before departure.

In other words...the boss won't come today?
Standing in the lobby of the airport, Jiang Ming found himself feeling at a loss for a moment.

The boss just said that he would arrive at ten o'clock, and there happened to be such a flight, so normal people would naturally associate the two.But now the flight is cancelled, but the boss has not given any explanation.

It was almost ten o'clock, and Jiang Ming had already received more than one phone call asking about the boss's itinerary.He had no choice but to boldly send a text message to ask his boss's itinerary at the request of everyone.

"Hi, I'm your assistant Jiang Ming. Have you arrived at the airport? Do I need to pick you up?"

After sending the letter, I received a reply: "I have something to do, I will be there later."

Damn, this is obviously letting him wait!
But how long is this "waiting"?At least there is no corresponding flight within three hours on the flight schedule!

Jiang Ming didn't do other things, so he suffered a round of splint gas first.Had to suffer at the airport.Fortunately, you can buy bread to satisfy your hunger at the convenience store at the airport.It's ten o'clock, and of course I still don't see Feng Jia coming.He couldn't walk, and felt bored, so he walked in the corridor outside the living room to relax.

Turning around a corner, he came face to face with a strange foreign young woman wearing an ol' outfit.According to the standards of the Republic, this girl is tall and curvy, wearing sunglasses that cover half of her face, holding a mobile phone in one hand to make a call, the other in her trouser pocket, and her satchel on her wrist.I can't see a famous brand's LOGO all over the body, but I feel quite refreshing and pleasing to the eye.The chestnut hair falls from the shoulders, thick as a cloud.He only listened to her promises and hurried steps, obviously being scolded on the phone.

Another poor man.

Nowadays, there are many examples of foreigners settling and working in the Republic, and it is common for them to be reprimanded by their superiors.

At this time, there was a voice from behind.It was a strong man, who obviously had something urgent to do, and rushed past here, shouting "Let it go!"
The girl had just finished a phone call and put her phone in her satchel.Then he pulled out a second phone, apparently intending to dial.However, at the very moment, the strong man passed by, and the mobile phone collided with the shoulder of the strong man.The brawny man was naturally fine, and his speed didn't slow down by even half an inch.The mobile phone in the girl's hand had already been knocked out.

The phone flew several meters away, and just as it landed, another pedestrian happened to pass by and kicked it straight.Now it slid towards the side of the driveway and went straight into the tire of a car.Coincidentally, before the owner of the mobile phone had time to pick it up, the car had already ignited and started.

The wheels rolled over, and only a crisp cracking sound was heard.All that was left behind was a distant figure, a trail of exhaust fumes, and a broken mobile phone.

The foreign girl picked up the broken mobile phone from the ground.When I looked back, the strong man had already run away.

Even through the sunglasses, one could see the momentary blankness on the girl's face.The so-called people who have fallen in the end of the world, why meet each other before.Jiang Ming felt sympathetic and stepped forward.

"Hello, do you need help?"

" phone..." the foreign girl said.Surprisingly, he was actually speaking Chinese, and his voice did not have the bluntness that foreigners often have.But even so, the panic and uneasiness cannot be concealed.

The mobile phone in her hand was badly damaged, it was bent at an unnatural angle from the middle, and it was completely ruined.Even people who don't know anything can see that, not to mention the casing or screen, even the circuit board and battery inside are broken.It's completely trash and can be thrown in the trash can right next to it.

"Well, is this the first time you've come to the Republic?" Jiang Ming asked.I didn't feel it from a distance just now, but now I suddenly realize that this foreign woman is very young... She doesn't seem to come here to work, but she looks like a student.Maybe a part-time job or something? "If you need to make a call, you can use my mobile phone first..."

He realized his stupidity in the next second. After all, the other party had another mobile phone, and he watched her put it away.

Apparently for the girl in front of her, the problem wasn't the phone, but the phone number.

"Thank you..." The girl in front of her seemed at a loss.Apparently she wasn't very good at talking to strangers.

She hurriedly took out the SIM card from the broken phone. "Can I borrow your mobile phone?" She looked a little cautious and seemed very disturbed.

"Don't you still have a mobile phone..." Jiang Ming wanted to point it out, but in the end he didn't say anything. He took out his mobile phone with the SIM card and handed it to the other party.

The other party changed into his own card and dialed a number with his mobile phone, but he couldn't get through there.This is true even for a few hits.

(End of this chapter)

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