Planeswalker My Plane War

Chapter 376 Episode 3

Chapter 376 Episode 3
This is an ordinary peasant family in an ordinary small county in the Republic.In ancient times, they were illiterate, numb and closed country people.But this is the information age after all. Even ordinary farmers are equipped with smart phones, WIFI is installed in their homes, and they have also cultivated a family of two college students (although they are both second- and third-rate universities).And the daughter happened to be at home.So although the owner of this house cannot be said to be a fashionista, he cannot be said to be ignorant of the world either.

Even if he guessed, he could guess that the two daughter-in-laws who came to the door were unusual.Although in a sense, the family is also proud that their son has been admitted to university and stayed in the city.But speaking of it, they actually knew in their hearts that if it was these two, Zhang Cheng might not be worthy.

Needless to say, a foreign girl who, although young, is accompanied by bodyguards and has friends who can borrow private jets.The other one was also a young woman with excellent looks and well-dressed clothes.

But no matter what they think, Nan Xiang on the other side has completed the whole process of this matter in his mind.

This is not normal ah?Ma Dan, an ordinary young man from the Republic went to the United States to travel, and he kidnapped a young lady to be his fiancée?And it's still an underage girl?

But this can only be said to be abnormal, not impossible.After all, there was a similar case in the country next door, and it was even a world-class big news-the three-star princess married a small security guard.That's the real thing, there's nothing false about it.

So he is a playboy who doesn't even spare little girls?She unconsciously felt a little more contempt.Of course, from another perspective, the original embarrassment of "Li Gui met Li Kui" in my heart also subsided a little.After all, Zhang Cheng is this kind of person, so he must have had many girlfriends outside.

In this way, the previous doubts have subsided a lot.As mentioned earlier, she has met many Zhang Cheng.This Zhang Cheng is one of the key targets. After all, according to the investigation, this man is obviously just an ordinary person, but somehow travels abroad twice a year.They are still traveling in Bayang Country and have not returned yet.Before, I had doubts about why this person traveled abroad, but now I seem to have discovered the real secret behind it.

"Fiancee?" If Nanxiang was really what she claimed to be at this moment, she would probably have lost her composure by now.But after all this lie, she only saw Zhang Cheng in photos.Her real purpose was to conduct a preliminary screening investigation.The so-called "no desires make you strong", so it is not untrue for a "girlfriend" to meet a "fiancée".If it had to be said, there was no disturbance in her heart at the moment, and she even wanted to laugh a little.

Nanxiang ignored the existence of the little girl, and started chatting with Zhang Cheng's parents without saying a word.As I said before, the atmosphere is quite awkward at this time, so it is basically an awkward chat.Nanxiang asked a question, and the other party replied.This instead gave Nan Xiang a chance.Anyway, she was there for the investigation.In this awkward atmosphere, the trouble of changing the topic was reduced.

The little girl also recovered from her initial impulse.If she just noticed some clues just now, she is even more suspicious now.This girlfriend came to the door alone, it's fine without a gift, what's going on with this look?

Her ability to perceive words and emotions is actually not strong, after all, this is a skill that needs time to accumulate to master.But this is the case, and I noticed some signs from the calm expression of this woman who called herself Nanxiang (especially after knowing her "fiancée").

Also, during the chat, why did the other party not ask about Zhang Cheng's love life at all, but specifically about Zhang Cheng's growth experience?Of course, you can say that this is because the atmosphere is awkward, so you can find some topics to talk about, but these topics... Zhang Cheng primary school, middle school and so on.And there is an element of inducement in words.

She is not good at observing words and emotions, but she has more or less been involved in psychology.Where is this a question that a new daughter-in-law would ask when meeting her in-laws for the first time?That is to say, the family was confused by this awkward atmosphere, and they couldn't see it because they were unsuspecting.But the little girl knows the truth!

The biggest hobby of Zhangcheng Primary School is to catch grasshoppers, butterflies, dragonflies and other insects nearby.Moreover, he is very good at catching bugs, and he is almost familiar with the small surrounding woodlands.It is often possible to catch a dragonfly, tie a thread to the dragonfly, and then lead the dragonfly to fly.In addition, the school once organized a specimen making competition, but Zhang Cheng won the first prize of the whole school, and made more than ten butterfly specimens by himself.

All in all, the kind of naughty kid that is very common.In contrast, results are lackluster.

If I had to use one word to describe it, it would be ordinary.There is absolutely no bloody plot like a senior expert suddenly descending and accepting apprentices.Of course, there won't be any seniors around here.Within a large area around here, there are neither famous mountains and great rivers, nor any hermits or masters.There is no relevant historical background.It must be said that there is something related, that is, there is a monk temple by the river about ten kilometers away.However, this monk temple is not so much handed down from ancient times as it is newly built.The previous temple has long since been dilapidated and only ruins remain.It was only refurbished in the 90s of the last century, and a few monks came to preside over affairs in the temple.These few monks are all orthodox monks who came out of Buddhist colleges, and their origins are well documented.Although the temples are now very popular, in fact these monks are not very eminent monks, let alone supernatural abilities.

Well, it is said that there is still a Taoist temple nearby, but it cannot be compared with a temple.Although this temple was said to have declined in the past, it has now regained its prosperity.But this Taoism has never been dead or alive.There is only one authentic Taoist inside.In short, even Taoist priests are professional monks under the control of the government.There is nothing suspicious about it.

That is to say, regardless of appearance, age, experience... they are not compatible.It must be said that there is something suspicious, probably this "fiancée" from a foreign country who is silent at the moment.

But this actually proves that this Zhang Cheng and that fairy should have nothing to do with each other.After all, this is a kid from a rich family.

In fact, just looking at the photos is enough, the appearance is nothing more than that, there is an obvious difference in age between the two parties.

If you want to say that Zhang Cheng suddenly met a god when he was in college, and then he learned all kinds of spells... that would be a bit out of touch with reality.

Of course, this is only the initial screening after all.Although there is no evidence to prove that Zhang Chengcheng is that immortal, there is also no evidence to prove that the two are not the same thing.Especially recently, Zhang Cheng went abroad - he went to a country like Bayang, which made him more or less suspicious.

Basically, a comment such as "no suspicious problems for the time being, to be observed in the future" can be issued.

"Well, girl, how did Zhang Cheng and you meet?" After chatting awkwardly for a long time, the family finally came to terms with it.This is not quite right.This is simply the way the Public Security Bureau handles cases!

"That...haha...we met when we were traveling." Nan Xiang smiled awkwardly.Anyway, it's almost there, so it's time to leave.After all, she was on business, so it was fine even if it ended in an embarrassing situation.

"Where did you meet on a trip?" Although the little girl was a little impulsive at first, she had already guessed something after watching this matter for a long time.

This is absolutely impossible to be Zhang Cheng's girlfriend, let alone met halfway.She used threats to drag Zhang Cheng into the thief's boat!So she knows very well that Zhang Cheng is very low-key here, and he is very reluctant to show his supernatural ability.

Who is the hardest to hide?Of course it's the person next to the pillow.Therefore, it is impossible for Zhang Cheng to find a girlfriend no matter whether he is emotional or reasonable.As for one-night stands, it's possible.But when will the one-night stand partner find his parents in his hometown?Not to mention the chat I heard just now, what is this chat, this is simply an investigation.

In this case, there is only one answer!

After her mood settled down, she took out her mobile phone and sent a message to Zhang Cheng.

On the other hand, Nan Xiang also noticed that the host was suspicious, so she quickly got up and said goodbye.Anyway, her mission has been completed.

The family sent the unexpected guest out suspiciously, and then the little girl stood up with a smile on her face.

"Uncle, aunt," she said. "I brought some gifts..." After saying this, she turned her head and motioned for Shen Xiaojiu to get the things.

According to the custom in this country, a gift is given to each person at the door.Gifts don't need to be too good or too luxurious, just ordinary standards.The hostess can have some wine, well, a bottle of XO and a bottle of Moutai are almost enough, there is always one that suits you.The hostess can order some cosmetics, such as Chanel's limited edition package, which claims to be specially designed for older women to maintain their skin.If there is a younger sister, one DIOR lipstick is enough.In addition, there is another food, truffles, um, French black truffles will do.In this way, it will be complete.There is a gift for everyone, plus ingredients that everyone can enjoy.It is enough for a new daughter-in-law to come to the door.

It was still early when I left Zhang Cheng's hometown.

The little girl got into the car, and then looked at Shen Xiaojiu beside her.The latter is professional after all, and he remained silent and calm during the whole process no matter what he did.Although I don't need to ask, I know that she must be dying of curiosity in her stomach.

"That... Lolita," Shen Xiaojiu finally asked when they got in the car. "Is it true what you said about the engagement?"

Although one of the jobs of a bodyguard is to keep his mouth shut.But this matter... Well, even if you are based on basic morality and the concept of good and evil, you should care a little bit.This little girl is definitely not of age. Could it be that the person named Zhang Cheng... This should be just some kind of wild fantasy of the little girl.In fact, she probably had a similar dream when she was this age.But that was just a girl's immature fantasy after all, far from the real world.

Although this is a rich kid, he is still a kid after all.The two of them actually got along well, and she didn't want to see this kid crying one day.

"Didn't you see my ring?" The little girl pointed to the ring on her left middle finger.

She did have an extra gold ring on her hand.Shen Xiaojiu had noticed this ring for a long time, but it was not the usual big diamond ring, but a gold ring.The appearance of this ring is a coiled snake, with exquisite workmanship, even the scales on the snake's body are clearly visible.But in the end, it's just a gold ring.Not particularly high value for the really rich.Not to mention that this is an ordinary gold ring, even if it is an antique handed down from thousands of years ago, it is definitely not worth as much as a ten-carat diamond ring.And the ten carat diamond - at least in Shen Xiaojiu's opinion - is not in the eyes of this rich brat at all.

The little girl likes this ring very much, and she will turn it gently when she has nothing to do.

"He gave it to you?"

"Of course." The little girl smiled while gently turning the ring with her hand.

"Is it true? He shot you?" Shen Xiaojiu is not a messenger of justice, but at least he wants to understand what's going on.

"Oh, the first time should be a bit of commemorative value." The little girl replied irrelevantly.

The phone rang, momentarily interrupting the conversation.The little girl picked up the phone, glanced at it, and immediately pressed the call button.

"Mary, things are going better than expected. The IRS investigation is over. Should we go back?"

"No," replied the little girl. "Let's go ahead with our original plan."


"Heidi, don't worry about it. Anyway, try not to go back from today. If you go back, you have to plan to pay bail." She said without any concealment. "I'm sure, this is another out-of-the-box move."

"External move?"

"The financial market is a gamble. Where are there gamblers who are always victorious? If there are, then it must be a trick, or an out-of-the-box move. The same is true for us, isn't it? If a spy fails, he is an assassin. If the assassin fails, then it is the state apparatus. They will have more tricks outside the market, and in this case... let's hide in the area where they are not in power. And, have you seen the latest news?"

"That's the one……"

"That's right. The news of 'the rich woman is successful, but the old father is rejected' has been seen on the Internet. Someone has revealed all your secrets. I guess in the eyes of the public, you are already a cold-blooded and cruel person. A female villain without family. Well, by the way, I have already helped them figure out the next news. 'A rich woman is suspected of murder, and an innocent high school student was brutally murdered'. It won't take long for someone to sue you. I think the guy named Alan was right last time... You are taking a lot of real money from other people's pockets, which is forcing them to use all means to deal with you. By the way, ours What happened to the trap?"

"He's hooked." Heidi's voice changed too. "For the high salary, for the shareholders, for a series of failures in the past, and to prove his position in the financial market, this time he has to fight. He chose high leverage, and within a month, he will lose everything."

(End of this chapter)

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