Planeswalker My Plane War

Chapter 368 Black Magic 3

Chapter 368 Black Magic 3
Antikus sat stiffly in the car.

Mike always has a hand on his shoulder, which seems to be a very common intimate gesture, but in fact this hand seems to take over his entire body.At this moment, he couldn't move, he could only sit in the car like a puppet, listening to two black mages with obvious malicious intentions discussing a chilling topic.

"Ha, didn't you think you could handle it easily?" the woman asked. "Have you suffered so much now? I've said it all, that guy is very powerful. He became a great wizard by virtue of his own research. Whether it's his intelligence or his endowment... he is not at the level of ordinary people."

"It's just luck." Mike let out a painful gasp at this moment.It seems that the magic used to suppress the injury before has failed. "I think I'd better go to the hospital first."

"Go to the hospital?" The woman stepped on the gas pedal. "Don't let me help?"

"The combination of medicine and magic is more effective." Mike gasped in pain, but no matter how painful it was, his hand was always on Antikus' shoulder. "Do some treatment first, and then use magic to speed up the recovery..."

"The charge is the same." The woman said lightly.

"I know, you don't want to talk about money..." The pain on Mike's face added a little more. "I just want to recover quickly. This is the fastest way to recover."

"Will the great wizard come to you?"

"Normally not." Mentioning this topic, Mike turned his head and looked at Antikus in front of him.Not only him, even the woman driving in front looked up at the rearview mirror.Although Antikus couldn't move, cold sweat was already oozing from his forehead.

These guys... These guys are obviously really good at killing people!

"Okay, Mr. Antikus. Tell me, has your teacher placed any spells on you?" The next moment, Antikus clearly felt that his body was under control again.No, not the whole body, it should be said just a head.He felt that the position above his shoulders could move.

"I...I don't know..." Antikus didn't dare to lie, but in his heart he resented that Redstone didn't teach him more things.He is now not so much learning the way of wizards as he is wasting a lot of time on meaningless traditional culture.Because of his university studies, he has not yet been exposed to the most basic wizard skills, which is the so-called "psychic".

This is the most basic ability among all skills of Indian wizards. It communicates with the spirit of nature and draws knowledge and power from it.In the past few years, psychic communication has been regarded as a superstition and a scam by a large part of the tribe, but since the appearance of the red stone, things have been completely reversed.Everyone now believes that psychics work, and if you don't work it's a matter of your personality.

"Is he a student of Hongshi?" asked the woman driving.

"It seems so. On today's variety show, Hongshi brought him to the stage." Mike replied. "They also came out together when they came out. Besides, I also found some things about him on the Internet."

"What type of student?" the woman asked again.

"That's hard to say." Mike smiled ambiguously. "Maybe like a wizard's apprentice in the Middle Ages."

The two laughed loudly. It should be a joke, but Antikus couldn't understand it.

"How to deal with it?" The woman driving the car asked with a restrained smile.

"Tell him to call Redstone after getting off the car." Mike had clearly thought about it. "Let him learn to hide. I don't want to see a situation where the FBI and Indian wizards join forces. They probably won't be able to find us, but there's no need to take risks. In this case, Redstone is more likely to push it halfway."

"Don't you think he's going to retaliate?"

"No, I didn't hurt him badly, and that great wizard is probably not someone who will take revenge. We should have a chance to talk about peace."

"What do you think of Indian wizards...?"

"Very powerful, the spirit foundation is very stable and powerful... just like... that person." He said.

After saying the last sentence, the two men and women in the car fell into a brief silence, as if they were talking about a taboo topic.

"Then what are you going to do?" After a long time, the woman asked quietly.

"500 billion knives... tsk... It's more difficult to raise than expected." Mike said to himself. "It seems that there is no way to do a stable, good and fair business."

"Stable, good and fair?"

"Huh, isn't it? Treating the monopoly with incurable diseases in exchange for their property. It's fair. It's like a doctor charging for treating patients. At best, our fee is a bit high."

"But there are not many rich men like this in this world." The woman laughed. "If you are rich, you have a disease that cannot be cured by medicine." Basically, the rich people in this world are very concerned about their physical condition.Private doctors are a common configuration of the rich. If a person suddenly suffers from a disease that modern medicine cannot treat for no reason, it cannot be said that it is impossible, but the number is indeed not many.This means that in most cases, the disease can be treated - even cancer, early treatment is not difficult.

"That's right, since that's the case... what can you do?"

The two of them behaved like no one else, and they didn't avoid Antikus at the side when discussing this topic.The young apprentice wizard found himself sweating unknowingly - he knew that the more he heard and the more he knew, the closer he was to the grave.But the black magician's hand was on him, and he couldn't move at all.

"There is a new goal," the woman said.

"Hasn't the hospital arrived yet? ... Uh, what did you say?" Mike asked. "New target."

"A little girl named Heidi." The woman replied calmly.

"Oh? A young lady who just inherited billions of dollars?"

"No, a genius girl who was an ordinary person a year ago." She said. "In one year, I went from an unknown person to a new star on Wall Street, with at least a few billion dollars in assets. They said that the little girl didn't seem like a human being, as if she had some kind of super power to predict the future."

"Ha, can we take action against this kind of person?" Mike asked. "It's a taboo to be discovered."

Trading is one thing, but taking is another.Their power cannot be exposed in front of the state apparatus, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable.This is why they also have to be careful not to act recklessly.

"The good news is that there are a lot of people who want her to disappear. If she does disappear, there is absolutely no nasty state department going after it. Other than that, her money is pretty much floating and easy to get away with. The downside is that she's usually reclusive outside of her day job, and she's no slouch when it comes to her own safety."

"Oh, this problem seems to be very troublesome. We have to have the opportunity to kidnap her alone, but it is very difficult. This is different from the situation of Redstone..." he said. "We probably won't even have the chance to get close to her."

Although the United States government has also arranged security for the great wizard, everyone knows that it is not so much for the protection of the great wizard's personal safety as for personal surveillance.In fact, the security settings are not strict, and many personnel arrangements cannot even be done in groups of two.

"I have no choice but to wait patiently for the opportunity." The woman replied. "Unless you have other good goals."

The car stopped, and there was a comprehensive private hospital outside.

"Call Redstone," the woman said.


The Grand Wizard sat on the ground, with two doctors in white coats beside him.The wound between his chest and abdomen has been treated urgently, and medical staff have wrapped a hemostatic bandage here.In fact, the injury was not serious. The bullet tore the muscle, but failed to penetrate into the internal organs, let alone caused a penetrating injury.The doctor took the bullet out of his body on the spot with a shot of medical morphine and simple surgical equipment.

"I want to know what's going on," said the officer on the side. "According to our arrangement, there should be two trained security personnel in this aisle, not a mob with guns."

It's not incomprehensible that the great wizard was attacked, after all, his Indian identity could easily arouse someone's jealousy.

"Well, sir, I found them, and they said they had received an emergency order to go to the other side..." a subordinate replied.

"I don't remember ever giving such an order." Veins appeared on the officer's forehead.Although Hongshi is fine, this accident will definitely make him lose points in the eyes of his boss.

"Well, but both of them swear that they received the order, and both of them emphasized that."

"However, the situation is still within control. Although the caliber of the bullet is large, the opponent's marksmanship is inaccurate. If the gun hits directly, it will cause a lot of damage, but the bullet is not a direct hit. It should be shot indiscriminately, causing a round The stray bullet hit the great wizard." Judging from this method, the opponent is not a professional killer who has received strict training, but just a commoner with a brain.He didn't even make any preparations, he just came here casually like a stunned young man, and then happened to meet the opportunity when the security personnel were not there.

"If it's possible," Hongshi looked at the surface in charge of his own safety, but in fact he was an official mainly monitoring. "It's best not to say anything about this matter." He looked at the official. "I didn't notice it in time, and it hurt my reputation."

"Well... that's true," the official said happily.Although the explanation given by the great wizard is very far-fetched, as long as this matter can be suppressed, it means that he will be held accountable less. "We didn't do a good job this time, I'm so sorry."

The great wizard has risen.Anyone can see that his injury is not serious, because after a simple bandage, he was able to walk independently, and there was no stagnation in his movements, which was very natural.

"I think I need a break," said the Grand Wizard. "Is there anything I need to watch out for?" His last words were to the doctor who performed the simple operation on him.

"It's nothing, your condition is fine. Come over in two days and let me give you another necessary antibacterial and anti-inflammatory injection, and you can shout and jump again."

Redstone nodded, and walked towards the exit surrounded by several security personnel.A car over there had been arranged, and he sat in the back seat, then took out his phone.Although I suffered a little injury, I gained a lot today.Not only did he see other magics of different systems, but he also deepened his understanding of the use of his own power.

This is like those great wizards in the legend.The great wizards in these stories all have great powers, but the methods of using them seem to be very different.In some stories, great wizards were assassinated by warriors from rival tribes.Originally, he meant that the power of the great wizard was not suitable for fighting, at least not suitable for melee combat.But now it seems that his original guess may not be correct.Maybe those great wizards... didn't really understand what kind of power they had.

He opened his spiritual eyes again, controlled the body in the void, and gently held his mobile phone in the material world with one hand.

With the help of the vehicle's side mirror, he could clearly see an unreal hand appearing beside him with his physical eyes. The hand was not big, but it could help him pick up the phone.He further thought what would happen if he displayed the body in the void in the material world?But immediately he remembered a similar legend.There was once a great wizard who used his magic power to turn into a giant and moved a huge heavy object that humans could not move—he forgot whether it was a tree or a stone.

Is that so?That is to say...

The phone rings.

"I did as you said," he said without waiting for the other party to speak. "You can release Antikus now."

"Huh, I knew you'd do it. No problem," replied Mike on the phone. "After half an hour, you can find your precious student on %$# Street. He is of good quality and will definitely restore your spirit base."

"Spirit base?" Hongshi asked suspiciously.However, the other party did not explain further to him, and hung up the phone directly.

His eyes turned to his own hand, which appeared in the physical world.This approach indeed has additional consumption.Although he knew that his power would be lost even if he didn't do anything, but when he did something, he knew that the speed of his power loss accelerated.From this point of view, the black magician summoned a scythe must have spent a lot of energy.

How would they replenish their passing power if there were no spirits of nature?
(End of this chapter)

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