Planeswalker My Plane War

Chapter 352 Hometown is a foreign land

Chapter 352 Hometown is a foreign land

Returning to Guicheng's foothold, Zhang Cheng couldn't help but feel a little sleepy.

In fact, he hadn't slept for two nights, the first night was because of time travel, and the second night was because of meeting Dong Haijun.Although it was said that eating a soup of unknown origin from Mr. Donghai made her mentally excited for a day, most of the effects had faded by now.

With Hu Chen accompanying him and returning to the city, there was no need to spend the night in the Dimensional Castle.Zhang Cheng almost fell asleep with his head on the pillow, until he was awakened by an astonishing explosion in the middle of the night.Then there was another explosion.

He got up, and it took him a moment to think about the mines.

Sure enough, the site of the explosion was the two houses where he had set the mines before.In other words, someone entered the two empty houses and triggered a mine.

Guicheng's security measures are far stronger than expected.In fact, when Zhang Cheng arrived at the scene, a group of murloc guards had already arrived.In addition to the murlocs, there were also some other melon-eaters who watched the excitement, but on the whole it seemed that everyone was inexplicable.Nobody could figure out what was going on.In fact, even the smell of gunpowder in the air is unfamiliar to them.

The victims of the mines were about five or six lizardmen, or Huaiyi.These lizardmen are all fully armed - of course their armor and the like can't stop mines.At this moment, most of these Huaiyi have passed away, and only one is still lingering, but if no healer arrives in time, it is estimated that this one will not live long.

At least the appearance of Zhang Cheng and Huchen did not attract any extra attention - they were not the only ones who came to watch the excitement.Several Qiang Rong, a group of Lai Yi, and some Feng Yi were scattered and stood in different positions according to their respective races, whispering about this trap that spanned thousands of years.

The murloc guards went back and forth but couldn't find any usable clues.Only the dying wounded could be interrogated.As expected, on the one hand, he was seriously injured, and on the other hand, he was really ignorant. He died without being able to say anything about Zi Chou Yinmao.With no other choice, Lai Yi piled the corpses aside, and left first, waiting for dawn to deal with them.

Seeing the end of the matter, the spectators also slowly left.Ten minutes later, everything here returned to darkness and silence.Then a figure slowly emerged from the darkness.

It was a strange creature that looked quite like an anteater on Earth, with a long tongue sticking out of its mouth.It moved forward and slowly came to the side of Lai Yi's body.The bodies were all badly damaged in the mine explosion, but most of the heads were still intact.It got down on its knees, and the long tongue in its mouth penetrated through the nasal cavity, and between hesitating and hesitating, it had already passed on the remaining information in the dead man's brain to the planeswalker.

Zhang Cheng finally understood what was going on.

"Sure enough, I came here to find the son of Marquis Qi. It's because a great witch predicted that the son of Marquis Qi would appear in Guicheng..." The big witch's prediction is absolutely credible, as long as the big witch didn't lie on purpose. "Qi State is a very important country among the Eastern princes. As long as the son of Qihou can be kidnapped and taken away, it means that he has a good bargaining card in his hand."

It's hard to say how important this card is, but in the game, if the player has the status of a sergeant, he will be canonized as a doctor after he rescues Jiang Kao from the return city.Even if it is a nominal doctor, it is a class leap.

So Zhang Cheng's previous guess was correct, Huaiyi wanted to sneak attack because of the big witch in the final analysis.A great witch foresaw this.It is said that the divination of the great witch is completely cheating in this world.

You don't need to ask to know how much advantage you will have when you have a great witch to assist you.This also explains why the big witch has a high status in any race: just like the players on the earth who play games and cheat, sometimes, the game itself is free, but the cheat is charged.

So this once again proved to Zhang Cheng that it was difficult, extremely difficult, not ordinary difficult to catch a great witch back.Ma Dan, it is really difficult to go from a scholar to a doctor, and it is impossible for normal people to complete this leap.Therefore, the main source of the doctor is the sons of the princes.

At present, the only feasible solution in Zhang Cheng's mind is to find a big witch who is in trouble - he must be busy enough, in this case, he may not have time to divination his own safety.But currently he only knows Wu Qing.

Of course, from another perspective, although the big witch can open and hang, it is not a panacea.Otherwise, Huaiyi would have intercepted them on their way back to the city.The shaman said that the divination of the shamans can only get the general situation after all, such as "big ominous" and "little auspicious", although accurate, but because there are no details, it is not impossible to exploit.

It is said that Zhang Cheng finally got the news of the first great witch - Wu Qing, a kobold.Even though Wu Qing didn't even know where Wu Qing was now, at least she finally had her first target.This is also a breakthrough.

The stone brain evil spirit had already met the last Huaiyi's corpse.

"Huh...there is a great witch from Dongyi...will come back to the city soon?" Zhang Cheng was refreshed by the unintentional news.I don't know if it's Wu Qing!He quickly ordered the evil spirits to search carefully.It's a pity that this Huaiyi doesn't know either.

Zhang Cheng stayed in Guicheng for another day.The next day was very peaceful. Basically, he took Lai Zhi and waited for a group of murlocs, walking around the market area in Guicheng.He's spent the whole day in swindling, ah, no, legal dealings.After all, exchanging the glass, salt and other things on the earth for the local products of this world is almost like cheating.However, those Europeans on the earth who have been cheated and abducted for hundreds of years are not only fine, but are becoming stronger and more noble, so Zhang Cheng will not be overwhelmed or feel guilty about this.Anyway, the end result is always a happy one.

All in all, it took a day to search for an entire dimensional bag, and then go back and seal the cards.For planeswalkers, it's that simple.Another question needs to be carefully considered after going back. How can these things be realized on the earth?

Towards dusk in the afternoon, another late visitor came to the slave market.This is Zhu Xia who came here yesterday, and he pointed out that he wants those slow-moving goods.

Slave traders have long been dissatisfied with these unsalable goods.In this war-torn era, there are many examples of nobles becoming slaves.On the one hand, these old and weak women and children used to have aristocratic status, and on the other hand, they lacked the value of slavery.The reason why they were brought to Guicheng for sale was because the slave traders had heard that there were dog troops here.

Well-informed upper-level people actually know about Shenzhan—everyone knows that Heng'e is the protector of Quan Rong, and Quan Rong will need a large number of sacrifices.In this regard, noble sacrifices are more valuable.

Yes, this is a cruel thing to say, and it is worthy of embarrassment.A noble descendant of noble blood was to be sacrificed on the altar.But how to put it, being a slave is a cruel thing in itself.Slave traders are human beings, not Buddhas, and cannot save sentient beings.He also needs to make money. If slave traders' sympathy is greater than their desire to make money, then they will not be slave traders.

But unfortunately, there are not many dogs coming to the city, and they don't like to patronize the slave market.This made the shipment almost unsalable.Fortunately, now an interested guest showed up.So the slave merchants didn't have much to bargain for.Soon, the goods in hand were sold to customers at a reasonable price.

Although the guest was Zhu Xia, he was accompanied by a whole team of fully armed Lai Yi.Under Lai Yi's custody, these lizardmen slaves were weeping but dared not resist, and were taken out of the slave market.Seeing their figures going away, even the Huaiyi slave trader heaved a long sigh.Although his sympathy is not greater than money, it does not mean that he has no sympathy.He knew that these slaves were probably doomed.

Well, looking at this posture, you probably have a spectrum, which should be used as a sacrifice to Lord Donghai.

When it got dark, a group of Huaiyi slaves were brought into an empty house in Guicheng.

The room was not big, and it was a crowded space for dozens of slaves.But the fate of the future is more frightening than the narrow space.Under the strong atmosphere of terror, even the children among them did not dare to cry anymore.Every adult noticed that there wasn't a lot of water and food arranged here, which meant that in the eyes of their new owners, they didn't consume a lot of food and water.Anyone with a little brain knows what that means.People who bought slaves could never buy slaves and let them die of hunger and thirst.

This was originally a house for people to live in, so regardless of the doors and windows, it is actually possible to enter and exit.But now there are Laiyi guards around every entrance and exit here.Based on their old and weak women and children, there is absolutely no chance of escape.

When it was dark, the final judgment came.That Zhu Xia, their new master, walked into the room.He cast a light spell, illuminating the entire room.

The lizardmen were almost huddled in corners, trying in vain to hide themselves.But it's completely useless.There is simply no room here to hide such a large creature.Not to mention adult lizardmen, even young ones.As long as a creature bigger than a mouse is impossible to hide.

"You are all..." that Zhu Xia said. "Is the surname Yan a clansman?"

No one answered, and all the Lizardmen faced their new master with the greatest fear.A few Huaiyi slaves looked around, trying to find a way to escape.Because they all knew in their hearts that they were doomed this time.However, they have no possibility of escape at all.Every exit was guarded by armed Laiyi. Where else could they escape?Not to mention those old and weak women and children who have no combat effectiveness, even if they are strong men, it is impossible to match Lai Yi.Armed vs. unarmed doesn't work, let alone unarmed vs. armed now.

The Zhuxia slave owner raised his hand and made a frightening gesture.Then came a veiled figure in a cloak behind him.But because of the lizard man's distinctive tail, even a cloak couldn't hide his Huaiyi identity.A few seconds later, the new Huaiyi let out an inhuman roar, and then rushed towards a female lizardman next to him.The latter screamed in terror, then struggled vigorously. "Go away, go away..." But her resistance was completely useless, because the other party grabbed her arms all at once.

"Uki!" the newcomer yelled. "Look who I am!"

The crowd watched in horror as the newcomer slowly lifted his cloak.In the next instant, all the fear just now turned into surprise.

"Yanbi? Are you still alive?!"

"Of course I'm still alive!" Yan Bi replied. "Who told you I was dead?"

"They said you went to a very dangerous place, even a person like you can't come back. No body was found."

"I went to a very dangerous place, but I was lucky to meet someone. He promised to help me." Yan Bi said.So everyone's eyes were focused on that Zhu Xia.Before, they were all terrified, but now it's just the opposite.

"Who is this?" Zhang Cheng asked.

"Her name is Wu Ji, she is my younger sister." Yan Bi looked at the child beside her sister. "Is this your child?"

The little child has not yet grasped what happened, and is still shrouded in fear at this time, curled up in his mother's arms.

"This is your uncle..." Wu Ji said to the little lizard man, but the latter didn't say a word, just hugged his mother tightly.

"It's all right...he's a little scared. Where's his father?"

"That..." Wu Ji faltered for a long time and didn't say anything.

"Ah, is that so?" No matter how stupid Yan Bi was, she knew what her sister's attitude meant. "Where are the others?" He looked around. "Our family... are there only... so many people left?"

There was indescribable sadness in his voice.

His family is considered a medium-sized family in China, with at least hundreds of members, men, women, old and young.But now, the situation in front of him told him how bad the situation was.There are no young and middle-aged men at all, and many familiar faces are missing among the women and children.

No one spoke, everyone was silent, and this silence itself was the best answer.

"As soon as they heard the news of my death, they immediately sold you..." Yan Bi let out a sigh that seemed to tear his chest. "So that's how it is... Shu Yong is no longer my hometown..."

He pulled out his three-foot Longquan—the blade buzzed, but it didn't make any sense.

"Mage Plane," Yan Bi turned and said to Zhang Cheng. "Help me settle them. Don't let them travel meaninglessly... If you do it, my life is yours."

"I'll find a way. But for the time being," Zhang Cheng said.It's not difficult, once you become a border town doctor, you will have no problem dealing with the lizardmen. "They can stay in my card first"

(End of this chapter)

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