Planeswalker My Plane War

Chapter 333 Wilderness 7

Chapter 333 Wilderness 7
"Hey..." Zhang Cheng patted the other person's face, and found that his face was livid and his teeth were clenched.Do not know what's going on.

injured?poisoned?Or sick?Or the onset of a hidden disease.

On Earth, poisoning is actually considered a disease, and it can also be called poisoning disease, but in the magic system, injury, poisoning and illness are three completely unrelated things.Frostbite, for example, is injury, not illness.A "Cure Light Wounds" or "Cure Moderate Wounds" will fix frostbite, but not much for disease and poisoning.The same goes for the other two. "Expelling toxins" is not effective for the wounded and sick, and "expelling diseases" is not effective for poisoning and injuries.

At the same time, there are some situations where all aspects are invalid, such as the motion sickness that Zhang Cheng encountered before.Magic can't cure motion sickness.

Uncertain for a moment, Zhang Cheng helped Nanxiang's body out of the blanket.

She took off her coat yesterday and slept in only her underwear.It just so happened that Zhang Cheng checked the surface of her body, but he couldn't see any signs of being bitten by poisonous insects - of course, in the plateau snow, it is reasonable to say that there would be no such poisonous insects.At the same time, there were no obvious frostbite or bruises on her body.

Nan Xiang let herself be manipulated limply, but the fear in her heart disappeared little by little.

It's strange to say that his body is so soft that he has no strength at all, and he can't even make a sound, but in fact he is still thinking normally in his mind.Eyes can see and ears can hear.

So... does this practitioner named Zhang Cheng actually have the ability to heal?Seems normal.Basically, in the legend, whether the gods can take the head of a person from thousands of miles away varies from person to person, but basically they all have the ability to save lives and heal the wounded.

She began to feel a murmur from Zhang Cheng who didn't know what to say, and then something that seemed to be a piece of paper was stuck to her chest.A wave of energy like a strong electric current is released from the contact point, spreading all over the body in an instant.That energy steadily drove away the extremely uncomfortable weakness in the body, and returned the strength to the body little by little.

Zhang Cheng sat beside her. The spell "eliminate disease" is amazing to say the least, it can deal with almost all diseases.These include but are not limited to bacterial infections, viral infections, and the like.However, it works differently for different diseases.At least in the current situation, the spell didn't restore Nan Xiang immediately, obviously it would take some time to take effect.

Her body moved towards Zhang Cheng unknowingly.This is an instinctive action, because it is very cold around.Even if there is a blanket to cover it, it is not as comfortable as Zhang Cheng's surroundings.As Zhang Cheng knew before, his cloak actually produces an energy field like a bubble, which can forcibly transform the surrounding environment into an environment suitable for human beings.Strong winds will be reduced to light breezes, and cold or heat will be reduced to a level acceptable to humans.Even the flying snow will be forcibly reduced to a limited number of snowflakes.

It's a typical adventurer's piece of gear—a piece of equipment that one needs when one is ready to explore the depths of the spiritual realms.In the words of the planeswalker, it is the equipment for the root realm.In that ghost place, extreme environments emerge one after another.Without this type of equipment, even the very strong will be severely restricted by the environment.However, the people who can make this kind of equipment are actually very limited. They are generally gods or great spirits, and the lowest-level spellcasters can even be human-level.

At first, I thought it was just a sick person's instinctive reaction, but when Zhang Cheng regained consciousness, he realized that he was sitting on the blanket, and Nan Xiang's whole body was wrapped around him.

Speaking of which, I didn't notice it before, but now I discovered this... In fact, Nan Xiang is a girl with a decent figure.

I couldn't see it because of the clothes I was wearing before.It is only now that I see that it is quite a boob.Well, why the emphasis on boobs?Perhaps it is because modern science has proven that whether it is a hip or a thin waist, it can be obtained through scientific diet and strict exercise. Only breasts are born.If you want to repair it the day after tomorrow, you must use a scalpel.

But... He sighed softly, slowly took off the cloak on his body, and covered Nan Xiang.After this piece of equipment left his body, a chill immediately hit his face.It made goose bumps appear on the skin that was used to the warmth and comfort.

But he was wearing winter clothes after all, and a soft mink coat.This degree of chill is still within the acceptable range.Zhang Cheng got up and walked to the edge of the small hill ahead, the cold wind gusts.

The close-fitting mobile phone unexpectedly moved at this time.He took out his mobile phone, but it was the little girl who sent a message.She explained that her formalities have been basically completed, and after a while, that is, after the Spring Festival, she will come to Dongzhou City to officially enroll.

This phone is really powerful.This kind of ghostly place in the wilderness can also be contacted... But I sent a congratulatory message, but I couldn't send it for a long time.It can be seen that the network speed is as slow as a snail.The current situation cannot be said to be cut off, but it is actually very difficult.

Then he suddenly thought, if the planeswalker lived alone in the wilderness like a hermit, wouldn't he be found by the gods or the gods above the gods?Instantly he knew it was a stupid idea.If you want to live alone, planeswalkers have the best option: their own cards.As long as he put himself in the card and hide in the sea of ​​chaos, he will be absolutely safe.But this is useless, because the planeswalker must create new cards if he wants to improve his power.And the new cards, no matter what kind they are, are actually "stolen" from various worlds.

He sighed, and looked back to see that there was already a reply in his phone: "I will come to thank you when the time comes."

Going to the door to thank you... Actually, it's not necessary.After all, in the final analysis, Zhang Cheng is nothing more than a little effort.He didn't really shoulder the responsibility of guardianship or something like that.I mean, isn't that very irresponsible?
When she gathered herself up and went to look, she saw that Nan Xiang had already got up in the campsite.She was clearly amazed by how her body felt and the snow and ice all around her.For her now, the skin on her body felt as if it was early summer, and there was still a little bit of chill in her body.She even forgot that she was facing a strange man in only underwear.

Of course, in this respect, facing a familiar man is actually even worse.

"This is... the magic weapon of the fairy family?" She touched the cloak hanging on her body.There is an incredible texture in the hand.This thing didn't seem to be silk fabric, but rather like some kind of nanomaterial she had seen before.When the fingers touched it, it was so smooth and supple that it was hardly a human thing.She now understands why Zhang Cheng never considers the temperature issue.

"It's what you think it is..." Zhang Cheng said. "Well, put on your clothes."

Nan Xiang came back to her senses.A blush was evident on her face, but she immediately realized that there was almost no emotion in Zhang Cheng's eyes.This situation is not surprising, reason tells her that practitioners basically follow various precepts.Like LV Dongbin, who is famous for the separation of Hanzhong, he has to pass various tests.Since ancient times, the Republic has believed that the relationship between the sexes is extremely harmful to spiritual practice.But the intellect is one thing, the sense of reality is another.

"Pervert!" She gritted her teeth, raised her slender neck, and her posture was inexplicably reminiscent of a white swan.

"Are you hungry? You can eat something and go." The other party didn't seem to hear at all.

They got up again, and it was a monotonous and boring climb over the mountains.But unlike the way she came, this time she was really walking on a straight road.Basically, the common thing of "detour" was not considered.Naturally, they soon ran into a big obstacle.

There is an unclimbable cliff ahead.Apparently they went in the wrong direction and had to make a big bend to get through here.The two stood on the edge of the cliff, looking at the deep stream below them.Even in this mountainous area known for its treacherousness, this kind of terrain is rare.The strong wind whizzed past his ears, scraping his face like a knife.

Only then did Zhang Cheng realize that today's temperature seems to have dropped significantly compared to yesterday, or they climbed to a higher altitude.Only when he didn't have a cloak did he really feel the ice and snow.The cold wind was blowing through every crevice on his body with pain.This is no longer "scraping the surface like a knife", but "scraping the surface like a diamond".The mink fur coat he bought performed very well before, especially in another world, which could keep him warm in heavy snow, but the current situation was beyond the capabilities of the mink fur coat.It's useless even if you wrap your coat tightly.

Nan Xiang behind her was fine.A bubble-like energy field enveloped her, turning all biting cold winds into warm spring winds, making her unaware.

Obviously, if you want to go straight here, you probably need to use a flying card or something else.But the "flying technique" is a consumable after all.Zhang Cheng now feels more and more that he still needs a flying mount, at least not limited by this terrain.

The wind element can be summoned in another world, but obviously there won't be any elemental creatures for him to summon in this world.

How will this go?Several thoughts came to his mind, and he remembered that he had bought some climbing tools.One of the sets is a crossbow that fires climbing ropes - they're pretty expensive.Although Zhang Cheng didn't think he would use it when he bought it, but now it seems to be a suitable opportunity.Use the special crossbow equipped with a hand-cranked reel, launch a long-handled crossbow arrow and a special soft rope for climbing, and you can try to pass the cliff.If not, then consider flying it.

Zhang Cheng felt that it would be better for him to endure elemental damage first.He already clearly felt the numbness mixed with pain in his hands and feet due to the cold.

When he just took out the spell card and began to look for the item brand, a strong wind suddenly blew—not the usual strong wind, the wind was so strong that he would be five or six steps away from the cliff. Zhang Chengchui staggered and forcibly rushed towards the cliff.He couldn't hold his feet for a while!Even if you want to bend down and lean over to regain your balance, you can't do it.His footsteps were vain and he couldn't control his forward momentum.

Like all human beings at the moment of life and death, Zhang Cheng's mind was spinning at a high speed at this moment, and in an instant, he accurately predicted his future development in his mind.He will be blown by the wind, forced to fall off the cliff.

He never regarded "Flying" as a card that is always ready for use.Even though a planeswalker can easily carry a large number of cards with him, there are only so many places on his body that he can access at any time.He has three cards at his disposal.One is an item brand, one is a pistol, one is a defense card, which is the "Dimensional Rift", and the last one is a spell card "Cure Serious Wounds".These three cards are generally enough for him to deal with all unexpected accidents under normal conditions.And "fly" is usually mixed with other less important spell cards.So it is impossible to find it out in a hurry.

Then, after a maximum of three or five seconds of falling, he might just fall right down to his death.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a little funny.A planeswalker who has already taken shape and has many powerful cards, is he about to fall to his death?

If it is said that he died at the hands of a god today, it is indeed true.Anyway, the ancestors of planeswalkers probably died like this.But being blown to death by a gust of wind like this... He felt that it was really worthless!

However, the laws of physics are so ruthless, the strong wind forcefully pushed him out of the cliff.

Zhang Cheng's mind went blank for an instant.When he came back to his senses, only the gentle breeze was left around him.He was hanging above the cliff, and another hand grabbed him and pulled him body.Probably because of this contact, the space bubble was enlarged temporarily.Now Zhang Cheng can't feel the howling wind, only the harmless breeze caressing the hair beside his ears.

Nan Xiang pulled him up from under the cliff.They walked hand in hand for a short distance, and stopped only after making sure the wind was no longer a threat.

Zhang Cheng touched his forehead and found that it was covered with cold sweat.

Calm down and think about it, in fact, you may not necessarily die just now.After all, he still has two moves.The first is to put yourself into the card in time, and the second is to still have the bear.Although the little bear is in the card, it can freely enter and exit the card and can observe the surroundings.It should be able to detect Zhang Cheng's danger in time and come out to save people.

But Zhang Cheng also knew that these two were not safe.His mind was blank just now, and he probably couldn't think of the trick of putting cards in it.Moreover, this trick takes time, and he may not be able to do it when his body falls at a high speed.As for the little bear... tigers have a nap, and the little bear is not a full-time nanny 24 hours a day.

"Thank you..." He didn't know what to say, but finally said these two words.

"I thought all of you practitioners were... powerful." Nan Xiang said.She knew it was too mean to say that, but she couldn't help it.If Zhang Cheng hadn't given her the cloak, he would be fine.

"It's not as good as you think." Zhang Cheng replied. "After all, there are unpredictable things in the sky." He figured it out, and falling from high altitudes was also one of the planeswalker's weaknesses.Sure enough, the most ideal way is to have a follower by your side?Or, get the ability to fly freely?
The former is actually very simple, Hu Chen is a very good choice.The latter also seems to be able to be found in the market in Guicheng.Something that can activate the flying technique at will... Well, if you look for it, there is a high probability of finding it.In fact, this was also his own carelessness, he should have released Xiao Huihui to accompany him.But this was originally a no-man's land, and Zhang Cheng didn't expect that he would need the help of his followers in this situation at the beginning—after all, Xiao Huihui was too good to eat.

Zhang Chengyuan felt that the planeswalker could despise all natural dangers.Now it seems that his self-confidence is a bit too much.From this point of view, the weakness of the planeswalker is ultimately the planeswalker himself, no matter what the situation is, he must be cautious.

There is such a strong wind here that it means that no tool is suitable for crossing it.After receiving this lesson, he used a "flying spell" without hesitation.Flying in the air is still very windy, but the power of the cloak directly filters out the strong wind.This accidental item is indeed extraordinary, and it is a good helper for the planeswalker.

At dusk, the two of them were again preparing to camp in a hollow.

"I'm almost there." Nan Xiang said suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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