Planeswalker My Plane War

Chapter 323 Travel 3

Chapter 323 Travel 3
This was the first time Zhang Cheng saw a real murloc.

Before, he had seen the murloc called Laiyi from the perspective of an ancient lizardman through psychics, and he had also seen those murlocs from the perspective of God in the game.So I knew in advance that this is a creature with a fish upper body and a human lower body.Or like a fish with limbs.Despite their ugly appearance, they are actually tall and powerful.

But even so, seeing a murloc for the first time still brings a great visual impact.

This guy is really tall... Zhang Cheng's body height is considered average among humans in this world, and Huchen is a full head taller than him, and this murloc is no less tall than Huchen.Moreover, the murloc's body was naturally curved and arched due to its structure, which meant that if he could straighten his body, he would probably be half taller than the Rakshasa.

Although Rakshasa is tall, it looks slender.If you don't consider the tiger head, in fact, the figure is also within the category of normal human beings.But the murloc is completely different. This guy is not only tall, but also full of flesh.That can no longer be called strong, but rather like a fortress of muscles.

There are huge and plump muscles that are creepy all over the body.You don't need to ask to know what kind of strength this muscle will bring.

In terms of weight, the murloc looks no less than the Rakshasa demon.The same should be true of strength.

Not just the body shape, but also the brain.

Lai Yi in front of you has a head that is very similar to fish, but that will never make you think of fish like carp and grass carp, but it will immediately remind you of piranhas in the Amazon, or sharks.Because it has a mouth full of sharp teeth.At this moment, his teeth were completely exposed to Zhang Cheng's gaze—maybe his lips were too short to cover them, or maybe it was just because he was grinning.

His teeth are different from cats like tigers.Human teeth are divided into incisors and canine molars, but murlocs do not.Instead, there are two rows of teeth that are staggered up and down, with the tips slightly curved towards the inside of the lip.You don't need to ask to know that this terrible tooth is a very reliable melee weapon, and sometimes it can play a role that a hammer and a sharp blade cannot.As long as he wants, the murloc can choose to bite the enemy in melee at any time. If he bites the throat, it is basically a sure kill.Of course they can also use it as another tool.Think about it, if the sticky and bloody internal organs are chewed in the mouth of this fang... They can not only help the murlocs catch the struggling victims, but also allow fear to wear down the courage and competitiveness of the enemy.

In the murloc's hand was a rough fork of unknown texture.It is not clear whether this thing is made of metal, bone, or other materials.But at least you can believe that it can easily pierce a person, even if the person is wearing armor.

Huchen caught up from the side, with the sword and shield already in his hand, blocking the murloc in front.

The situation on deck was dire.The murlocs were climbing onto the deck one after another.Jiang Kao fell to the ground in horror, barely hiding behind Zhang Cheng.The slave at the helm huddled in horror, obviously completely hopeless.Only Hu Chen stood in front of him.Jiang Hei was in the cabin at this time.

"Hey, didn't you say that our ship is smooth and fast, so it's impossible for Lai Yi to board the ship?" Zhang Cheng asked.

"That... that... I don't know... that's what they said..." Jiang Kao replied tremblingly.

"Because we have hooks and locks available here." Lai Yi who was in front suddenly spoke.He used the common language of human beings, "No matter how fast your boat is, if you get hooked, we can climb up."

At this time, the second and third Lai Yi had already climbed onto the deck.They were not in a hurry for a moment, obviously waiting patiently for more companions to board the ship.

In this limited time, Zhang Cheng has given himself an arcane vision—even though he is a dead warrior and mage, Zhang Cheng doesn't want to fight hand-to-hand at all, especially when the opponent is Lai Yi.The light in front of him told him that although the few murlocs in the lead were not, there was actually a good spellcaster who was climbing the side of the boat behind, and it should be a priest.Even in terms of level, it should be above level ten.The Lai Yi in front of him should be the leader.He was wearing a magic bracelet that looked expensive.Well, the Lai Yi are a barbaric race after all, and the leader will naturally charge forward.

"So dare to ask," Zhang Cheng looked at the murloc.Although I know that this battle may be unavoidable, it is still good to work hard. "What do you guys want to do here uninvited?"

"Zhu Xia..." Another murloc let out an uncomfortable laugh. "I'm hungry, and I haven't tasted human meat for a long time. It's soft and tender, but delicious..."

"What are you doing? This is our tribe's territory!" said the leader of the murlocs. "Don't ask yourself, do you still see our master in your eyes? Are you guilty of being a thief?"

Although Daxi has never been anyone's territory - but as an aquatic race, Lai Yi is actually right to say so.

Under the arcane vision, the leader Lai Yi shone with light.This shows that his subordinates cast an auxiliary spell on him.But it's the same here.Silently, the magic aura on Hu Chen's body also lit up one after another.He also knew that Lai Yi was difficult to deal with, and he was outnumbered, so he cast various auxiliary spells on himself in advance.

Perhaps because he noticed the change in Hu Chen, the leader of Lai Yi actually turned his eyes away from Zhang Cheng, and stared at Hu Chen for a few seconds.It is not clear whether he made a hint or not.Suddenly, that Lai Yi from the side rushed forward, waving a huge flail in his hand.

Although this is a flail, it looks a bit nondescript.Because probably this Lai Yi added all the things he thought were applicable.So this thing looks like a deformed human being, full of raised tumors and sharp corners.Just being hit by this thing, even if it is just brushed, is enough to tear a large piece of flesh and blood from a person.

Lai Yi held the flail but didn't swing it, and bumped into Huchen's shield with his body.This is a competition of pure strength and weight without any flower stands.Rakshasa's body looks far less sturdy than the opponent's. If everything develops according to normal logic, then he will be knocked away firmly.If you are unlucky, you may even be hit directly and fall directly off the boat.But the actual result was far beyond the expectations of the audience.Because it was not the Rakshasa demon that was knocked away, but Lai Yi.

The murloc couldn't bear the impact, and staggered back and forth.He kept retreating five or six steps, and was helped by a companion so that he didn't show his ugly face.Otherwise, it is estimated that it is possible to fall off the boat.

The murlocs looked at each other.I can't see how powerful the passengers on this ship are.

Among the land races, there are very few who can compare with Lai Yi in strength, let alone have obvious advantages over Lai Yi.Of course, they realized that the other party had blessed themselves with magic.But magic is also normal power.

However, this collision is not a real move, it can only be regarded as a temptation.Lai Yi didn't swing his weapon, but just bumped him with his body.So at least on the surface, the two sides have not yet torn faces, and it is not necessary to fight.

"Then is it too late for me to apologize now?" Zhang Cheng asked.That's what he said, but he had already reached out and got the cards ready.The boat was not big, and Huchen was blocking the front, so it was difficult for the opponent to take advantage of the large number of people.Zhang Cheng was worried about Jiang Hei in the cabin.If Jiang Hei came out, he might be dead... A low-level mage was besieged by a group of brute-force murlocs, so he had no chance at all.Another question is whether he should draw a gun.Jiang Kao was watching from behind.

Forget it, let's start with an orthodox magic battle.If the magic battle is unfavorable...then consider the matter of firearms.How can Zhang Cheng say that he is now a 13th-level mage who can use [-]th-level spells? Even by the standards of this world, he is still an elite figure.

"According to our rules," said the Lai Yi leader. "Now it's not something that can be settled with an apology!"

"Then how do we end it?" Zhang Cheng asked.

Although everyone said that Lai Yi were barbarians, at least for now these Lai Yi seemed to know how to advance and retreat.They didn't roar like real wild beasts and rushed up regardless of whether they swung their weapons.Probably the collision with Huchen just now left a very deep impression on them.Lai Yi looked at each other, and all focused on the leader.When they boarded the ship, they probably didn't expect to encounter such hard walnuts at all.

"According to our rules, you must prove that you are qualified to pass through our territory." The leader of Laiyi said.

"You mean..." Zhang Cheng asked. "A duel?" That's what the savage knew.

"Yes, you can prove your courage in a one-on-one duel," said the leader of Laiyi. "It's a fair duel, one on one!" But there was an unobtrusive slyness in his voice. "I'm the duelist on my you have any objections?"

Zhang Cheng already knew about this kind of "fighting generals".In fact, there was such a duel when I participated in the battle of gods in the Kingdom of God.Huchen confronted a Fengyi.However, Fengyi is a notoriously cunning and dishonest race, and Laiyi is a barbarian after all.As we all know, the more barbaric you are, the less deceitful you are.

"No problem. Let me ask first, what kind of duel is this? A battle of life and death? Or is the winner determined by the first drop of blood? What will happen if you lose?"

"Of course it's a battle of life and death! Either you admit defeat, or you lose if you die." The leader of Laiyi smiled proudly.The fangs gleamed brightly in the sun. "We are different from you land races. We don't play those fake games. According to our rules, the loser, even if he survives, can only be the other party's slave."

It is said everywhere that Laiyi is still in a primitive tribal state, but after all, the whole world has basically entered a slavery society, and slavery is already very mature.So Lai Yi also knew about slaves.It’s just estimated that for these barbarians, “slave” and “meal” are at least synonyms, if not synonyms.

"Okay! If you lose, you will be a slave!" Zhang Cheng nodded.In fact, you have no other choice at all.And judging from the results of the test just now, Huchen should not lose.

The leader of Laiyi raised the fork in his hand and called out to the sky.Then in an instant, Zhang Cheng clearly felt a force descending from the void.It was an indescribable, indescribable feeling.It's similar to the duel with that tiger side in front of the altar of the second loser a long time ago.It seems that there is a pair of eyes staring at this place somewhere.A wave of will hooked Zhang Cheng's mind, asking whether he would accept the invitation to a duel.Apparently the owner of these eyes has enough power to fulfill the promise of this duel.

Once you agree, it's impossible for you to regret it.There may be a terrible price to be paid for repenting.Of course, Zhang Cheng really didn't want to regret it.He agreed.

As if some kind of rule restriction, the will sent a message, indicating that the duel agreement was established.

Zhang Chengzheng was planning to let Huchen come forward, but unexpectedly, the leader of Laiyi pointed at Zhang Cheng from afar. "In this case, I choose you to be my opponent!"

"What?" Zhang Cheng was surprised.Let alone him, Jiang Kao behind him was shocked.

"Wait, let's choose..." Jiang Kao also knew that Zhang Cheng was an alchemist, and he couldn't fight Lai Yi on the front line.

"This is a fair duel." Lai Yi said. "You can choose members among us, and of course I can choose members among you." He stared at the other party with sly eyes.The other party is undoubtedly an alchemist.And it is impossible for a human alchemist to beat him in a duel.That's right, alchemy is very useful, and alchemists are very powerful, but that kind of strength can't really be reflected in a duel on such a small ship.Two strokes, at most two strokes, he can crush this alchemist.

"We didn't select members among you!" Jiang Kao argued.

"Yes, I recommended myself, but I got your consent." The leader of Lai Yi has a fish head, and it is difficult for humans to distinguish his expression under normal circumstances, but at this moment he is smiling so happily that the aliens also Can clearly distinguish. "Is that any different than what you've chosen?"

Those eyes in the dark obviously recognized the words of Chief Lai Yi, Hu Chen, who was about to duel, could only look at each other in blank dismay at this moment.

Damn it, this is pissing me off!Zhang Cheng finally understood now.This really underestimated the opponent!Unexpectedly, these so-called savage murlocs would also use this trick.

The eyes of Lai Yi's leader are full of pride in the success of the trick.Under the control of those deep consciousness, it is impossible to refuse this duel.But if there is a duel, it will be overwhelmingly beneficial to him.

"Okay, let's go here. But before we start, we still have a companion here, and I want him to come out."

The overall situation was settled, even Lai Yi didn't have to worry about Zhang Cheng running away - he couldn't run away at all in this case - so he nodded and signaled his subordinates to get out of the way.No matter how impatient you are, you can still afford to wait a few minutes longer.

Zhang Cheng walked all the way in, and after two or three steps, he had already drawn out the "young god" from his hand.

In the cabin, Jiang Hei has already felt that secret will.His face was full of horror.

"Don't worry, you go out first." Zhang Cheng comforted, and sent Jiang Hei out.Just as Jiang Hei walked out of the gap in the cabin, Little Bear jumped out of the card.Although Little Bear is inside the card, he can feel the situation outside the card.

"Looks like I need my help!" said Little Bear.

(End of this chapter)

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