316 Magician 14
Through the brain-eating evil spirit, the information in the brains of the two people was quickly read out.

Everything is about the same as pre-guessed.In fact, the whole scam is very old-fashioned, and there is nothing particularly new.In the final analysis, the liar made a strong first impression on the victim through various circumstances, language and other things (especially the military temperament cultivated by Hassan's military life).Coupled with the psychological motivation of taking advantage, the liar can easily cover the eyes of the victim.Zhang Cheng is not the first victim.However, what other victims lost was the deposit, while Zhang Cheng lost everything.This is due to his ignorance of the details of the arms deal and his lack of awareness of precautions.

Of course, to be more precise, this is because he has confidence and is not afraid of being deceived.In fact, the end result also proved this point.

Seeing that everything was cleaned up, the magician drew out a card "Dark Beetle" again. When traveling at night, this thing is the first choice, and it works better than anything else.

At this moment, in the base of the Maple Leaf Army, things are becoming a mess.

You must know that although this is a military base, its main task is not actually responsible for combat.They came here as allies of the United States, mainly to undertake some logistical support tasks.In other words, there are not many real front-line combat troops in the base. At this moment, even a fool can understand that the situation is wrong.

Night has fallen.The command room at the base was brightly lit.Colonel Wilson was making every effort to request intelligence and technical support from United States Command.He also at least wanted to understand what was going on at the front.Unfortunately, all technical methods have failed.The multiple reconnaissance drones originally deployed in this area have all been destroyed—of course, they just lost contact in theory and were not confirmed to be destroyed, but everyone understands what is going on.The satellites in the sky were blocked by thick clouds, and there was nothing to help.

At present, the only way is to send out professional reconnaissance planes piloted by people... But in this era, there are not many such planes, and it is very difficult to send them here.Moreover, two of the most advanced supersonic fighters have lost contact here.It is said that the last sound of one of the pilots was a scream.At least for now, the United States does not want to send its valuable pilots and expensive aircraft here to face a completely unknown enemy.

You can't blame the United States for making this choice, because they have already lost a lot.The two planes are military equipment worth tens of millions of dollars, but they are worthless losses here.

At this moment, Colonel Wilson is in contact with the country.And it was no surprise that he was scolded bloody by the domestic superiors.Other things have not been determined yet, but the hundreds of soldiers and equipment sent out by him may not come back.The domestic officials know nothing about the grasp of the war situation in the field of military command, but they are specialized in the field of shirking responsibility.They didn't know how to know that this matter originated from his provocation.The mysterious magician had contacted him for a peaceful solution, but Wilson arrogantly refused.

If the end result is favorable, then this matter is a minor episode that no one cares about.However, the current result is not good, so he will be responsible.

"...Colonel, your actions have cost our country a heavy price. If you don't want to go to a court-martial, then hurry up and find out what's going on, understand?" The voice was full of anger, arrogance and domineering.

This is the power of modern technology.At this moment, even though thousands of rivers and mountains are separated, the two can still have a conversation without hindrance.And there are almost no limits to this conversation.In fact, it's not just a conversation, as long as two people want to, they can even start a video.But at this moment, the two of them did not make such a choice.

The voice paused, waiting for the colonel's reply, "Yes, sir!"In reality, however, there was no sound at all.

Is this because you have been scolded too much and want to resist?Every leader has encountered this kind of situation.Generally speaking, there are two kinds of final results.One is that after waiting for a long, long time, the subordinate replied with a reluctant voice "Yes, sir" or after waiting for a long, long time, the subordinate replied with a very angry voice "Go to hell! Lao Tzu quit!"

But this time, he had reason to think it was the former.Because if Colonel Wilson really dared to take the burden... he would indeed be sent to a court-martial for the crime of humiliating his teacher and humiliating the country.For this reason, he purposely became a little more patient.

But no matter how much patience a person has, it will be exhausted.In the end he took the initiative to speak.

"Colonel, do you hear me clearly?"

The other side was still silent.It was evident that Colonel Wilson was doing all he could to suppress his anger.

"Did you hear clearly?" He asked again.There was no sound from there.

This surprised him a bit, and he had someone turn on the video call.But the answer from the technician was that he opened it on his side, while the other side refused to answer to open the video.

It is completely understandable if this is a short period of time.But the time is... that... too long.It's not normal and it's not natural.Because even if Colonel Wilson gave some stupid orders out of anger, the technical officers would secretly contact here.This is human nature.In other words, this is the inevitable result of the difference in power status between the two parties.

Colonel Wilson may have done something stupid because he was out of control.But the officers and soldiers in the base had no reason to be stupid with him.So normal people instinctively feel that something is not right.

"Colonel Wilson?! Colonel?! Is there anyone over there?!"

Yet there was still no sound.The technician made a gesture to indicate that the equipment was all right.

"Is anyone over there? What happened?"

"Hello!" A strange voice sounded from the opposite side.The voice is very clear, like a child's voice.I don't know if it's a problem with the digital circuit or a psychological effect, but there is a hint of cruelty in that voice.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your chat, but I think it is necessary to say that Colonel Wilson may not be able to answer you."

"Who... who are you? What happened to Wilson?"

"Who am I? That's a good question, just treat me as an anonymous person. Colonel Wilson is also fine, but fell asleep temporarily. None of this is important, the important thing is," the voice cleared his throat, "I It's for compensation."

"Compensation? What compensation?"

"Given the numerous threats, insults and taunts that Colonel Wilson has made against me, I believe I have grounds for compensation," said the voice. "I need $10 billion in reparations."

"Young man." Because there is no video, it is not clear what the other party looks like.But based on what the other person just said (and being where they shouldn't be), anyone can guess who it is. "I'm General William, and I want to say that you may have found the wrong person. I'm a soldier of Maple Leaf Country, and we won't accept..."

"That means you refuse to pay compensation, right?" the voice interrupted him.

"Of course. It's impossible."

"But, I must get this 10 billion." At least that voice didn't sound angry or disappointed.Instead, he looked in high spirits, happy. "Since you refused, I can only use my own method."

The audio has long been transferred from headphones to speakers, so everyone present can clearly hear the sound of footsteps fading away.

"Quick! Contact other places in the base!" General William ordered immediately.

He was already [-] to [-]% sure that the person who was talking to him was the person code-named "Magician".A person who possesses a special ability or unknown technology.Don't know how this guy sneaked into the base, but the situation is not good.Because not long ago, hundreds of combat troops in Maple Leaf Kingdom were all wiped out in the fight against the magician.You can say that the total annihilation has not been confirmed yet, because there is no evidence.But that's just silly gimmicks.

Being able to launch an attack on the base immediately... In other words, eliminating those soldiers would be effortless for him?

After all, it is a military base, and this kind of complete communication system is more than just one or two sets.And in addition to these complete sets of equipment, there are many other equipment used by soldiers alone.In this era, the transmission of information from top to bottom is actually very smooth.As long as you don't encounter technically comparable enemies, you don't play electronic interference.Then even Colonel Wilson in the military base can conduct front-line combat command.

The technician quickly connected to another place, "Hello, is there anyone? Is there anyone?"

Normally, every communication equipment and equipment has personnel staying behind, ready to call at any time.But this time, the other party seemed to be asleep, without any sound.Changed a few more places, the result is the same.Even some single-person equipment is unanswered.

The general clearly felt that he might have miscalculated the situation. "Bastard! It's just getting dark over there! So dereliction of duty?"

"Sir," someone replied. "I'm afraid it's not...it should be the trick of the magician!"

"Contact the United States immediately!"

The United States, a certain building.

The time is already dawn.When the commissioner walked into the venue, the technicians were already ready.Most of the others were already seated, including representatives of the CIA, people from the military, and some other officials.On-site security is very strict, and no unrelated persons are allowed to enter.The commissioner has the most people, including several technical experts.

A video is playing on the big screen in front of you.In the video is a venue like an indoor sports field.The ground was full of people lying here and there... Most of them were not ordinary people, but soldiers in military uniforms.

"What is this?" An older scientist next to him asked dissatisfied. "Did we sign a non-disclosure agreement to attend this meeting just to watch other people sleep?"

"No, no, this is no ordinary sleep." The commissioner explained in a low voice.Although he is the top leader in charge of related affairs, these scholars and professors still have a great say in specific aspects.After all, the Commissioners actually depend on their research. "This is the military base of Maple Leaf Country in the war-torn country in Central Asia, in other words, the base of our allies."

"Ah? Then... what happened?" It's hard to say on the battlefield, but it's obviously abnormal to sleep this way in your own base.No matter what base, at least you'll have a bed...or at least a floor sleeping bag, right?
"The one code-named 'Magician' has taken over that base," replied the commissioner. "We have surveillance devices installed on our ally's military bases...didn't expect it to work in this situation," the commissioner replied. "All I can say is...tradition pays off. The surveillance cameras we left inside the military base took enough footage and it was sent over in time. The magician should have no idea what we're able to record .”

"What, you mean...we recorded the whole thing on video?"

"No, unfortunately, because of factors such as personal privacy, or other reasons. Before we took over the surveillance system, the magician had already destroyed most of the cameras in the base—we only have this one video in our hands."

It can be seen that this is a camera hidden high in the venue, looking down at the venue at an angle of about seventy degrees.At the end of the angle of view is the gate of the venue, which is closed at this time.

"I can't explain the cause and effect for a while. All in all, the magician occupied the base and put everyone into a coma... This situation has continued for at least half an hour since we intercepted the video. The magician is not there, but we don't know he is. What are you doing outside. Hey, you can skip the meaningless part!" The last sentence was shouted at the video controller.

"Wait... look, someone is awake!" Someone else stopped.While talking, they saw a Maple Leaf soldier get up.I don't know why he woke up first.It may be that his sleeping position is particularly uncomfortable, or his physical fitness is particularly good.In short, he stood up, looking sleepily and blankly at everything around him.

After being confused for tens of seconds, he rubbed his eyes and started to wake up the second person beside him.It's not that hard.The second...the third...the fourth...the sleeping soldiers woke up one by one.They asked each other what was going on, but no one could tell who was ugly.Someone started trying to open the door.But unfortunately the door seems to be locked from the outside.

Not to mention those of you who already knew the situation before the distant video, the officers and soldiers in the stadium have also sensed the danger.

The door was suddenly pushed open from the outside.

The magician enters from the outside.There were only a few figures behind him, which formed a stark contrast to the large number of people on the opposite side.But unexpectedly, everyone was retreating, and no one dared to stand in front of the magician.Can't see why from the camera.But all the officers and soldiers of the Maple Leaf Country retreated to the limit, until there was no escape, and they were crowded into a corner.

"Gentlemen!" The magician spread his hands and made a gesture of unknown meaning. "Sorry to meet in this situation. But I think I should explain this matter." He raised his voice. "Because your officer, Colonel Wilson, threatened, provoked and insulted me, and by the way disrupted my original actions. So I demand a compensation of 10 billion knives. If I can't get it, then I will one by one There will be no pardon for executing you."

(End of this chapter)

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