312 Magician 10
Not only the soldiers, but even the magician in the distance were extremely surprised.The only thing he is thankful for now is that he didn't take out the machine gun and RPG to deal with Yan Bi.Otherwise...well...it's hard to say what the end result will be.

By the way, among these ordinary bullets, there are also some other bullets wrapped in strange electric light.It is these bullets that point out otherwise invisible trajectories to those at a distance.

The tank is adjusting the muzzle, trying to aim at this terrifying monster that doesn't know where it came from.However, the distance between the two sides is too close at this time. The idiom "beyond the whip" has another meaning at this moment.Both tanks and armored vehicles began to try to turn around, trying to distance themselves from each other.Neither machine guns nor cannons are intended for close combat.

However, when the vehicle turns around, there must be a turning process.

The lizard man's speed suddenly increased.According to the original speed of the two sides, the convoy has a chance to distance itself, but the Lizardman's speed is too fast at this moment.He jumped up and jumped onto the side of the tank.At the same time, he waved the long sword in his hand and slashed it on the tank's shell.

A stream of sparks was hacked on the composite armor.It was like a huge mantis shrimp, hammering the side armor of the tank with its forelimbs, shaking the whole tank to the other side.

The two armored vehicles immediately began to cover fire, and the bullets caused deadly ripples in the air that were invisible to the naked eye, forcing the lizardman to jump out of the tank.The three vehicles began to accelerate away.The side of the tank left a sword mark that was still clearly discernible in the distance.

"Sure enough..." The lizard man gave the planeswalker an exclamation through a spiritual link.Of course, at this moment, Planeswalker's sincere thought is that it is more appropriate to leave the evaluation of "really amazing" to Yan Bi himself.During the Second World War, the cavalry of Dabobo left behind the legend of cutting tanks with knives (of course, this legend was treated as a joke).Even the planeswalker himself did not expect to witness a genuine Longsword PK tank.

The lizard man raised his long sword high, and a light shone on the long sword.It's not that the long sword reflects the brilliance of the morning sun, but that it really shines by itself.It's not just glowing, it's getting bigger.In a blink of an eye, the Lizardman's hand was no longer the three-foot Longquan Sword just now, but a frighteningly large giant blade.The entire body of the blade is as lustrous as jade, but the top of the blade exudes a strange light like the sun, making it hair-raisingly sharp.There seems to be an iridescent crystal inlaid on the giant blade. With the flickering of the mysterious light, the entire giant blade is faintly pulsating, and the strong spiritual pressure is as majestic as a summer night storm, pressing on the hearts of everyone who sees the giant blade .

"My heart is like a sword, and I have no direction!" A wonderful voice whispered in the air.Although the sound does not belong to any language known on Earth, when it comes to your ears, you instinctively understand its meaning.

The junior officer of Maple Leaf Country was already paralyzed in his position, the spiritual pressure emanating from the giant blade made it difficult for him to breathe, and his chest was heaving with difficulty.This was something unheard of, his rationality refused to believe this reality, but his instinct had already guessed what was going to happen next.

It's unscientific...it's impossible...it's unrealistic...

Yan Bi tilted the giant blade and ran at an indescribable speed, so fast that it left afterimages in the air.He caught up with the tank that hadn't really opened the distance, and the shiny blade in his hand seemed to vibrate at an unimaginable high frequency within milliseconds, and the space that the giant blade slashed through instantly appeared distorted and concave that could be seen with the naked eye.

"Breaking Demon Slash!"

Just cut it with a sword.A strange silver light elongated and condensed from the space distortion, like the extension of the blade of a long sword, cutting forward for a long distance, and even spread to another armored vehicle.Fortunately, the armored vehicle was running all the time, so when the silver light reached the armored vehicle, it was already at the end of its strength.Even so, a deep cut mark was left on the body of the armored vehicle.

The tank was split in half from the middle.The next moment there was a terrible martyrdom.The earth-shattering explosion carried a powerful wave of air, sweeping everything around it into it.

The lizardman was also affected by this wave of anger.Apparently, he concentrated all his strength on the strike just now, and he has no more spare energy to take care of other things.His body was overturned by the air wave, and he flew about ten meters away before landing.It was not a light fall.After a long time, he slowly got up.Yanbi stood upright, the giant blade in her hand had shrunk back to a three-foot long sword.But the sword is still attached with indescribable energy.Because the lizard man casually threw out a beautiful sword flower with his long sword, and even the void cut almost phantom scars in the direction of the blade.

Only a wreck remains of the steel behemoth.At this time, fragments of the giant beast's broken and twisted body were scattered in all directions.But its wreckage is still huge enough.The lizardman walked slowly towards the remains of the giant beast.Then climbed up.Like a dragon slaying warrior standing on the corpse of a giant dragon, he raised his long sword high and made a victory gesture towards the sky.

As for the two armored vehicles, they had already disappeared at this time.Even the tanks are cut in two, what else can they do?Although armored vehicles also have armor and firepower, they are nothing compared to tanks.

"A very powerful opponent!" Yan Bi walked back to the magician with a satisfied and tired face.Fortunately, the mask blocked most of the expressions, otherwise the planeswalker would probably make a fool of himself in front of the summoned creatures. "Even if it's me, I have to hit with all my strength."

Damn it, this is the real strength of a swordsman protecting the country.The cards were right.A national defender swordsman alone is enough to crush an army—whether it is an army in the wild age or an army in the civilized era.The attack power rated as high as 15 is really no joke.

By the time the planeswalker packed up his cards and walked back to the village, the fleeing armor had already left the field of vision.However, the remaining 4 armored vehicles reconnected during the retreat and joined each other again.

When they first came, they had a total of 7 vehicles, including two tanks.They come with absolute confidence.Believe that you can easily crush any resistance - guerrillas or otherwise.But now, although they called it a "retreat," everyone knew they were running at full speed.

They didn't worry about what they would encounter when they went back—this era was no longer a barbaric age when defeated soldiers would be executed at will.Everything was so unreasonable that no one had the confidence to continue fighting.Right now, they only have one thing on their minds, and quickly report what happened to their superiors.In fact, they also guessed whether the chief knew something, otherwise, how could such a force be temporarily mobilized in the middle of the night?

The retreat was smooth and the enemy did not pursue.At 09:30 in the morning, the full-speed convoy had returned to the base.

Colonel Wilson was already anxiously waiting for him at the base.

Each vehicle had on-board communications equipment, so before they returned to base, the commander knew his team had suffered a disastrous defeat.Two tanks and an armored vehicle were destroyed, all crew members were killed.

There are not many troops sent by Maple Leaf Country to garrison this country, and they are mainly responsible for some logistical support rather than fighting on the front line.Therefore, this tragic failure will inevitably have a negative impact on the commander's career.But compared to these, the incoherent way of speaking of the survivors through the communication equipment impressed him even more.

That's the way people talk when they're terrified.It's hard to imagine a group of heavily armed soldiers being terrified.They are all soldiers who have undergone rigorous training and are impeccable both psychologically and in combat skills.

As for the content of their speech, it is even more mysterious.What a tank instantly turned into fly ash.Why is there a lizard-like monster that split the tank in half with a single sword.As long as it is a normal person, such things will not be believed.It can only be said that these soldiers have lost their minds in the previous defeat.This is far more surprising than Zhongfu's fiasco.

The moment he saw his subordinates, the colonel further confirmed this point.

The officer disembarking from the armored vehicle was so pale that it reminded one of the white shirts worn by the dead at funerals.It has been an hour or two since the defeat at dawn.This one or two hours is far from enough for him to adjust his mentality, which shows how frightened he was in the previous battle.If it is civilians, it is understandable, but if it is a soldier, it is puzzling.

"Lewis! What's the matter with you." The colonel watched his subordinates get off the armored vehicle, and took a step forward to speak.

"Blame...monster...magic!" Lewis was obviously emotionally broken.The shattering of the three views has prevented him from recovering now.

"What monster! What magic! Wake up, Mr. Lewis!" the angry colonel scolded. "You are a soldier!"

But even if he was reprimanded by the chief, his subordinates still couldn't recover.In desperation, the colonel turned his gaze to another soldier who came out of the armored vehicle.This person's psychological quality is obviously much better, so it looks relatively normal.

"Soldier," he said, suppressing his anger. "Can you tell me what happened?"

"Report sir... I have already reported it before..."

"Is that the fairy tale about a lizardman cutting a tank in two with one sword?" The colonel began to suspect that his men were being attacked by some kind of hypnotic gas.Some country is said to have developed this gas as a non-lethal weapon - the effect is to produce strong hallucinations, lose control of emotions and behave abnormally.In fact, this war-torn country is really a weapons testing ground for big countries. Basically, any weird equipment is not worth surprising you.

"Yes, sir!" replied the soldier. "And that's not a fairy tale."

"What is it if it's not a fairy tale? There are no lizardmen in this world, and there are no swords that can split tanks."

"Sorry, sir. I didn't think so, either. But now I believe it. I have proof."

"Evidence?" Wilson's expression was as ugly as if his own excrement had been poured back into his stomach. "Then where is the evidence? My dear sir?"

"Come and see!" The soldier brought the colonel to an armored vehicle. "Here, it was cut out by a sword... To be specific, it can't be counted as being cut from the front, but was affected by the wind of the sword."

In one corner of the armored car, there is a huge gap.There are quite a few weapons against armored vehicles in this era.Since the tortoise shell of an armored vehicle is not as thick as a tank, weapons such as rocket launchers and anti-tank missiles can effectively attack armored vehicles and open holes in the iron tortoise.Ammunition such as armor-piercing bullets and armor-piercing bullets are familiar to any military fan, let alone professional soldiers.But there is no weapon that can make a hole of this shape in an armored vehicle.Even Wilson admitted that it really didn't look like a firearm, it really looked like it was chopped by something sharp.

The broken position of the crack is very neat and smooth, and no rough burrs can be felt by hand.It's really... just like what the soldier said just now.

But this is impossible.Human beings have traveled to every corner of this planet, and the facts prove that there are no lizardmen on the earth.Human beings have long used countless experiments and science to prove that it is a joke to smash a tank with a sword.

Math and physics are rigorous sciences, so you can figure out how much force it takes to slice through armor without practice.On the one hand, the human body cannot provide this level of energy at all. On the other hand, even if you borrow mechanical power (such as a mechanical exoskeleton), ordinary swords cannot withstand this level of reaction force.That's a tank!

Maybe unimolecular knives are possible in the future?But this is also unrealistic, the technology of the people on earth has not yet reached this point.

"Sir! I took a video..." Lewis, who was emotionally broken, suddenly said. "There are on-board cameras in the car!"

"What?!" Colonel Wilson asked in surprise.Without needing more words, he immediately got into the armored vehicle.

About ten minutes later, the colonel got out of the car with a dark face.He immediately ordered the adjutant next to him to make a copy of the video recorded by the car camera, and he himself didn't stop for a second, and hurried up.Although the Maple Leaf garrison has a certain degree of independence, it is actually still under the command of the United States.He wanted to report this unbelievable thing quickly.

After the report was over, his anxious mood calmed down a little.what is this?Aliens invaded Earth?Or superpowers?magic?or something else?
Then his phone rang again.

Ordinary soldiers are not allowed to use mobile phones while marching, especially in such a foreign country, because there is a danger of revealing their location.But when inside the base, the management is relatively lax.And as a commander, Colonel Wilson is somewhat privileged.

"Hello, Colonel Wilson." The clear voice he had heard before sounded on the phone.

"You..." The colonel gestured for the technical officer beside him to help him find out the source of his phone call while speaking. "Who the hell?"

"A person who was threatened by you is now in a hostile relationship with you." The voice said. "But I am a reasonable person, so I will give you a chance here. You have to pay enough for the insult and threat to me, and I demand compensation of 5 million knives. Otherwise, when tomorrow dawns, you will not It's just this price!"

"Joke!" The colonel was angry this time.But he didn't think he would end up being blackmailed. "Young man, I guess you won't be able to make it through today!" He didn't lie, because the situation here has been reported to the high command of the United States on the garrison side, and also to the domestic government.It was pretty obvious what would happen.He hung up the phone and turned his gaze to the technical sergeant.

The latter gestured to the side, indicating that the call could not be traced, at least not in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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