303 Magician 1
There was still knocking and cursing coming from downstairs.Although many movies and TV shows have the picture of "breaking the door lock with one shot", in fact the bullet is not that powerful.At least for now, all they can do is curse and knock on the door, and nothing else.However, the metal door is very strong, and it is difficult to open it just by knocking.The man standing on the roof estimated that it would take 10 minutes before they could get a ladder and climb over the wall.But 10 minutes is enough.

From the roof, you can see the village clearly from a commanding height.Although the village has a large population, its area is not large.People live more concentrated.This is why in the conflict with Kasim just now, a group of spectators quickly gathered around.No no no, that's not a spectator.They were actually supporters of Kassim, but with such a strong bodyguard as Hu Chen, the surrounding residents were afraid of losing money and dared not come up.

The man took a piece of brand name from his pocket, and took out a bony wand from it.This is a hypnotic wand.As mentioned earlier, this wand in the game is an artifact for cleaning up miscellaneous soldiers.It unleashes a cloud of hypnotic energy that puts creatures to sleep in a large area.It is very effective against minion-level creatures, and can basically wipe out the whole board with it, but it is not very useful against elites and bosses.

All wands have the advantage that they contain magic that has already been concocted, so there are no requirements for the user.No matter what class you are in the game, you can use the wand normally.And the same is true in reality - you just need to twist the end of the wand to release the energy in it.

But before chatting with the owner of the magic shop in Yingqiu, Zhang Cheng knew that there was another way to use the wand.

He took out the most important "self" card.The blue planeswalker fire was burning, and the body of the earthling disappeared. He walked out of the fire wearing a mink fur and armor inside, dressed like a young nobleman from ancient times-of course, it was true.He is now a level 13 fighter and a level 13 mage.No matter from which standard, it is enough to meet the standard of "elite".

The young noble gave himself arcane vision, then picked up the hypnotic wand and broke it with force.

At the moment it broke, all the energy contained in it was released at once.There was an invisible force vibrating the void, and under the arcane vision, it could be seen that the heterogeneous energy was like a ripple, spreading around him in all directions.At this moment, the young nobleman felt dizzy and staggered.But this process was very short, and he regained his composure in just a moment.He stood on the spot and observed, and saw that the distance released by the ripple was very large, covering the entire village and even a large area around it.When this energy dimmed and disappeared, it almost reached half the width of the field of vision.

Is the radius at least two or three kilometers?Sure enough.

The shouting outside and the banging on the door had died away.The young nobleman went downstairs and saw a large full-length mirror in the aisle.It's not clear why there is such a thing here, but it doesn't affect him standing in front of the mirror and looking at himself.

Going out like this is obviously not good enough.So the young nobleman took out the card again, and a few seconds later, the young nobleman disappeared, and Zhang Cheng from the earth appeared in front of the full-length mirror.

This doesn't seem to be good enough either.He thought for a while, and took out a magician's dress from an item brand.This is a classic costume that includes a silk top hat, gown, cape, mask and gloves.

He finished putting on the costume, and the magician came out of the house, opened the door and looked around.

Outside the door, there are already people who have passed out, piled up in layers.As expected, according to the standards of the other world, the people on earth are all miscellaneous soldiers, and they have no resistance to the hypnotic staff at all.

"Do you want to kill them?" Behind him, Hu Chen followed.

"No, not yet." The magician let out a laugh that even the Rakshasa demon felt horrified. "Everything is done according to the rules. We have to put them... well, into the warehouse over there." He said after thinking about it. "Huchen, you come back first, this is not suitable for you."

The blue flame ignited, and the magician put away the "Rakshasa Warrior" card and took out the "Lower Angel" instead.He knew before that the next angel has the ability to protrude multiple silk threads at once.This silk thread can be easily carried by a person.

"Send all the people in this village to that warehouse." The magician ordered through the spiritual link.If the Rakshasa dragged people over one by one, it would take a long time, but it would be different if it was a lower angel.The lower angels can carry a dozen or even dozens of people at a time.There are still many things to do, after all, everything must follow the rules.

The afterglow from the sunset slowly fades.The night slowly covered the sky, and finally engulfed the whole world.

The strong rancid smell in the nasal cavity made Kasim feel very uncomfortable.This is the smell of rotten wood. Compared with some other rotten smells, it doesn't seem to be a big deal at first, it's not a bad smell.But this smell has a characteristic, that is, in addition to the smell itself, there is also a feeling of discomfort throughout the body.But it seems to pass a decaying breath into your lungs little by little.He stretched out his hand, trying to drive away the uncomfortable smell, but he touched the wound on his hand.

The piercing pain made him groan lowly.The pain stimulated his nearly paralyzed nerves, and he regained a little clarity in his mind.He instinctively wanted to avoid the wound, but when he stretched out his hand, the broken finger hit something again.This severe pain really hurt him.Even the dizziness in his head couldn't stop the pain of this degree.He screamed, propped himself on the ground with one hand, and got up.

It wasn't until I got up that I realized what had just happened.He actually... lying in the warehouse?In fact, the reason why he felt the rancid smell was because there was a piece of rotten wood just a little bit in front of his nasal cavity.He had been smelling here for so long just now, and he wondered if he had inhaled those molds or something into his lungs.

Wait wait...what's going on?

Kasim looked at the scene with some confusion.The warehouse is full of people, men, women, children... all lying here.No no, none of them died.He leaned over and found that these people were just sleeping.

But this only confused him even more.What exactly is going on?This... If he remembered correctly, they were about to break open the gate at that time, but the strong gate could not be opened.Then someone offered to get the ladder.At this moment, suddenly, it seemed that my brain went blank, and I didn't know anything.

He looked up, and there were lights on top of the warehouse.The light is not particularly bright, but it is enough to provide enough illumination for people to see clearly.He noticed that there was a computer in the corner of the warehouse... Well, if he was not mistaken, this was one of the computers that Hassan had transferred money to before.Why was the computer pulled here?Also, didn't the warehouse lose power for a long time after it was abandoned?
"Ah, I've woken up." He heard a voice, and the outside door opened.The magician walks in.

Although the magician's suit is very good at concealing physical features.The silk top hat can hide the height, the mask can hide the appearance, and the cloak can hide the figure... But he still recognized the magician at a glance as Zhang Cheng.But what is a little strange is that Zhang Cheng's voice is very clear at the moment, which is different from normal, just like a child's voice.It seems that he has spoken in this tone before?However, the situation should be urgent at that time, so Kasim did not pay much attention.

"You...you..." It was only when he said the second "you" that he noticed a strange figure approaching him.

It was a tiger head man.

Although there are often stories about werewolves and tigers in myths and legends, he never even dreamed that he would see one in reality.He couldn't help but rubbed his eyes, only to confirm that he was right.

The tiger head was standing by the door, and the magician walked up to him.Although he didn't make any threatening actions or say anything, Kasim was still scared and retreated again and again.As a result, his feet tripped over something, and he sat down on the ground.

"What kind of warehouse is this?" the magician asked calmly.The tone was like the small talk between two neighbors when they met.

"This is... here is..." Kasim swallowed hard.There is obviously no use in concealing it now. "The transit warehouse built by the Maple Leaf National Army. It is now a backup..."

"Sure enough, the house was built after the warehouse." The magician said.

"Wait, wait..." Kasim said. "It's useless for you to force me now. The money has been transferred, and it doesn't make any sense for you to kill me."

He is telling the truth.This is the case in the first place. After the money enters the special account, it is dispersed and transferred as soon as possible.Then go through a series of complicated processes, go through procedures that no one can figure out, and finally flow into a clean account.A certain percentage of funds will be consumed in this process, but everything is worth it.Because in this way, the final money becomes aboveboard and can freely flow between any banks.Of course, as the earners of funds, Kasim and Hassan can share a very large proportion of the spoils.To be honest, he and Hassan made a lot of money this time with a successful deception.Everything went so well, you can't even describe the surprise of getting money from a fool.

But Kasim admits he regrets it now.regretful.

It seemed that the entire village was locked in the warehouse.He looked out through the small window at the top of the warehouse, and it was apparently dark outside.In other words, it should be midnight at this moment?

He didn't know what happened, but thinking about the weird loss of consciousness before, and looking at the tiger-headed man a little far away, you knew that this man might not be an ordinary person, but a magician.

Their religion itself does not deny this superstition.In fact, while they believed in the supremacy of their true god, they also believed in the existence of demons and spirits.Although religious people have always insisted that demons and elves can be expelled or killed in the name of the true god, but when you really face a magician, your confidence is actually not that strong.

"I want to get the money back," said the magician.There was a certain strength in his equanimity.When you are face-to-face with him and there is nothing else around you can vaguely feel that something is wrong.This guy... this guy... is not human at all.He was something indescribable in human skin.You don't even know what the hell that is.But you will instinctively feel uneasy, extremely uneasy.

Although Kasim once yelled "I will let you die without a whole body" because of his broken finger.But if everything ends here.If the other party leaves like this, then he will willingly spend ten days fasting and praying to thank the true God for his care and protection.

"But it's not enough just to get the money back," said the magician. "I want compensation for being insulted, fooled, and deceived," he said in a voice that sounded joyful. "That makes sense, doesn't it?"

Kasim didn't know how to describe it, but at this moment he clearly felt a gust of cold air rushing from the soles of his feet along the spine all the way to the Tianling Cap.He has always been known to be fearless, so this feeling is so foreign that it took him a long time not to remember that this feeling is called fear.

"Wait... what do you want to do..." As he spoke, he found his teeth chattering uncontrollably.

"Ha, didn't I just say enough? I want my money back, and I want compensation for the insults, fools, and deceptions I've been insulted," said the magician as a matter of course.Not only that, his eager gaze... Kasim couldn't tell if it was because of this gaze, but his back was indeed covered with cold sweat.

"But the money has...already..." He found himself shaking even more, so that his voice couldn't speak smoothly.Because at this moment, a terrible idea came to mind.He didn't know what the other party was going to do next, but seeing everyone in the village being stuffed into this warehouse, it must be bad for anyone to know what was about to happen.He tried his best to get rid of this terrible thought. "I can't get it back."

"No, definitely." The magician replied firmly.He looked at a lot of men, women, old and children in the warehouse, and all the living people in this village were here.It is estimated that it will take about half an hour for them to wake up.Sure enough, for a non-magic world like Earth, there are no elites or bosses at all, there are only miscellaneous soldiers here.After understanding the pattern of the world, it is easy to understand all this.This is a barren and barren world, and all power (if you have it) will eventually be reduced to nothingness in the world's hunger.

Magicians struggle to control their impulses.Although he wanted to start earlier, it was better to follow the rules.

He ignored Kasim and walked out instead.The flaming magic dog turned out from the outside, red magma was flowing on its body, and a terrifying whimper sounded from its throat.The hideous visage of the monster is enough to frighten the bravest of men, but the magician knows that it is the little dog asking for comfort.The magician touched Futo's head.Even with magical protection, the glove in his hand still turned slightly browned from the touch.After reassuring Futo a little, he walked to the other side.Here, the black-robed lich bowed to him, signaling that everything was ready.In the darkness behind the lich, countless red-eyed ghouls, driven by hunger, are eager to try.

The stage is set, the actors are in place, and the killing spree is about to begin.

Uh, I did not make a mistake about the upload time, but I was unexpectedly going on a business trip today, so I updated it in advance.

(End of this chapter)

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