Planeswalker My Plane War

Chapter 301 The Broker 2

Chapter 301 The Broker 2
Can this place sell large quantities of weapons and ammunition?

It is reasonable to say that it is not like it, but after all, this country is currently in a state of chaos.In this state, everything is possible.Zhang Cheng looked at the village.The air distance is about the same as the city Zhang Cheng was going to, but it feels as if...

"Why are there a large number of weapons and equipment for sale here?" Zhang Cheng couldn't help asking.

"Of course it's close to this base!" Kasim pointed to the military base on the map.Now the country is in chaos, with a large number of foreign troops stationed there.These foreign troops are the main targets of the guerrillas.Of course, on the other hand, these foreign soldiers are also the overlords of the locals, and disgusting things like committing crimes and killing innocent people indiscriminately must be indispensable.

"This base?"

"Well, this base belongs to the garrison of Maple Leaf Country and an ally of the United States." Kasim said. "You know, some of their 'extra' gear needs to be disposed of, and that's it."

"But... Maple Leaf Country doesn't seem to have many troops here, right?"

"I don't know if it's a battalion or a regiment. There are about eight or nine hundred soldiers, but including the logistics staff, the total number of people in it exceeds a thousand." Kasim said.What he said was serious. "The most important thing is that this is a transfer station. A lot of equipment shipped to other places will pass through here. This can be regarded as a logistics base."

"I heard...the government here is very corrupt..." Zhang Cheng said softly. "What's the price here?"

If it is the place before, due to the inevitable competition in the market, the selling price of the materials inside can be guaranteed.It is impossible to have a pig-killing price-to be honest, Zhang Cheng came to such a war-torn country, didn't he just want to make two points?One picture they can shop freely without worrying about being tracked down.In the second picture, their prices are cheap, and there will be no profiteers like Thomas raising prices.

"The price is cheap and fair!" Kasim saw that there was something going on. "Absolutely cheap! You think, this place is so remote, if it's not cheap, can someone come and buy it?"

"How's the security situation?" Zhang Cheng didn't want to be robbed again.Although he was not afraid, even the dead senior made it clear that keeping a low profile is king.Isn't it good to make a fortune in a muffled voice?Why make a fuss about it.Once he used force, Zhang Cheng couldn't keep a low profile with these methods.

"Because of this base, the surrounding security situation is very good. Even the guerrillas have never attacked here. You know, although I don't like those foreign soldiers very much, within the scope of their duties, they are still here. Try to manage the surrounding area of ​​the base well and maintain public security," Kasim said.

Zhang Cheng was a little moved, but he still hesitated and didn't make a decision right away.After all, he came here to shop.Where to shop makes no difference to him.As long as things are good.

"And, I know the people in charge here!" Kasim struck while the iron was hot. "If I come forward, I guarantee that the price will be [-]% off on the normal basis."

"Why do you know the person in charge here?" Zhang Cheng felt a little weird when he heard it.

"Ha, I'm from here." Kasim smiled. "This is my tribe, all my relatives and friends are here."

It turned out that it was still here to solicit customers.By the way, Zhang Cheng also feels a little depressed, am I just so conspicuous?How do you know what I want to do here?Or there are too many people like me, so that the merchants who sell have to send people here to intercept customers.

"Well, Kasim, you wouldn't introduce me out of kindness, would you?" Zhang Cheng asked.

"Mr. Zhang Cheng, of course I will charge a certain agency fee for this." Kasim stood up straight with a self-satisfied humility, with a humble smirk on his face. "A little tip, of course, isn't it?"

Sure enough.Zhang Cheng smiled. "Okay." Referring to his shopping experience in the United States, he had already set an approximate price for what he wanted to buy.If it is higher than this price or close to this price, then Zhang Chengcheng will go to the black market to make a decision.If the price here is so cheap as Kasim said, so that it is much lower than Zhang Cheng's psychological price, then Zhang Cheng will buy it directly. "How much do you charge as an agency fee?"

Kasim held up a finger. "Ten thousand dollars," he said, "or one per cent of the total price."

Although the price is high, it is still reasonable.If the price over there is really cheap, Zhang Cheng thinks this is acceptable.

"Okay, but I have a condition. I can only pay the agency fee after the shopping is over."

"The rules are like this!" Kasim was obviously overjoyed. "Then we will set off early tomorrow morning. You can go back to the hotel to rest first, and I will contact tomorrow's vehicle now."

Silent all night.

Early the next morning, everything was as agreed yesterday, and the three of them got into the car with one dog.This is an estimated nearly seven-hour drive, so I brought food and drinks with me when I got on the bus.

Kasim is a person who moves swiftly and can speak well.Although his Chinese level is average, there is no barrier to communication.In the car, he chatted all over the world, and he knew everything from the scandalous news of the local tribal elders to the falling out between a certain warlord and foreigners.It's supposed to be a good experience to get along with such a funny and talkative person, but the problem is that his fake smile ruins it all.Whenever he had that flattering and greasy smile on his face, it gave Zhang Cheng the feeling that his skin would stand on end.

In addition to this, there is another problem, that is motion sickness.Zhang Chengcheng thought that he was a person who did not get carsick, the kind who would never get carsick.But this time it turned out that he was probably wrong.The car itself is an old broken car (Zhang Cheng has limited knowledge of vehicles, so he can't find a more suitable word to describe this medieval machine), the anti-vibration function is very poor, and the car is full of gasoline smell.Then the road they walked, at least the middle half of the road, was absolutely crooked.It seems that people in this country don't have the concept of straightening roads at all when they build roads.Finally, the level of maintenance of the roads is poor.This point is completely understandable. Do you still want to have spare time to maintain roads in a war-torn country?The bumpy road gave Zhang Cheng the urge to get out of the car and ride a horse more than once.

And when these three are combined, the power is really amazing.At the end, Zhang Cheng only felt that his internal organs were all entangled and knotted.It should be noted that motion sickness is neither fatigue, nor disease, nor injury, and it has nothing to do with curse poisoning.Zhang Cheng has all kinds of magical cards in his hand, but he can't deal with motion sickness.He tried these spells one by one, but unfortunately they were all wrong, and they didn't help with motion sickness.

He himself can't explain how he persisted.Perhaps it can only be said that the experience of reading the Book of the Planeswalker and falling san gave him a certain ability to adapt.

All in all, at four o'clock in the afternoon, they finally arrived at their destination.When Zhang Cheng got out of the carriage, he was already in a state of seven meat and eight vegetarians, and he couldn't even walk steadily.

Kasim went to contact someone first, while Zhang Chengcheng sat on the side of the road for a while to rest.In fact, Zhang Cheng didn't even know how he completed this journey.It can only be said that in order to achieve his goal, a person must make sacrifices.

Ma Dan, I must not do this next time.I have to find a way to buy a helicopter and fly it myself!While trying to calm down his discomfort, Zhang Cheng comforted himself by imagining that he would never suffer from this kind of crime again in the future.

Looking around, you can see that this is a nice village.Among other things, the buildings in the village look good.Although the word "old" cannot be escaped, it is much better than the village yesterday.These houses are at least the creations of the second half of the last century, and they are very similar to modern buildings.As for the village yesterday, Zhang Cheng felt that the history of those buildings could be traced back to the eighteenth century.Putting it in the Republic of China can directly hang the sign of "XX former site".

In addition to the old houses, there are also new houses here.And it's more than one new house.It can be seen from a distance that there are three or five new houses here, with similar architectural styles, all newly built in recent years.One of them should be the police station, and the others should be rich men in the village, or agents of black market transactions?

In addition, the style of the people in the village is also different.In yesterday's village, the clothing styles of the villagers seemed to come straight out of ancient history books, and the clothes themselves could only be described as "worn out".And the residents here, at least in addition to national costumes, can see some other styles-not many, but there are.Some even wore camouflage uniforms.Of course they were just wearing camouflage uniforms, they were obviously not soldiers.

Just as Zhang Cheng was sitting on a stone by the roadside, resting and observing.A half-grown child came over.

He walked past Zhang Cheng, "Heretic!" He spat, and the phlegm spit at Zhang Cheng's feet.For a moment, the eyes of the two met. When Zhang Cheng saw the fanatical religious fire in the other's eyes, he also heard a grin in his heart.

Hu Chen leaned forward slightly, but Zhang Cheng raised a hand in time to stop Hu Chen.

"Master..." Huchen said softly.

"It's okay." Zhang Cheng replied. "You don't have to shoot anything else, wait for my order. But if someone points a gun at me, you can do it immediately without my order. I will never blame you."

The half-grown child left in a rage.Zhang Cheng turned his head and looked again, only to see a man who should be a militiaman standing a little far away with a gun on his back, with a gloating smile on his face.

Judging from that expression, it seems that people like Zhang Cheng are not uncommon in this place?But no other outsiders can be seen around.Of course, having said that, outsiders are likely to wear local ethnic costumes to avoid trouble.If so, Zhang Cheng really couldn't tell.

However, the roads in this area are not bad-although it is not a concrete road asphalt road, but at least the road surface is smooth, and the car is very smooth to drive.In addition, some signs that are occasionally seen on the road... It can be seen that there is indeed a Maple Leaf military base nearby.

At this time, Kasim has also returned. "Mr. Zhang Cheng, it's settled." There was a soft light on his face, and his eyes sparkled, as if the spirit of the broker had already possessed him at this moment.This soul from ancient times woke up deep in his heart, and he began to care about his agency fee.

Zhang Cheng soon came to one of the new houses.The structure of this house is indeed a bit different. On its side is an obvious small warehouse.The warehouse has a high wall, not as high as the house (so it was hidden by the house before), but it is made of gray concrete, which looks very thick and reliable.There is no doubt that the goods Zhang Cheng wants to buy are in this warehouse.

The brand new police station is also here.Unlike the border areas that Zhang Cheng experienced before, this is a government-controlled area, and the police are obviously not there to deal with guerrillas or the like, but for law and order.At this time, a policeman was on duty patrolling the warehouse.

It is really a combination of government and businessmen stealing and selling national property.Zhang Cheng muttered in his stomach.But it was a good thing for him.

Inside the house is a man in camouflage with a cigarette dangling from his mouth.But Zhang Cheng had seen some militiamen in the village dressed like this before, so he didn't care.He looked at Zhang Cheng for a few seconds.Probably because Kasim has already passed the relationship between Qi, so he took the initiative to extend his hand.

"Welcome, Mr. Zhang Cheng. I heard you want to buy weapons?" This guy can also speak Chinese.Also non-standard, but communicative.

"Yes, Mr. Hassan." Zhang Cheng already knew the other party's name from Kasim.This temperament is that of a soldier, not like a businessman.But this kind of temperament is like a person doing this kind of business. "I want to buy some... weapons and ammunition, the focus is on ammunition."

"We have all kinds of goods. There are samples in the next room. You can go and have a look. Here is our price list. There are discounts for large quantities." As he spoke, the other party handed over a form.The form is very user-friendly without any text, only the photo on the left and the unit price on the right, that is, Arabic numerals, which are clear at a glance and will never be mistaken.

Guns, cannons, cars... everything is available.Zhang Cheng noticed that there were even tanks and helicopters for sale.He thought that if one day he learned to drive a tank and fly a plane, he might come here again.Of course he doesn't need it right now.

The point is the ammunition. Zhang Cheng only needs to take a look to know how much cheaper this thing is than the United States.He prepared 200 million knives this time, which was exchanged for foreign exchange with the help of Lao Liu.I invested most of the money I earned from playing financial speculation with Lao Liu before.It seems that enough weapons and ammunition can be bought, enough for him to go to that godly battle with confidence.

"If I buy it, how do I take it away?"

"There are two ways to take it away. The first is that we provide can use the vehicles of the Maple Leaf country garrison. Of course, this is an extra charge. You can also find a way to take it away yourself. But once the transaction is completed, the goods can only be in the It will be kept in the warehouse for three days. We will not be responsible for the situation after three days.”

Simple and rude, but reasonable way.Apparently it's not the first time these people have done this business.

"So, how do I pay for it?"

"There is a network here." Hassan pointed to a computer in the corner of the room.There are several computers here. "We support cash and transfers. All kinds of banks support it. Of course, other valuables can also be exchanged. It doesn't matter, everything is easy to talk about."

(End of this chapter)

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