
Chapter 366 I don't want it anymore

Chapter 366 I don't want it anymore
Hearing Guo Hanyue's name, it took some effort for Dai Yu to associate her with Shen Lie.

Dai Yu had never met Guo Hanyue. Guo Hanyue died when Shen Lie was eight years old, and Shen Lie was taken to Guo's house after that.

As for Guo Hanyue's death, Dai Yu didn't know anything. He only heard a few vague mentions, but didn't know the specifics.

Now Concubine Ning asked Shen Lie if he had found the cause of Guo Hanyue's death, and Dai Yu even wondered if there was something strange about Guo Hanyue's death cause, and in his memory, Shen Lie probably never looked for the so-called cause of death.

In other words, if the cause of Guo Hanyue's death is really strange, why wait for Shen Lie to find it, the entire Guo family will not be able to sit still.

Dai Yu is now wondering why this woman said this, mentioning it for no reason, what she wants to do.

"Have you not found it yet?" Shi Youqing said.

"You know?" Dai Yu looked at her.

"I don't know," Shi Youqing shook his head, "That's why I was curious, because the symptoms when she died were the same as my mother's."

"Oh..." Dai Yu replied, not intending to talk anymore, but he was silent for a while, he couldn't help it, and finally asked, "Then when your mother passed away, what symptoms did she have?"

"It's miserable." Shi Youqing said.

Recalling the scene at that time, her expression dimmed, and she quickly stopped her thoughts, unwilling to look back.

Dai Yu waited and saw that she had no intention of continuing, so he stopped asking further questions, and looked strangely at the small separate hall where Xia Zhaoyi and Lu Ronghui were.

After about a stick of incense, I saw the girl come out.

His expression was as calm as when he entered, without any disturbance, he came to thank Dai Yu and take his farewell.

"Remember to be more careful," Dai Yu warned, "The situation is uncertain these few days, and there are dangers everywhere. I know you are skilled, but be careful."

"Brother Dai is too," Xia Zhaoyi said, "be careful in everything."

"I will."

Xia Zhaoyi smiled slightly, clasped his fists slightly, and led Concubine Ning away, but when he reached the door, Concubine Ning stopped and said, "Ali, I have a few words to say."

Xia Zhaoyi turned to look at her: "What are you talking about?"

Concubine Ning looked at Dai Yu and said, "You hate me because of my aunt. In fact, my mother, my sister, and I don't like my aunt."

Dai Yu frowned and looked at her in confusion.

"The Shi family's children don't get married," Concubine Ning continued, "but my aunt has fallen in love with my uncle, and she wants to be with him no matter what, even if she is a lowly concubine, my mother despises her from the bottom of her heart. An accident happened, maybe I will never get in touch with my cousin or get to know my master in this life."

"What are you talking about with me?" Dai Yu said, "You want me to transfer the message to my young master?"

"Yes," Concubine Ning nodded, "I don't have more than a few days to live. When a person is about to die, his words are good. Although I can't know the truth about my mother's death, I still don't want my mother to die in ignorance. This strong man, Guo Hanyue's death is determined to be related to my mother's death, and it may be the same person."

"Okay," Dai Yu said with a relaxed tone, "I'll talk to my young master."

"Thank you very much." Concubine Ning said, giving a blessing.

When I came out, the wind and snow became stronger, the sky and the earth were lifted like turbid waves, the sky was cloudy, and my vision was blurred.

Xia Zhaoyi walked in front, Ning Bin followed behind, the two were speechless.

After leaving Orchid Garden, Concubine Ning looked at the thin figure of the girl in front of her, and said, "A Li, where are you going later?"

Xia Zhaoyi lowered his eyes and shook his head when he heard the words: "I haven't thought about it yet."

There are too many places to go, but I feel that there is no need to go to those places.

"Will we meet again?"

"do not know."

Concubine Ning stopped and said, "Ali."

Xia Zhaoyi also stopped and looked back at her.

"I'm sorry," Ning Concubine said in a low voice, "I'm sorry about the Dingguo mansion, about your second brother..."

"Is it useful?" Xia Zhaoyi said.

The two were several steps apart, one tall and the other short, and the wind and snow whizzed past them, Ning Concubine's brows were pitiful and guilty, she did not dare to look at the girl's bright and clear eyes, and looked away.

"I know it's useless, but I'm sure..."

"You should have known from the beginning how much damage your actions would cause to the entire Dingguo Mansion, but you still did it."

"I won't live," Ning Concubine lowered her head, frowning slightly, "I will apologize with death."

"It couldn't be easier to die alone," Xia Zhaoyi said, turning around and walking forward against the wind and snow, his voice came calmly, "In this world, the consumption of prosperity is measured by years and months. It can be destroyed and destroyed, but it’s just a blink of an eye. What’s the use of death, it’s worthless, and the word of apology is so ridiculous in the world. Death is death, which is paying for life, and has nothing to do with words of thanks or guilt.”

Concubine Ning followed her slowly, remained silent for a long time, and said, "You are right."

When the wind and snow came, it cut the pain like a knife. Concubine Ning wrapped her windbreaker tightly, and after being frozen in the cold palace for so long, she suddenly felt that nothing was as cold as the bone freezing from this heavy snow.

"It's really cold." Ning Bin said in a low voice.

When Xia Zhaoyi took Concubine Ning to the courtyard where the Liu family lived, Emperor Xuanyan in a yellow robe looked at the wind and snow outside the window, and also said very lightly: "It's really cold."

Liao Nei heard the words and said, "Your Majesty, do you want to add some more pots for the stove?"

"Add it," Emperor Xuanyan said, "Add a few more pots, the more the better."

"Yes." Liao Nei waited, turned and left.

Just stepped out of the palace gate, and saw Xun Fei, the deputy commander of the imperial army, leading people rushing towards him.

Attendant Liao Nei frowned, and before he could ask a question, Xun Fei rushed forward and said, "Servant Liao Nei, there are assassins!"

"Assassin?" Waiter Liao Nei was shocked.

Xun Fei had bypassed him, and rushed straight into the Dongming Palace without caring about anything else: "Your Majesty, there are assassins!"

Emperor Xuanyan paused, put down the scroll and raised his eyes, surprisingly calm.

On the contrary, Xun Fei froze with a hurried face, and said awkwardly: "Your Majesty, assassin..."

"Have you caught it?" Emperor Xuanyan asked.

"Not yet..." Xun Fei said, "Six or seven corpses of the imperial guards were found..."

"Assassin," Emperor Xuanyan closed his eyes, repeated the two words lightly, and said, "I don't know who it is for a while. There are too many people in this world who want to kill me."

"Your Majesty, it's snowing heavily and it's freezing. It's difficult to travel. I'm afraid there won't be enough manpower..." Xun Fei became more and more embarrassed.

Emperor Xuanyan looked at Liao Nei who was standing at the door and did not leave, and said, "Come here."

Attendant Liao Nei stepped forward and said respectfully, "Your Majesty."

"Pass my order," Emperor Xuanyan said, "Pack up your things immediately and abandon the palace."

Waiter Liao Nei suspected that he had misheard, and looked up at him: "Your Majesty?"

Xun Fei also widened his eyes.

"I don't want this imperial palace anymore." Emperor Xuanyan said.

 Thank you book friend 20170610163015339 for your reward, QAQ
(End of this chapter)

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