blue shirt oath

Chapter 231 The cloud formation is poisonous

Chapter 231 The cloud formation is poisonous

Wu Hongzhu and the others were walking when they suddenly noticed something was wrong.

"Is this the phantom array created by the door master?"


Wu Hongzhu answered in disbelief.

They walked for so long, and everything seemed to be under her control, but when it came to a critical step, something went wrong inexplicably.

"How is it possible? Du Qingshan actually broke through my cloud formation?"

"It seems that he also set up a new formation to enclose us."

Qiao Ce glanced around, the cloud was still the same as before.

It's just that before the formation was controlled by Wu Hongzhu, they could clearly see the surrounding scenes, but now, even they gradually couldn't see the way forward, and were trapped in the formation.

"Du Qingshan seems to have modified the eyes of the formation and took away the control of the formation." Qiao Ce made a decisive decision, "We can't stay here for long, we have to find a way out as soon as possible."

Several people tried their best to disperse the cloud and mist, but they dissipated for a while, and then gathered for another burst, endlessly, and there was a tendency not to give up until they were trapped in the same place.

Not far away, Du and Song watched a play on a persimmon tree, eating persimmons leisurely.

"How long will it take them to get out?"

"If I don't interfere, they should be able to crack the formation in three to five days."

Du Qingshan carefully peeled the skin of the persimmon, and brought a soft yellow persimmon to Song Guichen's mouth.

Song Guichen took a bite.

"So sweet."

She turned her head around, clapped her hands and said: "Three to five days is too short, it's better to sleep them for ten days and half a month."

Her vengeful appearance made Du Qingshan laugh: "Xiaochen wants to trap them for ten days and a half month, but I will trap them for ten days and a half month."

Lead the way for others and lead them away from the hidden mountain formation.

Telling them to continue to Beijing according to the original plan, Du Qingshan and the others drove back to Yinshan in a carriage, and decided to have a good time with Wu Hongzhu and the others.

After this tossing effort, the sky was already dark.

There was enough dry food in the carriage, and the two of them managed to eat half full. Seeing that the people trapped in the formation seemed to be tired from walking, they were preparing to rest on the spot.

Qiao Ce picked up a lot of firewood and started to burn it.

Several people sat around the firewood, tired and hungry so that they could not sleep.

There used to be a lot of prey in the hidden mountain, and there were often hunters going up the mountain to hunt, but because Wu Hongzhu had set up a formation a few days earlier, the animals all fled this area one after another.

They walked all the way, but they couldn't even find a pheasant.

Even the fruit trees in the mountains were deceived by Du Qingshan, so that what they saw were either trees full of leaves, or trees without any leaves.

Fortunately, Luo Yi and Luo Wei had food on them as usual. Although it was just dry cakes, it was better than nothing.

As night fell, the misty clouds and mist that had been in the daytime dissipated at this time, and was replaced by a thick night. There was no moon in the sky, and there were not even a single star.

Qiao Ce looked at Wu Hongzhu, who was leaning on the tree trunk and silently staring at the fire. She was still wearing her own clothes, and her snow-white neck had a fragile beauty under the light of the fire.

Wu Hongzhu moved her eyelashes, Qiao Ce immediately looked away, and awkwardly added firewood to the fire.

Luo Yi said to Wu Hongzhu: "Master, you can rest on the shoulders of your subordinates for a while."

Tomorrow is probably another day of running around.

If the formation is not broken, they will not be able to go out for a day.

To break the formation, the key is to find the eye of the formation, but they walked all day today, and they couldn't even find the eye of the formation.

This is also reasonable, if the eye of a formation is so easy to find, then the formation will have no deterrent effect.

Wu Hongzhu shook her head slightly.

"I'll just lean here and squint for a while."

She said softly to the three of them: "You guys also have a good rest."

After speaking, he leaned wearily against the tree trunk behind him, and gently closed his phoenix eyes, not sure if he fell asleep.

Qiao Ce raised his eyes to look at her again, and saw that Luo Yi Luo Er had also closed his eyes with his head against his head, fearing that some people would be frozen, so he heated up the firewood even more.

Wu Hongzhu opened her eyes: "Guardian Qiao, you should rest too."

"I'm not sleepy." Qiao Ce said, "The owner of the sect sleeps peacefully. If there is any movement, I will pay attention."

Song Guichen who saw this scene said, "Your childhood sweetheart doesn't seem so bad, how on earth did she manage to look domineering in front of others?"

"Not a childhood sweetheart."

"Wu Hongzhu's current appearance makes me feel sorry for her, I can't bear to bully her anymore." Song Guichen said in a low voice.

"However, if you dare to rob me of a man, if my aunt doesn't show her power, she will still treat me as a sick cat! I must make her suffer some punishment!"

A Du:? ?Rob, grab a man?

He pinched his eyebrows.

Forget it, she likes to play, so let's play with her.

The sky was bright and the sun was rising.

Qiao Ce woke up suddenly, looked towards the direction where Wu Hongzhu was sleeping, the morning light fell on her sleeping face, it was very beautiful.

He was reluctant to wake her up.

He didn't even want to get out of this formation.

However, Wu Hongzhu woke up the next moment, and when she opened her eyes, she saw Qiao Ce staring at her motionlessly, Wu Hongzhu frowned.

Qiao Ce panicked, and was about to explain, when Luo Yi and Luo Wei woke up, and they rushed over to serve, but Qiao Ce swallowed the words as they came to his lips.

Fortunately, Wu Hongzhu didn't pay attention to this matter, she tidied up her appearance casually, ate a few mouthfuls of dry food, and set off.

The sun shines brightly.

Although it is the sun in winter, it shines warmly on people's bodies, which makes people feel a little anxious and thirsty out of thin air.

In addition, they ate the dry food of Luo Yi and the others yesterday and this morning, and had never had any water. At this time, the four of them were extremely thirsty, and they were desperately looking for water to drink.

What they didn't know was that Song Guichen had added mouth-drying fungus poison to the cloud of the formation. They had been running around in the formation for so long, so it's no wonder they weren't thirsty.

There is water in the mountains.

There are even very clear rivers.

But they were trapped in the formation, knowing that there was water in the mountain, but they couldn't get out no matter what, and they couldn't find where the water was.

Wu Hongzhu and Qiao Ce have strong skills, and their footsteps are relatively steady, but Luo Yi and Luo Wei's internal skills are weaker. At this time, their faces are pale and their lips are dry.

Especially Luo Yi.

Not long ago, she was poisoned by Du Qingshan's Shixiang Ruanjin Powder, and then she took too much antidote, and her skills had not fully recovered. Now she was poisoned by Song Guichen's fungus, and it became even more difficult to support her.

Luo Er supported her and walked forward with difficulty.

Qiao Ce mobilized his inner strength and calmed down his anxious feeling for a while: "We should be poisoned."


"Well, that woman Song Guichen is good at poisoning. She must have poisoned us at some point or in some way."

Wu Hongzhu thought about it and looked at the surrounding white mist.

This white mist is very strange, there is a blue sky and white clouds above the head, but the mountains are surrounded by clouds and mist.

"Song Guichen! Damn woman!"

What a Song Guichen, what a Du Qingshan!

Wu Hongzhu gritted her teeth. When she was setting up the formation, she never thought of poisoning the clouds!
(End of this chapter)

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