blue shirt oath

Chapter 227

Chapter 227

Kou Gong has the intention of going to Beijing to take up his post, and he doesn't want to delay it.

He ordered his concubine Qian Tao to simply pack up her luggage, and the guards in the Jiedu Mansion did not take any of them with her, but only brought Du Qingshan and a few students with her, and left Nanyang in plain clothes.

From Nanyang to Kaifeng, it takes only one day.

If they walk slowly in this way, they will arrive in three to five days at the latest.

Song Guichen and Qian Tao were in the same car, and seeing Mrs. Qian Tao's worried face, she was silent, so he asked curiously: "Master Kou has to enter the capital, it should be a good thing, why does Madam look unhappy?"

Qian Tao said: "Fortunately, misfortune depends on it, and misfortune depends on blessing. Who knows whether it is a misfortune or a blessing?"

For a concubine with such foresight and insights, Song Guichen couldn't help but treat her with admiration.

I also thought of her two poems "Cheng Kou Gong" that have been handed down to the world. She dared to point out Mr. Kou's mistakes, and she was able to point out his inadequacies cleverly with poems. She is indeed a Shuling.

It is not surprising that he can say these words now.

"Madam is right. Good fortune and misfortune are indeed unpredictable."

Song Guichen looked at Qian Tao who had a bad complexion, and sighed.

She thinks so much, no wonder she is not in good health and always looks a little timid.

"However, life is only a short hundred years, Madam, why don't you relax your heart, since the predicament is over, now that the situation is good, why not open your heart and laugh?"

Qian Tao heard this, looked at the young girl in front of her, smiled and shook her head:


"It's just that my lord is now an enemy of others everywhere, and the people who want to frame him can't be counted on two hands. As a woman, I can't advise him, so I can only pray for him in my heart, and do all the small things so that he can return home." When you get home, you can eat hot meals, and when you get up in the morning, you can put on clean clothes..."

What she said made Song Guichen feel a lot of emotion.

No wonder Mr. Kou has been demoted for many years, and Mrs. Qiantao is always by his side.

Such a woman who is devoted to Kou Gong, not to mention beautiful, is also so virtuous and courteous. With such a delicate and thoughtful housemate by her side, all affairs are handled properly, which really saves a lot. Heart.

Song Guichen felt something in his heart, and couldn't help but lift the curtain of the car to look at Du Qingshan who was riding the horse at the front.

Dressed in a green shirt, handsome and elegant.

Even when he was riding a horse, he sat upright, the horse walked slowly, and the wind blew a strand of blue hair on his shoulder.

Her heart already belonged to him, but since they met, except for cooking, he has always taken care of herself. They didn't hire a maid, and Du Qingshan did most of the things like washing the dishes and lighting the fire by himself.

Compared with Mrs. Qian Tao, Song Guichen couldn't help but feel very ashamed.

Xu Shi noticed her gaze, and Du Qingshan, who was in front of him, turned his head and just met her eyes. He was surprised for a moment, then curled up the corners of his mouth, smiled lightly, and opened his mouth to say something with his lips.

Song Guichen could tell that what he said was: "Are you amazed by my husband's demeanor again?"

He simply glared at him, let out a "bah", put down the curtain, and sat upright.

When Qian Tao saw her in the car, she said with a smile: "Young Master Du really cares about you. He used to be a bastard. Except for his father, he only listened to adults. Unexpectedly, now that he meets you, he will I will obey you."

Song Guichen blushed slightly, as he could imagine, Du Qingshan was just a stingy bastard, when he first saw him, he was out of shape, either molesting himself, or on the way to molesting himself.

She said: "Madam knows a lot about Du Qingshan?"

Qian Tao smiled: "I can't say much, it's just that when he was a child, a little boy, he actually praised Fang Zheng for his generosity and integrity. The adult has no children and loves him very much. He often takes him back to the mansion and teaches him personally. Read and practice calligraphy."

"Ah, so that's the case." Song Guichen suddenly realized, "I was wondering why Du Qingshan was Master Kou's student. So there was such a reason."

"You don't know, he was cute when he was a child. There are no servants and girls in Kou's mansion who haven't been tossed by him, but he is born with a good appearance, carved in pink and jade, and his big eyes are like You can speak, you make mistakes, and you can recognize your mistakes with sincerity. When you are looked at by his innocent eyes, even if you have a big anger, it will disappear. Unparalleled pampering."

Qian Tao said, as if remembering some interesting past events, she burst out laughing.

Seeing that Song Guichen listened seriously, he continued: "He was always like this in the Kou Mansion. You can imagine what kind of little overlord he is in the Du Mansion, right? It is said that once, when everyone in the mansion was asleep, he With the second younger brother, I shaved off the beard of the invited master, and the next day, the master resigned directly in anger, and vowed that he would never be the master of the descendants of the Du family."

Song Guichen couldn't help laughing either.

Compared with his traveling around since he was a child, and then living alone in Gushan, Du Qingshan's childhood anecdotes are much more interesting.

It's really unexpected that such a person with outstanding charm was so naughty when he was a child.

For such a naughty man, he must have a pair of parents who doted on him very much. However, all of this disappeared overnight.

Thinking of this, Song Guichen's heart ached.

Qian Tao seemed to have thought of this too, sighed and stopped talking.

Suddenly the car shook and stopped.

The two opened the curtain and saw that there were many people surrounded by a crowd at the gate of the city. It seemed that they were here to see Mr. Kou off.

"Mr. Kou stays behind—"

A loud voice came, it was actually the storyteller Song Guichen who was telling the story in the teahouse on the day when he first arrived in Nanyang, I saw him dressed as a scholar, holding a square square in both hands.

He presented the ruler to Kou Gong with a neither humble nor overbearing attitude.

"My lord, you gave this ruler as a gift to the students. At that time, you said that you were demoted to Nanyang, so you didn't need this ruler, and you also said that the ruler has corners and corners, and you hoped that students would become storytellers with corners."

"My lord's words, the students keep them in mind day and night, and dare not forget them for a moment. Today, when my lord returns to Beijing, the students return this ruler to the original owner. I hope that from now on, my lord will hold a gavel in my hand, raise funds for the court, and return it to the Song Dynasty." The sky is bright and the water is clear, the sun and the moon are shining brightly."

Kou Gong looked at the young man in front of him, he naturally remembered him.

Not only remember, but also often go to the teahouse where he often tells stories to listen to him.

However, it is still unknown whether he can use Zuo Chaozuna's gavel again when he goes to Kaifeng.

How easy is it to return the court to a clear sky and clear water?

Kou Gong stared at the ruler in the storyteller's hand for a long time, finally reached out to take it, and sighed: "I have written it down."

Looking around at the people around, he waved his hand lightly: "Go back."

(End of this chapter)

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