blue shirt oath

Chapter 179

Chapter 179

In any case, Master agreed to leave Hangzhou by himself, which is a great joy.

Song Guichen was so happy that he was still humming when he and Du Qingshan went down the mountain.

When he arrived at Qinyoutang, he showed Boss Qin the book he had brought.

Boss Qin carefully read it several times and was surprised.

He has been running Qinyoutang for many years and is familiar with brush and ink fonts. It is natural to see that the fonts on these books are from the same person as the "Tang Poems for Questions" that fell from Duan Xiaochen's body in Shocui Tower that day. hand.

"Miss Song, Qin has a question."

"Boss Qin, please ask."

"I don't know who wrote this book?"

Du Qingshan's phoenix eyes swept across: "Boss Qin's eyes are like a torch, can't you even see this?"

"Young master's praise."

"Boss Qin, these poem reviews are compiled into a book of what I have read and thought over the years, and every word and sentence is written by myself."

Boss Qin looked seriously at Song Guichen, a girl of Tao Li Nianhua, with a gentle and polite smile, not as delicate and savage as his youngest daughter who was spoiled by his wife.

Also, the apprentice of the hermit in the lonely mountain forest must be different from others.

These books were written by her, and Boss Qin didn't dare to doubt them at all.

And the "Tang Poetry Prepared Questions", which is currently on sale, may also have been in the hands of Ms. Duan for some reason, and she was deceived by her carelessness.

Boss Qin's heart was full of twists and turns, and he figured out the cause and effect, and immediately bowed his hands: "Qin wants to apologize to Miss Song."

Song Guichen hurriedly gave him a hand: "Why does Boss Qin have to do such a big gift?"

"To tell you the truth, Miss Song, I just saw that the book that Miss Song brought is very similar in style to that "Tang Shi Bei Wen". Qin dared to ask, is "Tang Shi Bei Wen" also written by Song Miss?"

Song Guichen nodded with a smile.

Boss Qin said again: "Qin has no knowledge of people, and I hope Miss Song will forgive her."

"What's wrong with Boss Qin? She sent the book for engraving, and Boss Qin was also kept in the dark. He's just a victim."

"Qin will stop imprinting "Tang Poetry Prepared Questions", take back and destroy the books that have been sent to various bookstores, and will never print and sell stolen books. As for this light dust, Qin will ask her to give it to Miss Song. A confession."

Qin Youtang is a century-old store that values ​​copyright the most, but now such a big mistake has happened under his hands, Boss Qin is going to scold Duan Xiaochen to death.

When the two parties signed the agreement, she kept saying that "Tang Poetry Prepared Questions" was written by her own hands, with black and white letters stamped on it, and Boss Qin had no doubts when he saw the book falling from her body with his own eyes.

I never thought that this trust would be so deceitful in exchange.

Boss Qin rejoiced secretly, fortunately, it was agreed one by one in the agreement, the loss caused by the client's deliberate concealment, naturally had to be entrusted to the person who engraved the book to bear it.

"Boss Qin doesn't need to be like this. I came here with the book today, not to ask you to destroy "Tang Shi Bei Wen", nor to ask Xi Qingchen to give me some explanation, but to entrust Qin Youtang to help engrave the book."

"This, that?"

"At this time, will Boss Qin continue to cover for this 'Zhe Qingchen'?"

Du Qingshan said lightly with another light look in his eyes.

Boss Qin cupped his hands and smiled: "Young Master's gaze is like a torch, he must already know who this Qingchen is, so why should Qin say more."

"Boss Qin, I really didn't intend to cause trouble for this Qingchen when I came here. I also hope that Boss Qin won't embarrass her in the future. Just pretend that this has never happened. As for the book I brought today, Boss Yi Qin I don’t know if it will be a big hit with your eyesight.”

"Can, can be able."

Seeing that Song Guichen didn't care about his book being stolen, Boss Qin didn't want to say much, thinking about it.

"It's just that there is already a copy of "Tang Poetry Prepared Questions" on the market, and these books are of the same style. According to Qin, if the "Tang Poetry Prepared Questions" on the market is not withdrawn first, in the recent period, it will not be possible. It is suitable to print another book so quickly, which will cause people's aesthetic fatigue. If the girl is not in a hurry to spend money, she can print the book first, and then push it to various bookstores to sell after this period of time."

"Is there such a point?"

"Girls don't know, there are many things that are particular about book sales. What books are sold at any time of the year is scheming in it. If there are any books, they will sell whatever books. There are so many bookstores, and they have to close their doors." Slightly."

"Boss Qin is an expert, so just listen to Boss Qin."

"Well, this is the contract engraved by Qin Youtang. Please read it carefully, Miss Song. If you have no objection, after signing and depositing, everything will be handed over to Qin Youtang."

Song Guichen scanned the ten lines at a glance, saw that an author's pen name was required on the contract, and was about to write, but was suddenly stopped by Du Qingshan, he frowned, and suggested:
"Why don't we just write Xi Qingchen? What does Boss Qin think?"

Before Song Guichen could react, Boss Qin was overjoyed: "Your advice is good!"

Talking and explaining to Song Guichen: "The book "Tang Poetry Prepared Questions" has already started the name of 'Xi Qingchen', and recently people are guessing who this 'Xi Qingchen' is and who it is." Looking forward to his next book. Several bookstores have come to ask Qin Youtang if they can print another book that is dusty. Hey, to tell you the truth, Miss Song, Qin went to Gu's residence several times to ask for a copy. The girl wrote another book, but she rejected it."

Hey, I just found out today that someone else wrote the book.

Boss Qin looked at the stack of books brought by Song Guichen, his eyes lit up, if he continued to publish these books in the name of Xi Qingchen, even the publicity would be avoided.

You know, it takes a lot of work to promote a new book for a new author.

Even he didn't expect that "Tang Poetry Prepared Questions" would cause such a big commotion. In the past few days, he was busy and forced to ask Duan Xiaochen to publish another book, but she repeatedly refused. .

At that time, Boss Qin only said that she regarded money as dung, but today he found out that she couldn't produce new books at all.

Think of him as the famous Boss Qin, but he was actually cheated by a little girl.

"Anyway, "Tang Poetry Prepared Questions" was also written by a girl, so I simply used the title of Xi Qingchen to borrow the popularity of Xi Qingchen these days and save the new author's publicity costs; secondly, the name Xi Qingchen From now on, Miss Song is the only one. I wonder what Miss Song wants?"

Song Guichen pondered for a moment, then nodded slowly, "Boss Qin must promise me one thing."

"Miss Song, please tell me."

"The profits from "Tang Shi Bei Wen" should still be sent to Duan Xiaochen, and we should not trouble her."

"no problem."

Boss Qin is a shrewd person. Since Duan Xiaochen can get Miss Song's book, and Miss Song defends her like this, it shows that the two of them are familiar with each other.

The sufferer has said so, so naturally he won't meddle in other people's business.

Song Guichen wrote the pen and signed it, which was considered to be a treaty with Qin Youtang.

(End of this chapter)

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