Forty-eight years of Qianlong

Chapter 784 One night shattered autumn dreams

Chapter 784: Shattering a thousand dreams in one night ([-])

The Guandi Temple in Paoshantun is not large in scale. When you enter the courtyard, the wooden fence walls and gates, and the five-bay main hall made of wood and stone cover an area of ​​more than 40 square meters. The left and right side halls are all three-bay. They are dedicated to the gods of land and mountains respectively.

Zhou Tianzhu led Fu Bao and other seven people into the courtyard. They saw the wooden door of the main hall was closed tightly, and two people wearing Taoist robes were separated. One of them was the arrogant young man who had checked Fu Bao before.

This person is Liu Chenglin, Liu Tingxian's third son.In the history of another time and space, Liu Tingxian took over as the leader after his death.However, because he was sentenced to exile, Liu Chenglin never returned to the customs in his life. Finally, in the 22nd year of Jiaqing, something happened to Zhen Guamen. The Qing court followed the clues and found him, and he was sentenced to be beheaded on the spot.At this point, Liu Zuochen's lineage was considered extinct and no one could be found to be the leader.

Liu Chenglin said to Zhou Tianzhu: "You first take them to the mountain temple to collect the fragrant root silver. Then I will take them one by one to pay homage to the master."

Zhou Tianzhu bowed and said: "Yes."

The so-called "Xianggen Silver" is the membership fee that must be paid before joining the religion.Fu Bao and others followed Zhou Tianzhu into the mountain temple on the left. Inside, there was already a middle-aged man in Taoist robes sitting behind a desk. On the desk were pen, ink, paper, inkstones and a booklet.

Under Zhou Tianzhu's instruction, everyone walked to the table one by one and reported their names, place of origin, age, residence and introducer. The Taoist person recorded them one by one in the book.

After everyone registers, they must pay the apprenticeship fee.The apprenticeship fee set by Liu Tingxian and his son was 33 yuan per person, which means "33 Heavens".The money may not seem like much, but in fact it is just an excuse to seduce people. Once you enter the religion and want to be promoted to the "full official" level where you can open a monastery and recruit disciples, you have to continuously donate money to accumulate merit.

Fu Bao paid the money and was about to carry the baggage out when the Taoist priest who wrote the registration stopped him and asked: "Is your cotton coat going to be dedicated to the master?"

"Yes. Someone outside just said that"

The Taoist interrupted before he could finish his words: "Leave it all to me. Enter it first, and the master will know about it."

Zhou Tianzhu, who was standing next to him, helped: "Just do what the master says."

Fu Bao had no choice but to hand over the baggage in his hand. After the man checked the clothes and entered the account book, Zhou Tianzhu asked him to wait in the yard.

The Bagua sect's initiation ceremony is one-on-one, rather than having gongs, drums, incense halls, and pomp and ceremony like the Tiandi Hui or the later Xiaodao Hui and Yihequan.

After almost a stick of incense, the door of the main hall was half opened from the inside, and a guy who had completed the apprenticeship process came out.Behind him was the young Taoist he had seen before.His eyes fell on Fu Bao and he waved, "Come in."

There were many types of White Lotus sects in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Because of their different regions and sects, the canon rules, doctrines and initiation rituals were also very different.But one thing is basically the same, and that is to use the initiation ceremony to increase the authority of the leader and the mystery of the sect, so as to achieve mental control over the believers and make them willing to work for the leader.

So when Fu Bao shrank his head and walked into the hall, he saw a red clay sculpture of Guan Di sitting on the shrine under the dim candlelight, with Zhou Cang and Guan Ping standing on the left and right, stroking their beards with one hand and resting on their legs with the other. However, towering, his slightly opened eyes seem to be able to see through all the good and evil in the world.

Next to the incense table in front of the statue, an old Taoist with white beard and hair sat cross-legged on the Taishi chair, with his eyes closed and muttering something in his mouth: "The Tao cannot be separated for a moment, but it is not the Tao. The Tao is not far away from people, and people are far away from themselves. . Now that the great road has been built, there is no need to look outside, just be willful."

The old Taoist was naturally Liu Tingxian, and what he was reading was the most important treasure volume of the Bagua Sect, "Five Women's Preaching".Among the people, there are also books called "The Preaching of the Five Saints", "The Scripture of Enlightenment by the Five Women and Old Mothers", and "The Treasure Scroll of the Five Saints".

The full text of this "Sutra" is less than [-] words. Compared with the piles of treasured scrolls of other sects in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, it seems not worth mentioning.But in terms of its influence, it is unmatched by other treasure scrolls.

In the history of another time and space, this book has been published and circulated among the grassroots people from the early years of Kangxi to the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China. Even though the Qing government banned it many times, it was difficult to ban it.The great influence is evident.

At this point, some people may be interested in the book "Five Women Preaching".Well, this is a hodgepodge of theories from Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism, and it also tells how to practice inner elixirs and pursue immortality. It can also be said to be the product library of the Bagua Sect, an ancient MLM organization.

The book uses the guise of a couple named Chang Xiu and Shan. They worship Buddha devoutly and do good deeds on weekdays.One day, Chang Xiu said goodbye to his wife in order to find the road to immortality. He walked to a remote place in the mountains and saw a bright light in a hut, so he went to visit her.He found that there were five peasant women spinning and weaving inside. In fact, these five people were transformed by the five Bodhisattvas Guanyin, Manjusri, Samantabhadra, Baiyi, and Yulan. Because they often cultivated and were sincere, they were here to wait for enlightenment. .

It is said that Buddhist Bodhisattvas come out to enlighten the world, so they should all preach Buddhism, right?But in "Five Women's Preaching", the five Bodhisattvas talk about the Confucian and Taoist inner alchemy schools.For example, what Liu Tingxian just read was a few sentences from the opening chapter of "The Doctrine of the Mean".

During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, all secret sects advocated the unification of the three religions or even the merging of all religions, and the scriptures also mixed a large number of Confucian, Buddhist, and Taoist thoughts.This sounds simple, but the actual writing is quite difficult. In addition to being familiar with the Four Books and Five Classics, you also need to have extensive knowledge of Taoism and Buddhist scriptures, and have certain intellectual qualities.

Although it looks like a hodgepodge, the content in the book still contains real things.We must know that a large number of historical facts throughout the ages have proven that if any sect wants to achieve control over the bottom, it is useless to rely solely on illusory words; it must have fascinating doctrines and inner strength that people believe in and pursue. . "Five Women Preaching" has this quality.

Taking folk martial arts as an example, from this treasure volume, five hands, longevity boxing, Dujia boxing, Li Gua boxing, Shen Fist, Five Steps Shen Fist, Laohong Fist, Dahong Fist, and Bagua Fist have evolved. , longevity boxing, Xiantian Wuji Dao Holy Boxing, Yihe Boxing (Plum Blossom Boxing).

As for the Baguazhang created by Dong Haichuan during the Xianfeng period, it is said that he learned it from the "Yunpan Patriarch" who met him in Jiuhua Mountain, Anhui Province.Hey, don't worry about what you say, don't listen to what you say!
Fu Bao, who entered the hall, knelt on the futon in front of Liu Tingxian under the direction of Liu Chenglin's gaze.At this moment, Liu Chenglin took a piece of yellow paper full of handwriting from the incense table and said in a low voice: "I will read one sentence, and you will read the same sentence. Do you understand?"

"Little understands."

"Kowtow in obeisance, burn incense and candles, and 48 wish to save sentient beings. If you have no destiny, you will not save all sentient beings. If you have no wish, you will not obey. If you are willing to accept it, there will be a world. After seeking the Dharma, if you violate the precepts, repent on the way, leak the mantras, techniques, etc. in the teaching, you will not implicate the saints. Lord Emperor, the second is not to bring in trouble, and the third is not to bring trouble to the same disciples, it is your own fault, and you are self-study and self-sufficient. All the eighteen levels of hell, consider your one wish as a witness. Teach the mind, lightly spread the nonsense, leak the truth, the yin and yang will be destroyed, Turn this body into pus and blood, die in water, die in fire, and force others to cut the body into pieces, and the world will be disgusted with it."

What Liu Chenglin recited is called "Take Refuge and Transform Vows", which is a necessary procedure for getting started with Bagua.Not only the Bagua sect, but all secret sects in the Qing Dynasty had similar things when they became disciples.The newcomers swear an oath, emphasizing that joining the religion is voluntary, that confidentiality will be strictly kept, and that no one else will be harmed if something goes wrong.

The dim candlelight, the majestic statues of gods, the murmuring words of "the masters of enlightenment", and the oaths made by pointing to the sky and the earth, etc., all cast a layer of mystery on the initiation ceremony, and also laid the foundation for the believers' obsession after joining the religion. Foreshadowing.

In fact, Bagua Cult has another characteristic, that is, it has the nature of a gang.Anyone who wants to quit will be severely punished, ranging from whipping to death.This also blocks the way out for those believers who are not determined, and they can only follow it with all their heart.

Liu Chenglin is indeed someone who has studied systematically since he was a child. Although his voice is deep, his cadences are very penetrating, so Fu Bao has no difficulty in following along.Finally, after a long speech, when Fu Baonian was feeling dizzy, the apprenticeship article also entered the last paragraph.

"Fu Bao, a disciple of the Foolish Sect, kowtows to the Holy Emperor. The curtain is removed correctly, the pure air rises and the turbid air descends. It turns out to be a wordless mantra. Three heads knock open the vacuum road, and a pillar of incense reaches home. Disciple Chi I entered the school late, and my number is unknown. I ask the Holy Emperor to take care of me, and my disciples kowtow to the Holy Emperor."

Next, under the guidance of Liu Chenglin, Fu Bao kowtowed to Liu Tingxian on the Taishi chair.Until then, Liu Tingxian, who pretended to be unpredictable and profound, slowly opened his eyes and said to Fu Bao in a low voice: "I heard that your mother is seriously ill and can't walk, so it's okay. I have a method called 'Bao Gong'." ', I will teach it to you today."

"Thank you to the Holy Emperor! Thank you to the Holy Emperor!" Fu Bao kowtowed repeatedly when he heard this.

"After you go back, you must face the sun every day, fold your hands on your chest, and sit with your eyes closed. Recite the eight-character mantra 81 times. The mantra says, in a vacuum hometown, there are no biological parents. As long as you recite it for a hundred days, you can give your mother an acupuncture treatment. Sickness. Please listen carefully to the acupuncture method."

Liu Tingxian talked ramblingly for a long time, and finally said: "You must remember that the eight-character mantra is a secret within the sect. It cannot be passed down from father to son, and gold and silver cannot be exchanged. Go, and when you go back, you must respect heaven and earth, honor your parents, and live in harmony with each other." adjacent."

"I understand, little man. I must obey the master's decree."

Fu Bao kowtowed three times, stood up in confusion, pushed open the palace door and walked out. As a result, he was hit by the cold wind and woke up again.

This is a scam! It’s not worth paying 33 cents and a pair of cotton-padded clothes for such a useless thing!After taking the medicine given by Bei Haijun, my mother was able to go to bed in less than half an hour, and it was free of charge.Comparing the two sides, the superiority and inferiority are immediately apparent.

He was thinking wildly when he suddenly looked up and saw three meteors emitting red light rising from the south. One after another, they drew three arc-shaped red lines in the dark night sky. It was as weird as it could be. .

Immediately afterwards, the barking of dogs began to sound in the village, and the barking of dogs kept ringing. The sound was like a mountain king entering the village in winter.

Fu Bao knew that Bei Haijun was coming. He looked around and felt that it would be safer to go out and find a place.Unexpectedly, as soon as he lifted his feet, a believer ran in from the outside and screamed like a ghost: "It's not good! I'm out of luck!"

Hearing a "squeak" behind him, Liu Chenglin ducked out of the hall, stood under the eaves and shouted, "What happened?"

The believer said anxiously: "It's not good! There are many people coming from the east and south, holding some magical weapons in their hands. Even though they are far away, it's like broad daylight!"

Liu Chenglin was startled, put his hand into his robe, and in a blink of an eye, he had a short knife in his hand.Just as he was about to turn around and talk to his father Liu Tingxian in the hall, another figure ran in from outside.The visitor was none other than Liu Tingxian’s eldest son Liu Chengli.

"Third brother, it's not good! There are many people coming from the west and north. Take our father to the south quickly!"

"Who are they? How many are there?!" Under the changing light of the signal bomb in the air, Liu Chenglin's face turned dark and red, looking a little ferocious.

"You can't see clearly. The things they are holding and the people shaking them can't open their eyes. Hurry! If you don't leave, it will be too late!"

Liu Chenglin didn't have time to think too much. He turned back into the palace and grabbed his father's arm, saying, "Dad! The Beihai soldiers are here. Let's go quickly!"

At this time, Liu Tingxian no longer looked like he was nagging just now. Hearing the arrival of the Beihai soldiers, he was so panicked that his legs became weak.Involuntarily, he was supported by his two sons and walked out of the main hall without touching the ground.

The father and son were about to flee when they saw a sudden bright light in front of them, like countless suns falling into the world, illuminating the empty space in front of the Guandi Temple, making it difficult for snakes and rats to hide.

Suddenly, an extremely strange and long sound sounded. The sound was high and low, distant and near, like a wolf howling or a ghost crying.When I first heard it, I was frightened, but when I listened carefully again, I shuddered.

At this time, those guys who were gathering in the empty field to practice boxing and martial arts were all shocked. Because the light coming from it was too dazzling, they could only stand sideways or with their backs on their bodies, raising their arms to block their eyes, and did not dare to look directly.How could Liu Tingxian and his son behind them be willing to surrender and be captured? The three of them turned around and returned to Guandi Temple, and the two wooden doors were immediately closed.

After a while, the ghostly howling suddenly disappeared, and was replaced by a loud male voice, accompanied by a deafening piercing sound, which penetrated directly into people's brains and made them want to pick at a few walls to relieve their anger.

"Listen, everyone! We are the Bei Navy! Lie on the ground with your hands on your head! Shoot whoever dares to resist! No matter life or death!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the two Bagua Cult members ran away to the east, not knowing whether they were frightened crazy by the sound just now or something else.The other believers were stunned by the actions of the two men. They were hesitating whether to follow them when they heard two roars of "Bang! Bang!". The two believers were shot almost at the same time and fell to the ground without any movement. .

Seeing such a scene, a timid believer immediately collapsed to the ground, and the others who barely stood up were also trembling, as if they were showing off.

Didn't the Holy Emperor say that we have "Vajra Body Protection"?Why is this the end?
You must know that the "cultivation" within the Bagua sect emphasizes luck in practicing in the literary field, and learning boxing and martial arts in the martial arts field.Liu Tingxian once told his subordinates many times that in culture and education, you can recite a spell to bring luck, and as long as you have deep kung fu, you can see Wusheng Old Mother, which is the so-called "the success of elixir is the ladder to heaven." "Indestructible body", not afraid of guns.

Of course, just talking with your mouth will definitely not work.Just a few months ago, Liu Chenglin demonstrated in public the techniques of "throwing beans to form soldiers" and "moving five ghosts", which convinced all the believers present.

Therefore, in the eyes of these guys, as long as the "Holy Emperor" in Guandi Temple uses magic, these Beihai soldiers in front of them are nothing.

 This chapter was very difficult to write.Because no one had written about it, I checked out all the research materials on Bagua Cult and bought five professional research books.Basically it can be used as a template.

(End of this chapter)

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