Chapter 689

Early the next morning, Sodick planned to say goodbye and leave.After all, he is a blind man, unable to do any physical work, and he eats and takes, so he feels very sorry.However, Yunyan advised him to stay temporarily on the grounds that the injury on his foot has not healed, and leave after heals up.

In fact, Sodick had nowhere to go, so he stayed in Wujiazhuang.In the following days, Yunyan and Timur still left early and returned late, leaving two people to look after the house every day.Although the identity of the caravan is to cover up, they have to put on a show.Furthermore, the radio station hidden in the cargo is very important and must be guarded.

After a few days, the members of the team discovered that this Uyghur man had very good ears, and could hear any disturbance in the yard, even if it was a mouse slipping past the corner.The so-called "blind-eyed and bright-hearted" refers to people like him.

After a long time, Samuba, the radio operator who stays behind every day in the team, occasionally hummed some Mongolian folk songs, which made Sodick feel very novel.In fact, there are many Mongolians on Xinjiang East Road, for example, there are many Eight Banners soldiers in various places. Sodick has also heard them humming Mongolian long tunes, but Samuba has never heard them sing.

"There are white clouds floating in the blue sky, and under the white clouds are covered with snow-white flocks. The flocks are like speckled white clouds, sprinkled on the grassland, how lovable."

In addition to Mongolian songs, Samuba and the others also sang some "three disciplines" in Chinese, which made Sodick confused.He can understand what a soldier is, but he doesn't take a needle and thread, he is not allowed to search his pockets, and he is compensated according to the price. Are there such officers and soldiers in the world?Anyway, he never encountered it.

As a wandering singer, Sodick would naturally ask about the origin of these songs, but every time Samuba diverted the topic vaguely, saying that he heard it.

That's not the only thing that puzzled Sodick.Every day when it gets dark, Samuba will go to the room next door that is full of goods. After he enters for a while, there will be a strange "did-tick" sound; although the sound is very slight, it is still there. It is very rhythmic, long and short, and will last for a while before stopping.

What a strange caravan of the Mongols!
When the injury on his foot was almost healed, Sodick decided that it was time to leave, and he could not continue to cause trouble for others.So when Yunyan and the others came back at night, he told each other.

After listening silently, Yun Yan asked, "Where are you going in such a cold day?"

"I want to go back to Yihe City to have a look. Don't worry about me. In the words of the Han people, I can eat enough for one person, and the whole family is not hungry. Hehe~"

Balikun was called "Yihe" in the official title of the Qing court, and Yihe City was Fuguo City, and the Yamen of Zhenxi Prefecture was also there.As for Huining City in the southeast, it is where the Eight Banners garrison is located, and it is the place where Yunyan and the others often haunt these days.

As the captain of the squad, Yunyan was very clear about the next move of the troops. He was worried that Sodick would be involved in the flames of war, so he tentatively asked: "Brother Sodick, you heard that the northern grasslands came to support the Northern Navy." ?"

Sodick shook his head blankly, and then asked: "Is it Bogda Khan's army? Is there going to be a war in the north?"

Although Beihai Town has occupied Khalkha and captured Khobdo, the distance between the two places is thousands of miles, and the vast Gobi and Tianshan Mountains are separated, which is too far away.Besides, since the Northern Navy occupied Khobd, the commercial road from there to the northern foot of Tianshan Mountain has been cut off.

Yun Yan smiled and said, "The Northern Navy was not sent by Bogda Khan, it was specifically to beat them."

Sodick asked in surprise, "Why?"

A group of Timur spoke up: "Help the poor drive away the princes, Taiji and officers and soldiers who oppress the people, and let the poor be the masters."

Sodick was taken aback, and said in amazement: "There are still officers and soldiers who make decisions for the poor? Are you joking?"

"Of course there is! Life on the grassland is very different from before." Timur's tone was extremely affirmative, and he said, "It won't be long before they will call. Brother Sodick, your revenge will be avenged." The day is coming!"

Sodick suddenly realized something, he grabbed Yunyan's arm and said in a trembling voice, "Tell me about it!"

Well, the reason why Yunyan persuaded Sodick not to go to Yihe was because they received a telegram from the battalion headquarters last night.They were informed from above that the two regiments of the main force planned to launch a surprise attack on Yihe and Huining City on October [-]th of the lunar calendar.

And today is October [-]th, if Sodick goes there, he is sure to hit him.

The reason why the cavalry units of the Beihai Navy took so long to dispatch after taking down the ancient city area was because in order to fight for time, the cavalry brigade, one man and two horses, ran for sixty or seventy miles a day. Although the mission was completed, the result was that the baggage The team and the main force were left far behind, and the distance between the two sides was more than ten days.Then another snowstorm came, and the operation had to be postponed.

Fortunately, although the cavalry brigade stood still and left the supply team behind, there was no need to worry about food and grass.

The ancient city area has ushered in a period of agricultural development since the 24th year of Qianlong. More than 30 years have passed. Today, in Qitai alone, there are more than 1 mu of military villages and more than 4 mu of commercial villages.

According to the information obtained from Ruan Yuan by the Beijing intelligence station last year, the total amount of grain stored in official stores in Zhendi Road (Zhenxi Prefecture, Dihua Zhili Prefecture, which belongs to the Chief Secretary of Gansu Province) is as high as more than 50 shi; As much as [-] shi of highland barley, barley, and peas were found in the official warehouses of Jingyuan City, Mulei City, and Jingyuan City, which also indirectly confirmed this information.

Besides, if there is really not enough food and grass, can't you still summon the "Beast of the North Sea"!

On November 1793, 11, when more than 24 cavalrymen from the two regiments of the Beihai Navy appeared at Huining City and Yihe City in their spare time, the Qing troops in the two cities were suddenly shocked, and the shrill gong sounded from the top of the city. The gate of the city was also closed tightly afterwards, and a lot of wood and sundries were blocked.

He Lun, the chief soldier of Balikun who guarded Yihe City, and Yong'an, the leader of the guards who guarded Huining City, were all dumbfounded when they heard the news.When they learned that Bei Haijun came from the north, the two realized that the ancient city must be lost almost at the same time, but they broke out in a cold sweat immediately.

Even though there was a blizzard a few days ago and the roads were difficult, but Mulei City is only less than a hundred miles away from Balikun, why didn't there be any news of it!

Balikun's Eight Banners Soldiers and Green Battalion don't know much about the Beihai Navy, and many people have only heard about it.Although He Lun and Yong'an knew a little more, they were limited to the correspondence with the capital and the information posted in Tang Chao.Dingbian Left Deputy General Bao Ning led the remnant soldiers to flee south, although it made them nervous for a while, but two years later, the Beihai Navy has been standing still, which also made the defenders in Zhendi Road relax.

The Beihai Navy did not fire artillery to attack the city as soon as it came up, but shot a letter of persuasion to the top of the city.Although He Lun knew that the situation was not good after reading it, he was a veteran after all; he fought Burma with Fu Heng and Jinchuan with Agui, and made many military exploits, how could he surrender willingly.He immediately recruited the merchant horse team of brave households in the city, and gathered more than 5000 people; and Baoning in Huining City did the same, and began to mobilize all the Manchus in the city, regardless of men, women, or children, and prepared to defend the city to the death.

In addition, the two also planned to send people to sneak out of the city after dark and ask for help from Hami and Urumqi respectively.

But they still don't know that all the post roads leading from Balikun to various places have been cut off by the Beihai Navy, and the vanguards have even disguised themselves as Qing soldiers, waiting in the post for the messengers to come to their door.

When the pictures sent back from the drone showed that the Qing troops in the two cities not only refused to surrender, but also summoned civilian courage, the deputy brigade commander Bayan immediately ordered to fire.

The cavalry troops brought all mortars this time, so the sound of firing was very small, but the sound of falling on the city wall was louder!

The successive explosions frightened the soldiers and civilians in the city. The Qing army at the top of the city thought that the Beihai Navy was going to attack the city, and immediately fired back. But after fighting for a long time, they found that nothing was hit. The Beihai Navy was still a mile away. How many places to stay away!
The artillery fire that covered the sky and the sun caused death and injury to the defenders on the top of the city. No matter whether it was a cannon weighing several thousand catties or a small cannon weighing more than a hundred catties, all of them were bombed to pieces.

At this time, the Beihai Navy outside the city began to move.They dispatched two platoons, and under the cover of several machine guns, they rushed straight to the city gate with explosive packs. Just as the remaining defenders at the top of the city were about to shoot and shoot arrows, they were hit again by the rain of bullets. The casualties were heavy.

With a huge explosion, amidst the stunned eyes of countless people in the city, a big hole was blown out of the city gate of Huining City.Seeing this, Yong'an, the leader of the Balikun team, drew out his sword and led his subordinate Goshha and dozens of Eight Banners soldiers into the city gate full of gunpowder smoke, ready to fight with the incoming enemy troops.Unexpectedly, the enemy did not encounter them. When the gunpowder smoke cleared, two black muzzles appeared outside the hole in the city gate.Amidst a burst of bullets roaring like a shower, dozens of people all fell in the city gate hole.

The Yihe City on the other side was similar, with the sound of a huge explosion at the city gate, the Minyong who had been gathering immediately dispersed, and the frightened horses also ran around in the city, neighing unceasingly.

The general soldier and Lun saw heavy casualties among their subordinates, knowing that the general situation was over, they sent someone to inform the prefect Shu Yong'a, and then sadly returned to the general soldier's yamen.Surrender was absolutely impossible. All he could do was to kill his wife, concubine and children first, then set fire to the General Military Mansion, and then wiped his own neck.

Shu Yong'a, the prefect of Zhenxi Prefecture, and the county magistrate of Yihe County were ashamed when they learned that the city had been breached in a blink of an eye.Shu Yong'a was Barkol in Qianlong's 50 years, and he didn't understand the power of the Beihai Navy at all, let alone the magistrate of Yihe County.These two also held the belief that they would never surrender. The whole family hanged themselves and set themselves on fire.

Although the resistance in the city of Huining was over, the troops outside the city did not enter the city in a hurry. Instead, they sent people to climb to the top of the city, and broadcast Anmin announcements in Mongolian and Mandarin through electric speakers.The reason for doing this is because when Fuyuan City was attacked earlier, the Manchu officers, soldiers and their families in Hecheng were afraid of being slaughtered, so they first fought street battles with the Beihai Navy, and then set themselves on fire.

It's really unnecessary!

On November 1793, 11, after two days of rest, Bayan ordered one of his regiments to stay in Zhenxifu, while he led a regiment and set off for Hami.

Today, there is only one channel connecting the north and the south of Tianshan Mountain, which is the "Tianshan Winding Road" passing through Heicanling.Although the total length is only 35 miles, the Heican Ridge at an altitude of 3000 meters is the only way to pass and cannot be avoided.The climate there is weird and changeable, and even the locals can't tell when a blizzard will come.

Bayan led [-] cavalry, and it took two days to brave the wind and snow, pass through the winding road of Tianshan without any danger, and appeared at the Nanshan Pass two days later.At this time, the Beihai Navy no longer had to hide its whereabouts, and it played the banner openly, which shocked the defenders of Hami.

When Hami returned to King Erdsir to hear the news, he was busy summoning the army and civilians to defend the city, and sent a letter of appeal to the governor of Shaanxi and Gansu. Dried cantaloupe, a local specialty, came.

We must know that the reason why King Hami has been able to survive for more than 200 years in history and has been guarding the east gate of Xinjiang is because they have seen clearly since the first generation of returning to King E Bedurah that their actual control Insufficient, can only rely on the big tree to seek benefits.Therefore, whenever the general climate changed, the Huiwang family would turn to different "benefactors". The earliest was the Yarkand Khanate, followed by the Junggar, and finally the Manchus.

Changing to Beihai Town now, Erdsir also felt nothing.As long as one's own wealth can be guaranteed and the family's rule in Hami can be continued, who is it not to mess with?
His thinking is actually typical of the Sufi regime in the Hezhong area, desperately consolidating its own wealth advantage, only seeking the two indicators of actual control of the land and joining, not the size of the territory.

As a descendant of the Mongols, King Hui, by flaunting his fabricated identity as a holy descendant, has become a local snake detached from the existence of sects in the image of the unity of God and King. Outsiders cannot drive him away, and he will not expand outward.

Although the Qing court implemented the prefecture and county system in Hami, it adopted a custodial system for the internal affairs of local ethnic groups at the local grassroots level, which were generally managed by the local Burke and Zasak.Simply put, it is an administrative management system in which the military and the government are integrated and the military governs the government.

Although the Uyghur people in the Hami area also practiced household registration and Baojia, it was only to prevent them from rebelling.As long as the military control over the Xinjiang East Road can be ensured, even if they return to the Wang family's fish and meat village, they will turn a blind eye and close one eye. At most, they have gone too far and reprimanded them.

However, Erdesir's calculations are doomed to fail. Even if Beihai Town engages in self-government of internal affairs of the nation, it will never allow such a thing as him to exist. Even if it sends [-] catties of cantaloupe, it will be useless!

Facing the artillery fire from the Northern Navy, the Qing army in Hami was completely powerless to resist. In just three days, the city of Hami and Huicheng were successively occupied by the Northern Navy, while Erdsir was strictly ordered to stay in the palace. Do not go out.

One day in early December 1793, the blind singer Sodick followed Yunyan's team back to his long-lost hometown with excitement.

 The state is very bad these days, and Kawenka is very good.Writing back and forth, always feel dissatisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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