Forty-eight years of Qianlong

Chapter 610 Attack on the Temple Tower

Chapter 610 Sneak Attack on the Temple Tower ([-])

One night later, Bu Wei, the housekeeper who came to open the door after hearing the sound, saw that Zhao Xin was standing outside the door. He shook his head in disbelief, thinking that this person was writing something in the room, could he even jump out of the window? Habit of going out?

Zhao Xin learned from Bu Wei that Deng Fei had returned, so he went straight to the second floor and knocked on the door.After entering the room, before Deng Fei could speak, he took out a book from his pocket and handed it to Deng Fei.

"Look first, this is the French version."

Deng Fei took it in a puzzled way, took a look at the cover before taking it to the candlestick, flipped through it again, and couldn't help being surprised: "This is... the internal structure diagram of the temple tower?!"

"Yes." Zhao Xin poured himself a glass of water, drank it in one breath, and said, "I asked the owner of the bookstore, and he said that the author of this book is the curator of the manuscript department of the French National Library, who specializes in the history of French courts. Yes. You should read it carefully in the next few days, and then compare it with the information brought by Degigne."

Deng Fei put down the book, and asked curiously, "Dare you disappear for two days, just to buy books?"

"How is that possible!" Zhao Xin rolled his eyes and said, "I went to Le Havre, wandered around the port for a long time, bought an empty container, and will deliver it to a warehouse outside Paris in two days."

Hearing this, Deng Fei couldn't help but stare round and said: "Are you planning to take people there?!"

"No! I just want to get people out of jail."

In the next few days, Deng Fei declined all the banquets and visits on the grounds that he was unwell, and concentrated on reading the books Zhao Xin brought back.For some invitations that could not be shirked, Jiao Xun or Huang Chengji came forward on their behalf, and Deguigne was in charge of translation.With their extremely ancient clothes and gentle manners, Jiao Huang and Huang satisfied the curiosity of many French people.Because he was in charge of the translation work of the Beihai Town Mission, Degene came to the door every day in a grand manner, and took the opportunity to exchange information with Zhao Xin and Deng Fei.

On the fifth day after Zhao Xin and the others arrived in Paris, the old Degugne finally found a 17th-century floor plan of the Temple Tower in the Royal Archives. Deng Fei.

With the arrival of the first batch of [-] pounds of wheat donated by Beihai Town to the Paris City Government, Deng Fei and the others immediately became the favorites in the eyes of Parisians. Deguigne, who served as a translator, naturally also rose, and even the Paris Commune gave up looking for it. his trouble.This guy would be called to the tavern every day by a group of "sans-culottes" who were full and had nothing to do, talking nonsense about what he had seen and heard in the East.Taking advantage of this opportunity, he also inquired about the situation of many imprisoned kings' families.

Since Louis XVI's family of five was imprisoned in the Temple Tower on August 8, they have basically been isolated from the world.Those detained included Louis XVI himself, a personal servant named Harnett, Queen Marie Antoinette, the king's sister Elizabeth Philip, the eldest daughter Marie Teresa Charlotte, And Louis. Charles.

Although the information collected on paper is almost the same, everyone does not have an intuitive understanding of the building of the Temple Tower.You must know that the tower was later demolished by Napoleon's order, and it has become a park in another time and space.At the moment, apart from the internal structure, he still knows nothing about the appearance of the tower and even the monastery.

After weighing it over and over again, he finally found Degigne, installed a small 2-centimeter-square video camera on his coat, and carefully told the other party how to use it.Deguigne didn't know why at first, but was shocked when he saw the pictures from the trial shooting.If he hadn't been on the Thor for nearly a month and had seen many incomprehensible things, he would definitely think it was black magic.

"Mr. Zhao, I would like to ask, why can you appear in this small square? This is more realistic than the most exquisite sketch! I have never seen such a painting."

"Uh, this." Zhao Xin was in a dilemma. How could he explain to an eighteenth-century person what a "photoelectric conversion system" is?Rudolph Hertz's father is probably still gone!Besides, based on Zhao Xin's physical level, he wants to explain this clearly, so let's wash up and sleep.

"This is a device that forms and records images through the principle of optical imaging. In 400 BC, there was a great inventor in China named Mozi Brabla"

What else can I do?Zhao Xin could only ramble, and even brought up the allusion of the Mohist patriarch "Small Kong Imaging".The more he listened, the more he became dizzy, and the veins in his forehead were throbbing. In 400 BC, the Gauls were still being chased by the Greeks and Celts all over the mountains!

Thinking of this, he suddenly said without thinking: "My father has studied oriental culture for many years. He thinks that you Chinese are a branch of the ancient Egyptians. He also said that you were the first to discover the American continent."

Zhao Xinxin said that this was all a mess, and said casually: "We have nothing to do with the Egyptians, do you know the Three Emperors and Five Emperors? There is a chance that Mr. Jiao will teach you a class!"

After almost a whole morning, Degene finally mastered the use of the camera, and then the fellow didn't even eat lunch, and went to the vicinity of the temple tower excitedly.Although the entrance and interior of the Temple Tower are very tightly guarded, but under the instigation of the hatred of the Jacobins, a group of cynical Parisians ran to the tower every day and loudly insulted the Louis XVI family, such as " "Louis the traitor" is what they say most often.However, this also gave Degigne an opportunity to take a closer look at the surrounding environment.

After returning home, Zhao Xin finished watching, and asked him to take more pictures of the exterior of the Tower Prison, and to go around and take pictures of everything.

Deguigne spent almost three afternoons, from far to near, shooting a large number of pictures including the tower and surrounding scenery; including the thick gate with iron thorns, the iron grille outside the window on the tower, Soldiers standing guard with guns around, and the large garden covering an area of ​​[-] square meters in the southeast corner.

With these materials as a reference, and Deng Fei had carefully read the books Zhao Xin bought twice, so on the afternoon of November 11th, Zhao Xin and Deng Fei called Erlu and The small leaders of the two special warfare battalions formulated a rescue plan in detail.The time for the operation was set at one o'clock in the morning three days later. That day was the first day of the lunar calendar and there was no moon at night.

Zhao Xin's request for this operation is not only to memorize the terrain and room locations, but also to be fast!Anyone who tries to resist and obstruct will be shot to death!Rescue operations can take no more than 20 minutes from start to resolution of all tower interior guards.

You must know that in addition to a national guard of nearly 300 people in the monastery, there are more than 40 guards and guards in the temple tower, and even four surveillance teams sent by the Paris Commune, changing shifts at [-] o'clock every morning .It is difficult to guarantee that the people in the tower will jump over the wall and attack the Louis XVI family after they find out that the situation is wrong.

Before the operation begins, Zhao Xin has one more experiment to do.He asked Bu Wei, the housekeeper, to help him find a cat, no matter what breed it was, as long as it was alive and kicking.Although Bu Wei felt a little strange, he still obeyed the order and brought his big tabby cat directly.

However, in the morning of the next day, Bu Wei saw his cat curled up in a corner and retched half-deadly, finally barking out, walking staggeringly.Bu Wei was very surprised, thinking that my cat had eaten his stomach badly?
After the animal test is over, the next step is to take the human test.In the years since the eighteenth century, Zhao Xin has always brought modern people back and forth. This is the first time he has brought ancient people, and he has no idea whether it will work or not.

In the dark of the Place des Vosges at night, under the faint moonlight, a black shadow appeared first, and then a large container 11 meters long, [-] meters wide, and [-] meters high appeared in the open space.The black figure first opened the door of the container, and then said to the other person behind him, "Come here."

Wen Dai heard Zhao Xin's words, turned around, and suddenly saw the big black guy and trembled in his heart: "Where did this thing come from? There was nothing just now!"

Thanks to Erlu, before he and Zhao Xin came out, he told him not to make a fuss about anything he saw.Zhao Xin turned on the flashlight, walked into the container, picked up a yellow diving respirator from the ground and put it on Wen Dai's back. After putting it on, he first checked the pressure gauge, pressure reducer and various joints before opening it. Check the air supply valve on the mask, and let Wendy put the mask on.

"15 minutes! If I don't open the door, I must not take off the mask!"

"Understood!" Through the mask, Wen Dai replied sullenly, and gestured at the same time.

Zhao Xin then went outside, closed the door, and the container was instantly plunged into darkness like he couldn't see his fingers.Wen Dai stretched out his hand to touch the wall of the box, and was about to lean over, when suddenly he felt his head sinking, and he fell to the ground immediately, and then he was hit by even greater dizziness and discomfort, his chest was oppressed and uncomfortable, A strong sense of nausea surged up from his stomach.Wen Dai didn't know what was going on outside, and felt like a small boat in the ocean, tossed by waves tens of meters high, ten minutes became as long as a hundred years.
After an unknown amount of time, the door of the container creaked, and then a glare of light hit the unconscious Wen Dai's face.Zhao Xin, who was sweating profusely, stepped forward to take off the oxygen mask, opened the opponent's eyelids, and found that the pupils had begun to dilate, and then reached out to touch the opponent's carotid artery, and his heartbeat was scary.He untied the oxygen cylinder from Wen Dai's body and dragged him outside.Afterwards, the container was put away, and Wen Dai was picked up with great effort, and walked quickly towards the apartment building.

Erlu and others who had been waiting at the door were startled when they saw this, and hurried to the living room on the first floor.After a quarter of an hour, Wen Dai finally woke up after undergoing cardiopulmonary resuscitation, but soon fell into a coma again.Zhao Xin measured his heartbeat and blood pressure. After struggling for a long time, he finally made sure that the other party had no major problems, and felt relieved.

"This is too precarious!" After seeing Wen Dai's situation, Deng Fei whispered to Zhao Xin who was sitting beside him: "It seems impossible! Even if he is like this, that child will have to kill him ?”

Zhao Xin was silent for a while, then slowly said: "I think it should be a matter of time, 15 minutes is too long."

"What did you do?"

"I ran desperately from the Place des Vosges to the intersection where the Temple Prison is located, where I drew a circle on the ground to mark the position of the turret, and then ran back, exactly 15 minutes."

"Run?!" Deng Fei frowned and thought for a while, then looked at Zhao Xin with horror.
After dawn, Wen Dai woke up feeling exhausted. Although the feeling of dizziness had receded, she still felt nauseous and shaky when she walked. If she had to hold on to something, she would definitely fall down.This Ewenki man, who was as strong as a cow before, has now turned into a soft-legged shrimp with a pale complexion, just like the cat brought by the housekeeper Buwei.

Zhao Xin and Deng Fei discussed for a long time in the morning, and felt that there was no better way.Running back to the Place des Vosges from the location of the Templar Prison in another time and space takes 7 minutes at the fastest.

If you faint, you will faint, even if you faint to death, it is better than going to the guillotine.What's more, once the city of Paris is alarmed by gunshots, the National Guards and civilians will surround the Temple Prison and the Abbey completely; How many people died?
The time soon came to November 11th, a day of action.

In order to distract the outside world, Deng Fei took Jiao Xun and Huang Chengji out in the evening.Today they are invited by the British in Paris to go to the "British Club" of the White Hotel to attend a grand dinner party, and many cadres of the Jacobin faction will be present.

Before dinner, the cooking soldier of the Special Operations Battalion in charge of cooking specially added some "seasoning" to the pot of soup served by the housekeeper and servants, which was given to him by Zhao Xin.

These days, apart from going out to eat, everyone in Beihai Town basically starts their own business.With Zhao Xin, it is basically easy for everyone to eat whatever they want.At first, Bu Wei and the servants felt that the Chinese were doing too much, because the chefs who were dismissed were all royal chefs in the palace before.However, after trying to taste it once, Bu Wei found that the taste was very good, so he also ate the big pot of rice in Beihai Town every day.

As soon as the dinner was cleaned up, a dozen or so French servants felt sleepy. Before nine o'clock in the evening, they yawned one after another and went back to the rooms in the attic to sleep soundly.At ten o'clock, Bu Wei, who drank coffee, was shaking sleepily. Under Zhao Xin's persuasion, he also went back to the room to rest.

Half an hour later, Erlu took people up to the attic and confirmed that these guys were fast asleep, so he went back to the first floor and started to get busy.A total of 20 soldiers from the Special Operations Battalion participated in the operation. Since there is only one spiral staircase inside the Temple Tower Prison, only two people can pass side by side. If there are too many people going there, it will only cause congestion, not to mention that the container will not fit.

A group of people checked their weapons and equipment, and then put them on.Dark blue night suit and helmet, mask, soft-soled leather boots, stab-resistant clothing, long and short guns with silencers, black daggers, and several helmet-mounted binocular monocular low-light night vision devices with 8 magnifications.

Although Zhao Xin had promised Yu Deli that it would be the last time after he came back from saving people in Yangzhou City last time, he still broke his promise now.There is no way, if he wants to go in and out quickly without leaving any traces, he has to do it himself.

After eleven o'clock in the evening, Deng Fei and the others came back, and half an hour later, the whole apartment was silent.Looking from the outside, the people inside have fallen asleep.

In the middle of the night, when the wall clock on the wall struck No. 12, in the dark room, all eyes were on Zhao Xin, who was smoking a cigarette.He stood up abruptly, extinguished the flickering cigarette butt in the small bowl, and said in a deep voice, "Let's go!"

 The book bought by the protagonist is called "The Royal Family in the Temple Tower", which tells in detail about the Louis XVI family from being imprisoned to the death of Louis Charles (it is sold on Amazon, but only in French.)
(End of this chapter)

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