opening human body

Chapter 683 Hot Pot Dinner


Inaba Ruri swallowed her saliva and shouted, looking with a little horror at the corridor where the voice echoed.

It seems that a mysterious incident has occurred.

She was sure that those armed men were indeed still here a moment ago, and the leader even knew Xia Shu.

"What did those people do? And the teacher..."


Another gust of wind blew, Inaba Ruri and the researcher behind fainted.

"Go to sleep and forget about these things."

Natsuki's figure resurfaced, glanced at Inaba Ruri who fell asleep, and turned to M1 who was still in a frightened and awake state in the cage.

Compared with just now, the artificial cells have become extra active, as if absorbing the energy he released.

It seems a little troublesome to erase the memory without hurting this guy.

"Forget it, you can't speak anyway."

Xia Shu didn't pay any attention to M1, but warned when he finally left.

"If you don't want to be like those people, just be honest with me."


M1 huddled in the corner of the cage aggrieved, and at the next moment an invisible force eliminated the iron cage and returned everything around it to its original appearance.

Except for the absence of a researcher named Kurata, the lab is exactly the same as it was when Ruri Inaba first arrived.

"What happened?"

Inaba Ruri rubbed her head and sat up, looked at the equally confused researcher and the cheering M1, her face was full of bewilderment.

"Don't make trouble, M1... It's already this time, it's strange, why did we fall asleep in the research room?"

"I don't know either," the researcher shook his head and asked, "By the way, doctor, if you meet with your father tomorrow, what about the meeting report?"

"Don't worry, I've already prepared the report."

Inaba Ruri comforted her while looking out of the laboratory in doubt.

There seems to be another arrangement today, but I can't remember it.

I always feel like I forgot something very important.


Chengnan Dojo.

Because there were too many ingredients, Xia Shu used all the ingredients that were not suitable for long-term storage to make hot pot, and the courtyard of the dojo under the starry night was full of aroma.

Xia Chuan Yaohui didn't come back because he was still on duty, but Ota Yuka sat down at the dining table early like a cat smelling fish.

As for Kanigon, on the one hand, he didn't want to meet with the devil, and on the other hand, he preferred to eat coins, so he simply followed Xia Chuan Yaohui to the armory.

"Didn't the curator say that he wanted to meet his friends? Why are there only two of us?" Ota Yuka moved his butt unnaturally.

Although the curator is not bad, but unlike Yoko, she has no special preference for older men, and to be honest, Mr. Ye Hu, who is also in the maintenance class, is more to her liking.

That's right, she prefers men like scientists and engineers.

Forget about the fight, if Yoko and Yaohui hadn't pulled her by force, Chengnan Dojo wouldn't have come here at all.

"No one will come here today."

Xia Shu sat down and poured a glass of juice.

"To be honest, I didn't expect you to come alone."


Ota Yuka handed out the cup, and found that Xia Shu had no intention of pouring juice for herself, and shrank back angrily.

"I happened to pass by here too."

"Passing by? I don't recall any work here at the Armory today."

Xia Shu glanced at the TV news from the corner of his eye.

Although the news programs here are not very timely, and there are few live broadcasts, reports about the armory are never missed.

"The aliens in Tongyuan City have been wiped out by Ultraman Zeta, and all those who disappeared have been successfully recovered..."

"The mission location is Tongyuan City," Xia Shu looked at the news report and debunked, "And if I'm right, you've been at the armory base all along, right?"

"What I said is true!" Ota Yuka pouted, "A very strange thing happened at the Biological Science Research Center today, and it happened to be related to my favorite biologist, Dr. Inaba Ruri, so I asked the captain to approve the investigation, and I also saw the legendary artificial life M1!"

"Oh?" Xia Shu asked casually, "What's the result of the investigation?"

"Uh, I was too excited to meet Dr. Inaba, so..."

Yuka Ota shrank her neck, smiling a bit awkwardly.

"However, according to Dr. Inaba Ruri, there should be aliens haunting the scene. It is very likely that it is related to the Kemmel in Tongyuan City. Maybe there are other accomplices who came this time. Yes, it must be true. , the missing are mainly defense force soldiers, and the research institute has not lost anything..."


Xia Shu suddenly turned his head to look outside the dojo, and found that the woman in the red hat who had appeared before was wandering around the door.

The difference is that this time the woman no longer has a Kemmel in her body, except for some remaining traces of transformation, she has turned back into a human being.

"What's the matter, curator?" Ota Yuka asked in confusion.

"It's nothing, it seems that there are guests coming, I'll go out and have a look."

"There are indeed guests."

Ota Yuka watched Xia Shu get up and walk out of the room, licked his lower lip, picked up the drink and filled it up for himself like a thief.

"It turned out to be orange juice. Why is the taste different?"

Yuka Ota looked at the bottle curiously.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but the words that were garbled at first suddenly turned into Japanese.

"Mephilas... what strange brand is this? Never heard of it, hiccup!"

Dojo entrance.

The woman in the red hat was hesitating whether to leave, but when she turned around, she saw Xia Shu walking towards her.

"It's the lady from last time," Xia Shu greeted normally, "What's the matter?"


The woman in the red hat looked into the dojo and asked.

"Excuse me, does Xia Chuan Yaohui live here?"

"Yaohui didn't come back today," Xia Shu smiled, "Do you want me to call him?"

"No, no need."

The woman in the red hat hurriedly shook her head.

"Actually, I just want to say thank you to him, thank him for saving me today, please tell him."

"I've read the news. That Kemmel is you, right?" Xia Shu said calmly, "He came here specially... It seems that you already know Yaohui's identity."

"Did you know that too?"

The woman in the red hat looked a little surprised, then smiled cheerfully.

"Don't worry, I won't reveal it. Next, I will say that I have a memory fault."

"That's good." Xia Shu smiled again.

"But I really didn't expect that you actually knew that Yaohui was an Ultra warrior," the woman in the red hat asked curiously, "Did he tell you?"

"He doesn't know yet," Xia Shu shook his head and said, "You'd better be mentally prepared, the research center will find you soon."

"I see."

The woman in the red hat said goodbye and left with a smile. After walking for a while, she looked back at Xia Shu in doubt.

It was a strange feeling when we met for the first time. The Kemmel people who committed crimes in Tongyuan City realized that this place did not exist at all.

Now that the Kemmel disappeared, the strange feeling did not disappear, and because the body was completely familiar with him, the feeling became a little clearer.

It seems to be a sense of fear.

Ultra warrior's uncle, shouldn't he also be Ultra warrior?


A taxi drove up from the other side of the dojo, and after getting off the car, Inaba Ruri kept calling out to Natsuki with gifts.

"Sorry, I'm late!"

"Dr. Inaba?!"

When Ota Yuka heard the sound, she rushed to the door like a rabbit, and stared at Inaba Ruri who was greeting Natsuki with wide eyes.

"Are you the friend the curator said?"

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