opening human body

Chapter 192 Prometheus

Chapter 192 Prometheus

TPC General Headquarters.

Summer trees pass through the mountains,
Watching the victory team and a group of fighters return.

Then the line of sight penetrated through the layers of buildings, and found the middle Hui figure in the base.

Ten years have passed, and the 10-year-old Ju Jianhui has become a staff officer of the TPC Intelligence Bureau, but his appearance has not changed much.

This era belongs to the super victorious team, the glory of the former victorious team exists only in the archives.


Inside the intelligence office,

Jujian Huizheng was looking at the file of "Aliens with Knives", and when he looked up, he unexpectedly found a figure in the room.


Ju Jianhui stood up suddenly, and looked at the visitor who sat on the sofa by himself.

"Gao, Mr. Gao Shu?!"

"Long time no see, Captain Jujian Hui," Xia Shu said with a smile, "Now I should be called the Junjian Staff."

"You really are back again."

Jujian Hui said happily.

"It's been 10 years before you know it, but it feels like yesterday, you still look the same."

"Thank you."

Natsuki took the coffee cup from Keiji.

For him, it hasn't been too long, but he has experienced too many things in the middle.

"Are Dagu and the others all right now?"

"It's been a long time since we met each other. Everyone is working hard for their dreams."

Ju Jianhui shook his head slightly, and then asked Xia Shu,

"Is there anything special about your return this time?"

Xia Shu added a bag of rock sugar to the coffee and said, "I need your help with one thing."

"Huh?" Ju Jianhui looked puzzled.

Judging from the battle that took place on the moon a few days ago, Natsuki is obviously stronger than before.

Is there any need for her, a staff officer of the Intelligence Bureau, to help?

In terms of intelligence, she might not even have a better grasp than Xia Shu.

"It's about the Cremos Islands. The super battleship Prometheus is being built in the arsenal over there," Xia Shu said straight to the point, "I hope to participate in this project as a manager."


Ju Jianhui was startled.

This project seems to be a top-secret plan led by Gondo's staff.

Gondo's staff position is high and powerful, and his status is not under the deep opinion of the new director of TPC. He is a full-fledged hawk, and even established a black storm team besides the super victorious team.

"This matter I..."

"Captain, don't be embarrassed," Xia Shu added, "Just inform Director Shenjian of my appeal, and Director Shenjian will make arrangements."

Ju Jianhui asked puzzledly, "Why did you join the Prometheus project?"

"I can only say that this plan has been targeted by alien civilizations, and it is very likely that it will threaten mankind in turn," Xia Shu said calmly, "Will you believe me?"

Wheaton paused in the middle, and stood up cautiously: "I see, I will persuade Director Shenjian."

This matter must be notified not only to Director Fukami, but also to former director Sawai.

Director Sawai also knew Aguru 10 years ago, so he should trust Natsuki, and it will be much easier to convince Director Fukami.

"Then trouble you."

Xia Shu got up to say goodbye.

The Prometheus plan will use the new Magus system. If you can get the corresponding technology, you don't even need to cooperate with the Gondo staff, you can directly use the Magus system to make the giant stone statue.

He doesn't have mimicry or possession abilities now, otherwise he wouldn't have to make such a big circle.

of course,

While stealing technology, he will also help TPC solve this big trouble.

This time, it should be a group of plant cosmonauts who are staring at the Prometheus project,

Monera star.

Appeared in the Dyna theatrical version of "Star Warrior",
It is a group of aggressive cosmic beings with high IQ and high scientific ability, belonging to intelligent plant life forms.

In the movie, the Monera star helped TPC develop the Prometheus battleship, and then took it as his own, turning it into a combat robot Desfasa to deal with humans in turn.

There is one more thing to pay special attention to,
The Monera star who is very fragile in itself can give birth to a big boss-level Queen Monera.

The monster is hundreds of meters tall,
Although Dyna and Tiga defeated together in the end, their strength is not weak...

Xia Shu thought about returning to Morino Town.

mansion garden,

After the kimono girl cleaned it thoroughly, she wiped off her sweat in satisfaction, then turned back into a white-haired fox and stretched lazily, yawning and preparing to go to bed.

In the kitchen, Riobic and the pot also started to get busy, and there were a few little monsters helping.

After the ghost ship Zhongbaiyu incident, I don't know how Yumiura Liang reported it. The Super Victory Team seems to have given up on the investigation of the monster and did not continue to send people over.

That's good news.

Unlike outside, here he feels very relaxed and can fully enjoy the peaceful life.

Of course it would be best if we could not change places.


Cremos Islands.

It used to be the venue for international conferences, and has been invaded by aliens many times.

Up to now, the role of the Cremos Islands has completely changed, and only the arsenal above is still in operation.

The super battleship "Prometheus" that Staff Admiral Gondo is trying to preside over is secretly developed here. In addition to loading the powerful new Magus cannon, it will also add an intelligent control module to maximize the performance of the battleship itself.

"call out!"

A transport plane flies to the island.

The fortress arsenal located in the valley opened the skylight to introduce the transport plane to the apron.

Masaki Keigo and two assistants stepped off the transport plane, looking around, there was an armed person standing guard every few steps, and surveillance was everywhere.

Stealing tech here is harder than TPC HQ...

"This way, please!"

The soldiers of the police station led Masaki into the tightly controlled area. After the body search and inspection, several people were brought directly to the staff of Gondo.

Wearing a light blue staff uniform, with a confident Chinese character face.

It looks like the kind of aggressive, very strong and difficult character.

This Gondo staff officer can be said to be quite complicated.

For the sake of strength, he can do whatever it takes, and at the same time loves mankind and the earth very much. Whether it is the "Prometheus" project or the future man-made Ultraman, they all want to "protect mankind with their own power."

It is very similar to the sacred mountain in the Milky Way.

Tv In the end, Quanto sacrificed himself to help Dyna defeat the artificial giant captured by Sfia, full of courage.

"I've heard of you, Masaki Keigo."

Gonto walked around and looked at Masaki.

"Artificial Ultraman... Is the giant incident that appeared in Kumamoto City 10 years ago your masterpiece?"

"That's right," Zheng Mu was not intimidated by what he saw along the way, and still responded with a smile, "As long as I have the strength and technology of TPC, I will definitely be able to create giants again..."

"It's no longer necessary!"

A beautiful female scientist in a silver uniform came forward,

"We will soon be able to master more powerful forces, and there will be no need for giants at all!"

"What?" Zheng Mu frowned slightly, and laughed, "Don't you all believe in the power of giants?"

"That's the truth," the female scientist said coldly. "In the final analysis, the man-made giant stone statue is not reliable at all. Only the Prometheus is the hope of mankind."

(End of this chapter)

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