opening human body

Chapter 172 Alien Beast

Chapter 172 Alien Beast

"Who moved my cookie?!"

breakfast time the next day,
A scream suddenly broke out in Gio's laboratory.

"Ah Shou, is that you?!"

"How is it possible, doctor? I was out on a mission yesterday, and fell asleep right after I came back... You must have been so sleepy that you ate yourself."

"I ate it myself?"

Xia Shu stepped into the laboratory and asked calmly, "Doctor, where is the earth?"

"The earth seems to be collecting cosmic radio waves on the roof of the factory all night,"

Gehrman responded, seeing that Xia Shu was about to leave, he suddenly asked, "Gao Shu, were you in the laboratory last night?"

Xia Shu's footsteps paused slightly.

", I also went out to perform a mission yesterday."

On the rooftop of a high-rise building in the Gio base, the earth is lying on a chair and sleeping unconsciously, next to it is the adjusted cosmic radio wave receiving equipment.

When Xia Shu approached, he immediately attracted Aix's attention.

"Shh, let him sleep a little longer."

Natsuki raised his finger to signal the X terminal, which was about to vibrate, to be quiet, and then his eyes fell on the sleeping Dadi,
I vaguely remembered the little boy who was obsessed with finding his parents 15 years ago.

15 years,

Dadi has never given up, always trying to find clues about her parents.


Natsuki connected to the terminal of Aix by induction, and passed the memory of Daichi's parents to Aix.

"When the time is right, tell the world about this scene."

"This is……"

Aix saw the same time gap picture, which was the message left by Dadi's parents before they disappeared.

Mother Earth actually got the Rainbow Head Dart 15 years ago, and tried to contact the Earth 15 years later...


At this moment, the instrument accidentally received some special cosmic radio waves,

Sounds like clutter,
But Aix, who checked the time memory, immediately heard the content of the radio wave.

It seems that someone is calling.

"Earth, can you hear me? Earth..."

"It's the voice of Mother Earth 15 years ago!" Ax was surprised by the memory sent by Natsuki, "But how did you know what happened at that time? Suddenly told me it was..."

"I'm a traveler," Xia Shu looked at the starry sky with his hands behind his back, "and I'm likely to leave soon."

Griza is coming, and soon there will be another big fight.

However, apart from material absorption, time and space seem to be unable to obtain the number of transformations, so he doesn't have to deal with Griza.

If things can't be done, he can only go on the road ahead of time...


The terminal communication suddenly rang.

"A large group of unknown life forms have been detected in the underground parking lot in the T1 area. All team members are requested to gather in the combat command room immediately!"


Sitting up from the recliner like a conditioned reflex, the earth quickly wiped his eyes after seeing Xia Shu and asked, "Mr. Gao Shu, what happened?"

"Go to the command room first."

Xia Shu looked at the city from a distance, and a picture of a group of beetle and alien beasts flashed in his mind.

The appearance of alien beasts in a world without alien beasts seems to be due to the abnormal overlap of time and space.

This time Nexus will also be short-lived...

command room,
In addition to Shenmu, the team members including Vice Captain Tachibana and Dadi were dispatched one after another.

"Gao Shu." Shenmu nodded towards Xia Shu who came in, and looked solemnly at the big screen display.

This is the first time Gio has encountered such a large-scale unknown life form, and it is not even clear whether it is an enemy or a friend...

"These life forms are alien beasts." Xia Shu took the initiative to explain.

"Strange beast?" Shenmu looked at Xia Shu, who seemed to know him quite well, in surprise, "Do you want to attack?"

"Alien beasts feed on the fear of humans, and they are very aggressive. If you don't deal with them quickly, they will become more and more troublesome. Let's just eliminate them." Xia Shu offered advice.

"I see."

Shenmu solemnly informed the team,
"Destroy the target directly, pay attention to protect the citizens!"


Xia Shu looked at the big screen, and then asked, "Has there been any response from the headquarters about Griza?"

"Not yet, but..."

Shenmu's words paused slightly.

"UNVER headquarters in Geneva sent a message that the dark thunderstorm energy came from near Mercury half a month ago, and 2 days ago, it has become near Venus,

If everything is as you said, I'm afraid it's almost approaching the earth..."

"Captain!" Lui hurriedly contacted the command room and said, "Little Pigumont is scared again, it seems to sense the appearance of dark thunderstorm energy in the T1 area!"

"Is it because of this that the alien beasts gathered there?"

Shenmu's face changed suddenly.

If there are so many alien beasts that absorb the energy of the dark thunderstorm to strengthen them, the consequences will be disastrous.

"I'll check the situation." Xia Shu turned and exited the command room.

He doesn't really want to get in touch with Nexus,

But last time I got Max TV time and space information, this time I might also have a chance to glimpse Nexus TV time and space.

Even if he doesn't go now, it's better to stock up.


T1 area.

The Gio team has rushed to the scene to start a battle with the alien beasts. There are gunshots everywhere and the disgusting chirps of the alien beasts.

In order to absorb the fear of human beings, the alien beasts not only have ugly and scary appearances, but also have weird voices, and their attacks are also aimed at making people fearful.

The Gio team's equipment is not weak, and there is no problem in cleaning it up for the time being, but Xia Shu encountered some problems after coming over by himself.


Looking at the strange beasts gathered around him, Xia Shu looked confused.

I don’t know if it’s because of the many dark material effects,

He can actually control these alien beasts that are close to him.

"Mr. Gao Shu!"

Asuka and Dadi came out from the corner, and when they saw Natsuki surrounded by strange beasts, they couldn't help shouting.

But the two soon discovered something unusual,

The group of alien beasts gathered around Xia Shu seemed to have lost their aggressiveness, and instead looked like bodyguards guarding Xia Shu.

"what happened?"

"Mr. Gao Shu?"

Asuna looked at the incomprehensible scene in front of her, her voice trembled slightly, and she was afraid of Natsuki for the first time.

"It's okay," Xia Shu came back to his senses, walked out of the herd of alien beasts and said, "Destroy them."

"Bang bang bang!"

Asuka woke up startled and shot the first time, and found that the alien herd did not resist at all, and was even killed by her on her own initiative.

The already weird environment instantly made Tomorrow's vest chill.

"Gao, Mr. Gao Shu, how did you do it?"

"Let's talk about it later, clean up the parking lot first."

Xia Shu motioned Dadi and the two to leave.


above the underground car park,
The large dark clouds gathered by the dark thunderstorm are already clearly visible, and there is another burst of space distortion.

It seems that because Griza is close to the earth, the energy speed of the dark thunderstorm is obviously much faster.

Xia Shu suddenly stopped in his tracks, grabbed Da Tunnel and said, "Hurry up! Everyone get out of the parking lot!"

"What's wrong?!"

"Thunderstorm energy is advanced!"


(End of this chapter)

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