Hurry up and wear the heroine

Chapter 924 Survival Game 112

Chapter 924 Survival Game 112
It was already noon, and the lunch box was delivered.

Director Wang called for a meal and brought Tao Ran a box of lunch.

Tao Ran shook his head.

"Aren't you hungry?"

"No." Tao Ran took the bread from the bag by himself.She gets ready to eat for the day when she leaves the house in the morning. "I brought food."

"Eat something warm."

"Do not."


"I don't want to lie about eating and drinking." She has lied a lot.If she is used, she will eat this meal.But now...she is pretending to be a relative or friend of a staff member.

She felt that if she ate and drank here again, she would be a complete liar.So she even returned the bottle of water that her uncle gave her before.

"The little girl is quite principled. But uncle also ate your apple. Let's have some food."

Tao Ran still shook his head.Apples are her props to get close to this uncle.She didn't really want to give it away.

Thinking of this, Tao Ran hurriedly ate the bread in his hand, and then smiled at the director. "I'm stuffed."

Looking at this special child, Director Wang became more interested.

"I'm sure you haven't read the script before."


"Because you made a mistake. This family is not brother and sister. They also have a paralyzed grandfather and a lost brother."

"It's so miserable. So," Tao Ran lowered his voice, "In other words, their acting is even worse."

"Tell me."

"So my brother has to protect my grandfather, because they have to wait for my brother to come back, and they should be more protective of their family..."

"If it were you, how would you act..."

"Maybe, I will be very excited. No. If they come to the door, I may beg them, all kinds of begging, begging them not to do anything. If they don't listen, I will probably... be very excited."

Tao Ran didn't know if now was a good time, but she felt that she couldn't hold back anymore.She doesn't want to lie anymore.Because sooner or later it will be revealed.

"Uncle, I want to act, is there any role for me?" She still expressed her request. "I will work hard, I will not be lazy, and I will achieve the effect you want."

The director was taken aback.

so suddenly?

And the little girl's shining eyes were filled with sincerity.

It was also at this time that the director's assistant came over.

He whispered to the director that while he was having dinner, he went to Unify to inquire. Among the staff today, no one brought their children.

"Kid, who is your parent? Which staff member?" Director Wang asked again.

"Uncle, I came alone. My parents are not here." Tao Ran panicked. "But I didn't lie to you, I didn't actually say that my parents are staff..."

Director Wang was taken aback again.

Uh... Thinking about it, she doesn't seem to have said anything?
When confronted with her own questioning before, the little girl only said that she dared not speak out, as if she had misunderstood it?
Director Wang couldn't help but let out a hey.Have you been tricked?Was led into a ditch?By a child?
At this time, Deputy Director Ge was holding a lunch box and wanted to chat with Director Wang about the afternoon shooting. When he saw Tao Ran, who looked like he was being lectured by Director Wang, with his head down, he jumped up.

"Why is the little girl still here? Didn't Aya take you out? I'm sorry Director Wang, this little girl is a tourist and broke in by herself. I'll take her out right now!"

Tao Ran panicked, got up quickly, bowed to Director Ge repeatedly, said sorry, and begged Director Wang that she didn't want to leave.Director Wang ate her apple, so he shouldn't drive her away, right?

Sure enough, Director Wang waved his hands first, signaling to the assistant director to be calm, and then looked at Tao Ran with a smile.

tourists?This little girl is actually a tourist!

He was secretly happy in his heart.

With such a large crew and so many people, this kid can move around with ease, he is very courageous and clever.More importantly, this means that it is impossible for her to know the content of the script in advance, and the analysis she said just now is really her own opinion.

This is a child in his teens!So insightful, smart, expressive, principled, and contagious, this child surprised him too much.

Tao Ran bowed to the two directors again.

"I want to act. I came to the crew to ask for a role." These words made all the staff members happy.That really doesn't sound like a kid saying it.

Tao Ran told the truth about how she went back to the set after finding the assistant director first but was refused to leave.

When everyone heard that she came by car from the next city, they were amazed and also lamented the child's extraordinary perseverance and courage.

Director Wang: "Is that why you want to act?"

"Yes! I really want to! I want to be a top actor."

"But you have also seen that it is not easy to be an actor, and it is even more difficult to be the top. How do you know you can act? Do you have acting skills?"

"I don't know, but I think I shouldn't be bad."

Tao Ran thought for two seconds:

"I didn't say anything when I was on the bus, but just by my words and deeds, the driver uncle thought I was a child brought out by the conductor's aunt;
When I took a taxi, I was skillful and calm. The driver uncle thought I was looking for my father in the park, and chatted with me for a while;

The auntie cleaning the park believed me and pointed out the location of the crew; the uncle of the extras believed me, took me to rest and took care of me; even the director uncle believed that I was a child brought by the staff, didn’t you?

Tao Ran glanced at the assistant director: "Actually, if I didn't reveal that I came here to ask for a role, the assistant director's uncle probably wouldn't know that I'm a tourist. So I think I still have some potential as an actor. Even if I can't, I'm still willing to learn." , as long as Uncle gives me this chance..."

The director nodded and pointedly looked at the agents and assistants of the leading actors in the crowd:
"See? Some people try so hard to eat this bowl of rice, but some people waste their chances again and again! Attitude, in a certain sense, is the quality most needed by an actor!

There's no reason a professional actor can't do what an amateur kid can do!Some people, don't drop the price, in the end they are not even as good as a child!What I said, some people rushed to convey it, that's what I meant!If you still can't act, you can give up your seat early. "

He felt that the timing of this kid's appearance was just right, and at least he could give him a chance to hit other actors well.

Director Wang patted Tao Ran's head: "I still have one more important question. Once you answer it, I can make you addicted to being a young actor."

"You say."

"Why do you want to be an actor?" Director Wang has asked many people this question.

There are probably three types of answers.

Most people will answer: realize life ideals, realize life goals and so on.

But 360 lines, each line can be answered with this answer.Insincere, empty.

What about after becoming an actor?Ideals and goals have been realized?Like a man and a woman who he can't play well?

So in Director Wang's opinion, this is precisely the worst, most empty, and most essential oil answer.

Compared with this answer, Director Wang even prefers an answer like "I want to make a lot of money".

At least true and reliable.

People who only want to make money will at least work hard, at least better than fake big empty, better than those who just want a "star" fame and halo!

Director Wang really wanted to know what this girl who looked very thoughtful would answer.

But Tao Ran was beyond his expectation.

She just answered Director Wang's favorite answer.

"I want to use my own efforts to change my destiny!" Tao Ran replied after thinking for a few seconds.

She wants to change her social status, to change the status quo, so that everyone will stop bullying them, and to make her mother-in-law no longer worry about money, so that she can spend her old age in peace.

"I want to make my life meaningful, make the mother who gave birth to me and the mother-in-law who loves me proud of me, and I also want to protect my mother-in-law!"

Director Wang chatted with Tao Ran for a few more words.

Then he said:

"You just said a good analysis of the plot and characters. So, I want to see, if you are also the daughter of this family, what will you do when evil forces come to your door?"

Director Wang was already moved.The little girl seemed to be a malleable talent, and he was willing to spend some time and patience to test her.

Even if she can't act, as long as he can confirm her previous contagiousness, sense of devotion or aura, he will probably give her a chance.

"Don't be afraid, act with confidence and boldly. If you want to be an actor, just show uncle how strong you are!"

In this way, Tao Ran got a chance.

Director Wang ordered three actors.

Two played villains, and one played the elder brother to cooperate with Tao Ran. Afraid that Tao Ran would get nervous, he even dismissed some of the staff.

In fact, Director Wang didn't have much hope for this "trial", but the effect surprised him.

The emotions that he asked the actors for but didn't see before, all came out from the children.

The child shrinks from the beginning, to gradually full of fear, to mustering up the courage to hug the ruffian, begging, and finally screaming and punching...

The whole performance turned out to be natural.

Although it is not advanced, but there is no deliberate effort, but very smooth.

The little tears were streaming down, she hated it so much but still cried and begged.There is a huge contrast between the child's longing but slim hope and the cruel and indifferent reality, and even a deeper sense of oppression and suffocation has emerged.

The child's direct interpretation was too contagious, and the actors watching were all moved with compassion, and many people had a sore nose and started to twitch...

And this point, Director Wang did not expect.

Thanks to the professional actors who took on the play with the children, otherwise the play would have fallen to the ground.He didn't yell, and the two villainous actors were also mobilized to show the villain's hatefulness vividly, and his attack on his brother was also exaggerated and vicious.

A villain was about to beat his brother with a stick, but the imprisoned girl resisted to no avail, and directly bit the villain's arm...

The villain subconsciously let go, and the little girl rushed forward to block her brother, crying like pear blossoms with rain...

Director Wang read it right, Tao Ran's contagious power is so outstanding, her emotions directly caused the young actor who played the elder brother to shed tears and grit his teeth, with cruelty in his eyes...


He just stopped yelling.

Then he motioned to the assistant director, "Show the two moviegoers just now, let them see how people and children act, and see if they are ashamed!"

Director Wang personally took a tissue to Tao Ran: "Little friend, your acting is great!"


Tao Ran has been congratulating himself for his good luck!
This scene is so similar to that night!

So she can put herself into it all at once!

Just now, she closed her eyes and took two deep breaths. When she opened her eyes again, she seemed to have returned to that night.The bad guys came suddenly, but she just wanted to keep her home and her family!

Once the emotions are up, anger, unwillingness, hatred, sadness, and collapsed emotions will come one after another... The effect presented is her truest emotion.

"Uncle, can I get an extra role?"

There was no time to wipe away the tears. After apologizing to the actors who had been beaten and bitten by her, Tao Ran only wanted to know this.

"I want to be an actor. I want to be the best actor possible."

"Okay." Director Wang replied her with just one word.

He clearly saw the firm light shining in the child's eyes, that kind of thing is called faith.This is an essential element of a person's success.However, there are very few people in this world who have this thing.

Even if you don't look at the girl's talent and other advantages, this alone is enough to impress him.

"There is no little girl in Uncle's script now, but it's not a big problem. You can add it. You go back first and leave an address. Uncle will find someone to contact you tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."

"Uncle, really?"

"Really. How could Uncle lie in front of so many people?"

"But..." Tao Ran was a little anxious, afraid that the director would just coax her: "Aren't the extras paying the bill as they shoot? Why do you have to wait until the day after tomorrow to contact me? I can come directly tomorrow."

"Be obedient and trust Uncle. I will contact you later."

As he said that, Director Wang asked the assistant director to give Tao Ran a business card...

Soon the afternoon show started, and Director Wang asked Tao Ran to go back first.

But she said that she doesn't bother everyone, she just wants to sit quietly and watch the filming.She promises to be good.

Seeing the longing in her eyes, Director Wang couldn't bear to refuse, making an exception and let her sit aside.

Probably because of being stimulated by the children, the trial shooting of the scene in the afternoon went well, the female supporting role finally cried, and the male supporting role became much more emotional.

But Director Wang was still dissatisfied, so he skipped this scene and went directly to shoot two exterior scenes.

Tao Ran stayed in the corner the whole time and was very quiet all afternoon. She tried her best to absorb knowledge about all the shooting, from actors, makeup to lighting props, and took a pen from time to time to write down a stroke in the composition.

With a touching performance and the approval of the director, Tao Ran received warm greetings from everyone in the afternoon.Many brothers and sisters sent her snacks, and even the female supporting sister also sent a snack.

Director Wang observed her secretly, and found that the little girl was not at all complacent and complacent because of these things.She did not touch the food and drink that were delivered, just like the boxed lunches.

It is very principled not to touch things that you get for nothing.

In the evening, Tao Ran bid farewell to the crew.

Director Wang asked his assistant to arrange a driver to take her back to the neighboring city, but Tao Ran refused.She took out the ticket.The director is more and more satisfied with her.This little girl is organized, prepared, and planned.

Director Wang insisted on asking the driver to take her to the station, and asked the driver to take her on the long-distance bus all the way, and arranged for her to sit behind the driver.

The driver also stuffed her with 100 yuan, saying that Director Wang wanted her to take a regular taxi home after arriving at the station.

Tao Ran said that he failed to make a film, so he refused to accept money.

But the driver insisted, saying that the director explained that because of her scene today, the male-female pairing was full of emotions. She contributed a lot today, so she was paid according to the daily salary of the group performers with lines and roles. money.

Only then did Tao Ran accept the money...

 Two in one chapter
(End of this chapter)

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