Hurry up and wear the heroine

Chapter 915 Survival Game 103

Chapter 915 Survival Game 103
After school that day, little Taoran quickly finished her homework and dinner, half an hour earlier than usual, and went to the wonton stall with the doll that Granny Hua made for her...

The wonton stall is located on the side of the intersection alley on the first street, and it takes seven to eight minutes to walk there.

After dark, Tao Ran used to hug the doll to increase his sense of security in order to strengthen himself.

Along the way, she was hesitating, should she let her mother-in-law attend the parent meeting?

It rained during the day, and the temperature dropped several degrees. People passing by would want to have a bite of warm food.Therefore, the business of the wonton stall was quite good, and Xiao Taoran would help out when he arrived.

Although she is only ten years old, she has long been proficient in her own stall.

Wrapping wontons, serving wontons, making soup base, serving and washing dishes... There are many things she can do.

Tao Ran, who entered the illusion, was immediately immersed in those years. This memory was so profound that it completely suppressed the warning that "it's all fake" in her consciousness.

Tao Ran just looked at his childhood self in the illusion, and followed behind her, reliving that time.

Seeing that Granny Hua was so busy that her feet didn't touch the ground, but she was sweating from the heat in late autumn, she hurried forward...

In addition to working, the mother-in-law still didn't forget to ask her if she had lunch at school today, if she was full, if there was anything new, what would she like to have for breakfast tomorrow, and whether it would be good to make ribs for dinner...

I saw Granny Hua more than ten years ago, who had reached retirement age, but was working two jobs.There are a lot of silver threads on her head, she is several years older than her peers, but she is still working so hard... Two tears rolled down Tao Ran's disappointment.

Very sad!

More than ten years have passed, and I have neither cured the disease nor been able to take good care of my mother-in-law. She is still working hard for that goal.

And what about the mother-in-law?She is still tolerant of her. She has been wandering outside these years, and her mother-in-law only cares about her, but never complains or blames her.

Tao Ran only hopes that her mother-in-law can live longer and wait for her... This is her greatest wish...

"Mother-in-law, you are the one who wants to eat well. On Saturday the day after tomorrow, I will cook and stir-fry." The little Tao Ran forcibly took the leek from Granny Hua's hand.

"What can you cook? Don't worry, mother-in-law won't be tired."

"There is a cooking course in the school life class. There is an exam at the end of the semester, and you have to write an essay to record it. Just let me do it." Xiao Taoran lied. "Otherwise I will fail the exam."

"Oh, that's good, you come."

"There's also grocery shopping, I'll come too."

"That won't work, it's not safe. Mother-in-law is worried."

"Then let's go grocery shopping together."

"That's good..."

After a small peak, the rain started to fall again.

There were fewer guests, so Xiao Taoran began to help clean up.

She was a little absent-minded, and still didn't think about whether to let her mother-in-law go to the parent-teacher meeting.If you don't go, the class teacher will definitely be angry, right?
When she went back to clean up the table, she saw a six or seven-year-old girl holding her doll.

She was so preoccupied all night that she didn't notice when her doll was in the little girl's hands.

And the little girl was stuffing a half-bitten wonton into the doll's mouth.

The meat filling of the wontons has fallen on the doll's pale pink skirt, leaving a big string of oil stains.

Little Tao Ran stepped forward, wanting to get the doll back.

But the little girl refused, and instead hugged the doll even tighter.

Little Tao Ran: "This is my doll!" And she clearly put the doll on her bag.This little sister was stolen.

The little girl's mother laughed: "Look at how stingy you are, aren't you just a doll? Give it to the little sister to play with, this is what a big sister looks like."

"Auntie, it's not that I won't play with her, but my doll has already been dirty by her. If she loves her, can I be so anxious?" Xiao Taoran muttered, "If I'm stingy, let her apologize and wash the doll." gone."

"Little girl is so talkative, it's a pity not to act and talk about cross talk!" The girl's mother disagreed: "Isn't it just a broken doll? I just bought it. How much is it?"

"That's not a broken doll, it's not for sale." Little Tao Ran stretched out his hand: "Little sister, please return my doll to me."

The little girl shook her head, but she still refused to give it. Instead, she deliberately took another wonton to feed the doll.

The girl's mother took out her wallet, "Is twenty enough?"

"I said I wouldn't sell it! My little sister should have told me from the beginning when she took my doll. She didn't ask for my permission."

The girl's mother cut it out: "Who knew you, a dirty doll from a shabby stall, is still so expensive? It's just a rag, what's the matter?"

Little Tao Ran was already angry.

What is a broken stall?Is it cheap for them to set up a stall?Didn't the teacher and the book say that occupations do not distinguish between high and low?

Not to mention that the mother-in-law sewed the doll stitch by stitch, and the doll's skirt was also changed from the little skirt her mother bought for her before she died. This doll may be garbage to others, but not to her.

"If you don't ask, it's stealing!"

The sentence that Xiao Taoran stabbed on purpose hurt the mother.

She jumped violently and slapped her daughter in the face.

"Did you hear that? They say you're a thief! Hurry up and return this dirty doll!"

The little girl was dumbfounded for a moment, and then began to cry bitterly with a wow.

Little Taoran saw that the little girl's saliva had already fallen on the doll, so he hurried to grab it... The little girl was beaten because she was wronged, and she didn't want to take out the doll.

During the scrambling and pushing, the doll fell to the ground and rolled into the oily muddy water on one side.And when Xiao Taoran was exerting all his strength, he accidentally bumped his elbow on the table.

After only a few mouthfuls of wontons, the whole thing fell on the little girl.

This time, the little girl screamed, both because she was hot and because she was frightened.

In this way, the little girl's mother quit.

She felt sorry for her daughter, and she didn't want her daughter to be wronged, so she kept saying that her daughter was burned, and she was so angry that she scolded Tao Ran's upbringing...

What Xiao Taoran couldn't bear the most was when others scolded her mother and mother-in-law.

So when her mother-in-law came up to apologize, she blocked the front and told her mother-in-law that she was right.

"The wontons have been eaten for a long time, how hot can they be? They did it on purpose."

But her behavior angered the other party even more.

The mother angrily accused them of making compensation, making them regret it, and making them unable to earn the money from now on.

The mother-in-law stepped forward to check on the little girl, but the girl's mother pushed her away.

Tao Ran also felt resentful, so he pushed the woman when he blocked it.

The woman slapped her legs and howled sharply, sat down on the ground after a second, and then yelled, "The owner of the black-hearted stall has beaten someone"...

By "being beaten", the woman scolded even more harshly. She called an ambulance, made a report call, and reported to the urban management for setting up a stall anywhere.She drove away the other diners, and even called the police...

Soon, ambulances, police cars, and city management cars all arrived.

At that moment, little Tao Ran was dumbfounded.

That night, for the first time, she thought about the evil of human beings, and realized that many things cannot be accomplished with hard work.This lesson was taught to her vividly and at a heavy price.


(End of this chapter)

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