chapter 80
Ding Yi was already trying his best to suppress his anger, but he didn't expect Yang Yue to be more excited than him. Not only did he shake off his hand, but he also pushed him, causing his face to turn red.

Tao Ran: "I'm angry with you, but it's not your turn to blame me! I'm more annoyed than you!"

"Yueyue, everything matters. I'll make amends for you at night. Now get out the money and gifts! I'm begging you." In addition to the money, they also prepared a heavy golden lock to give to their nephew as a gift.

"Ding Yi!" Tao Ran's voice suddenly became a little louder. "I was bullied by you last night. I was bullied by a stranger just now. Are you still angry? Did you know that a burglar entered your room!"


"I said, I don't know if a thief entered the house or someone in your family was a thief and stole the red envelope!" Tao Ran's voice was just right, so that Ding's mother, Ding Xia and his wife, and the leaders at the table all heard.

When it comes to thieves and money, the Ding family's mother and son changed their expressions instantly, and dragged Yang Yue into the house from left to right...

Tao Ran's face was calm, and he said lightly:
"Before the banquet, I was going to take the red envelopes and gifts, and then I found that the red envelopes were only the cardboard shells, and the gifts were only the packaging boxes.She had long made up her mind that she would not let the banquet go smoothly, and she would not let the Ding family rejoice.

"How is that possible?" Several people said in unison.

"Why is it impossible! Can't I lie to you again?" Yang Yue scowled and took out the windbreaker, black tights, and all the inside and outside pockets of the shirt. "See? No?"

Mother Ding and her son looked at each other, rushed upstairs together, and began to rummage when they entered the house.

As a result, Yang Yue's handbag, the two people's luggage, and the whole room were turned upside down, and the golden lock was not found, only more than 300 yuan was found in Yang Yue's bag.

Tao Ranchong Ding Yizhi sneered.

"You have always been in charge of money in our family. I only put some pocket money in my bag all the year round. These three hundred are not in the red envelope.

The red envelope has always been in my bag.But before the banquet, I was about to go downstairs when I realized something was wrong.

When I saw the money and gold utensils were not there, I thought it was you who took it.At the time I thought to myself why you didn't tell me.I just didn't know that you asked me to take the red envelope, so I quickly stuffed a piece of money in my trousers pocket to make it thicker.I winked at you, but you didn't see it yourself.

You don't want to doubt me.I'm not familiar with your place, but I have nowhere to hide money and gold. "

"What do you say! How can we doubt you!"

In fact, a few people really don't doubt Yang Yue.

They can trust her temperament.She is lavish to everyone, and she bought the gold utensils on her own initiative.On weekdays, she sent things in large and small bags to the countryside. She didn't like this kind of money.Besides, she didn't even leave the house, where could she hide?

"Then I don't care about this! Now, Ding Yi, you don't know why the money is gone, so you can only say that there are thieves in the house! After all, not everyone can enter the second floor and my room. So many people, think about it for yourself!"

The mother and son searched again and again, and they searched the entire second floor, but they still found nothing.

Tao Ran snorted, and ignored them again. He gathered his luggage and put all the bracelets scattered on the bed by the two back into the box. He took the plastic bag to hold the chain and some other gifts that hadn't been delivered yet. Take it all and go.

It's all money!

"Yueyue, what are you doing..."

"If you don't take it away, maybe it will be stolen later?" Yang Yue didn't even look at Ding Yi, she turned around and put all her jewelry on her body.

Ding Yi was so choked by her that he was speechless for a while, but he didn't have the heart to coax him. Seeing Yang Yue's angry face, he turned around and left with big strides.

Of course, Tao Ran turned back half a minute later, stopped at the entrance of the stairs and listened to a few words.

Inside the house, Ding's mother was asking:

"You really didn't take it?"

"I didn't take it!"

"Could it be that who?"

"Mother, don't talk nonsense, she won't."

"But apart from our family, she is the only one who has ever gone upstairs."

"She could only go upstairs to find Xiaoxia."

"Has she ever been in this house?"

"Not really."

"I don't think so."

"Mom, you can't talk nonsense..."

"Bah! She has an opinion about your daughter-in-law. Everyone in the village saw it, but you didn't see it? If a woman is jealous, what can't she do?"

"no, I can not."

"Why not? She wanted to wrong Xiaoyue just now. She deliberately took money and things, which may be the same as hitting Xiaoyue on purpose. I want you two to fight..."

"Mom... Qiaoqiao bumped into Xiaoyue, it should be an accident. I believe her."

"A ghostly thing! Then who are you talking about!"

Ding's mother got angry.

"There are only a few people in our family. Things are meant for your sister, so she won't be stealing it for herself, right? Your brother is still young, do you have a place to spend the money? Then it's just me and your dad. What about us? I can tell you, even if Qiao Qiao is a fairy, you can hold it back for me! Your daughter-in-law is the treasure that lays golden eggs in our family! Do you hear?"


Tao Ran raised an eyebrow and left.

Of course she took it.

She hid the money and gold utensils.Walking around with a coffee cup in the morning is actually looking for a place to hide things.Later, in the backyard, she found a hollow bamboo tube, stuffed the money and gold utensils into it, put mud on both ends, and then stuffed it into the crevice of the chicken shed.

She didn't believe it, those people could still be found in a while!

But she didn't think too much when she took the money and property, and she didn't plan to wrong anyone.

After all, she wanted to leave by herself first, and she had to change the ticket after changing trains.As she said before, the money has been kept by Ding Yi, and she has more than 300 with her.What if it's not enough.So, be prepared.If one person leaves, it is still necessary to bring a few thousand with him.

Of course, what's more important is that she no longer wants to cheapen money and gifts for these white-eyed wolves!Five thousand gifts and gold utensils?Do they match?It's almost ten yuan, she's sending beggars!
Ha ha.

Today's Ding family must be uneasy.

Doubt each other, accuse each other, and blame each other. Anyway, the suspects are the Ding family and the Qiao girl.

She wants to see if Ding Yi and Qiao Qiao can always trust them to the end, and she also wants to see if Ding Xia and Qiao Qiao are sisters, and she wants to see if Ding Xia suspects her brother?
Dog bites dog, please feel free.

Even if the clever girl is really suspected, she is not wronged.She stole so much in the script, and this time, the taste of being wrongly stolen is just the punishment for her!
Back at the wine table, Yang Yue did what she said and put a bag of delicately packaged bracelets and gifts in front of the ladies.

"You sisters, take your points." In short, she didn't want to leave anything to the Ding family.

As for the cousins ​​of the Ding family, are they all waiting to get the bracelets, and whether they will ask Ding Yi for the bracelets later, she can't care.


 Thank you book friends tail number [-] baby, baby & Zhou baby for the reward, thank you for your monthly ticket recommendation, love you~
(End of this chapter)

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